diff --git a/classes/question/file.php b/classes/question/file.php
index 023433c1..baaa546b 100644
--- a/classes/question/file.php
+++ b/classes/question/file.php
@@ -90,21 +90,19 @@ protected function question_survey_display($formdata, $descendantsdata, $blankqu
// Filemanager form element implementation is far from optimal, we need to rework this if we ever fix it...
- $fmoptions = array_merge(
- $options,
- [
- 'client_id' => uniqid(),
- 'itemid' => $draftitemid,
- 'target' => $this->id,
- 'name' => $elname
- ]
- );
- $fm = new form_filemanager((object) $fmoptions);
+ $options->client_id = uniqid();
+ $options->itemid = $draftitemid;
+ $options->target = $this->id;
+ $options->name = $elname;
+ $fm = new form_filemanager($options);
$output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'files');
- $html = $output->render($fm);
+ $html = '
' .
+ $output->render($fm) .
+ '
- $html .= '';
+/* $html .= '';
$html .= '';
return $html;
@@ -115,12 +113,12 @@ protected function question_survey_display($formdata, $descendantsdata, $blankqu
* @return array
public static function get_file_manager_option() {
- return [
- 'mainfile' => '',
- 'subdirs' => false,
- 'accepted_types' => array('image', '.pdf'),
- 'maxfiles' => 1,
- ];
+ $options = new \stdClass();
+ $options->mainfile = '';
+ $options->subdirs = false;
+ $options->accepted_types = ['image', '.pdf'];
+ $options->maxfiles = 1;
+ return $options;
diff --git a/tests/behat/behat_mod_questionnaire.php b/tests/behat/behat_mod_questionnaire.php
index bdd5b68e..a91879ca 100644
--- a/tests/behat/behat_mod_questionnaire.php
+++ b/tests/behat/behat_mod_questionnaire.php
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
use Behat\Behat\Context\Step\Given as Given,
Behat\Behat\Context\Step\When as When,
Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode,
- Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException as ExpectationException,
Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode as PyStringNode,
@@ -475,45 +474,57 @@ protected function get_cm_by_questionnaire_name(string $name): stdClass {
* The paths should be relative to moodle codebase.
- * @When /^I upload "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to questionnaire filemanager$/
+ * @When /^I upload "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to questionnaire "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" filemanager$/
* @param string $filepath
+ * @param string $question
- public function i_upload_file_to_questionnaire_filemanager($filepath) {
- $this->upload_file_to_filemanager_questionnaire($filepath, new TableNode(array()));
+ public function i_upload_file_to_questionnaire_question_filemanager($filepath, $question) {
+ $this->upload_file_to_question_filemanager_questionnaire($filepath, $question, new TableNode([]), false);
- * Try to get the filemanager node.
+ * Try to get the filemanager node of a given question.
- * @return NodeElement
+ * @param $question
+ * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement|null
- protected function get_filemanager() {
+ protected function get_filepicker_node($question) {
+ // More info about the problem (in case there is a problem).
+ $exception = new ExpectationException('The filepicker for the question with text "' . $question .
+ '" can not be found', $this->getSession());
- // If no file picker label is mentioned take the first file picker from the page.
- return $this->find(
+ $filepickercontainer = $this->find(
- '//div[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " filemanager ")]'
+ "//p[contains(.,'" . $question . "')]" .
+ "//parent::div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' no-overflow ')]" .
+ "//parent::div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' qn-question ')]" .
+ "//following::div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' qn-answer ')]" .
+ "//descendant::*[@data-fieldtype = 'filemanager' or @data-fieldtype = 'filepicker']",
+ $exception
+ return $filepickercontainer;
* Uploads a file to filemanager
* @param string $filepath Normally a path relative to $CFG->dirroot, but can be an absolute path too.
+ * @param string $question A question text.
* @param TableNode $data Data to fill in upload form
* @param false|string $overwriteaction false if we don't expect that file with the same name already exists,
* or button text in overwrite dialogue ("Overwrite", "Rename to ...", "Cancel")
* @throws DriverException
* @throws ExpectationException Thrown by behat_base::find
- protected function upload_file_to_filemanager_questionnaire($filepath, TableNode $data, $overwriteaction = false) {
+ protected function upload_file_to_question_filemanager_questionnaire($filepath, $question, TableNode $data, $overwriteaction = false) {
global $CFG;
if (!$this->has_tag('_file_upload')) {
throw new DriverException('File upload tests must have the @_file_upload tag on either the scenario or feature.');
- $filemanagernode = $this->get_filemanager();
+ $filemanagernode = $this->get_filepicker_node($question);
// Opening the select repository window and selecting the upload repository.
$this->open_add_file_window($filemanagernode, get_string('pluginname', 'repository_upload'));
@@ -580,40 +591,6 @@ protected function upload_file_to_filemanager_questionnaire($filepath, TableNode
- /**
- * Try to get the filemanager node specified by the element
- *
- * @param string $filepickerelement
- * @return NodeElement
- * @throws ExpectationException
- */
- protected function get_filepicker_node($filepickerelement) {
- // More info about the problem (in case there is a problem).
- $exception = new ExpectationException('"' . $filepickerelement . '" filepicker can not be found', $this->getSession());
- // If no file picker label is mentioned take the first file picker from the page.
- if (empty($filepickerelement)) {
- $filepickercontainer = $this->find(
- 'xpath',
- "//*[@class=\"form-filemanager\"]",
- $exception
- );
- } else {
- // Gets the filemanager node specified by the locator which contains the filepicker container
- // either for filepickers created by mform or by admin config.
- $filepickerelement = behat_context_helper::escape($filepickerelement);
- $filepickercontainer = $this->find(
- 'xpath',
- "//input[./@id = substring-before(//p[normalize-space(.)=$filepickerelement]/@id, '_label')]" .
- "//ancestor::*[@data-fieldtype = 'filemanager' or @data-fieldtype = 'filepicker']",
- $exception
- );
- }
- return $filepickercontainer;
- }
* Opens the filepicker modal window and selects the repository.
diff --git a/tests/behat/file_question.feature b/tests/behat/file_question.feature
index 07573a7f..855d8350 100644
--- a/tests/behat/file_question.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/file_question.feature
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feature: Add a question requiring a file upload in questionnaire.
| questionnaire | Test questionnaire | Test questionnaire description | C1 | questionnaire0 | 1 | 1 |
@javascript @_file_upload
- Scenario: As a teacher, I create a questionnaire in my course with a file question and a student answers to it. Then the file has to be accessible.
+ Scenario: Add a single file question to a questionnaire and view an answer with an uploaded file.
Given I log in as "teacher1"
When I am on the "Test questionnaire" "questionnaire activity" page
And I navigate to "Questions" in current page administration
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Feature: Add a question requiring a file upload in questionnaire.
And I log in as "student1"
And I am on the "Test questionnaire" "questionnaire activity" page
And I navigate to "Answer the questions..." in current page administration
- And I upload "mod/questionnaire/tests/fixtures/testfilequestion.pdf" to questionnaire filemanager
+ And I upload "mod/questionnaire/tests/fixtures/testfilequestion.pdf" to questionnaire "Add a file as an answer" filemanager
And I press "Submit questionnaire"
And I should see "Thank you for completing this Questionnaire"
And I press "Continue"
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/testfilequestion2.pdf b/tests/fixtures/testfilequestion2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90588c30
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/fixtures/testfilequestion2.pdf differ