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GEGELATI Changelog

Release version x.y.z

New features

  • Add a Log::CycleDetectionLALogger for detecting directed cycles in TPG graphs. Using this logger, the detection is automatically at each generation right after populating the TPG with new vertices. In case a cycle is detected, a message is printed in std::cerr.


  • Remove support for cycles in trained TPG graphs. This change alters the deterministic outputs of trainings. As explained in Issue #106, the genetic mutation of the graph, as described by Stephen Kelly in his PhD manuscript will never introduce any cycle in the trained TPG. As a consequence, parts of the code have been simplified:
    • Mutations: It is no longer mandatory to have an action referenced in each team of the TPG.
    • TPG Execution (in gegelati and in generated code): When executing outgoing edges of a team, providing a mechanism to exclude already visited edges is not needed.

Bug fix

  • Fix build issue with MSVC19. #include <ctime> needed in timestamp.cpp.

Release version 1.2.0 - Cantutuccini flavor


New features

  • Add Data::PointerWrapper class to simplify interracing of GEGELATI with primitive variables (non-array) data from a learning environment.
  • Add TPG::ExecutionsStats class to analyze and export execution statistics gathered using an instrumented TPGGraph. Statistics include averages on numbers of evaluated teams, programs, program lines and instructions, execution traces and various distributions based on execution traces. The class also provides a method to export these statistics to a JSon file, which can be used by other programs and scripts.
  • Add a File::TPGDotExporter::printSubgraph() method to print only a subgraph from a TPG, starting from a specified TPGVertex. This method can notably be used to export the champion TPG throughout the training process, without having to remove other roots from the TPG.
  • Add a new Learn::LearningAgent::evaluateOneRoot() method to ease the evaluation of individual policies in a trained TPG.
  • Add a new Learn::LearningAgent::getEnvironment() method for convenience.


  • CodeGen TPGs (Switch and Stack modes) now match the execution behaviour of TPGExecutionEngine, especially regarding cycle handling. Now, a team can't be visited more than once per inference, and edges leading to an already visited team are not evaluated (their program are not executed).
  • Change in the Learn::LearningAgent::makeJob() that now takes a TPG::TPGVertex* as an input instead of the index of a root. As a result, the method can now be used to evaluate a TPG from any vertex, including non-roots ones.

Bug fix

  • Fix penalty score given to edges in cycle handling in TPGSwitchGenerationEngine, was DBL_MIN but should be -DBL_MAX.

Release version 1.1.0 - Babacio flavor


New features

  • Add instrumented specializations of the TPGVertex and TPGEdge classes that contain internal counters to keep track of the number of time these graph elements are visited or traversed. To exploit these counters, one must create a TPGGraph using a TPGFactoryInstrumented, use a new execution engine: TPGExecutionEngineInstrumented that will update the counters. The TPGFactoryInstrumented also contains utility methods to reset all counter in a TPGGraph with instrumented elements, or remove from a TPGGraph all the vertices and edges that were never visited or traversed.
  • A new code generation backend is proposed. Instead of using the stack-based traversal of the TPG graph, this approach is based on a Switch system, achieving slightly faster inference. The TPGSwitchGenerationEngine has been made the default code generator, thus replacing the TPGStackGenerationEngine.
  • Generated C code and exported Dot files are now time-stamped when generated.


  • Refactor the LearningAgent class to access and store the trained TPGGraph as a shared pointer. This is needed to ensure that the trained TPGGraph can survive to the destruction of its parent LearningAgent.
  • Refactor the TPGGraph class to:
    • Use a TPGFactory to create the TPGAction, TPGTeam, TPGEdge of a TPGGraph.
    • Store TPGEdge with unique_ptr to support polymorphic operations on them.
  • In code generation:
    • The TPGGenerationEngine becomes a pure virtual class, whose former code is transferred to the TPGStackGenerationEngine class.
    • A new factory system, has been developed to switch between the two generation engine: TPGGenerationEngineFactory.

Bug fix

  • Change google test repo config. Branch name is now main instead of develop.
  • Fix determinism issue with ARM 64-bit architecture in Data::Hash. Determinism still not provided on non 64bit architectures (X86, ARM, or others).
  • Fix issue with programs returning NaN during a TPG execution. Comparison with a NaN always returns false, which made NaN a winning bid for the first edge of a team, and a losing bid for any other edge. During TPG execution, in gegelati and generated code, any NaN bid is now replaced with -inf. This change will change the deterministic results obtained with previous version of the library.

Release version 1.0.0 - Amamaretto version/flavor


New features

  • A code generation feature is added to GEGELATI. The code generation feature enables generating a stand-alone C code implementing the inference behavior of a trained Tangled Program Graph. To enable this feature, PrintableInstruction have been added to GEGELATI. Each PrintableInstruction possess its own print template which defines, with a regex-like syntax, how this instruction should be printed in the generated C code. The code generation feature can be disabled when building the library, by appending the -DCODE_GEN=OFF directive to the cmake command.


  • Change the typedef Learn::LearningMode into an enum class to remove compilation warnings in MSVC. Because of this change, members of the enum must now be used with the class name: TRAINING > LearningMode::TRAINING.
  • Add conditional builds without the code-generation for the continuous integration.
  • Fasten the continuous integration on windows build by building the Release target only for builds of the develop and master branches.
  • Migrate CI to Github Actions instead of Travis.

Bug fix

  • Fix memory leak when demangling type name in GNU environment.
  • Fix dangling pointers warning from MSVC.
  • Fix unitialized attributes in various classes.

Release version 0.6.0


New features

  • Add ArrayWrapper and ArrayWrapper2D classes inheriting from DataHandler, in the Data namespace. These two classes act as a wrapper between a pointer to std::vector of data, and the DataHandler methods. Contrary to PrimitiveTypeArray and PrimitiveTypeArray2D, there is no need to copy all the data into the ArrayWrappers.
  • Learn::LearningParameters can now be exported into a commented JSon file using the File::ParameterParser::writeParametersToJson() function.
  • Add an assignment operator operator= to PrimitiveTypeArrayand PrimitiveTypeArray2D.
  • Add methods to clear introns from Program and TPGGraph.


  • Update LABasicLogger to log rewards both on training and validation sets.
  • Update PrimitiveTypeArray and PrimitiveTypeArray2D to be child classes of ArrayWrapper and ArrayWrapper2D, respectively.

Bug fix

  • Fix travis config for OSX. Build old doxygen from source because brew install doxygen no longer works.

Release version 0.5.1


New features


Bug fix

  • Fix bugs with Constants:
    • Negative values for Constant mutations were not supported by RNG.
    • Program behavior unicity was not scaling adresses of Constant properly.

Release version 0.5.0


New features

  • Optionnaly, it is now possible to force a Program to have a new behavior after being mutated.

    • New methods were added for testing equality of Program::Line and Program::Program. Program equality is based on an analysis of non-intron lines of the Program.
    • Mutation of the Program behavior is enforced by comparing its state before and after being mutated. This comparison can be activated complementary to the legacy archiving mechanism from Kelly's PhD.
    • The tpg.forceProgramBehaviorChangeOnMutation boolean was added to the MutationParameters.
  • Optionnaly, it is now possible to use constants during the training.

    • A fixed number of constants can be defined in the parameters. They can be used by instructions designed to use the Data::Constant types.
    • Mutations of the program affect the values of the constants. A constant is mutated with a probability and bounds defined as MutationParameters.


  • The Parameter stored within Instructions have been removed entirely. Similar behavior is now supported by newly introduced Data::Constant that belong to Program instead of Instruction.
  • During eval, the main thread of ParallelLearningAgent now use the main LearningEnvironment instead of systematically cloning it. It enables sequential mode with non-copyable environment for the AdversarialLearningAgent.
  • AdversarialLearningAgent now proceeds evaluations by making each root play against/with champions of the previous generation.
  • New Unit Test cover the use of LambdaInstruction with non-primitive data types.

Bug fix

Release version 0.4.0


New features

  • Fix code for building GEGELATI with clang (v7+) and added a dedicated job with travis-ci.
  • Add osx job in travis-ci.
  • Add adversarial training support. AdversarialLearningAgent can be declared and used with an AdversarialLearningEnvironment to train random groups of several roots together.


  • Learning Agents now handle jobs instead of simple roots, allowing new concepts like adversarial learning (a job containing several roots that will train together).
  • Adding LearningAgent::forgetPreviousResults() method to support changing LearningEnvironment where score of previous generation need to be forgotten from time to time. This is usefull when the LearningEnvironment evolves every N generations to teach new skills gradually.
  • Add support for 2D arrays with.
    • New Data::PrimitiveTypeArray2D data handler for providing 2D data sources.
    • Support in UntypedSharedPtr for fetching 2D operands for instructions. Due to C++ constraints, 2D arrays must be packaged into 1D dynamically allocated arrays.
    • Support for 2D primitive C-style array in LambdaInstructions.
  • New LAPolicyStatsLogger that logs the PolicyStats of the LearningAgent::bestRoot each time it is updated.


  • Remove redundant typecheck in PrimitiveTypeArray::setDataAt() in NDEBUG mode. A performance gain of ~25% was observed on the MNIST application (without a thorough profiling method).
  • tpgGraphDotImporter now has a line MAX_READ_SIZE limit of 4096 (instead of 1024), allowing to read greater tpg dot files.
  • Add a caching mechanism in Data::PrimitiveTypeArray[2D] to avoid reexecuting the getAddressSpace() regular expression more than once for each data type. (This had a huge overhead on execution time.)
  • Logger
    • Refactor the LALogger class (and daughter classes) to keep a reference to the associated LearningAgent at construction time.
    • Update formatting of LABasicLogger to produce a more compact log.
    • Add mutation time "T_mutat" to LABasicLogger log.
    • Rename Logger files to start with a lower-case character.

Bug fix

  • Adapt code for building GEGELATI with clang standard library: libc++. (see Issue #49 for mode details)
  • Fix implicit template type for std::vector in ClassificationLearningAgentTest.
  • Fix call to LALogger when validation is activated. LALoggers were called on training results even when validation was activated.
  • Fix missing virtual destructor in the Logger class.

Release version 0.3.0


New features

  • Parameters (learningParameters and mutationParameters) can now be set with a JSON file using parametersParser.
  • A generic Logger class was added to ease the creation of log files within gegelati.
  • A specific logging mechanism is available for LearningAgent, using a child class of the LALogger class. A logger, LABasicLogger with basic learning information is provided.
  • In Release configuration, the NDEBUG macro is used to deactivate redundant operand type checks during Program execution. A performance gain of 8% was observed on the MNIST application.
  • Automate code formatting with clang-format-10.
    • A new script,, can be used to check and format all C++ files of the gegelatilib and test folders. Use the --doCommit option to commit the reformatting that was done.
    • Update of Travis configuration to fail when files are not properly formatted when building a Pull Request. Other builds (i.e. non-PR) allow the failure of this job.
  • An automated validation is now possible when the parameter doValidation is set to true. In this case, the basicLALogger hides evaluation statistics, and displays validation ones instead.
  • Nicer with illustrated links to application repositories, and useless but fancy emojis.


  • maxNbThreads is now a variable of learningAgent allowing to have a more generic trainOneGeneration method

Bug fix

Release version 0.2.1


New features


  • LearningAgent now receives the number of threads and registers from the LearningParameter.

Bug fix

  • Fix non-determinism issue in ClassificationLearningAgent.
  • Fix intron detection when importing a dot file with TPGGraphDotImporter.

Release version 0.2.0


New features

  • The Instructions::LambdaInstruction template class now accepts any number and type of arguments instead of only two. To use the feature, the LambdaInstruction should be instanciated with the list of data types of its arguments as a template parameter. For example Instructions::LambdaInstruction<int, double, const float[2]> is a lamda instructions requiring 3 arguments for its execution, whose types are int, double, and const float[2], respectively.
  • Learning agents (Learn::LearningAgent and Learn::ParallelLearningAgent) now keep a record of the root TPGVertex that has led to the best EvaluationResult throughout the training process. This root and the associated evaluation result can be retrieved using the new getBestRoot() method.
  • New TPG::PolicyStats class for analyzing the topology and the Program of a TPG::TPGGraph starting from a given root TPG::TPGVertex.
  • In Learn::EvaluationResult:
    • A new attribute nbEvaluation was added to count the number of times the associated policy was evaluated to produce this result.
    • A new addition assignment operator (operator+=) can be used to combine two existing EvaluationResult.
  • Learn::LearningAgent now store EvaluationResult for each non-decimated root TPGVertex. Each time a root is reevaluated, its EvaluationResult is updated by combining it with the new result. The number of evaluation of each policy (i.e. each root TPGVertex) can now be bounded using the Learn::LearningParameters::maxNbEvaluationPerPolicy parameter. Passed this number, previous EvaluationResult for this root, stored by the LearningAgent, will directly be returned instead of reevaluating the root.


  • New features cause a change in training determinism. Following this release, training result for a known LearningEnvironment with a known seed may differ.
  • Instructions:LambdaInstruction evolution listed in New Features lead to incompatibility with previous version. To update your code, simply double the template parameter of your previously existing LambdaInstruction. For example LambdaInstruction<double> becomes LambdaInstruction<double, double>.
  • The behavior of the LearningAgent::keepBestPolicy() is now based on the new bestRoot attribute, and not on a new evaluation of the remaining roots.
  • Method Program::ProgramExecutionEngine::scaleLocation() moved to Data::DataHandler::scaleLocation().

Bug fix

Release version 0.1.1


New features

  • Configure SonarCloud for automated code analysis reports. Custom quality gate for gegelati is a more restrictive version of the default sonar way.
  • New script to update license in all files.


Bug fix

  • Minor changes in code to pass SonarCloud quality gate.
  • Fix LearningAgent::decimateWorstRoot method crash when too many root TPGAction were present in the decimated graph.

Release version 0.1.0


New features

  • Possibility to import a TPGGraph and its programs with the File::TPGGraphDotImporter class.
  • New Data::Hash class providing a portable hash mechanism in replacement of std::hash.
  • Use of Data::UntypedSharedPtr instead of std::reference_wrapper for fetching operands in DataHandler. This enables fetching "composite" operands, that is operands built on request from native data type in the data handler, and destroyed after use. Data::SupportedType and Data::PrimitiveType no longer needed after this change.
  • Adding support for C-style 1D arrays of primitive types in LambdaInstruction.


  • Reorganization
    • Renaming the Exporter namespace into File.
    • Renaming DataHandlers namespace into Data.
  • Switch from to for supporting deployment.
  • Update Data::DataHandler, Program::Program, Mutator::LineMutator to take composite operands into account.

Bug fix

  • Training and mutation process were not portable on multiple OSes and compilers because of the diverse implementations of std::hash.

Release version 0.0.0


New features

  • Implementation of TPG execution & evolution as described in Stephen Kelly PhD thesis.

  • Instructions

    • Customized instructions: Instructions used to build programs of the TPG can be customized for each learning process,
      • through specialization of the Instructions::Instruction class,
      • through c++ lambda function with the Instructions::LambdaInstruction template.
    • Constant arguments: In addition to data sources provided by the learning environment, instructions can take constant as arguments. These constant arguments are subject to mutations during the evolutionary process of the TPG. Class example: Instructions::MultByConstParam.
  • Learn

    • Parallel TPG execution and evolution: Using the Learn::ParallelLearningAgent, a multithreaded execution is implemented for the evaluation of policies starting from several root vertices of the TPG, and for the evolution process of the TPG. To benefit from this parallelism, the Learn::LearningEnvironment given to the learning agent must be copyable (see Learn::LearningEnvironment::isCopyable() documentation).
    • Determinist learning: Learning process, that is TPG execution, archive management, and evolution process, is fully deterministic and portable based on a given seed and pseudo-random number generators. Determinism is also preserved in the parallel learning process.
    • Classification-oriented learning process: For learning environment representing a classification problem and specializing the Learn::ClassificationLearningEnvironment class, a dedicated (and hopefully more efficient) Learn::ClassificationLearningAgent is provided. Usage example: MNIST application on GEGELATI-apps.
  • Exporter

    • DOT exporter: TPG graph resulting from a learning process can be exported for visualization in the dot format.
  • Continuous Integration

    • Unit Tests: Unit tests implemented with the GoogleTest framework ensure full coverage of the library code.
    • Automated CI: Travis configuration for building the library and running unit tests under Windows MSVC19 and Linux GCC7, for all branches.
    • Neutral builds: All commits on the develop branch are deployed on the Neutral builds page.
    • Applications CI: Applications on GEGELATI-apps are built and run automatically for each new Neutral build.


Bug fix