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File metadata and controls

90 lines (83 loc) · 9.82 KB


Version: 0.1.8 Type: application AppVersion: master

A Helm chart for gen3 Hatchery


Repository Name Version
file://../common common 0.1.9


Key Type Default Description
affinity map {} Affinity to use for the deployment.
autoscaling map {"enabled":false,"maxReplicas":100,"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":80} Configuration for autoscaling the number of replicas
autoscaling.enabled bool false Whether autoscaling is enabled or not
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100 The maximum number of replicas to scale up to
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The minimum number of replicas to scale down to
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 The target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling
commonLabels map nil Will completely override the commonLabels defined in the common chart's _label_setup.tpl
criticalService string "true" Valid options are "true" or "false". If invalid option is set- the value will default to "false".
datadogLogsInjection bool true If enabled, the Datadog Agent will automatically inject Datadog-specific metadata into your application logs.
datadogProfilingEnabled bool true If enabled, the Datadog Agent will collect profiling data for your application using the Continuous Profiler. This data can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your application.
datadogTraceSampleRate int 1 A value between 0 and 1, that represents the percentage of requests that will be traced. For example, a value of 0.5 means that 50% of requests will be traced.
env list [{"name":"HTTP_PORT","value":"8000"},{"name":"POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] Environment variables to pass to the container
fullnameOverride string "" Override the full name of the deployment. map {"awsAccessKeyId":null,"awsSecretAccessKey":null,"enabled":false} AWS configuration string nil Credentials for AWS stuff. string nil Credentials for AWS stuff. bool false Set to true if deploying to AWS. Controls ingress annotations.
global.ddEnabled bool false Whether Datadog is enabled. bool true Whether the deployment is for development purposes.
global.dictionaryUrl string "" URL of the data dictionary.
global.dispatcherJobNum int "10" Number of dispatcher jobs.
global.environment string "default" Environment name. This should be the same as vpcname if you're doing an AWS deployment. Currently this is being used to share ALB's if you have multiple namespaces. Might be used other places too.
global.hostname string "localhost" Hostname for the deployment.
global.kubeBucket string "kube-gen3" S3 bucket name for Kubernetes manifest files.
global.logsBucket string "logs-gen3" S3 bucket name for log files.
global.minAvialable int 1 The minimum amount of pods that are available at all times if the PDB is deployed.
global.netPolicy bool true Whether network policies are enabled.
global.pdb bool false If the service will be deployed with a Pod Disruption Budget. Note- you need to have more than 2 replicas for the pdb to be deployed.
global.portalApp string "gitops" Portal application name.
global.postgres.dbCreate bool true Whether the database should be created.
global.postgres.externalSecret string "" Name of external secret. Disabled if empty
global.postgres.master map {"host":null,"password":null,"port":"5432","username":"postgres"} Master credentials to postgres. This is going to be the default postgres server being used for each service, unless each service specifies their own postgres string nil hostname of postgres server
global.postgres.master.password string nil password for superuser in postgres. This is used to create or restore databases
global.postgres.master.port string "5432" Port for Postgres.
global.postgres.master.username string "postgres" username of superuser in postgres. This is used to create or restore databases
global.publicDataSets bool true Whether public datasets are enabled.
global.revproxyArn string "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456:certificate" ARN of the reverse proxy certificate.
global.tierAccessLevel string "libre" Access level for tiers. acceptable values for tier_access_level are: libre, regular and private. If omitted, by default common will be treated as private
hatchery map {"containers":[{"args":["--NotebookApp.base_url=/lw-workspace/proxy/","--NotebookApp.default_url=/lab","--NotebookApp.password=''","--NotebookApp.token=''","--NotebookApp.shutdown_no_activity_timeout=5400","--NotebookApp.quit_button=False"],"command":[""],"cpu-limit":"1.0","env":{"FRAME_ANCESTORS":"https://{{ }}"},"fs-gid":100,"gen3-volume-location":"/home/jovyan/.gen3","image":"","lifecycle-post-start":["/bin/sh","-c","export IAM=whoami; rm -rf /home/$IAM/pd/dockerHome; rm -rf /home/$IAM/pd/lost+found; ln -s /data /home/$IAM/pd/; true"],"memory-limit":"2Gi","name":"(Tutorials) Example Analysis Jupyter Lab Notebooks","path-rewrite":"/lw-workspace/proxy/","ready-probe":"/lw-workspace/proxy/","target-port":8888,"use-tls":"false","user-uid":1000,"user-volume-location":"/home/jovyan/pd"}],"sidecarContainer":{"args":[],"command":["/bin/bash","./"],"cpu-limit":"0.1","env":{"HOSTNAME":"{{ }}","NAMESPACE":"{{ .Release.Namespace }}"},"image":"","lifecycle-pre-stop":["su","-c","echo test","-s","/bin/sh","root"],"memory-limit":"256Mi"}} Hatchery sidcar container configuration.
hatchery.sidecarContainer.args list [] Arguments to pass to the sidecare container.
hatchery.sidecarContainer.command list ["/bin/bash","./"] Commands to run for the sidecar container.
hatchery.sidecarContainer.cpu-limit string "0.1" The maximum amount of CPU the sidecar container can use
hatchery.sidecarContainer.env map {"HOSTNAME":"{{ }}","NAMESPACE":"{{ .Release.Namespace }}"} Environment variables to pass to the sidecar container
hatchery.sidecarContainer.image string "" The sidecar image.
hatchery.sidecarContainer.lifecycle-pre-stop list ["su","-c","echo test","-s","/bin/sh","root"] Commands that are run before the container is stopped.
hatchery.sidecarContainer.memory-limit string "256Mi" The maximum amount of memory the sidecar container can use
image map {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":""} Docker image information.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Docker pull policy.
image.repository string "" Docker repository.
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Docker image pull secrets.
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the chart.
nodeSelector map {} Node selector labels.
partOf string "Workspace-Tab" Label to help organize pods and their use. Any value is valid, but use "_" or "-" to divide words.
release string "production" Valid options are "production" or "dev". If invalid option is set- the value will default to "dev".
replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas for the deployment.
resources map {"limits":{"cpu":1,"memory":"512Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":0.1,"memory":"12Mi"}} Resource requests and limits for the containers in the pod
resources.limits map {"cpu":1,"memory":"512Mi"} The maximum amount of resources that the container is allowed to use
resources.limits.cpu string 1 The maximum amount of cpu the container can use
resources.limits.memory string "512Mi" The maximum amount of memory the container can use
resources.requests map {"cpu":0.1,"memory":"12Mi"} The amount of resources that the container requests
resources.requests.cpu string 0.1 The amount of CPU requested
resources.requests.memory string "12Mi" The amount of memory requested
selectorLabels map nil Will completely override the selectorLabels defined in the common chart's _label_setup.tpl
service map {"port":80,"type":"ClusterIP"} Kubernetes service information.
service.port int 80 The port number that the service exposes.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service. Valid values are "ClusterIP", "NodePort", "LoadBalancer", "ExternalName".
tolerations list [] Tolerations to use for the deployment.
volumeMounts list [{"mountPath":"/hatchery.json","name":"hatchery-config","readOnly":true,"subPath":"json"}] Volumes to mount to the container.
volumes list [{"configMap":{"name":"manifest-hatchery"},"name":"hatchery-config"}] Volumes to attach to the container.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0