A quick reference guide for the MATLAB MSS toolbox:
>> help MSS % List mss commands
>> help mssExamples % List book examples (T. I. Fossen. Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control, Wiley 2021)
>> mssSimulink % Simulink Library
- Simulink demos
- GNC demos (m-files)
- Examples (m-files)
- Marine craft simulator (m-files)
- Utils (m-files)
- GNC (m-files)
- Frequency-domain identification (FDI) of radiation models (m-files)
demoAUVdepthHeadingControl.slx % simultaneously heading and depth control of the Remus 100 AUV
demoCS2passiveObserverDP.slx % passive observer with wave filtering and nonlinear PID control for the CyberShip2 model ship
demoDPThrusterModels.slx % supply vessel with azimuth thrusters
demoDSRVdepthControl.slx % depth control of DSRV
demoKalmanWavefilterAutop.slx % Kalman-filter based wave filter and heading autopilot for the mariner class cargo ship
demoNavalVesselMano.slx % zigzag test for the naval ship Mano
demoNPSAUV.slx % NPS AUV heading control system
demoOtterUSVHeadingControl.slx % Otter USV heading control system
demoOtterUSVPathFollowingCourseControl % Otter USV LOS path-following control using a course autopilot
demoOtterUSVPathFollowingHeadingControl % Otter USV ILOS and ALOS path-following control using a heading autopilot
demoPanamaxContainerShip.slx % Panama container ship simulator
demoPassiveWavefilterAutopilot1.slx % passive wave filter and heading autopilot design using compass measurements only
demoPassiveWavefilterAutopilot2.slx % passive wave filter and heading autopilot design using compass and yaw rate measurements
demoS175WindCurrentAutopilot.slx % S175 heading autopilot with wind and current loads
demoSemisubDPsystem.slx % semisubmersible DP system
demoWaveElevation.slx % computation of wave elevation from wave spectra
demoWaypointGuidance.slx % waypoint guidance system
1) KinDemo % Euler angle and quaternion kinematics
2) ManDemo % Maneuvering trials
3) StabDemo % Straight-line, directional and positional motion stability
4) WaveDemo % Wave spectra demonstrations
ExEKF % for-loop implementation (predictor-corrector representation) of a discrete-time extended Kalman filter (EKF)
ExFeedback % for-loop implementation for numerical integration of a 1st-order system under feedback and feedforward control
ExFFT % estimation of the wave encounter frequency from time series using the fast-Fourier transform (FFT)
ExHybrid % computation of a hybrid continuous path parametrized by waypoints
ExINS_AHRS % Euler angle error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by GNSS position and AHRS attitude measurements
ExINS_Euler % Euler angle error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by GNSS position and compass measurements
ExINS_MEKF % unit quaternion error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by position and magnetic field measurements
ExKF % for-loop implementation (predictor-corrector representation) of a discrete-time linear Kalman filter (KF)
ExKT % computation of the Nomoto gain K and time constant T from a step response using nonlinear least-squares
ExLinspec % linear approximations to the PM, JONSWAP, and Torsethaugen spectra using nonlinear least-squares
ExLQFinHor % LQ finite time-horizon tracking controller for a mass-damper-spring system
ExLQR % computes the LQR gains for a mass-damper system
ExLQtrack % computes the LQ optimal tracking gains for a mass-damper system
ExMDS % plots the step response of a 2nd-order mass-damper system
ExMSI % plots the ISO 2631-1 (1997) and O'Hanlon and McCauley (1974) Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI) curves
ExNomoto % Bode plots of ships parametrized by Nomoto’s 1st- and 2nd-order models
ExObsCtr % observability and controllability matrices of a supply vessel
ExOtter % simulates an Otter USV equipped with two propellers
ExPassiveObs % plots the loop transfer function of the passive observer used for heading control
ExPathGen % path generation using cubic polynomials
ExPlotRAO % script for plotting motion and force RAOs
ExPullout % performs a pullout maneuver for two different ships
ExQuadProg % quadratic programming applied to waypoint trajectory generation
ExQuest % 6-DOF position/attitude vector from camera measurements using the QUEST algorithm
ExRefMod % 2nd-order reference model with nonlinear damping and velocity saturation
ExResonance % computes the closed-form responses in heave, roll, and pitch for a marine craft exposed to regular waves
ExRRD1 % roll and sway-yaw transfer functions for the Son and Nomoto container ship
ExRRD2 % rudder-roll damping (RRD) system for the Son and Nomoto container ship
ExRRD3 % inverse response in roll for the Son and Nomoto container ship due to a right-half-plane zero (non-minimum phase)
ExSMC % integral sliding mode control (SMC) design for heading control
ExSpline % path generation using cubic Hermite spline interpolation
ExSTA % adaptive-gain super twisting algorithm (STA) for heading control
ExTurnCircle % generates the turning circle for two different ships
ExWageningen % computes thrust and torque curves for a propeller using the Wageningen B-series data
ExWindForce % plots the wind coefficients by Isherwoods (1972)
ExZigZag % generates zigzag maneuvers for two different ships and the Remus 100 AUV
clarke83 % linear maneuvering model parametrized using (L,B,T) found from linear regression of model tests (Clarke et al. 1983)
container % nonlinear maneuvering model of a high-speed container ship, L = 175 m, including roll (Son and Nomoto 1982)
DSRV % deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV), L = 5.0 m (Healey 1992)
frigate % nonlinear autopilot model for a frigate, L = 100 m
Lcontainer % linearized model of a high-speed container ship, L = 175 m, including the roll mode (Son and Nomoto 1982)
mariner % nonlinear maneuvering model for the Mariner class vessel, L = 160 m
navalvessel % nonlinear maneuvering model of a multipurpose naval vessel, L = 51.5 m
npsauv % Naval Postgraduate School autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), L = 5.3 m
otter % OTTER small autonomous USV, L = 2.0 m
remus100 % REMUS 100 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), L = 1.9 m
rig % semisubmersible linear mass-damper-spring model, L = 84.6 m
ROVzefakkel % nonlinear autopilot model of a boat, L = 45 m
supply % linear DP model of a supply vessel, L = 76.2 m
tanker % nonlinear course unstable maneuvering model of a tanker, L = 304 m
SIMclarke83 % simulate clarke83.m under PD control
SIMmariner % simulate mariner.m under PD control
SIMotter % simulate otter.m under feedback control
SIMcontainer % simulate container.m and Lcontainer.m under PD control
SIMnavalvessel % simulate navalvessel.m under PD control
SIMremus100 % simulate remus100.m using autopilots for depth and heading control
SIMremus100ALOS % simulate remus100.m in a 3-D path-following scenario using adaptive LOS (ALOS)
SIMrig % simulate the 6-DOF semisubmersible model under PID control
addedMassSurge % hydrodynamic added mass in surge, A11, approximated by the formula of Söding (1982)
coeffLiftDrag % hydrodynamic lift and drag coefficients as a function of angle of attack of a submerged "wing profile"
forceLiftDrag % hydrodynamic lift and drag forces as a function of angle of attack of a submerged "wing profile"
forceSurgeDamping % linear and quadratic damping forces in surge
crossFlowDrag % crossflow drag computed from strip theory integrals
Dmtrx % 6x6 linear damping matrix for marine craft (submerged and floating)
Gmtrx % 6x6 system spring stiffness matrix G
gvect % 6x1 vector of restoring forces, Euler angles as input
gRvect % 6x1 vector of restoring forces, Euler angle, or unit quaternion rotation matrix as input
imlay61 % 6x6 hydrodynamic added mass and Coriolis-centripetal matrices MA and CA for a prolate spheroid
m2c % 6x6 Coriolis-centripetal matrix C(nu) from system inertia matrix M
rbody % 6x6 rigid-body system inertia and Coriolis-centripetal matrices MRB and CRB of a general body
spheroid % 6x6 rigid-body system inertia and Coriolis-centripetal matrices MRB and CRB of a prolate spheroid
wageningen % thrust and torque coefficients of the Wageningen B-series propellers
ecef2llh % longitude, latitude, and height from ECEEF positions x, y, and z
euler2q % unit quaternion from Euler angles
eulerang % computes the Euler angle transformation matrices J, Rzyx and Tzyx
flat2llh % longitude, latitude, and height from flat-earth positions x, y, and z
llh2ecef % ECEEF positions x, y, and z from longitude, latitude, and height
llh2flat % flat-earth positions x, y, and z from longitude, latitude, and height
R2euler % Euler angles from rotation matrix elements
Rll % Euler angle rotation matrix Rll for longitude and latitude
Rquat % unit quaternion rotation matrix R in SO(3)
Rzyx % Euler angle rotation matrix R in SO(3)
Tquat % unit quaternion transformation matrix T, representing the attitude dynamics
Tzyx % Euler angle transformation matrix T, representing the attitude dynamics
q2euler % Euler angles from a unit quaternion
quatern % unit quaternion transformation matrix J
quatprod % quaternion product
quest % quaternion rotation matrix R(q) and unit quaternion q between two vectors W = R(q) V
quest6dof % 6-DOF vector eta = [x,y,z,phi,theta,psi] from three marker positions using the QUEST algorithm
blendermann94 % computes the wind forces and wind coefficients using Blendermann (1994)
encounter % encounter frequency as a function of wave peak frequency, vessel speed, and wave direction
hs2vw % converts significant wave height into an equivalent wind speed
isherwood72 % computes the wind forces and coefficients based on Isherwood (1972)
rand_phases % generates a uniformly distributed vector of random phases in the interval [-pi pi]
vw2hs % converts average wind speed to significant wave height
waveresponse345 % steady-state heave, roll, and pitch responses for a ship in regular waves
wavespec % function used to evaluate different types of wave spectra
ww2we % function used to transform a vector of wave frequencies to encounter frequencies
pullout % ship pullout maneuver
turncircle % ship turning circle
zigzag % zigzag maneuver for 3-DOF models
zigzag6dof % zigzag maneuver for 6-DOF models
ISOmsi % ISO 2631-3, 1997 motion sickness incidence
HMmsi % O'Hanlon and McCauley (1974) motion sickness incidence
conversion % defines global conversion factors for GNC applications
rad2pipi % obsolete, use ssa
ssa % smallest signed angle maps an angle in rad to the interval [-pi pi) or [-180 180)
Smtrx % 3x3 vector skew-symmetric matrix S
Hmtrx % 6x6 system transformation matrix H
vex % computes a = vex(S(a)) where S is a skew-symmetric matrix
euler2 % integrates a system of ordinary differential equations using Euler’s 2nd-order method
rk4 % integrates a system of ordinary differential equations using Runge-Kutta’s 4th-order method
ALOS3D % ALOS guidance laws for heading and pitch control in 3-D
ALOSpsi % ALOS guidance law for heading control in 2-D (see demoOtterUSVPathFollowingHeadingControl.slx)
crosstrack % computes the path-tangential origin and cross-track error for a target
crosstrackWpt % computes the cross-track error when the path is a straight line between two waypoints
crosstrackWpt3D % computes the 3-D tracking errors (along-, cross- and vertical-track errors)
hybridPath % generates coefficients for sub-paths between waypoints
LOSchi % LOS guidance law for course control in 2-D (see demoOtterUSVPathFollowingCourseControl.slx)
ILOSpsi % ILOS guidance law for heading control in 2-D (see demoOtterUSVPathFollowingHeadingControl.slx)
order3 % path generation using cubic polynomials (see demoWaypointGuidance.slx)
order5 % path generation using 5th-order polynomials (see demoWaypointGuidance.slx)
acc2rollpitch % static roll and pitch angles from the specific force
EKF_5states % estimation of SOG, COG, and course rate from NED positions or latitude-longitude
gravity % acceleration of gravity as a function of latitude using the WGS-84 ellipsoid parameters
ins_ahrs % error-state Kalman filter for INS aided by position and AHRS measurements
ins_euler % error-state Kalman filter for INS aided by position and yaw angle measurements
ins_mekf % error-state Kalman filter for INS aided by position and magnetic field measurements
ins_mekf_psi % error-state Kalman filter for INS aided by position and yaw angle measurements
insSignal % basic INS signal generator
lqtracker % computes the LQ tracker gain matrices for LTI systems
nomoto % generates Bode plots for the 1st- and 2nd-order Nomoto models
PIDnonlinearMIMO % nonlinear MIMO PID regulator for dynamic positioning (DP)
ucalloc % unconstrained control allocation
DP_ForceRAO.slx % Simulink template for a DP vessel where wave loads are computed using force RAOs
DP_MotionRAO.slx % Simulink template for a DP vessel where wave loads are computed using motion RAOs
MAN_ForceRAO.slx % Simulink template for the unified maneuvering model where wave loads are computed using force RAOs
veres2vessel % reads data from ShipX output files and stores the data as a mat-file containing the structure <vessel>
vessel2ss % computes the fluid-memory transfer functions and stores the data as a mat-file containing the structure <vesselABC>
wamit2vessel % reads data from WAMIT output files and stores the data as a mat-file containing the structure <vessel>
fpso, fpsoABC % WAMIT data for a FPSO
semisub, semisubABC % WAMIT data for a semisubmersible
tanker, tankerABC % WAMIT data for a tanker
s175, s175ABC % ShipX data for a supply vessel
supply, supplyABC % ShipX data for the S175
After loading the data files to the workspace using the Matlab command load, the following data structures are available:
vessel | vessel.main | vesselABC |
main: [1×1 struct] | name: 'tanker' | Ar: {6×6 cell} |
velocities: 1×60 | T: draft | Br: {6×6 cell} |
headings: [1×36 double] | B: beam | Cr: {6×6 cell} |
MRB: [6×6 double] | Lpp: length | Dr: {6×6 cell} |
C: [6×6×60 double] | m: mass | MRB: [6×6 double] |
freqs: [1×60 double] | rho: density of water | MA: [6×6 double] |
A: [6×6×60 double] | k44: radius of gyration | G: [6×6 double] |
B: [6×6×60 double] | k55: radius of gyration | Minv: [6×6 double] |
motionRAO: [1×1 struct] | k66: radius of gyration | r_g: [x_g y_g z_g] |
forceRAO: [1×1 struct] | g: acceleration of gravity | |
driftfrc: [1×1 struct] | nabla: volume displacement | |
Bv: [6×6×60 double] | CB: center of buyoancy | |
GM_T: tranverse metacentric height | ||
GM_L: longitudinal metacentric height | ||
CG: center of gravity |
DPperiods % periods and natural frequencies of a marine craft in DP
Hoerner % 2-D Hoerner cross-flow form coefficient as a function of B and T
loadcond % plots the roll and pitch periods as a function of GM_T and GM_L
plotABC % plots the hydrodynamic coefficients Aij, Bij, and Cij as a function of frequency
plotBv % plots viscous damping Bvii as a function of frequency
plotTF % plots the motion or force RAO transfer functions
plotWD % plots the wave drift amplitudes
Demo_FDIRadMod_NA % FDI using hydrodynamic data without infinite-frequency added mass
Demo_FDIRadMod_WA % FDI using hydrodynamic data including infinite-frequency added mass
EditAB % Function preparing the data for identification, select frequency range and remove wild-points
FDIRadMod % Identify the SISO transfer function corresponding to the coupling specified
fit_siso_fresp % Fit a continuous SISO transfer function to the frequency response data
ident_retardation_FD % Identification of a parametric radiation convolution model K(s) = P(s)/Q(s)
ident_retardation_FDna % Identification of a parametric model A(jw) = B(w)/(jw) - A(w)