Getting stoned is a quick win agile method for rapid outplacement. It is important to note that execution of this method is not islamophobic but rather employing the crazyness of religious madmen who just happen to be raised in an islamic country. Religious hate is not ok, unless you're a consultant and don't know the meaning of honor, decency, morale or rules.
- Credit card
- Buy plane ticket to saudi arabia for female person to be outplaced.
- Order rental car for female person to be outplaced.
- Have her drive to an imaginary hotel. (haram!)
- She'll be stoned faster than she can spell the word sexism.
- Send a ludicrous bill for outplacement service.
- Buy plane ticket to saudi arabia for person to be outplaced.
- Have them participate on a made up chess tournament (haram!)
- Play music during the chess tournament (pretty haram!)
- Inform the religious leaders that the chess boards are made of pork chops (ultra haram!
- You better be a good dodger, 'cause the stones are INCOMING!!!!