From b77b80efc741ff115c22523df04d75c4f12ebc33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Ya=C3=ABl=20Dillies?= Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 10:11:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore(Normed/Group/Quotient): streamline, multiplicativise * Multiplicativise using the (not so) new `GroupNorm` API. * Deprecate the lemmas about the quotient norm that hold for all norms. * Move all remaining lemmas to a single `QuotientAddGroup` namespace. They were currently scattered across `_root_`, `AddSubgroup` and `QuotientAddGroup`. * Follow naming convention in lemma names. --- Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/AddCircle.lean | 75 ++--- Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Quotient.lean | 308 ++++++++++++------ Mathlib/Topology/Instances/AddCircle.lean | 3 + .../MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance.lean | 7 +- 4 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/AddCircle.lean b/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/AddCircle.lean index ec64ee09eb697b..79bfaab0ab6a32 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/AddCircle.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/AddCircle.lean @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Oliver Nash -/ import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Group.Quotient +import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Pointwise import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.AddCircle /-! @@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ We define the normed group structure on `AddCircle p`, for `p : ℝ`. For exampl noncomputable section -open Set +open Metric QuotientAddGroup Set open Int hiding mem_zmultiples_iff @@ -35,35 +36,19 @@ namespace AddCircle variable (p : ℝ) -instance : NormedAddCommGroup (AddCircle p) := - AddSubgroup.normedAddCommGroupQuotient _ +instance : NormedAddCommGroup (AddCircle p) := QuotientAddGroup.instNormedAddCommGroup _ @[simp] theorem norm_coe_mul (x : ℝ) (t : ℝ) : ‖(↑(t * x) : AddCircle (t * p))‖ = |t| * ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ := by - have aux : ∀ {a b c : ℝ}, a ∈ zmultiples b → c * a ∈ zmultiples (c * b) := fun {a b c} h => by - simp only [mem_zmultiples_iff] at h ⊢ - obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := h - exact ⟨n, (mul_smul_comm n c b).symm⟩ - rcases eq_or_ne t 0 with (rfl | ht); · simp - have ht' : |t| ≠ 0 := (not_congr abs_eq_zero).mpr ht - simp only [quotient_norm_eq, Real.norm_eq_abs] - conv_rhs => rw [← smul_eq_mul, ← Real.sInf_smul_of_nonneg (abs_nonneg t)] - simp only ['_apply, QuotientAddGroup.eq_iff_sub_mem] - congr 1 - ext z - rw [mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ ht'] - show - (∃ y, y - t * x ∈ zmultiples (t * p) ∧ |y| = z) ↔ ∃ w, w - x ∈ zmultiples p ∧ |w| = |t|⁻¹ * z - constructor - · rintro ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩ - refine ⟨t⁻¹ * y, ?_, by rw [abs_mul, abs_inv]⟩ - rw [← inv_mul_cancel_left₀ ht x, ← inv_mul_cancel_left₀ ht p, ← mul_sub] - exact aux hy - · rintro ⟨w, hw, hw'⟩ - refine ⟨t * w, ?_, by rw [← (eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq₀ ht').mp hw', abs_mul]⟩ - rw [← mul_sub] - exact aux hw + obtain rfl | ht := eq_or_ne t 0 + · simp + simp only [norm_eq_infDist, Real.norm_eq_abs, ← Real.norm_eq_abs, ← infDist_smul₀ ht, smul_zero] + congr with m + simp only [zmultiples, eq_iff_sub_mem, zsmul_eq_mul, mem_mk, mem_setOf_eq, + mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ ht, smul_eq_mul] + simp_rw [mul_left_comm, ← smul_eq_mul, Set.range_smul, mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ ht] + simp [mul_sub, ht, -mem_range] theorem norm_neg_period (x : ℝ) : ‖(x : AddCircle (-p))‖ = ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ := by suffices ‖(↑(-1 * x) : AddCircle (-1 * p))‖ = ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ by @@ -74,9 +59,9 @@ theorem norm_neg_period (x : ℝ) : ‖(x : AddCircle (-p))‖ = ‖(x : AddCirc @[simp] theorem norm_eq_of_zero {x : ℝ} : ‖(x : AddCircle (0 : ℝ))‖ = |x| := by suffices { y : ℝ | (y : AddCircle (0 : ℝ)) = (x : AddCircle (0 : ℝ)) } = {x} by - rw [quotient_norm_eq, this, image_singleton, Real.norm_eq_abs, csInf_singleton] + simp [norm_eq_infDist, this] ext y - simp [QuotientAddGroup.eq_iff_sub_mem, mem_zmultiples_iff, sub_eq_zero] + simp [eq_iff_sub_mem, mem_zmultiples_iff, sub_eq_zero] theorem norm_eq {x : ℝ} : ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ = |x - round (p⁻¹ * x) * p| := by suffices ∀ x : ℝ, ‖(x : AddCircle (1 : ℝ))‖ = |x - round x| by @@ -87,29 +72,17 @@ theorem norm_eq {x : ℝ} : ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ = |x - round (p⁻¹ * x) * rw [← hx, inv_mul_cancel₀ hp, this, ← abs_mul, mul_sub, mul_inv_cancel_left₀ hp, mul_comm p] clear! x p intros x - rw [quotient_norm_eq, abs_sub_round_eq_min] - have h₁ : BddBelow (abs '' { m : ℝ | (m : AddCircle (1 : ℝ)) = x }) := - ⟨0, by simp [mem_lowerBounds]⟩ - have h₂ : (abs '' { m : ℝ | (m : AddCircle (1 : ℝ)) = x }).Nonempty := ⟨|x|, ⟨x, rfl, rfl⟩⟩ - apply le_antisymm - · simp_rw [Real.norm_eq_abs, csInf_le_iff h₁ h₂, le_min_iff] - intro b h - refine - ⟨mem_lowerBounds.1 h _ ⟨fract x, ?_, abs_fract⟩, - mem_lowerBounds.1 h _ ⟨fract x - 1, ?_, by rw [abs_sub_comm, abs_one_sub_fract]⟩⟩ - · simp only [mem_setOf, fract, sub_eq_self, QuotientAddGroup.mk_sub, - QuotientAddGroup.eq_zero_iff, intCast_mem_zmultiples_one] - · simp only [mem_setOf, fract, sub_eq_self, QuotientAddGroup.mk_sub, - QuotientAddGroup.eq_zero_iff, intCast_mem_zmultiples_one, sub_sub, - (by norm_cast : (⌊x⌋ : ℝ) + 1 = (↑(⌊x⌋ + 1) : ℝ))] - · simp only ['_apply, Real.norm_eq_abs, le_csInf_iff h₁ h₂] - rintro b' ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩ - simp only [mem_setOf, QuotientAddGroup.eq_iff_sub_mem, mem_zmultiples_iff, - smul_one_eq_cast] at hb - obtain ⟨z, hz⟩ := hb - rw [(by rw [hz]; abel : x = b - z), fract_sub_int, ← abs_sub_round_eq_min] - convert round_le b 0 - simp + simp only [le_antisymm_iff, le_norm_iff, Real.norm_eq_abs] + refine ⟨le_of_forall_le fun r hr ↦ ?_, ?_⟩ + · rw [abs_sub_round_eq_min, le_inf_iff] + rw [le_norm_iff] at hr + constructor + · simpa [abs_of_nonneg] using hr (fract x) + · simpa [abs_sub_comm (fract x)] + using hr (fract x - 1) (by simp [← self_sub_floor, ← sub_eq_zero, sub_sub]; simp) + · simpa [zmultiples, QuotientAddGroup.eq, zsmul_eq_mul, mul_one, mem_mk, mem_range, and_imp, + forall_exists_index, eq_neg_add_iff_add_eq, ← eq_sub_iff_add_eq, forall_swap (α := ℕ)] + using round_le _ theorem norm_eq' (hp : 0 < p) {x : ℝ} : ‖(x : AddCircle p)‖ = p * |p⁻¹ * x - round (p⁻¹ * x)| := by conv_rhs => diff --git a/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Quotient.lean b/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Quotient.lean index 0009c2a130e4ea..4c4569cd543ddf 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Quotient.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Quotient.lean @@ -93,59 +93,206 @@ the previous paragraph kicks in. noncomputable section +open Metric Set Topology NNReal + +namespace QuotientGroup +variable {M : Type*} [SeminormedCommGroup M] {S : Subgroup M} {x : M ⧸ S} {m : M} {r ε : ℝ} + +@[to_additive add_norm_aux] +private lemma norm_aux (x : M ⧸ S) : {m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x}.Nonempty := Quot.exists_rep x + +/-- The norm of `x` on the quotient by a subgroup `S` is defined as the infimum of the norm on +`x * M`. -/ +@[to_additive +"The norm of `x` on the quotient by a subgroup `S` is defined as the infimum of the norm on +`x + S`."] +noncomputable def groupSeminorm : GroupSeminorm (M ⧸ S) where + toFun x := infDist 1 {m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x} + map_one' := infDist_zero_of_mem (by simpa using S.one_mem) + mul_le' x y := by + simp only [infDist_eq_iInf] + have := (norm_aux x).to_subtype + have := (norm_aux y).to_subtype + refine le_ciInf_add_ciInf ?_ + rintro ⟨a, rfl⟩ ⟨b, rfl⟩ + refine ciInf_le_of_le ⟨0, forall_mem_range.2 fun _ ↦ dist_nonneg⟩ ⟨a * b, rfl⟩ ?_ + simpa using norm_mul_le' _ _ + inv' x := eq_of_forall_le_iff fun r ↦ by + simp only [le_infDist (norm_aux _)] + exact (Equiv.inv _).forall_congr (by simp [← inv_eq_iff_eq_inv]) + +/-- The norm of `x` on the quotient by a subgroup `S` is defined as the infimum of the norm on +`x * S`. -/ +@[to_additive +"The norm of `x` on the quotient by a subgroup `S` is defined as the infimum of the norm on +`x + S`."] +noncomputable instance instNorm : Norm (M ⧸ S) where norm := groupSeminorm + +@[to_additive] +lemma norm_eq_groupSeminorm (x : M ⧸ S) : ‖x‖ = groupSeminorm x := rfl + +@[to_additive] +lemma norm_eq_infDist (x : M ⧸ S) : ‖x‖ = infDist 1 {m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x} := rfl + +@[to_additive] +lemma le_norm_iff : r ≤ ‖x‖ ↔ ∀ m : M, ↑m = x → r ≤ ‖m‖ := by + simp [norm_eq_infDist, le_infDist (norm_aux _)] + +@[to_additive] +lemma norm_lt_iff : ‖x‖ < r ↔ ∃ m : M, ↑m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < r := by + simp [norm_eq_infDist, infDist_lt_iff (norm_aux _)] + +@[to_additive] +lemma nhds_one_hasBasis : (𝓝 (1 : M ⧸ S)).HasBasis (fun ε ↦ 0 < ε) fun ε ↦ {x | ‖x‖ < ε} := by + have : ∀ ε : ℝ, mk '' ball (1 : M) ε = {x : M ⧸ S | ‖x‖ < ε} := by + refine fun ε ↦ Set.ext <| forall_mk.2 fun x ↦ ?_ + rw [ball_one_eq, mem_setOf_eq, norm_lt_iff, mem_image] + exact exists_congr fun _ ↦ and_comm + rw [← mk_one, nhds_eq, ← funext this] + exact .map _ Metric.nhds_basis_ball + +/-- An alternative definition of the norm on the quotient group: the norm of `((x : M) : M ⧸ S)` is +equal to the distance from `x` to `S`. -/ +@[to_additive +"An alternative definition of the norm on the quotient group: the norm of `((x : M) : M ⧸ S)` is +equal to the distance from `x` to `S`."] +lemma norm_mk (x : M) : ‖(x : M ⧸ S)‖ = infDist x S := by + rw [norm_eq_infDist, ← infDist_image (IsometryEquiv.divLeft x).isometry, + ← IsometryEquiv.preimage_symm] + simp + +/-- An alternative definition of the norm on the quotient group: the norm of `((x : M) : M ⧸ S)` is +equal to the distance from `x` to `S`. -/ +@[to_additive +"An alternative definition of the norm on the quotient group: the norm of `((x : M) : M ⧸ S)` is +equal to the distance from `x` to `S`."] +lemma norm_mk' (x : M) : ‖mk' S x‖ = infDist x S := norm_mk x + +/-- The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element."] +lemma norm_mk_le_norm : ‖(m : M ⧸ S)‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := + (infDist_le_dist_of_mem (by simp)).trans_eq (dist_one_left _) + +/-- The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element."] +lemma norm_mk'_le_norm : ‖mk' S m‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := norm_mk_le_norm + +/-- The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by `S` is zero if and only if `m` belongs +to the closure of `S`. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by `S` is zero if and only if `m` +belongs to the closure of `S`."] +lemma norm_mk_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure : ‖(m : M ⧸ S)‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ closure (S : Set M) := by + rw [norm_mk, ← mem_closure_iff_infDist_zero] + exact ⟨1, S.one_mem⟩ + +/-- The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by `S` is zero if and only if `m` belongs +to the closure of `S`. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by `S` is zero if and only if `m` +belongs to the closure of `S`."] +lemma norm_mk'_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure : ‖mk' S m‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ closure (S : Set M) := + norm_mk_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure + +/-- The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by a closed subgroup `S` is zero if and only if +`m ∈ S`. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by a closed subgroup `S` is zero if +and only if `m ∈ S`."] +lemma norm_mk_eq_zero [hS : IsClosed (S : Set M)] : ‖(m : M ⧸ S)‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ S := by + rw [norm_mk_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure, hS.closure_eq, SetLike.mem_coe] + +/-- The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by a closed subgroup `S` is zero if and only if +`m ∈ S`. -/ +@[to_additive "The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by a closed subgroup `S` is zero if +and only if `m ∈ S`."] +lemma norm_mk'_eq_zero [hS : IsClosed (S : Set M)] : ‖mk' S m‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ S := norm_mk_eq_zero + +/-- For any `x : M ⧸ S` and any `0 < ε`, there is `m : M` such that `mk' S m = x` +and `‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε`. -/ +@[to_additive "For any `x : M ⧸ S` and any `0 < ε`, there is `m : M` such that `mk' S m = x` +and `‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε`."] +lemma exists_norm_mk'_lt (x : M ⧸ S) (hε : 0 < ε) : ∃ m : M, mk' S m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε := + norm_lt_iff.1 <| lt_add_of_pos_right _ hε + +/-- For any `m : M` and any `0 < ε`, there is `s ∈ S` such that `‖m * s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε`. -/ +@[to_additive +"For any `m : M` and any `0 < ε`, there is `s ∈ S` such that `‖m + s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε`."] +lemma exists_norm_mul_lt (S : Subgroup M) (m : M) {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε) : + ∃ s ∈ S, ‖m * s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε := by + obtain ⟨n : M, hn : mk' S n = mk' S m, hn' : ‖n‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε⟩ := + exists_norm_mk'_lt (' S m) hε + exact ⟨m⁻¹ * n, by simpa [eq_comm, QuotientGroup.eq] using hn, by simpa⟩ + +variable (S) in +/-- The seminormed group structure on the quotient by a subgroup. -/ +@[to_additive "The seminormed group structure on the quotient by an additive subgroup."] +noncomputable instance instSeminormedCommGroup : SeminormedCommGroup (M ⧸ S) where + toUniformSpace := TopologicalGroup.toUniformSpace (M ⧸ S) + __ := groupSeminorm.toSeminormedCommGroup + uniformity_dist := by + rw [uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_one', (nhds_one_hasBasis.comap _).eq_biInf] + simp only [dist, preimage_setOf_eq, norm_eq_groupSeminorm, map_div_rev] + +variable (S) in +/-- The quotient in the category of normed groups. -/ +@[to_additive "The quotient in the category of normed groups."] +noncomputable instance instNormedCommGroup [hS : IsClosed (S : Set M)] : + NormedCommGroup (M ⧸ S) where + __ := MetricSpace.ofT0PseudoMetricSpace _ + +-- This is a sanity check left here on purpose to ensure that potential refactors won't destroy +-- this important property. +example : + (instTopologicalSpaceQuotient : TopologicalSpace <| M ⧸ S) = + (instSeminormedCommGroup S).toUniformSpace.toTopologicalSpace := rfl + +example [IsClosed (S : Set M)] : + (instSeminormedCommGroup S) = NormedCommGroup.toSeminormedCommGroup := rfl + +end QuotientGroup + open QuotientAddGroup Metric Set Topology NNReal variable {M N : Type*} [SeminormedAddCommGroup M] [SeminormedAddCommGroup N] /-- The definition of the norm on the quotient by an additive subgroup. -/ -noncomputable instance normOnQuotient (S : AddSubgroup M) : Norm (M ⧸ S) where +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.instNorm (since := "2025-02-02")] +noncomputable def normOnQuotient (S : AddSubgroup M) : Norm (M ⧸ S) where norm x := sInf (norm '' { m | mk' S m = x }) +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.norm_eq_infDist (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem AddSubgroup.quotient_norm_eq {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : - ‖x‖ = sInf (norm '' { m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x }) := - rfl - -theorem QuotientAddGroup.norm_eq_infDist {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : - ‖x‖ = infDist 0 { m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x } := by - simp only [AddSubgroup.quotient_norm_eq, infDist_eq_iInf, sInf_image', dist_zero_left] - -/-- An alternative definition of the norm on the quotient group: the norm of `((x : M) : M ⧸ S)` is -equal to the distance from `x` to `S`. -/ -theorem QuotientAddGroup.norm_mk {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M) : - ‖(x : M ⧸ S)‖ = infDist x S := by - rw [norm_eq_infDist, ← infDist_image (IsometryEquiv.subLeft x).isometry, - IsometryEquiv.subLeft_apply, sub_zero, ← IsometryEquiv.preimage_symm] - congr 1 with y - simp only [mem_preimage, IsometryEquiv.subLeft_symm_apply, mem_setOf_eq, QuotientAddGroup.eq, - neg_add, neg_neg, neg_add_cancel_right, SetLike.mem_coe] + ‖x‖ = sInf (norm '' { m : M | (m : M ⧸ S) = x }) := by + simp only [norm_eq_infDist, infDist_eq_iInf, sInf_image', dist_zero_left] +@[deprecated "Replaced by a private lemma" (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem image_norm_nonempty {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : (norm '' { m | mk' S m = x }).Nonempty := .image _ <| Quot.exists_rep x +@[deprecated norm_nonneg (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem bddBelow_image_norm (s : Set M) : BddBelow (norm '' s) := ⟨0, forall_mem_image.2 fun _ _ ↦ norm_nonneg _⟩ +@[deprecated "No replacement" (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem isGLB_quotient_norm {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : - IsGLB (norm '' { m | mk' S m = x }) (‖x‖) := - isGLB_csInf (image_norm_nonempty x) (bddBelow_image_norm _) + IsGLB (norm '' { m | mk' S m = x }) (‖x‖) := by + simp only [norm_eq_infDist, infDist_eq_iInf, ← sInf_image', dist_zero_left] + exact isGLB_csInf (by simpa using QuotientGroup.add_norm_aux x) ⟨0, fun _ ↦ by aesop⟩ /-- The norm on the quotient satisfies `‖-x‖ = ‖x‖`. -/ -theorem quotient_norm_neg {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : ‖-x‖ = ‖x‖ := by - simp only [AddSubgroup.quotient_norm_eq] - congr 1 with r - constructor <;> { rintro ⟨m, hm, rfl⟩; use -m; simpa [neg_eq_iff_eq_neg] using hm } +@[deprecated norm_neg (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem quotient_norm_neg {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) : ‖-x‖ = ‖x‖ := norm_neg _ -theorem quotient_norm_sub_rev {S : AddSubgroup M} (x y : M ⧸ S) : ‖x - y‖ = ‖y - x‖ := by - rw [← neg_sub, quotient_norm_neg] +@[deprecated norm_sub_rev (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem quotient_norm_sub_rev {S : AddSubgroup M} (x y : M ⧸ S) : ‖x - y‖ = ‖y - x‖ := + norm_sub_rev .. /-- The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element. -/ -theorem quotient_norm_mk_le (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : ‖mk' S m‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := - csInf_le (bddBelow_image_norm _) <| Set.mem_image_of_mem _ rfl +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.norm_mk'_le_norm (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem quotient_norm_mk_le (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : ‖mk' S m‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := norm_mk'_le_norm /-- The norm of the projection is smaller or equal to the norm of the original element. -/ -theorem quotient_norm_mk_le' (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : ‖(m : M ⧸ S)‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := - quotient_norm_mk_le S m +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.norm_mk_le_norm (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem quotient_norm_mk_le' (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : ‖(m : M ⧸ S)‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := norm_mk_le_norm /-- The norm of the image under the natural morphism to the quotient. -/ theorem quotient_norm_mk_eq (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : @@ -155,39 +302,29 @@ theorem quotient_norm_mk_eq (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : simp only [dist_eq_norm', sub_neg_eq_add, add_comm] /-- The quotient norm is nonnegative. -/ -theorem quotient_norm_nonneg (S : AddSubgroup M) (x : M ⧸ S) : 0 ≤ ‖x‖ := - Real.sInf_nonneg <| forall_mem_image.2 fun _ _ ↦ norm_nonneg _ +@[deprecated norm_nonneg (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem quotient_norm_nonneg (S : AddSubgroup M) (x : M ⧸ S) : 0 ≤ ‖x‖ := norm_nonneg _ /-- The quotient norm is nonnegative. -/ -theorem norm_mk_nonneg (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : 0 ≤ ‖mk' S m‖ := - quotient_norm_nonneg S _ +@[deprecated norm_nonneg (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem norm_mk_nonneg (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : 0 ≤ ‖mk' S m‖ := norm_nonneg _ /-- The norm of the image of `m : M` in the quotient by `S` is zero if and only if `m` belongs to the closure of `S`. -/ +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.norm_mk'_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) : - ‖mk' S m‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ closure (S : Set M) := by - rw [mk'_apply, norm_mk, ← mem_closure_iff_infDist_zero] - exact ⟨0, S.zero_mem⟩ - -theorem QuotientAddGroup.norm_lt_iff {S : AddSubgroup M} {x : M ⧸ S} {r : ℝ} : - ‖x‖ < r ↔ ∃ m : M, ↑m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < r := by - rw [isGLB_lt_iff (isGLB_quotient_norm _), exists_mem_image] - rfl + ‖mk' S m‖ = 0 ↔ m ∈ closure (S : Set M) := norm_mk'_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure /-- For any `x : M ⧸ S` and any `0 < ε`, there is `m : M` such that `mk' S m = x` and `‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε`. -/ +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.exists_norm_mk'_lt (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem norm_mk_lt {S : AddSubgroup M} (x : M ⧸ S) {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε) : - ∃ m : M, mk' S m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε := - norm_lt_iff.1 <| lt_add_of_pos_right _ hε + ∃ m : M, mk' S m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε := exists_norm_mk'_lt _ hε /-- For any `m : M` and any `0 < ε`, there is `s ∈ S` such that `‖m + s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε`. -/ +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.exists_norm_add_lt (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem norm_mk_lt' (S : AddSubgroup M) (m : M) {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε) : - ∃ s ∈ S, ‖m + s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε := by - obtain ⟨n : M, hn : mk' S n = mk' S m, hn' : ‖n‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε⟩ := - norm_mk_lt (' S m) hε - erw [eq_comm, QuotientAddGroup.eq] at hn - use -m + n, hn - rwa [add_neg_cancel_left] + ∃ s ∈ S, ‖m + s‖ < ‖mk' S m‖ + ε := exists_norm_add_lt _ _ hε /-- The quotient norm satisfies the triangle inequality. -/ theorem quotient_norm_add_le (S : AddSubgroup M) (x y : M ⧸ S) : ‖x + y‖ ≤ ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ := by @@ -198,56 +335,28 @@ theorem quotient_norm_add_le (S : AddSubgroup M) (x y : M ⧸ S) : ‖x + y‖ exact (congr_arg norm (add_add_add_comm _ _ _ _)).trans_le (norm_add_le _ _) /-- The quotient norm of `0` is `0`. -/ -theorem norm_mk_zero (S : AddSubgroup M) : ‖(0 : M ⧸ S)‖ = 0 := by - erw [quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff] - exact subset_closure S.zero_mem +@[deprecated norm_zero (since := "2025-02-02")] +theorem norm_mk_zero (S : AddSubgroup M) : ‖(0 : M ⧸ S)‖ = 0 := norm_zero /-- If `(m : M)` has norm equal to `0` in `M ⧸ S` for a closed subgroup `S` of `M`, then `m ∈ S`. -/ +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.norm_mk'_eq_zero (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem norm_mk_eq_zero (S : AddSubgroup M) (hS : IsClosed (S : Set M)) (m : M) - (h : ‖mk' S m‖ = 0) : m ∈ S := by rwa [quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff, hS.closure_eq] at h + (h : ‖mk' S m‖ = 0) : m ∈ S := norm_mk'_eq_zero.1 h +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.nhds_zero_hasBasis (since := "2025-02-02")] theorem quotient_nhd_basis (S : AddSubgroup M) : - (𝓝 (0 : M ⧸ S)).HasBasis (fun ε ↦ 0 < ε) fun ε ↦ { x | ‖x‖ < ε } := by - have : ∀ ε : ℝ, mk '' ball (0 : M) ε = { x : M ⧸ S | ‖x‖ < ε } := by - refine fun ε ↦ Set.ext <| forall_mk.2 fun x ↦ ?_ - rw [ball_zero_eq, mem_setOf_eq, norm_lt_iff, mem_image] - exact exists_congr fun _ ↦ and_comm - rw [← QuotientAddGroup.mk_zero, nhds_eq, ← funext this] - exact .map _ Metric.nhds_basis_ball + (𝓝 (0 : M ⧸ S)).HasBasis (fun ε ↦ 0 < ε) fun ε ↦ { x | ‖x‖ < ε } := nhds_zero_hasBasis /-- The seminormed group structure on the quotient by an additive subgroup. -/ -noncomputable instance AddSubgroup.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient (S : AddSubgroup M) : - SeminormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) where - dist x y := ‖x - y‖ - dist_self x := by simp only [norm_mk_zero, sub_self] - dist_comm := quotient_norm_sub_rev - dist_triangle x y z := by - refine le_trans ?_ (quotient_norm_add_le _ _ _) - exact (congr_arg norm (sub_add_sub_cancel _ _ _).symm).le - edist_dist x y := by exact ENNReal.coe_nnreal_eq _ - toUniformSpace := TopologicalAddGroup.toUniformSpace (M ⧸ S) - uniformity_dist := by - rw [uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero', ((quotient_nhd_basis S).comap _).eq_biInf] - simp only [dist, quotient_norm_sub_rev (Prod.fst _), preimage_setOf_eq] - --- This is a sanity check left here on purpose to ensure that potential refactors won't destroy --- this important property. -example (S : AddSubgroup M) : - (instTopologicalSpaceQuotient : TopologicalSpace <| M ⧸ S) = - S.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient.toUniformSpace.toTopologicalSpace := - rfl +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.instSeminormedAddCommGroup (since := "2025-02-02")] +noncomputable def AddSubgroup.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient (S : AddSubgroup M) : + SeminormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) := inferInstance /-- The quotient in the category of normed groups. -/ +@[deprecated QuotientAddGroup.instNormedAddCommGroup (since := "2025-02-02")] noncomputable instance AddSubgroup.normedAddCommGroupQuotient (S : AddSubgroup M) - [IsClosed (S : Set M)] : NormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) := - { AddSubgroup.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient S, MetricSpace.ofT0PseudoMetricSpace _ with } - --- This is a sanity check left here on purpose to ensure that potential refactors won't destroy --- this important property. -example (S : AddSubgroup M) [IsClosed (S : Set M)] : - S.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient = NormedAddCommGroup.toSeminormedAddCommGroup := - rfl + [IsClosed (S : Set M)] : NormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) := inferInstance namespace AddSubgroup @@ -256,7 +365,7 @@ open NormedAddGroupHom /-- The morphism from a seminormed group to the quotient by a subgroup. -/ noncomputable def normedMk (S : AddSubgroup M) : NormedAddGroupHom M (M ⧸ S) := {' S with - bound' := ⟨1, fun m => by simpa [one_mul] using quotient_norm_mk_le _ m⟩ } + bound' := ⟨1, fun m => by simpa [one_mul] using norm_mk'_le_norm⟩ } /-- `S.normedMk` agrees with `' S`. -/ @[simp] @@ -273,7 +382,7 @@ theorem ker_normedMk (S : AddSubgroup M) : S.normedMk.ker = S := /-- The operator norm of the projection is at most `1`. -/ theorem norm_normedMk_le (S : AddSubgroup M) : ‖S.normedMk‖ ≤ 1 := - NormedAddGroupHom.opNorm_le_bound _ zero_le_one fun m => by simp [quotient_norm_mk_le'] + NormedAddGroupHom.opNorm_le_bound _ zero_le_one fun m => by simp [norm_mk_le_norm] theorem _root_.QuotientAddGroup.norm_lift_apply_le {S : AddSubgroup M} (f : NormedAddGroupHom M N) (hf : ∀ x ∈ S, f x = 0) (x : M ⧸ S) : ‖lift S f.toAddMonoidHom hf x‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖x‖ := by @@ -292,7 +401,7 @@ theorem norm_normedMk (S : AddSubgroup M) (h : (S.topologicalClosure : Set M) refine le_antisymm (norm_normedMk_le S) ?_ obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ : ∃ x : M, 0 < ‖(x : M ⧸ S)‖ := by refine (Set.nonempty_compl.2 h).imp fun x hx ↦ ?_ - exact (norm_nonneg _).lt_of_ne' <| mt (quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff S x).1 hx + exact (norm_nonneg _).lt_of_ne' <| mt norm_mk'_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure.1 hx refine (le_mul_iff_one_le_left hx).1 ?_ exact norm_lift_apply_le S.normedMk (fun x ↦ (eq_zero_iff x).2) x @@ -304,7 +413,7 @@ theorem norm_trivial_quotient_mk (S : AddSubgroup M) rw [S.ker_normedMk, ← SetLike.mem_coe, h] trivial rw [ker_normedMk] at hker - simp only [(quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff S x).mpr hker, normedMk.apply, zero_mul, le_rfl] + simp only [norm_mk'_eq_zero_iff_mem_closure.mpr hker, normedMk.apply, zero_mul, le_rfl] end AddSubgroup @@ -399,11 +508,11 @@ section Submodule variable {R : Type*} [Ring R] [Module R M] (S : Submodule R M) instance Submodule.Quotient.seminormedAddCommGroup : SeminormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) := - AddSubgroup.seminormedAddCommGroupQuotient S.toAddSubgroup + QuotientAddGroup.instSeminormedAddCommGroup S.toAddSubgroup instance Submodule.Quotient.normedAddCommGroup [hS : IsClosed (S : Set M)] : NormedAddCommGroup (M ⧸ S) := - @AddSubgroup.normedAddCommGroupQuotient _ _ S.toAddSubgroup hS + QuotientAddGroup.instNormedAddCommGroup S.toAddSubgroup (hS := hS) instance Submodule.Quotient.completeSpace [CompleteSpace M] : CompleteSpace (M ⧸ S) := QuotientAddGroup.completeSpace M S.toAddSubgroup @@ -412,10 +521,10 @@ instance Submodule.Quotient.completeSpace [CompleteSpace M] : CompleteSpace (M and `‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε`. -/ nonrec theorem Submodule.Quotient.norm_mk_lt {S : Submodule R M} (x : M ⧸ S) {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε) : ∃ m : M, m = x ∧ ‖m‖ < ‖x‖ + ε := - norm_mk_lt x hε + exists_norm_mk'_lt x hε theorem Submodule.Quotient.norm_mk_le (m : M) : ‖( m : M ⧸ S)‖ ≤ ‖m‖ := - quotient_norm_mk_le S.toAddSubgroup m + norm_mk'_le_norm instance Submodule.Quotient.instBoundedSMul (𝕜 : Type*) [SeminormedCommRing 𝕜] [Module 𝕜 M] [BoundedSMul 𝕜 M] [SMul 𝕜 R] [IsScalarTower 𝕜 R M] : @@ -431,7 +540,7 @@ instance Submodule.Quotient.instBoundedSMul (𝕜 : Type*) obtain ⟨a, rfl, ha⟩ := Submodule.Quotient.norm_mk_lt x hδ specialize h ‖a‖ ⟨by linarith, by linarith [Submodule.Quotient.norm_mk_le S a]⟩ calc - _ ≤ ‖k‖ * ‖a‖ := (quotient_norm_mk_le S.toAddSubgroup (k • a)).trans (norm_smul_le k a) + _ ≤ ‖k‖ * ‖a‖ := (norm_mk_le ..).trans (norm_smul_le k a) _ ≤ _ := (sub_lt_iff_lt_add'.mp h.1).le instance Submodule.Quotient.normedSpace (𝕜 : Type*) [NormedField 𝕜] [NormedSpace 𝕜 M] [SMul 𝕜 R] @@ -446,10 +555,9 @@ variable {R : Type*} [SeminormedCommRing R] (I : Ideal R) nonrec theorem Ideal.Quotient.norm_mk_lt {I : Ideal R} (x : R ⧸ I) {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε) : ∃ r : R, I r = x ∧ ‖r‖ < ‖x‖ + ε := - norm_mk_lt x hε + exists_norm_mk'_lt x hε -theorem Ideal.Quotient.norm_mk_le (r : R) : ‖ I r‖ ≤ ‖r‖ := - quotient_norm_mk_le I.toAddSubgroup r +theorem Ideal.Quotient.norm_mk_le (r : R) : ‖ I r‖ ≤ ‖r‖ := norm_mk'_le_norm instance Ideal.Quotient.semiNormedCommRing : SeminormedCommRing (R ⧸ I) where dist_eq := dist_eq_norm diff --git a/Mathlib/Topology/Instances/AddCircle.lean b/Mathlib/Topology/Instances/AddCircle.lean index 19d581ed882128..a9d5a76538aaf5 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Topology/Instances/AddCircle.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Topology/Instances/AddCircle.lean @@ -631,6 +631,9 @@ theorem liftIco_zero_continuous [TopologicalSpace B] {f : 𝕜 → B} (hf : f 0 (hc : ContinuousOn f <| Icc 0 p) : Continuous (liftIco p 0 f) := liftIco_continuous (by rwa [zero_add] : f 0 = f (0 + p)) (by rwa [zero_add]) +@[simp] lemma coe_fract (x : ℝ) : (↑(Int.fract x) : AddCircle (1 : ℝ)) = x := by + simp [← Int.self_sub_floor] + end AddCircle end IdentifyIccEnds diff --git a/Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance.lean b/Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance.lean index b4e7c3196471ba..caf9de7974a21f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance.lean @@ -471,10 +471,13 @@ theorem infDist_le_dist_of_mem (h : y ∈ s) : infDist x s ≤ dist x y := by theorem infDist_le_infDist_of_subset (h : s ⊆ t) (hs : s.Nonempty) : infDist x t ≤ infDist x s := ENNReal.toReal_mono (infEdist_ne_top hs) (infEdist_anti h) +lemma le_infDist {r : ℝ} (hs : s.Nonempty) : r ≤ infDist x s ↔ ∀ ⦃y⦄, y ∈ s → r ≤ dist x y := by + simp_rw [infDist, ← ENNReal.ofReal_le_iff_le_toReal (infEdist_ne_top hs), le_infEdist, + ENNReal.ofReal_le_iff_le_toReal (edist_ne_top _ _), ← dist_edist] + /-- The minimal distance to a set `s` is `< r` iff there exists a point in `s` at distance `< r`. -/ theorem infDist_lt_iff {r : ℝ} (hs : s.Nonempty) : infDist x s < r ↔ ∃ y ∈ s, dist x y < r := by - simp_rw [infDist, ← ENNReal.lt_ofReal_iff_toReal_lt (infEdist_ne_top hs), infEdist_lt_iff, - ENNReal.lt_ofReal_iff_toReal_lt (edist_ne_top _ _), ← dist_edist] + simp [← not_le, le_infDist hs] /-- The minimal distance from `x` to `s` is bounded by the distance from `y` to `s`, modulo the distance between `x` and `y`. -/