Minimal reproducible example for the issue discussed here
Clerk: auth() was called but it looks like you aren't using authMiddleware in your middleware file. Please use authMiddleware and make sure your middleware matcher is configured correctly and it matches this route or page
First setup your clerk app and replace the env variables from .env.example in your .env.local
npm i
npm run dev
open http://localhost:3000/
-> this works, as expectedopen http://localhost:3000/expected-unmatched
-> this does not work, as expectedopen http://localhost:3000/error
-> this does not work and this is the issue
In my findings, static pages that rely on auth data seem to be the culprit.
For example, this line for the /error page triggers the error:
export const dynamic = "force-static";
But if you add back "use client"
to the page, the error disappears.
This is because the page had a layout which used a Navbar which in turns uses clerk auth data.
But a truly static page cannot rely on auth data since the data is static.
For the other pages in this codebase - including with the "use client"
pseudo-fix - next.js silently turn the pages into server-side rendered pages. You can see for yourself by running npm run build
and look for these lines (the output of npm run build is attached at the end):
λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
So, how to keep using static pages together with clerk auth data (for example from a Navbar)? I have managed to make it work by extracting auth-dependant data to a separate component which is hydrated into the static page.
Further investigation:
- nextjs docs are clear
By default, Next.js statically renders routes to improve performance. [...] During static rendering, if a dynamic function [...] is discovered, Next.js will switch to dynamically rendering the whole route at request time. [...] Dynamic functions rely on information that can only be known at request time such as a user's cookies, current requests headers, or the URL's search params.
- by reading the clerk source code, we find such dynamic function call with
called here which is used to set the initial state of<ClerkProvider/>
in - (also) clerk devs have setup a playground for nextjs app router
→ npm run build
> [email protected] build
> next build
- info Loaded env from /Users/louis.guitton/workspace/clerk-bug-middleware/.env.local
- info Creating an optimized production build
- info Compiled successfully
- info Linting and checking validity of types
- info Collecting page data
- info Generating static pages (7/7)
- info Finalizing page optimization
Route (app) Size First Load JS
┌ λ / 1.19 kB 91.5 kB
├ λ /error 19.5 kB 110 kB
├ λ /expected-unmatched 1.19 kB 91.5 kB
├ ○ /favicon.ico 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /idiomatic-fix 1.19 kB 91.5 kB
├ λ /sign-in/[[...sign-in]] 1.19 kB 91.5 kB
└ λ /sign-up/[[...sign-up]] 1.18 kB 91.5 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 90.3 kB
├ chunks/52-0b19101870ca2da7.js 12.2 kB
├ chunks/596-02dd902429d6b491.js 25.7 kB
├ chunks/fd9d1056-6becc0648d5029ca.js 50.5 kB
├ chunks/main-app-830910d2db03a3b7.js 214 B
└ chunks/webpack-7d349c12197dee14.js 1.7 kB
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
─ ○ /404 182 B 75.8 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 75.6 kB
├ chunks/framework-8883d1e9be70c3da.js 45 kB
├ chunks/main-a48cf18973c7929a.js 28.7 kB
├ chunks/pages/_app-52924524f99094ab.js 195 B
└ chunks/webpack-7d349c12197dee14.js 1.7 kB
ƒ Middleware 167 kB
λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)