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Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data

Data used and implementation of the models described in Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data.

For any inquiry contact me at lperez (at)


Our dataset is compiled from the WikiBio dataset (Lebret et al., 2016). We use the entire abstracts and filter cases with too short/long abstracts and input property sets. The input property set is created from DBPedia.

The base WikiBio dataset can be found here.
The input property set extension of WikiBio can be downloaded from here.
The pre-processed dataset to train and evaluate the content alignment model can be downloaded from here.
The pre-processed dataset to train and evaluate the generation models can be downloaded from here.


Content Alignment Model

The pre-trained model can be downloaded from here.
The output by the pre-trained model can be found here.

To train the Content Alignment model:

cd code/data2text-align
th train.lua -use_cuda \
-data_file ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-train.hdf5 \
-valid_data_file ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-valid.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.text.dict \
-preembed_datavoc ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.dbp-glove.6B.200dembeddings.t7 \
-preembed_textvoc ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.text-glove.6B.200dembeddings.t7 \
-preembed -rnn_size 200 -word_vec_size 200 \
-optim adam -learning_rate 0.001 -max_batch_l 200 -min_batch_l 60 -epochs 20 \
-dataEncoder 8 -textEncoder 1

We tried different variants of property set and sentence encoder, those set in -dataEncoder and -textEncoder in the example are the ones described in the paper and used in the models.


train.lua -doeval -use_cuda \
-data_file ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-train.hdf5 \
-valid_data_file ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-valid.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.text.dict \
-weights_file ../../trained/m_8_1scorer_weights_Wed_Sep_27_16_50_03_2017.t7 \
-max_batch_l 600 -rnn_size 200 -word_vec_size 200 -dataEncoder 8 -textEncoder 1 \
-waEvaluationSet evaluation/yawat/exist_in_select_valid-01.txt \
-distractorSet  ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-valid.distractors.dat

-waEvaluationSet provides the file with the gold manual alignments for f-score evaluation
-distractorSet provides the set of 15 random distractors for each evaluated item. Note that if -genNegValid is passed as argument (i.e. is true), a new set of distractors will be generated and saved under the name given by argument -distractorSet.

The manual annotations for the word alignment measures where obtained with the Yawat tool (Ulrich, 2008). If you want to look at the interface for annotations you can go here Yawat Content Alignment (user=annotator1 pass=demo) . The annotations themselves that we use can be found in evaluation/yawat/

This evaluation will output (files will be saved in the folder trained/results/TRAINEDMODEL/):

  • the ranking @15 score
  • the threshold for alignment selection (both Possible and Sure values (Cohn et al., 2008))
  • it will also generate the alignment files to compute precision, recall and f-measure (next step).
Word Alignment Measures
python --aFile max --resultsDir ../../trained/results/TRAINEDMODEL/

Compute inter-annotator agreement:

python --iaAgreement

Save Content Alignment Information

Save content alignment information for the training set (same command should be run for the validation set):

th dtaFiltering.lua -fold valid \
-data_file ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP-valid.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../trained/input/dtaSDlx_LP.text.dict \
-weights_file ../../trained/m_8_1scorer_weights_Wed_Sep_27_16_50_03_2017.t7 \
-rnn_size 200 -word_vec_size 200 -dataEncoder 8 -textEncoder 1 -max_batch_l 200 -min_batch_l 200 \
-wsthreshold 0.215924 -proportion 0.6 

This script will generate two files, one with the alignment labels and the other with the curid of each case, named valid-alnLabels.possib_0.6.txt and valid-fcurid.possib_0.6.txt . These will be placed within the results directory trained/results/TRAINEDMODEL/filtered/.

Generation models

The base code for the encoder-decoder generation models is from (Wiseman et al, 2017) (OpenNMT Torch7) and this github contains a copy of it. The base code for the Reinforcement Learning (RL) model is from (Zhang and Lapata). For this you will need to copy/clone from this GitHub to be able to include some files under dress/dress directory.

The pre-trained generation models can be downloaded from here.
The output by the pre-trained models can be found here.

Base Encoder-Decoder Generator

To train the Base Encoder-Decoder Generator, you can use the following script:

cd code/OpenNMT
./  GPUID 40 oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27


th wiki_train2.lua -test \
-data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-train.hdf5 \
-valid_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-valid.hdf5 \
-test_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-test.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.text.dict \
-preembed_datavoc ../../vectors/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp-glove.6B.100dembeddings.t7 \
-train_from ../../oTrained/models/Wed_Nov__1_14_25_50_2017_epoch12_4.60.t7 \
-gen_file ../../oTrained/results/OUTDIRECTORY/output4Metrics.delex.txt \
-preembed -gpuid 1 -rnn_size 100 -word_vec_size 100 -enc_emb_size 100 -input_feed 0 -layers 1 \
-just_gen -beam_size 5 -decodingMaxLength 340

After running the evaluation a file is generated with the predictions by the model for the given data-set, these are saved to the output4Metrics.delex.txt file with a default format. After re-lexicalisation, files for the evaluation tools can be generated from this data.

Multi-Task Learning Model

To train the Encoder-Decoder Generator with the Alignment Label Prediction auxiliary task, you can use the following script:

cd code/OpenNMT
./  GPUID 60 oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27 \
"-guided_alignment 1 -guided_alignment_weight 0.1 -lm_objective_decay 1 -start_guided_decay 4"


th wiki_train2.lua -test \
-data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-train.hdf5 \
-valid_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-valid.hdf5 \
-test_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-test.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.text.dict \
-preembed_datavoc ../../vectors/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp-glove.6B.100dembeddings.t7 \
-train_from ../../oTrained/models/Tue_Oct_31_11_23_24_2017_epoch13_4.04.t7 \
-gen_file ../../oTrained/results/test/OUTDIRECTORY/output4Metrics.delex.txt \
-preembed -gpuid 1 -rnn_size 100 -word_vec_size 100 -enc_emb_size 100 -input_feed 0 -layers 1 \
-just_gen -beam_size 5 -decodingMaxLength 340 -guided_alignment 1

Reinforcement Learning Model

To train the Encoder-Decoder Generator with the Reinforcement Learning and the Target Content reward, you can use the following script:

cd code/OpenNMT
./ GPUID 50 "-reinforce -epochs 60 \
-train_from ../../oTrained/models/Wed_Nov__1_14_25_50_2017_epoch12_4.60.t7  -structuredCopy \
-start_epoch 1 -learning_rate 0.001 -optim sgd -learning_rate_decay 0 \
-blockRL -deltaSamplePos 3 -initialOffset 3 --enableSamplingFrom 3 -rfEpoch 2 \
-lmWeight 0 -waWeight 1 -blockWaReward  -warType 1 " oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27


th wiki_train2.lua -test \
-data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-train.hdf5 \
-valid_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-valid.hdf5 \
-test_data_file ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27-test.hdf5 \
-data_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp.dict \
-text_dict ../../oTrained/input/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.text.dict \
-preembed_datavoc ../../vectors/oAbsS_v4_aln_Sep27.dbp-glove.6B.100dembeddings.t7 \
-train_from ../../oTrained/models/Tue_Dec_19_16_52_13_2017_epoch12_4.64.t7  \
-gen_file ../../oTrained/results/test/OUTDIRECTORY/output4Metrics.delex.txt \
-preembed -gpuid 1 -rnn_size 100 -word_vec_size 100 -enc_emb_size 100 -input_feed 0 -layers 1 \
-just_gen -beam_size 5  -reinforce -max_bptt 50  -warType 1 -decodingMaxLength 340 


  author    = {Laura Perez-Beltrachini and Mirella Lapata},
  title     = {Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data},
  booktitle = {North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  month     = {June},
  year      = {2018},
  address   = {New Orleans, Louisiana},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  note = {(NAACL 2018)}