Releases: konveyor/tackle2-hub
Releases · konveyor/tackle2-hub
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- Use the new seeding library to seed rulesets by @mansam in #450
- Separate Target and RuleSet models/apis by @mansam in #464
✨ Features
- Better perf using the cursor. by @jortel in #416
- Add new IssueReport. by @jortel in #417
- Add Dep.provider. by @jortel in #421
- additional report fields. by @jortel in #424
- Add dependency relationship to RuleSets by @mansam in #427
- Structured task errors. by @jortel in #425
- Add links to rules and issues reports. by @jortel in #434
- add provider to report/dependencies. by @jortel in #435
- Better support for addon failed. by @jortel in #441
- Flattened task/report. by @jortel in #453
- Add raw methods for error and activity reporting by addons. by @jortel in #457
- RawError, RawActivity simplified. by @jortel in #458
- Binding: add filter builder. by @jortel in #463
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix labelIDs() query ignoring other issue fields when labels included. by @jortel in #415
- Fix Rule.Labels. by @jortel in #429
- Fix DepReport sort. by @jortel in #436
- Fix dep report filter depIDs(); add lables to dep apps report. by @jortel in #437
- metrics: only count the first time a task starts by @mansam in #438
- Don't return issueTypes with the subtask flag set by @mansam in #440
- Better reporting of REST errors. by @jortel in #443
- Fixes codeSnip bug in YAML v3. by @jortel in #444
- Remove EAP6 target by @ibolton336 in #448
- Hide Epic issue type for On Prem trackers by @mansam in #451
- Only create connector once to fix ident mangling by @mansam in #460
- Fix dangling ruleset ref to image File. by @jortel in #469
- Fix task failed when not killed. by @jortel in #470
- Fix analyses RBAC. by @jortel in #472
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0-alpha.1
Changes since v0.2.0-alpha.1
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- Update Fact API to use qualified keys (source:fact) (#396)
✨ Features
- Seeds: Missing space in description (#376)
- Add sort field validation. (#383)
- Support JIRA Bearer Auth (#374)
- Omit Ref empty Name in API (#359)
- File report filter (#362)
- Add FileReport.Effort. (#357)
- Add analysis total effort and include in the IssueReport. (#349)
- Limit memory footprint for Analysis resources. (#343)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix filter by businessService name; and id. (#405)
- make Resource.nameOf return what it finds (#398)
- Fix Tracker API resource allowed kinds (#394)
- Update new TagCategory in CSV import (#384)
- gorm-sqlite 1.5.2. (#386)
- Add uniq Name constrain to Identity (#377)
- Discard not-found error when reaping tasks. (#369)
- Addon fact put (#364)
- POST analysis cannot return different resource. (#352)
- Fix addon binding to use manifest. (#351)
Changes since v0.2.0-alpha.1
Changes since v0.1.0
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- Fact sources (#298)
✨ Features
- Expose Prometheus metrics (#335)
- RuleBundle renamed RuleSet/Rule. (#336)
- Analysis Issue labels (#325)
- Add yaml tags to task resources. (#333)
- Emptydir and setting the workingDir discontinued. (#327)
- Add BatchHandler (#309)
- Support refreshing auth tokens (#306)
- Support insecure connections to Jira (#303)
- add pagination to list endpoints. (#296)
- TagCategory API improvements (#291)
- Add support: pagination, sorting, YAML bindings. (#293)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix issue composite pagination. (#339)
- Update Swagger fix array/single, add analysis (#322)
- Fix possible nil ptr dereference in Jira refresh (#326)
- Fix analysis pagination; cannot use offset > 0 with count. (#320)
- Improve Jira issue status reporting (#318)
- Fix updating resources with time.Time fields (#316)
- Update seeded rulebundle description for Azure (#319)
- Fix Jira connection test nil ptr dereference (#301)
- Fix accepted. (#297)
Changes since v0.1.0-alpha.3