Lesson 1 - An Orientation.pptx
Lesson 2 - R Variables and Operators.pptx
Lesson 3 - R Control Structures and Functions.pptx
Lesson 4 - Vector and Matrix Operations in R.pptx
Lesson 5 - StringR and REBUS, Introducing the Tidyverse.pptx
Lesson 6 - Reading and Wrangling Data with Tidyverse.pptx
Lesson 6 Homework Template with Instructions.Rmd
Lesson 6 Homework Template with Instructions.nb.html
Lesson 6 Manipulating Data with dplyr.Rmd
Lesson 6 Manipulating Data with dplyr.nb.html
Lesson 6 Reading and Writing Data Files.Rmd
Lesson 6 Reading and Writing Data Files.nb.html
Lesson 7 - Doing Basic Statistical Analysis with R.pptx
Lesson 7 Basic Statistics with R.Rmd
R Notebook - Lesson One.ipynb
R-Studio Notebook Control Structures.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Control Structures.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Data Structures.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Functions.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Functions.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Intro to Strings.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Intro to Strings.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 3 Homework.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 3 Homework.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 4 Homework.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 4 Homework.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 5 Homework.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Lesson 5 Homework.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Logical Operators.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Logical Operators.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Vectors Matrices.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Vectors Matrices.nb.html
R-Studio Notebook Vectors.Rmd
R-Studio Notebook Vectors.nb.html
Latest commit Kyle P Rasku
Apr 9, 2022
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