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File metadata and controls

53 lines (39 loc) · 2.13 KB


This (very rough) demo shows how you can use SVGs to render HTML text. I saw this technique used in pixi.js and wondered if it could be applied in Lightning.

html text

Getting started

Before you follow the steps below, make sure you have the Lightning-CLI installed globally only your system

npm install -g @lightningjs/cli

Running the App

Use lng dev to start the watcher and run a local webserver / open the App in a browser at the same time

How it works

The HTMLText component uses <foreignObject> to embed HTML into an SVG which is then drawn to a 2D canvas and attached to a Lightning texture.

SVGs aren't allowed to load external resources so Base64 encoded fonts are required for this approach to work. A custom font loader is needed to converted each font file to a Base64 encoded string as they're loaded into the browser.


static _template() {
    return {
        Justified: {
            x: 50,
            y: 200,
                "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, &#x1F680; <b>consectetur adipiscing elit</b>. Phasellus porta nisi est, vitae <i>sagittis ex gravida ac</i>. Sed vitae malesuada neque.",
            style: {
                color: "white",
                "font-family": "Roboto",
                "font-size": "32px",
                "letter-spacing": "3px",
                "line-height": "48px",
                "max-width": "400px",
                "text-align": "justify",
                "text-shadow": "1px 2px black",
                "word-wrap": true,
            type: HTMLText,


I haven't tested this very much and there's probably a lot of work to make this production-ready, so I wouldn't use this for anything other than demos.