From 6635f4e1607ca8c70c5bec6bb288493b8f3e567b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Fran=C3=A7ois=20G=2E=20Dorais?= Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 00:11:54 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] feat: add `Fin.find?`, `Fin.findSome?` and lemmas (#1099) Co-authored-by: Kim Morrison --- Batteries/Data/Fin/Basic.lean | 14 ++++ Batteries/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean | 146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 160 insertions(+) diff --git a/Batteries/Data/Fin/Basic.lean b/Batteries/Data/Fin/Basic.lean index 800d7c7c87..5afa167cf7 100644 --- a/Batteries/Data/Fin/Basic.lean +++ b/Batteries/Data/Fin/Basic.lean @@ -91,3 +91,17 @@ This is the dependent version of `Fin.foldl`. -/ @[inline] def dfoldl (n : Nat) (α : Fin (n + 1) → Type _) (f : ∀ (i : Fin n), α i.castSucc → α i.succ) (init : α 0) : α (last n) := dfoldlM (m := Id) n α f init + +/-- +`findSome? f` returns `f i` for the first `i` for which `f i` is `some _`, or `none` if no such +element is found. The function `f` is not evaluated on further inputs after the first `i` is found. +-/ +@[inline] def findSome? (f : Fin n → Option α) : Option α := + foldl n (fun r i => r <|> f i) none + +/-- +`find? p` returns the first `i` for which `p i = true`, or `none` if no such element is found. +The function `p` is not evaluated on further inputs after the first `i` is found. +-/ +@[inline] def find? (p : Fin n → Bool) : Option (Fin n) := + findSome? <| Option.guard fun i => p i diff --git a/Batteries/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean b/Batteries/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean index ddc7bbf1cf..f8e33e3443 100644 --- a/Batteries/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Batteries/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Mario Carneiro -/ import Batteries.Data.Fin.Basic import Batteries.Data.List.Lemmas +import Batteries.Util.ProofWanted namespace Fin @@ -13,3 +14,148 @@ attribute [norm_cast] val_last /-! ### clamp -/ @[simp] theorem coe_clamp (n m : Nat) : (clamp n m : Nat) = min n m := rfl + +/-! ### findSome? -/ + +@[simp] theorem findSome?_zero {f : Fin 0 → Option α} : findSome? f = none := rfl + +@[simp] theorem findSome?_one {f : Fin 1 → Option α} : findSome? f = f 0 := rfl + +theorem findSome?_succ {f : Fin (n+1) → Option α} : + findSome? f = (f 0 <|> findSome? fun i => f i.succ) := by + simp only [findSome?, foldl_succ, Option.none_orElse, Function.comp_apply] + cases f 0 + · rw [Option.none_orElse] + · rw [Option.some_orElse] + induction n with + | zero => rfl + | succ n ih => rw [foldl_succ, Option.some_orElse, ih (f := fun i => f i.succ)] + +theorem findSome?_succ_of_some {f : Fin (n+1) → Option α} (h : f 0 = some x) : + findSome? f = some x := by simp [findSome?_succ, h] + +theorem findSome?_succ_of_isSome {f : Fin (n+1) → Option α} (h : (f 0).isSome) : + findSome? f = f 0 := by cases _h : f 0 <;> simp_all [findSome?_succ_of_some] + +theorem findSome?_succ_of_none {f : Fin (n+1) → Option α} (h : f 0 = none) : + findSome? f = findSome? fun i => f i.succ := by simp [findSome?_succ, h] + +theorem findSome?_succ_of_isNone {f : Fin (n+1) → Option α} (h : (f 0).isNone) : + findSome? f = findSome? fun i => f i.succ := by simp_all [findSome?_succ_of_none] + +theorem exists_of_findSome?_eq_some {f : Fin n → Option α} (h : findSome? f = some x) : + ∃ i, f i = some x := by + induction n with + | zero => rw [findSome?_zero] at h; contradiction + | succ n ih => + rw [findSome?_succ] at h + match heq : f 0 with + | some x => + rw [heq, Option.some_orElse] at h + exists 0 + rw [heq, h] + | none => + rw [heq, Option.none_orElse] at h + match ih h with | ⟨i, _⟩ => exists i.succ + +theorem eq_none_of_findSome?_eq_none {f : Fin n → Option α} (h : findSome? f = none) (i) : + f i = none := by + induction n with + | zero => cases i; contradiction + | succ n ih => + rw [findSome?_succ] at h + match heq : f 0 with + | some x => + rw [heq, Option.some_orElse] at h + contradiction + | none => + rw [heq, Option.none_orElse] at h + cases i using Fin.cases with + | zero => exact heq + | succ i => exact ih h i + +@[simp] theorem findSome?_isSome_iff {f : Fin n → Option α} : + (findSome? f).isSome ↔ ∃ i, (f i).isSome := by + simp only [Option.isSome_iff_exists] + constructor + · intro ⟨x, hx⟩ + match exists_of_findSome?_eq_some hx with + | ⟨i, hi⟩ => exists i, x + · intro ⟨i, x, hix⟩ + match h : findSome? f with + | some x => exists x + | none => rw [eq_none_of_findSome?_eq_none h i] at hix; contradiction + +@[simp] theorem findSome?_eq_none_iff {f : Fin n → Option α} : + findSome? f = none ↔ ∀ i, f i = none := by + constructor + · exact eq_none_of_findSome?_eq_none + · intro hf + match h : findSome? f with + | none => rfl + | some x => + match exists_of_findSome?_eq_some h with + | ⟨i, h⟩ => rw [hf] at h; contradiction + +theorem findSome?_isNone_iff {f : Fin n → Option α} : + (findSome? f).isNone ↔ ∀ i, (f i).isNone := by simp + +theorem map_findSome? (f : Fin n → Option α) (g : α → β) : + (findSome? f).map g = findSome? ( g ∘ f) := by + induction n with + | zero => rfl + | succ n ih => simp [findSome?_succ, Function.comp_def, Option.map_orElse, ih] + +theorem findSome?_guard {p : Fin n → Bool} : findSome? (Option.guard fun i => p i) = find? p := rfl + +theorem findSome?_eq_findSome?_finRange (f : Fin n → Option α) : + findSome? f = (List.finRange n).findSome? f := by + induction n with + | zero => rfl + | succ n ih => + rw [findSome?_succ, List.finRange_succ, List.findSome?_cons] + cases f 0 <;> simp [ih, List.findSome?_map, Function.comp_def] + +/-! ### Fin.find? -/ + +@[simp] theorem find?_zero {p : Fin 0 → Bool} : find? p = none := rfl + +@[simp] theorem find?_one {p : Fin 1 → Bool} : find? p = if p 0 then some 0 else none := rfl + +theorem find?_succ {p : Fin (n+1) → Bool} : + find? p = if p 0 then some 0 else (find? fun i => p i.succ).map Fin.succ := by + simp only [find?, findSome?_succ, Option.guard] + split <;> simp [Option.none_orElse, map_findSome?, Function.comp_def, Option.guard] + +theorem eq_true_of_find?_eq_some {p : Fin n → Bool} (h : find? p = some i) : p i = true := by + match exists_of_findSome?_eq_some h with + | ⟨i, hi⟩ => + simp only [Option.guard] at hi + split at hi + · cases hi; assumption + · contradiction + +theorem eq_false_of_find?_eq_none {p : Fin n → Bool} (h : find? p = none) (i) : p i = false := by + have hi := eq_none_of_findSome?_eq_none h i + simp only [Option.guard] at hi + split at hi + · contradiction + · simp [*] + +theorem find?_isSome_iff {p : Fin n → Bool} : (find? p).isSome ↔ ∃ i, p i := by + simp [find?, findSome?_isSome_iff] + +theorem find?_isNone_iff {p : Fin n → Bool} : (find? p).isNone ↔ ∀ i, ¬ p i := by + simp [find?, findSome?_isSome_iff] + +proof_wanted find?_eq_some_iff {p : Fin n → Bool} : find? p = some i ↔ p i ∧ ∀ j, j < i → ¬ p j + +theorem find?_eq_none_iff {p : Fin n → Bool} : find? p = none ↔ ∀ i, ¬ p i := by + rw [← find?_isNone_iff, Option.isNone_iff_eq_none] + +theorem find?_eq_find?_finRange {p : Fin n → Bool} : find? p = (List.finRange n).find? p := by + induction n with + | zero => rfl + | succ n ih => + rw [find?_succ, List.finRange_succ, List.find?_cons] + split <;> simp [Function.comp_def, *]