Releases: lemmingDev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad
Release 1.6
Big Update
Now, each axis/hat can be set independently
setLeftThumb takes 2 int16_t parameters for x and y axes
setRightThumb takes 2 int16_t parameters for z and rZ axes
setLeftTrigger takes 1 char parameter for rX axis
setRightTrigger takes 1 char parameter for rY axis
setHat takes a hat position as above (or 0 = centered and 1~8 are the 8 possible directions)
Axes/hat can still be set all at once with setAxes
Library can now disable the autoReport feature (enabled by default), and manually call the sendReport function when wanted
Release 1.5
- Library now supports 32 buttons
- X,Y,Z and rZ axes are now 16 bit int16_t (-32767 to 32767) instead of 8 bit (-127 to 127)
- Examples updated
If you're upgrading, please account for this when setting axes values
Release 1.4
- Library now supports 32 buttons
- X,Y,Z and rZ axes are now 16 bit int16_t (-32767 to 32767) instead of 8 bit (-127 to 127)
- Examples updated
If you're upgrading, please account for this when setting axes values
Release 1.3
Code clean up and correct release tag
Release 1.2
All references to L/R Trigger changed from signed char to char (0~255) to reflect correct values as set in HID
Added an example using de-bounce (Bounce2 library) on the buttons
Release 1
Seems stable for most users.
Test Release 3
Merge pull request #3 from grafmar/master Battery level fix
Temporary Test Release 2
Thumbsticks are now passed to setAxes as unsigned chars (0 ~ 255) (255 is fully depressed)
Keywords for HAT positions fixed
Temporary test release
Not much testing done
Plenty of room for improvement