server-sdk-kotlin 0.9.0 Minor Changes Implement AgentDispatchService - #113 (@akkawell) Patch Changes Fix: updateIngress incorrectly sets participantIdentity to null - #108 (@juancarmore) 0.8.5 Patch Changes Update protobufVersion to 3.25.6 - #103 (@jmini) Add ability to set room configuration on access token - #105 (@davidliu) 0.8.4 Patch Changes Update protocol and add nonce to SendDataRequest - #97 (@lukasIO) 0.8.3 Patch Changes Implement transferSipParticipant - #91 (@biglittlebigben) 0.8.2 Patch Changes Fix clone function for transformed calls - #87 (@davidliu) Fix deleteSipDispatchRule - #87 (@davidliu) 0.8.1 Patch Changes Implement transferSipParticipant - #83 (@biglittlebigben) 0.8.0 Minor Changes Implement SIP Service client - #79 (@davidliu) 0.7.0 Minor Changes Allow updating participant attributes with updateParticipant - #77 (@davidliu)