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This library enables full screen incoming call notifications on Android , leveraging Android's time-sensitive notifications. For more information, refer to the official (

⚠️ This library is only compatible with Android.

Starting from Android 12, the incoming call notification UI will resemble the one depicted here:



  • Full-screen incoming call notifications
  • Customizable notification options (icons, colors, sound, etc.)
  • Android 12+ call-style UI support


npm install react-native-full-screen-notification-incoming-call


Ensure you are using the appropriate version of this library for your React Native version:

Library Version React Native Version
react-native-full-screen-notification-incoming-call >= 0.1.8 >= 0.61.0
react-native-full-screen-notification-incoming-call <= 0.1.7 < 0.61.0

Addition installation step

In styles.xml:

  <style name="incomingCall" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">color
<!-- Customize status bar color   -->
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#000000</item>

In AndroidManifest.xml:

// ...
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_PHONE_CALL" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />

    <!--Android 14+-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS" />

    <application ....>
      <activity android:name="com.reactnativefullscreennotificationincomingcall.IncomingCallActivity"
        <activity android:name="com.reactnativefullscreennotificationincomingcall.NotificationReceiverActivity"
         android:exported="true" />



import RNNotificationCall from 'react-native-full-screen-notification-incoming-call';

Display Notification

The displayNotification function is used to show an incoming call notification with customizable options

function displayNotification(uid:string, avatar?:string, timeout?:number, foregroundOptions:ForegroundOptionsModel):void


Parameter Type Description Required
uid string Unique identifier for the call. Yes
avatar string (optional) URL of the avatar image. No
timeout number (optional) Timeout duration in milliseconds. No
foregroundOptions ForegroundOptionsModel Options for customizing the foreground notification. Yes

ForegroundOptionsModel Type

Property Type Description Required
channelId string Channel ID of the notification. Yes
channelName string Channel name of the notification. Yes
notificationIcon string Icon of the notification (mipmap). Yes
notificationTitle string Title of the notification. Yes
notificationBody string Body text of the notification. On Android 12 and above, if the notificationBody is empty, the incoming call notification will display the description from CallStyle instead of this property. No
answerText string Label for the answer button. On Android 12 and above, the incoming call notification displays the answerText from CallStyle instead of this property. Yes
declineText string Label for the decline button. On Android 12 and above, the incoming call notification displays the declineText from CallStyle instead of this property. Yes
notificationColor string (optional) Color of the notification. No
notificationSound string (optional) Sound for the notification (raw). No
mainComponent string (optional) Main component name for a custom incoming call screen. Register this component in the index.js file, as shown in this example No
isVideo boolean (optional) Indicates if the call is a video call (default is false). No
payload any (optional) Additional data for the notification. No

Example Usage:

    channelId: '',
    channelName: 'Incoming video call',
    notificationIcon: 'ic_launcher', // mipmap
    notificationTitle: 'Linh Vo',
    notificationBody: 'Incoming video call',
    answerText: 'Answer',
    declineText: 'Decline',
    notificationColor: 'colorAccent',
    isVideo: true,
    notificationSound: null, // raw
    // mainComponent: 'MyReactNativeApp', // AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyReactNativeApp', () => CustomIncomingCall);
    // payload: { name: 'Test', body: 'test' }

Hide Notification

The hideNotification function is used to dismiss the current incoming call notification

function hideNotification(): void;

Example Usage:


Answer Event

The listener to the "answer" event.

addEventListener for answer Event

The addEventListener function allows listening for an "answer" event when a user answers an incoming call notification.

function addEventListener(eventName: 'answer', handler: (payload: AnswerPayload) => void): void;


Parameter Type Description Required
eventName 'answer' The event name, which is set to 'answer'. Yes
handler (payload: AnswerPayload) => void Function called when the event is triggered. Yes

AnswerPayload Type

Property Type Description Required
callUUID string Unique identifier for the call. Yes
payload string (optional) Additional data in JSON string format. No

Example Usage:

// Listening for the 'answer' event
RNNotificationCall.addEventListener('answer', (data) => {

End Call Event

The listener reacts to the "endCall" event, providing the call's UUID, reason for the call end (e.g., declined by the user or auto-hidden), and any additional data.

addEventListener for endCall Event

The addEventListener function allows listening for an "endCall" event, triggered when a call ends or is declined.

function addEventListener(eventName: 'endCall', handler: (payload: DeclinePayload) => void): void;


Parameter Type Description Required
eventName 'endCall' The event name, which is set to 'endCall'. Yes
handler (payload: DeclinePayload) => void Function called when the event is triggered. Yes

DeclinePayload Type

Property Type Description Required
callUUID string Unique identifier for the call. Yes
payload string (optional) Additional data in JSON string format. No
endAction 'ACTION_REJECTED_CALL' | 'ACTION_HIDE_CALL' Indicates the reason for the call ending. Possible values are:
- ACTION_REJECTED_CALL: When the call is declined by the user or through declineCall function.
- ACTION_HIDE_CALL: When the notification hides automatically after a timeout.

Example Usage:

// Listening for the 'endCall' event
RNNotificationCall.addEventListener('endCall', (data) => {
  const { callUUID, endAction, payload } = data;

Remove Event

The removeEventListener function allows you to unlistener an event listener for specific call-related events, such as "answer" or "endCall." This is useful to prevent memory leaks and ensure that listeners are only active when needed.

function removeEventListener(eventName: 'answer' | 'endCall'): void;


Parameter Type Description Required
eventName 'answer' | 'endCall' Specifies the event to remove: either "answer" or "endCall". Yes

Example Usage:

// Example

Back to App

The backToApp function brings the user back to the app from a call notification screen. This is useful for when the user answers or interacts with a call and needs to return to the app interface.

function backToApp(): void;

Example Usage:

// Example

Decline Call

The declineCall function is used to decline an incoming call notification by its unique identifier. You can also provide an optional payload as a JSON string for additional context or data.

function declineCall(uuid: string, payload?: string): void;


Parameter Type Description Required
uuid string The unique identifier for the call to decline. Yes
payload string An optional JSON string for additional data. No

Example Usage:

// Example: Declining a call with a specific UUID and an optional payload
  JSON.stringify({ name: 'Test', Body: 'test' })

In this example:

  • The declineCall function is called with a specific UUID representing the call to be declined.
  • An optional payload is passed as a JSON string, which can be useful for providing additional context about the decline action. Here’s the updated documentation for the "Answer Call" section, formatted for clarity and detail:

Answer Call

The answerCall function is used to answer an incoming call notification by its unique identifier. An optional payload can also be provided as a JSON string for additional context or data.

Function Signature

function answerCall(uuid: string, payload?: string): void;


Parameter Type Description Required
uuid string The unique identifier for the call to answer. Yes
payload string An optional JSON string for additional data. No

Example Usage:

// Example: Answering a call with a specific UUID and an optional payload
  JSON.stringify({ name: 'Test', Body: 'test' })

In this example:

  • The answerCall function is invoked with a specific UUID representing the call to be answered.
  • An optional payload is passed as a JSON string, which can provide additional context regarding the action of answering the call.


  • [] Update the example to be simpler.
  • [] Customize incoming call notification UI for Android versions below 12.


  • Custom Android notification sound:

    • Since Android Oreo / 8 the Notification sound is coming from the Channel and can only be set the first time you add the channel via your channel.setSound(). If you want to change it later on you need to delete the channel and then re-add it to the system.
  • Android target 31 or higher: Not allowed to start service Intent ( Not allowed to start service Intent) #38

  • On Android 13: Make sure enable notification permission relate #42


I love contributions! Check out my contributing docs to get more details into how to run this project, the examples, and more all locally.

How to send a pull-request

To send a pull-request please follow these rules for naming the commit message. Based on the commit messages, increment the version from the latest release.

  • If the string "BREAKING CHANGE" is found anywhere in any of the commit messages or descriptions the major version will be incremented.
  • If a commit message begins with the string "feat" then the minor version will be increased. "feat: new API".
  • All other changes will increment the patch version.


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