v1.0.2 - 2023-10-06
- (tests) define src and tests sonar dirs - (f48cbb9) - @dfranusic
- (tests) ignore duplications in unit tests - (d3888b6) - @dfranusic
- (tests) do not ignore umink_plugin - (d81edf6) - @dfranusic
- (umlua) fix shutdown SIGSEGV - (41658fe) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add umlua sub-module test - (ad33671) - @dfranusic
- (version) v1.0.2 - (4627a42) - @dfranusic
v1.0.1 - 2023-10-06
- (build) update github workflows - (9e7a74e) - @dfranusic
- (build) update cog configuration - (822e8d6) - @dfranusic
- (build) use light tags in git version script - (851d56e) - @dfranusic
- (build) fix missing mosquitto_broker include - (eed6445) - @dfranusic
- (build) add missing umcounters header to dist - (d6c58f1) - @dfranusic
- (build) add .version to .gitignore - (a8e02d9) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) set ON_CONNECT callback earlier - (2531d5b) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) fix "bin_upload_path" segfault - (98b1b49) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) fix connection's "invalid object" issue - (c4ccec7) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) add another fix for paho deadlocks - (2199544) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) fix paho MQTTAsync_assignMsgId deadlock - (7a5dc9b) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) fix RX handler memory leak - (37c692c) - @dfranusic
- (tests) remove inspect module dependency - (d16c7a8) - @dfranusic
- (tests) use address sanitizer for memory leaks - (97476f9) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add plugin invalid arg count test - (09a19c3) - @dfranusic
- (tests) use init/dtor in some tests - (420d0d1) - @dfranusic
- (tests) fix cmocka's strdup memory tracking - (2796c44) - @dfranusic
- (umlua) allow SIGNAL handler to return "" - (919dd4d) - @dfranusic
- do not use RTLD_GLOBAL for plugins - (63acfe5) - @dfranusic
- do not use FNM_EXTMATCH with musl - (45d296e) - @dfranusic
- update .gitignore - (fab36d6) - @dfranusic
- add cocogitto configuration - (94a5492) - @dfranusic
- change clang-format - (82848a5) - @dfranusic
- add git version to autoconf - (b011798) - @dfranusic
- add autogen script - (7d81156) - @dfranusic
- (build) add coverage data for sonarcloud - (1db2fdd) - @dfranusic
- (build) setup sonarcloud - (4597e23) - @dfranusic
- (build) add github build workflow - (67e5fdd) - @dfranusic
- (build) update .gitignore - (9bb7f6a) - @dfranusic
- (lua) remove Lua plugin - (6b8ee44) - @dfranusic
- (lua) use per-thread lua_state - (4170e4c) - @dfranusic
- (lua) add DB set/get for custom user data - (a5277e2) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) expose MQTT as a Lua sub-module - (6c77264) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) add error handling for binary upload - (03772d9) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) add support for MQTT binary file upload - (2587c22) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) add "keep_alive" connection parameter - (088bd13) - @dfranusic
- (test) optimize and add user role auth tests - (99c9494) - @dfranusic
- (tests) update umd tests - (42141da) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add umlua tests for cmd_call - (68889a9) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add umlua tests for special cases - (d5a58a1) - @dfranusic
- (tests) check lua env and umcounters via M - (4c6d850) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add initial umlua tests - (9120a89) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add unit tests for plugin arguments - (82ced95) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add unit tests for loading um plugins - (fc21dbf) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add unit tests for umdaemon - (049f64c) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add unit tests for umcounters - (fda7f00) - @dfranusic
- (tests) add unit tests for umdb methods - (a7b1201) - @dfranusic
- (umlua) fix realloc memory issue for events - (58041a4) - @dfranusic
- fix sonarcloud reported issues - (7ff0e66) - @dfranusic
- add umplg signal matching w/fnmatch - (1be6ffc) - @dfranusic
- add SIGNAL handler authentication level - (d73b4ed) - @dfranusic
- introduce a two-phase plugin termination - (16f2cad) - @dfranusic
- add mosquitto v5 plugin - (60b2b5b) - @dfranusic
- create global perf context - (18aa908) - @dfranusic
- update header documentation - (9169862) - @dfranusic
- Rename umcounter to umc - (9524347) - @dfranusic
- Make COAP RPC optional - (3a69382) - @dfranusic
- Add COAP and perf counters - (6f13fac) - @dfranusic
- Add extra CAS op in atomics - (3a0f438) - @dfranusic
- (version) v1.0.1 - (8e6de26) - @dfranusic
- add gcov data to gitignore - (4a6d127) - @dfranusic
- add sonarcloud badge - (f6795d6) - @dfranusic
- update README - (ea12aa5) - @dfranusic
- update gitignore - (1d4dfe6) - @dfranusic
v1.0.0 - 2023-10-06
- (lua) Do not register a faulty signal handler - (8365e03) - @dfranusic
- (lua) allocate output buffer in SIG handler - (02c6022) - @dfranusic
- (mqtt) Add missing MQTT payload in Lua signal - (a91a2e6) - @dfranusic
- remove mosquitto_broker include - (30db795) - @dfranusic
- add missing macros for Lua 5.1 - (89dac07) - @dfranusic
- change invalid mqtt topic pointer - (721df8c) - @dfranusic
- modify mqtt configuration methods - (76d662d) - @dfranusic
- install mink lua module - (cd720a0) - @dfranusic
- (build) update gitignore - (146b1ae) - @dfranusic
- (build) setup autotools - (fa2bb54) - @dfranusic
- (lua) Improve Lua logging - (6dd503b) - @dfranusic
- add Lua signal recursion prevention - (2a8a180) - @dfranusic
- add support for Lua 5.x/LuaJIT(w/o ffi) - (55f6cc5) - @dfranusic
- add mosquitto auth plugin - (9c911c7) - @dfranusic
- bundle uthash - (d7872ec) - @dfranusic
- add initial README file - (0cc47de) - @dfranusic
- implement graceful shutdown for lua and mqtt - (920d1c5) - @dfranusic
- implement plg2plg CMD_MQTT_PUBLISH method - (bc3fcd4) - @dfranusic
- apply the new clang-format - (52e7630) - @dfranusic
- update clang-format configuration - (02d580f) - @dfranusic
- add initial mqtt plugin - (fdbf9fb) - @dfranusic
- add Lua signals - (dd747f2) - @dfranusic
- add lua env thread - (71eb65c) - @dfranusic
- add Lua env manager - (d66a1b3) - @dfranusic
- add Lua plugin draft - (2b34db6) - @dfranusic
- add plugin manager - (52fb9bf) - @dfranusic