Infrastructure as code of an EC2 instance meant for running a VPN that's useful for accessing machines behind a NAT Firewall (not redirecting all internet traffic).
Terraform is required to run the following instructions. It can be installed, or used from Docker.
The following command will generate two files. The .pub file content should be passed as the input variable "default_ssh_public_key" to the "" script, which will copy the public key to the EC2 instance. The other file should be used to SSH into the instance.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Fill the empty variables. Substitute "/path/to/" with the appropriate path to the SSH public key. The environment variables will only last while the terminal session lasts.
# SSH key
export TF_VAR_default_ssh_key_name=""
export TF_VAR_default_ssh_public_key=$(cat /path/to/
# Required AWS credentials
# May also be required
# More variables at "" file
If using Terraform in Docker, just follow the previous step, then use the following template to run terraform commands. It's possible to substitute "init" with "plan", "apply", "apply --auto-approve", etc.
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${PWD}:/current_dir -w /current_dir \
--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-e "TF_VAR_default_ssh_key_name=${TF_VAR_default_ssh_key_name}" \
-e "TF_VAR_default_ssh_public_key=${TF_VAR_default_ssh_public_key}" \
hashicorp/terraform init
After following the instructions in the README of the "terraform_backend" folder to bring up S3 and Dynamo, copy the "backend.conf" from "terraform_backend" to the current folder.
cp ../terraform_backend/backend.conf backend.conf
Then, initialize Terraform.
terraform init -backend-config=backend.conf
Obs: Sensitive variables (such as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) are in environment variables, not hardcoded in the "backend.conf" file.
terraform apply
The PRIVATE_KEY_FILE is the private key generated during the "Generate SSH key pair" step. The INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP is the public IP of the instance, which Terraform printed to the screen as "instance_public_ip".
# e.g
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]
terraform destroy