- CSS/SASS is not a good programming language and composition, reuse, and abstraction should happen in clojure side.
- A large CSS codebase is very difficult to reason about and CSS overrides are very difficult to reason about
- Components are a great way to do composition, reuse, etc
- Write CSS that is one to one with components. Basically CSS rules that only apply to your component and nothing else.
- Each css rule should be prefixed by a namespace path and the component name.
(defui Foo
(render [this]
(dom/div {:class "ladder_components_Foo"}
(dom/div {:class "ladder_components_Foo--section"} "section"))))
ladder_components_Foo {
some: style;
ladder_components_Foo--section {
more: style;
- Writing these full qualified names is prone to mistakes and is tedious.
- We want to be able to enforce a correspondence between style selectors and component class names.
- We also want to collocate style with components
- CSS in CLJS library https://github.com/noprompt/garden
Ultimately we want to get to something like this
(ns ladder.components
(:require [ladder.css :as css]))
(defui Foo
(style []
[[:.root {:color (:blue css)}]
[:.section (merge css/default-section
{:background-color :green})]])
(render [this]
(dom/div {:class :root}
(dom/div {:class :section} "section"))
- We'll want to run our css through https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer
- This is a js library
- Solutions: Compiler could run cljs in nodejs
- Solutions: We could setup / hit autoprefixer from clojure over HTTP
- Solutions: We could output a css file and have webpack compile it