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88 lines (70 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (70 loc) · 4.25 KB

Labenbacher Michael 1.0.3.nightly.001000000010003

Have fun. Please report bugs to [email protected] or [email protected]. Empty: main.pdf. Example: main-example.pdf. Packages should be up to date (at least: see main-example.pdf (listfiles)).

Compile (MiKTeX/TeXstudio):

1/2x (pdf/lua)latex, biber, bib2gls, 2/3x (pdf/lua)latex

(Pdf/Lua)LaTeX: (pdf/lua)latex.exe --shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Biber: biber.exe %
Makeindex: bib2gls.exe --group %

Standardcompiler: txs:///(pdf/lua)latex
Standard Bibliographieprogramm: txs:///biber --validate_datamodel
Standard Index Tool: txs:///bib2gls

TeX memory for tikz-externalize (if there are to many datapoints (normally one should instead use python/matlab...)):

  1. Run: initexmf --edit-config-file=(pdf/lua)latex
  2. Write+Save into file (* is normally sufficient to increase only this)
    extra_mem_top = 1000000000
    extra_mem_bot = 1000000000
    main_memory = 100000000 (*)
  3. Run: initexmf --dump=(pdf/lua)latex

Compile WINDOWS: (Commandline)

cd C:\{path...}
set TEXINPUTS=.;.\images\\;.\tables\\;.\chapters\\;.\files\\;.\listings\\;.\packges\\;%TEXINPUTS%
set BIBINPUTS=.;.\references\\;.\glossaries\\;%BIBINPUTS%

(pdf/lua)latex --shell-escape main.tex
biber --validate_datamodel main
bib2gls.exe --group main

Compile UNIX:

export TEXINPUTS=.:$HOME/{path...}//;$TEXINPUTS

Changes in 1.0.3.nightly.001000000010003:

Some small improvements and updated command-names.

Changes in 1.0.3.nightly.001000000010002:

It's optimized for pdflatex, but one can also use lualatex now without any problems (font).

Changes in 1.0.3.nightly.001000000010001:

Implemented chapter-toc ((alpha) Package {scrwfile}, Command: \TUMchaptertableofcontents).
Some small changes/improvements.

Changes in 1.0.2.nightly.001000000020002:

Added example for List of Abbreviations.
Small changes.

Changes in 1.0.2.nightly.001000000010009:

Changed Appendix to chapter and implemented seperated TOC for Appendix.
Some small changes/improvements.

Changes in 1.0.2.nightly.001000000010008:

Added hypersetup [pdflang].
Some small changes/improvements.

Changes in 1.0.2.nightly.001000000010003:

Implementation of {glossaries(-extra)}. Removed {imakeidx/idxlayout}. Now one can make an Index (and List of Abbreviations, -Symbols, etc.) with bib2gls (best option available).
Small changes and improvements.

Changes in 1.0.1.nightly.001000000020016:

Extended the macro \TUM@ifpackageloaded for check for multiple packages (and/or).
Added autoref for theorems (normally one should only use ref...).
Added another theorem-style example (Ex-) package.
Added -r option to imakeidx.
Added microtype implementations (toc, lof, etc.).
Small changes and shorten compilation time.

Changes in 1.0.1.nightly.001000000020013:

Bug with {tikz/pgf}-externalize library and {nicematrix, chemformula} fixed.
Shifted [bookmarks]-option from {hyperref} to {bookmark}.
Extended the macro \TUM@ifpackageloaded for check for multiple packages.
Added (PoC) {scrlayer-notecolumn}. (Optional with [notecolumn=true], because not everybody needs this, it's a "Proof of Concept" but way better then {marginnote}.) Furthermore I have given an example to change the right/left margin from 1-1 to 2-3 (for example) with typearea.
Improved tumheader.sty, (Long headmark works now (see example), if it realy can not be avoided to shorten it...)
Small minor changes and more examples.

Changes in 1.0.1.nightly.001000000010001:

Bug with {tikz/pgf}-externalize-library and {imakeidx, todonotes, showframe, (geometry, pdfpages)} fixed.
Added some (requested) TikZ-examples.
Small minor changes and white spaces removed.

Changes in 1.0.0.nightly.001000000010024:

Added {todonotes}.
Small minor changes.