This code book describes a processed smartphone data set that describes the accelerometer and gyroscope data of each individual and their activity.
The original dataset can be retrieved from
The description of the original data set can be obtained from
Subject ID
- Column Number: 1
- Column Label: "Subject"
- Missing Data Code: NA
- Data Type: Positive Integer
- Value: 1 to 30
Activity Label
- Column Number: 2
- Column Label: "Activity"
- Missing Data Code: ""
- Data Type: String
Column 3 to 68 are the average value of the following measurements in order (the number denote the column number of the variable):
- tBodyAcc-mean-X
- tBodyAcc-mean-Y
- tBodyAcc-mean-Z
- tBodyAcc-std-X
- tBodyAcc-std-Y
- tBodyAcc-std-Z
- tGravityAcc-mean-X
- tGravityAcc-mean-Y
- tGravityAcc-mean-Z
- tGravityAcc-std-X
- tGravityAcc-std-Y
- tGravityAcc-std-Z
- tBodyAccJerk-mean-X
- tBodyAccJerk-mean-Y
- tBodyAccJerk-mean-Z
- tBodyAccJerk-std-X
- tBodyAccJerk-std-Y
- tBodyAccJerk-std-Z
- tBodyGyro-mean-X
- tBodyGyro-mean-Y
- tBodyGyro-mean-Z
- tBodyGyro-std-X
- tBodyGyro-std-Y
- tBodyGyro-std-Z
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean-X
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Y
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Z
- tBodyGyroJerk-std-X
- tBodyGyroJerk-std-Y
- tBodyGyroJerk-std-Z
- tBodyAccMag-mean
- tBodyAccMag-std
- tGravityAccMag-mean
- tGravityAccMag-std
- tBodyAccJerkMag-mean
- tBodyAccJerkMag-std
- tBodyGyroMag-mean
- tBodyGyroMag-std
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-std
- fBodyAcc-mean-X
- fBodyAcc-mean-Y
- fBodyAcc-mean-Z
- fBodyAcc-std-X
- fBodyAcc-std-Y
- fBodyAcc-std-Z
- fBodyAccJerk-mean-X
- fBodyAccJerk-mean-Y
- fBodyAccJerk-mean-Z
- fBodyAccJerk-std-X
- fBodyAccJerk-std-Y
- fBodyAccJerk-std-Z
- fBodyGyro-mean-X
- fBodyGyro-mean-Y
- fBodyGyro-mean-Z
- fBodyGyro-std-X
- fBodyGyro-std-Y
- fBodyGyro-std-Z
- fBodyAccMag-mean
- fBodyAccMag-std
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-std
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std
All these variables are of numeric data type, which can be positive or negative.