The agent is the component responsible for running the synthetic tests. The agent has a plugin architecture using Hashicorp's go-plugin.
This section is for the configuration of the agent. A sample config file agent is provided below:
gracePeriod: 3s # When the agent is exiting, how long to wait to process/export any pending test results
syncFrequency: 30s # How often to poll external storage for new syntest configs
printPluginLogs: onFail # Whether to print logs from plugin to stdout (always, never, onFail)
storage: # External storage configuration
type: redis # Type of external storage
address: redis.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:6379
bufferSize: 1000 # The size on import buffer (approximately: no_of_nodes * no_of_tests)
exportRate: {{ .Values.agent.exportRate }}
pollRate: 60s # How often to poll for new test runs
prometheus: # Whether to run prometheus exporter
address: :2112 # Address at which to run the prometheus server
<prometheus-label>: <value> # Any labels to add to the prometheus metrics for the tests it runs
nodeName: {{.Agent.NodeName}}
podName: {{.Agent.PodName}}
agentNamespace: {{.Agent.AgentNamespace}}
plugin: {{.TestConfig.PluginName}}
label-1: {{index .Agent.PodLabels "label-1"}}
matchTestNamespaces: # The agent will only run SyntheticTest that match these namespace(s) (empty list means all)
- synthetic-heart-system
matchTestLabels: # The agent will only run SyntheticTest that match these labels (empty list means any)
infra: "true"
enabledPlugins: # Location of the plugin binaries/scripts and how to run them
- path: "./plugins/*"
- path: "./plugins-python/*/*.py"
cmd: "python3"
By default the agent export the test runtimes and the test marks.
If a test wants to export custom metrics, it needs to add the following to TestResult.Details
: YAML representation ofPrometheusMetrics
struct in models.go
Note: At the moment only Prometheus Gauges are supported
Run the tests, do: make test
There are three container images for the agent:
: Image with no plugins (intended to be used as a base image)synthetic-heart-agent:<version>
: Image with golang pluginssynthetic-heart-agent:<version>-with-py
: Image with python interpreter and python plugins
You can run the agent locally with the following commands from the root directory:
# build the binary
cd agent; SYNHEART_VERSION=1.2.0 make build-agent; cd ..
# run the redis server
# run the agent
NODE_NAME=localhost POD_NAME=localhost-pod NAMESPACE=localhost-ns LOG_LEVEL=trace ./agent/bin/agent ./testing/configs/agent-config.yaml
# run some tests
cd testing/test-client; go run testClient.go
All Synthetic-Heart tests are hashicorp go-plugins, so it's relatively straightforward to write plugins with custom functionality, including exposing custom metrics to Prometheus.
Some comments on plugin development:
- Please try to keep plugins as generic as possible.
- Make the plugins as configurable as possible.
- Use worker pools to allow multiple instances to be run by one plugin. For example with http ping test, it's expensive to run 5 instances of the same plugins to test 5 domains, compared to 1 instance testing all 5 domains.
- Try exporting plugin specific metrics.
For golang plugins:
- Test name should be camelCase (in this example:
) - Run
make new-go-test name=myTest
. This will create a new directory./plugins/syntests/myTest
with a sample plugin.
For python plugins:
- Test name should be kebab-case or snake_case (in this example:
) - Run
make new-python-test name=my-test
. This will create a new directory./plugins/syntests-python/my-test
with a sample plugin.
NOTE: Please add a in the new plugin directory with description of the plugin, and how to configure