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WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HLS Bridge for Wyze Cam


Create a local WebRTC, RTSP, RTMP, or HLS/Low-Latency HLS stream for most of your Wyze cameras including the outdoor, doorbell, and 2K cams.

No modifications, third-party, or special firmware required.

It just works!

Streams direct from camera without additional bandwidth or subscriptions.

Based on @noelhibbard's script with kroo/wyzecam and bluenviron/mediamtx.

Please consider ⭐️ starring or ☕️ sponsoring this project if you found it useful, or use the affiliate link when shopping on amazon!


As of May 2024, you will need an API Key and API ID from:


Please double check your router/firewall and do NOT forward ports or enable DMZ access to the bridge unless you know what you are doing!

Wyze Cam V1 Wyze Cam V2 Wyze Cam V3 Wyze Cam V3 Pro Wyze Cam V4 Wyze Cam Floodlight Wyze Cam Floodlight V2 Wyze Cam Pan Wyze Cam Pan V2 Wyze Cam Pan V3 Wyze Cam Pan Pro Wyze Cam Outdoor Wyze Cam Outdoor V2 Wyze Cam Doorbell Wyze Cam Doorbell V2

See the supported cameras section for additional information.

Quick Start

Install docker and run:

docker run -p 8554:8554 -p 8888:8888 -p 5000:5000 mrlt8/wyze-bridge

You can then use the web interface at http://localhost:5000 where localhost is the hostname or ip of the machine running the bridge.

See basic usage for additional information or visit the wiki page for additional information on using the bridge as a Home Assistant Add-on.

What's Changed in v2.9.3

  • FIX: Clear the retain flag from MQTT Discovery which was causing commands to be resent to the bridge on startup for some users. (#1182)
  • Ignore commands when connection is stopping.

What's Changed in v2.9.2

  • Improved video connection stability and audio sync. #1175 #1196 #1194 #1193 #1186 Thanks @vipergts450!
  • FIX: Remove quotes from credentials #1158
  • NEW: FORCE_FPS option for all cameras #1161
  • Home Assistant: Add FORCE_FPS option #1161
  • Home Assistant: Ignore whitespaces in api key/id #1188 Thanks @richh1!

What's Changed in v2.9.1

  • FIX: Setting bitrate higher than 255 would not report correctly (#1185) Thanks @Anc0dia!
  • FIX: Wrong bitrate for HL_CFL2 (#1112) Thanks @dreondre!
  • FIX: Could not set values with the REST API when WB_AUTH is enabled.(#1189) Thanks @kiwi-cam!
  • NEW: api header authentication option for the RES API when WB_AUTH is enabled:
    • -H "api: MyWbApiKey"

What's Changed in v2.9.0


WebUI and stream authentication will be enabled by default to prevent unintentional access.

Default Authentication

  • To disable default authentication, set WB_AUTH=False explicitly.
  • Note that all streams and the REST API will necessitate authentication when WB_AUTH is enabled.

WebUI Authentication

  • If WB_USERNAME and WB_PASSWORD are not set, the system will try to use WYZE_EMAIL and WYZE_PASSWORD.
  • In case neither sets of credentials are provided, the username will default to wbadmin with a randomly generated WB_PASSWORD, which will be logged and stored in a wb_password file within the tokens directory.
  • Credentials are case sensitive.

Stream and REST API Authentication

  • A unique API key will be accessible at the bottom of your WebUI and saved to a wb_api file in your tokens directory.
    • For persistence, ensure to set the WB_API environment variable or volume mount the /tokens directory.
  • REST API will require an api query parameter.
    • Example: http://localhost:5000/api/<camera-name>/state?api=<your-wb-api-key>
  • Streams will also require authentication.
    • username: wb
    • password: your unique wb api key


  • Wrong file permission caused errors for non-root. (#1174) Thanks @GiZZoR!
  • Fix MOTION_API when substreams were enabled. (#1125) Thanks @kiwi-cam!
  • Changing FPS and FORCE_FPS were broken (#1161) Thanks @jarrah31!
  • Dropped frame issue when camera is falling behind. (#1167) Thanks @34t614t1254y!


  • Token based wyze authentication from WebUI. See wiki.
  • Remove 255 limit from QUALITY. Can now go as high as your network can handle. e.g. - QUALITY=HD8000
  • Update snapshot with MOTION_API and push to mqtt (#709) (#970)
  • Additional headers for MOTION_WEBHOOKS.
  • OFFLINE_WEBHOOKS will send a POST request when the bridge cannot connect to a camera because it is offline. Replaces ifttt_webhook.


  • CHANGES: MOTION_WEBHOOKS now makes a POST request instead of a GET request.
  • CHANGES: MOTION_WEBHOOKS includes the event timestamp in the message body which may require you to adjust the timezone for your container with the TZ environment.
  • REMOVED: ifttt_webhook as webhooks are no longer free with IFTTT.
  • CHANGED: Renamed WebUI authentication related ENV options:


  • Login with API Key/ID or existing token via Ingress/WebUI.
  • Config now uses yaml instead of json.
  • Credentials are now optional to allow for WebUI based login, but it is still recommended to set them under advanced options.

View previous changes


Home Assistant: you may need to re-add the repo if you cannot see the latest updates.


  • How does this work?
    • It uses the same SDK as the app to communicate directly with the cameras. See kroo/wyzecam for details.
  • Does it use internet bandwidth when streaming?
    • Not in most cases. The bridge will attempt to stream locally if possible but will fallback to streaming over the internet if you're trying to stream from a different location or from a shared camera. See the wiki for more details.
  • Can this work offline/can I block all wyze services?
    • No. Streaming should continue to work without an active internet connection, but will probably stop working after some time as the cameras were not designed to be used without the cloud. Some camera commands also depend on the cloud and may not function without an active connection. See wz_mini_hacks for firmware level modification to run the camera offline.
  • Why aren't all wyze cams supported yet (OG/Doorbell Pro)?
    • These cameras are using a different SDK and will require a different method to connect and stream. See the awesome cryze project by @carTloyal123.


Supports arm32v7 Architecture Supports arm64v8 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports Apple Silicon Architecture

Home Assistant Add-on Homebridge Portainer stack Unraid Community App

Should work on most x64 systems as well as on most modern arm-based systems like the Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 or Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3.

The container can be run on its own, in Portainer, Unraid, as a Home Assistant Add-on, locally or remotely in the cloud.

Ubiquiti Unifi


Some network adjustments may be needed - see this discussion for more information.

Supported Cameras


Some newer camera firmware versions may cause issues with remote access via P2P. Local "LAN" access seems unaffected at this time.

Camera Model Tutk Support Latest FW
Wyze Cam v1 [HD only] WYZEC1 3.9.4.x
Wyze Cam V2 WYZEC1-JZ 4.9.9.x
Wyze Cam V3 WYZE_CAKP2JFUS 4.36.11.x
Wyze Cam V4 [2K] HL_CAM4 4.52.3.x
Wyze Cam Floodlight WYZE_CAKP2JFUS 4.36.11.x
Wyze Cam Floodlight V2 [2k] HL_CFL2 4.53.2.x
Wyze Cam V3 Pro [2K] HL_CAM3P 4.58.11.x
Wyze Cam Pan WYZECP1_JEF 4.10.9.x
Wyze Cam Pan v2 HL_PAN2 4.49.11.x
Wyze Cam Pan v3 HL_PAN3 4.50.4.x
Wyze Cam Pan Pro [2K] HL_PANP -
Wyze Cam Outdoor WVOD1 4.17.4.x
Wyze Cam Outdoor v2 HL_WCO2 4.48.4.x
Wyze Cam Doorbell WYZEDB3 4.25.1.x
Wyze Cam Doorbell v2 [2K] HL_DB2 4.51.1.x
Wyze Cam Doorbell Pro 2 AN_RDB1 -
Wyze Battery Cam Pro AN_RSCW ⚠️ -
Wyze Cam Flood Light Pro [2K] LD_CFP ⚠️ -
Wyze Cam Doorbell Pro GW_BE1 ⚠️ -
Wyze Cam OG GW_GC1 ⚠️ -
Wyze Cam OG Telephoto 3x GW_GC2 ⚠️ -

Basic Usage

docker-compose (recommended)

This is similar to the docker run command, but will save all your options in a yaml file.

  1. Install Docker Compose.
  2. Use the sample as a guide to create a docker-compose.yml file with your wyze credentials.
  3. Run docker-compose up.

Once you're happy with your config you can use docker-compose up -d to run it in detached mode.


If your credentials have special characters, you must escape them or leave your credentials blank and use the webUI to login.


You may need to update the WebUI links if you're changing the ports or using a reverse proxy.

Updating your container

To update your container, cd into the directory where your docker-compose.yml is located and run:

docker-compose pull # Pull new image
docker-compose up -d # Restart container in detached mode
docker image prune # Remove old images

🏠 Home Assistant

Visit the wiki page for additional information on Home Assistant.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

Additional Info


The bridge features a basic Web-UI which can display a preview of all your cameras as well as direct links to all the video streams.

The web-ui can be accessed on the default port 5000:


See also:


WebRTC should work automatically in Home Assistant mode, however, some additional configuration is required to get WebRTC working in the standard docker mode.

  • WebRTC requires two additional ports to be configured in docker:

        - 8889:8889 #WebRTC
        - 8189:8189/udp # WebRTC/ICE
  • In addition, the WB_IP env needs to be set with the IP address of the server running the bridge.

        - WB_IP=
  • See documentation for additional information/options.

Advanced Options

All environment variables are optional.

Other Wyze Projects

Video Streaming:

General Wyze: