From 88de236910d7584939115cc24f2fbd3e0300d56d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "renovate[bot]" <29139614+renovate[bot]> Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 13:29:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update ai.djl.version to v0.30.0 (#45) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [ai.djl.huggingface:tokenizers]( ([source]( | `0.28.0` -> `0.30.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [ai.djl:api]( ([source]( | `0.28.0` -> `0.30.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | --- ### Release Notes
deepjavalibrary/djl (ai.djl.huggingface:tokenizers) ### [`v0.30.0`]( DJL v0.30.0 Release [Compare Source]( ##### Key Changes - Engine Updates: - OnnxRuntime 1.19.0 []( - Huggingface Tokenizers 0.20.0 []( - Added mask generation task for SAM2 model []( - Text Embedding Inference: - Added Mistral, Qwen2, GTE, Camembert embedding model support - Added reranker model support ##### Enhancement - \[api] Avoid non-ascii characters by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-converter] Exit with error if convert model failed by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Support TEI input format to reranking model by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Adds sigmoid and softmax operator for Rust engine by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[test] Detect GPUs with specified engine by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Adds Criteria.isDownload() api by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Build .so file for each cuda arch by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Add mistral embedding model by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Add supported arch in djl-convert by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Replace pt file names to safetensors by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Load model on given device by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Add qwen2 model by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Support pre-downloaded rust shared library by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Adds pad operator by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Provides better error message for unsupported ops by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Adds center fit image operation for Yolo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Add GTE and Gemma2 model by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[djl-convert] Sets default max model size limit for importing by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-import] Includes requires version when importing model by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[android] Upgrade DJL version to 0.30.0 by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Make cublaslt wrapper non static by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[djl-convert] Exclude models in includeTokenTypes by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Make tensor contiguous in rotary embedding by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Allows -1 dim for normalize() by [@​xyang16]( in []( - Refactored Identifiers by [@​congyuluo]( in []( - \[rust] Adds text classification models to Rust model zoo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[examples] Adds segment anything 2 example by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Refactor ImageFeatureExtractor by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Adds base64 image support for ImageTranslator by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-import] Improve model import speed by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Updates dependencies version to latest by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Optimized text embedding post processing performance by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - add drawMarks to android BitMapImageFactory by [@​sindhuvahinis]( in []( - \[ci] moving to temporary iam credentials for publishing steps by [@​siddvenk]( in []( - \[OnnxRuntime] Update debug log message by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - Increase DJL version to 0.30.0 by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[examples] Adds gradle tasks for each example by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - Upgrade dependency versions by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Converting encoding to int32 NDList by [@​xyang16]( in []( ##### Bug Fixes - \[api] Fixes logging calling convention by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-converter] Fixes import text embedding model from local folder by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-converter] Fixes djl-convert command line return code by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Fix camembert and distilbert model loading by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Fix camembert model loading by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Fixes memory leak by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-convert] Fixes huggingface model converter by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Fix bert model classifier loading by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[xgb] Fixes alternative NDArray conversion issue by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-import] Fixes missing arguments for onnx import by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci]\[fix] use v2 for aws credentials due to glib issues with node 20 by [@​siddvenk]( in []( ##### Documentation - \[examples] Moves nlp examples into nlp folder by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Build versions.json before mike deploy by [@​Varun-Dutta]( in []( - \[example] Enable PyTorch for some training example by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Updates docs website url by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Fixes broken links in markdown files. by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl-import] Fixes missing trust-remote-code arg for import model zoo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Updates trace whisper model document by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tensorflow] Updates tensorflow document by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Adds segment anything document by [@​frankfliu]( in []( ##### CI/CD - \[ci] Fixes serving publish for awscurl release version by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Remove no_response workflow by [@​xyang16]( in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v0.29.0`]( DJL v0.29.0 Release [Compare Source]( ##### Key Changes - Upgrades for engines - Upgrades PyTorch engine to 2.3.1 - Upgrades TensorFlow engine to 2.16.1 - Introduces Rust engine CUDA support - Upgrades OnnxRuntime version to 1.18.0 and added CUDA 12.4 support - Upgrades javacpp version to 1.5.10 - Upgrades HuggingFace tokenizer to 0.19.1 - Fixes several issues for LightGBM engine - Deprecated llamacpp engine - Enhancements for engines and API - Adds Yolov8 segmentation and pose detection support - Adds metric type to Metic class - Improves drawJoints and drawMask behavior for CV model - Improves HuggingFace model importing and conversion tool - Improves HuggingFace NLP model batch inference performance - Adds built-in ONNX extension support - Adds several NDArray operators in PyTorch engine - Adds fp16 and bf16 support for OnnxRuntime engine - Adds CrossEncoder support for NLP models ##### Enhancements - Adds metric type to Metic class by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - Improves drawJoints behavior by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Allows to control json pretty print with env var by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Avoid null dimensions for Metric by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Improve NDArray.toDebugString() output by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Loads native engine in deterministic order by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Refactor drawMask() for instance segmentation by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Refactor nms for yolo translator by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - add close method to all nd manager by [@​lanking520]( in []( - ported tools/stats.gradle by [@​elect86]( in []( - use standard GSON output by [@​lanking520]( in []( - \[enhancement] Optimize memory copy overhead to enhance performance. by [@​ewan0x79]( in []( - Gradle Kotlin script plus other stuff by [@​elect86]( in []( - Improved incremental build by [@​benjie332]( in []( - Refactored Identifiers by [@​congyuluo]( in []( - Refactored Identifiers by [@​congyuluo]( in []( - \[gradle] Remove unused gradle files by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[jacoco] exclude spark extension since it doesnot contain test by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[Lgbm] support multi classification by [@​ewan0x79]( in []( - \[Lgbm] support multi type prediction by [@​ewan0x79]( in []( - \[llamacpp] Removing llamacpp support in DJL by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[mxnet-model-zoo] Adds missing translatorFactory in metadata by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[onnx] Adds fp16 and bfp16 support for OnnxRuntime by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[onnxruntime] Add debug message for OnnxRuntime by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[onnxruntime] Adds yolov8n pose model for OnnxRuntime by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[onnxruntime] Adds yolov8n-seg model to onnxruntime model zoo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[onnxruntime] Load onnx extenstion if available by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Adds Yolov8n-seg model to model zoo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Adds back PyTorch 2.1.2 support by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Adds yolov8n pose estimation model by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Implements gammaln operator for PyTorch by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Split maven publish into two parts by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Add tokenizer cuda build workflow by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Allows -2 as dims for sum() by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Change loging level to debug by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Download cu124 jni library for cuda by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Remove 0-dimension tensor compare in NDArrayTests by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Update gpu build pipeline to cu122 by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Upgrade candle version by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Use fused layer by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[spark] Do not support model_url by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[spark] Update dependency versions by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[spark] Updates spark version to 3.5.1 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[spark] Use batch predict API by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[text-embedding] Remove CrossEncoderTranslatorFactory in favor of TextEmbeddingTranslatorFactory by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Adds maxos-13 support back by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Ensure GPU is used in TextEmbeddingTranslator by [@​david-sitsky]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Process text embedding input and output in stacked NDArray by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Recover accidentally deleted file by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Supports cross encoder for text classification model by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Download jni lib files for cuda by [@​xyang16]( in []( ##### Bug Fixes - \[api] Fix unitest in GPU docker running on CPU case by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Fixes IdEmbedding memory leak by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Fixes nightly tests on GPU machine by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Fixes unitest by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[fix] fix lgbm bytebuffer native order by [@​ewan0x79]( in []( - Fix `Application.of` missing some applications by [@​tadayosi]( in []( - \[mxnet] Fixes GloveWordEmbeddingTranslator bug by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch-model-zoo]: fix PtSsdTranslator.Builder.self() by [@​eversnarf]( in []( - \[pytorch] Fixes PyTorch 2.3.1 windows dependencies by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Fixes PyTorch 2.3.1 windows dependencies by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[pytorch] Fixes uploadS3 gradle task by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Fix NDArrayTests failure on cuda by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Fix deleteModel error by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Fix output tensor dtype by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[rust] Fix tokenizer cuda pipeline name by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[rust] Fixes test failure on GPU by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[timeseries] Fixes contentLength issue for inference by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[timeseries] Fixes duration format issue by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tensorrt] Fixes gradle biuld script by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Fixes detect include token type logic by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizer] Fixes tokenizer build workflow by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Fixes huggingface build for Windows by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[tokenizers] Fixes memory leak when there is overflowing tokens by [@​baldersheim]( in []( - \[xgb] Fixes gradle build script by [@​frankfliu]( in []( ##### Documentation - \[doc] add output formatter schema to LMI by [@​sindhuvahinis]( in []( - \[doc] add release notes to by [@​sindhuvahinis]( in []( - \[docs] Bump up DJL version to 0.28.0 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[docs] Update example reference by [@​emmanuel-ferdman]( in []( - \[docs] add dark theme and fixed broken link by [@​Varun-Dutta]( in []( - \[example] Adds PyTorch action recognition model to model zoo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[examples] Enabled training unit tests on macOS M1 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[examples] Fixes ObjectDetection example for macOS m1 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[examples] Fixes nightly build failure on Windows by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[examples] Remove symbolic training for MXNet by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - Update by [@​bradh]( in []( ##### CI/CD - \[android] Updates android with PyTorch 2.2.2 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[api] Updates slf4j version to 2.0.13 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[bom] Uses release version for tensorflow by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Disable github actions runner for non-djl repo by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes nightly publish for nodejs20 issue by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes publish maven native package by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes pytorch JNI build by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes rust jni build for nodejs20 issue by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes serving nightly publish by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Fixes windows pytoch jni build by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Minor github action workflow changes by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Remove fastertransformer build workflow by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Update to amazon-ecr-login@v2 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Updates OnnxRuntime to 1.18.0 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Updates dependency versions to latest by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[ci] Updates spotbugs to 6.0.15 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[djl] update djl version and readmes by [@​tosterberg]( in []( - \[MCM 0.29.0] Remove -SNAPSHOT for release v0.29.0 by [@​ydm-amazon]( in []( - Add more test logging by [@​xyang16]( in []( - \[pytorch] Updates PyTorch to 2.3.1 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( - \[release] Bump up versions to 0.29.0 in documents to point to new url by [@​ydm-amazon]( in []( - \[tensorflow] Updates tensorflow to 2.16.1 by [@​frankfliu]( in []( ##### New Contributors - [@​bradh]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​eversnarf]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​benjie332]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​emmanuel-ferdman]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​tadayosi]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​congyuluo]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Varun-Dutta]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​baldersheim]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**:
--- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again. --- - [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR was generated by [Mend Renovate]( View the [repository job log]( Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]> --- langchain4j-embeddings/pom.xml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/langchain4j-embeddings/pom.xml b/langchain4j-embeddings/pom.xml index 7d3d61f..1475cf9 100644 --- a/langchain4j-embeddings/pom.xml +++ b/langchain4j-embeddings/pom.xml @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Common functionality for other langchain4j-embeddings-xxx modules - 0.28.0 + 0.30.0