- BREAKING: renamed and reordered multiple commands
- feature: unset_key
- feature: toggle_bool_val
- feature: set_bool_val, set_string_val
- rename taxo to front-matter everywhere
- feature: set_key_val
- make empty yaml if not exists
- function to import yaml templates in front matter using $INCLUDE
- always output when executed with dryrun
- fix malformed frontmatter
- spec to test valid front matter
- brew formula
- remame to Fred
- travis ci
- documentation in Engels
- update readme
- only write modified files
- report changes
- init FS_processor with file (in plaats van per method)
- port prepocess function to new refactoring
- los problemen vreemde tekens op: zie [[SHELL grep "\\x" -r ~/Dropbox/Apps/KiwiApp]]
- maak issue op crystal github met voorbeeld
- workaround def uitbreiden met alle reguliere speciale tekens éèëê ûüú ïî âáäà óóöô ç © &@$€
- vreemde tekens in key functie testen
- implement verbose option
- testing & coverage
- usage for rename keys
- rename taxo_key
- rename taxo_val
- big refactor
- use options
- dryrun
- recursive for directories
- choose programming language: becase crystal
- cli framework
- options define
- replace function
- loop function
- preprocess
- load frontmatter from markdown
- while replacements > 0 replace keyvalues in variables
- write output