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Problem on importing data #2

yuanzhouIR opened this issue Mar 5, 2018 · 6 comments

Problem on importing data #2

yuanzhouIR opened this issue Mar 5, 2018 · 6 comments


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yuanzhouIR commented Mar 5, 2018

Dear Dr. Watanabe,

I'm using your tutorial on Japanese text analysis, but I got a problem at the first step. I successfully imported your sample date "asahi.csv" using the code
data <- read.csv('data/asahi.csv', sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = 'UTF-8')
but when I use head(data), something wrong happened.

> date    edition section      page length
1 text592027 2016-01-01    朝刊 3総合\t3   1288
2 text592028 2016-01-01    朝刊 3総合\t3    595
3 text592029 2016-01-01    朝刊 1経済\t4   3214
4 text592030 2016-01-01    朝刊 1経済\t4    983
5 text592031 2016-01-01    朝刊 1外報\t7    375
6 text592032 2016-01-01    朝刊 1外報\t7    497
                                                                                            head                             hash year
1 解散時期、政権見極め 支持率<U+30FB>株価も考慮か 同日選視野\t8b94af77cf10b662e4728e89257d252b                             2016    1
2           大統領府が談話、世論沈静化図る 日韓合意受け2度目\t2c974c3cdb7a2e995fda5316d1bf6961                             2016    1
3           (新発想で挑む 地方の現場から:1)常識を打ち破ろう 水田にトウモロコシ、農の救世主 845f04b7f5bf7b8a3641a959bcbb93ba 2016
4             「中国はいずれTPPに参加」 「『Gゼロ』後の世界」著者、イアン<U+30FB>ブレマー氏 ffbb56d8ce52e4faa11e2b4cc2eec56f 2016
5                                                                 国産空母の建造、中国政府認める e3b5c2a6947176d8c9645db599ab8daa 2016
6                                             韓国、大学生30人を検挙 慰安婦問題合意で抗議行動 5412a90ca34a10016410bea6a15c0d41 2016
1    NA
2    NA
3     1
4     1
5     1
6     1

Some data are not located in the right place. Can you help me fix this problem?
Here are my environment information

> R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936  LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936    LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                               LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.4.3 tools_3.4.3    yaml_2.1.17  
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koheiw commented Mar 5, 2018

Hi @SyuuGenn , there are two possibilities:

  1. R failed to import the CSV file
  2. R console cannot print Japanese characters properly

In order to check what is really happening, try View(data) in R studio.

Sorry to say, but doing text analysis on Windows is really hard because of its poor support of Unicode. I use Windows machine, but do text analysis on Linux in Virtual Box. This is what you should do if you are seriously want to analyze non-Chinese texts.

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koheiw commented Mar 13, 2018

@SyuuGenn I forget to mention that the problem might not be about importing but dispalying a dfm on Windows (it is a known bug). On my non-Japanese Windows,

data <- read.csv('C:/Users/Kohei/Desktop/asahi.csv', sep = "\t", 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = 'UTF-8')
head(data, 2)
#                 date          edition           section page length
#text592027 2016-01-01 <U+671D><U+520A> 3<U+7DCF><U+5408>    3   1288
# text592028 2016-01-01 <U+671D><U+520A> 3<U+7DCF><U+5408>    3    595
                                                                                                                                            #                                                              head
# text592027 <U+89E3><U+6563><U+6642><U+671F><U+3001><U+653F><U+6A29><U+898B><U+6975><U+3081> <U+652F><U+6301><U+7387>·<U+682A><U+4FA1><U+3082><U+8003><U+616E><U+304B> <U+540C><U+65E5><U+9078><U+8996><U+91CE>
# text592028          <U+5927><U+7D71><U+9818><U+5E9C><U+304C><U+8AC7><U+8A71><U+3001><U+4E16><U+8AD6><U+6C88><U+9759><U+5316><U+56F3><U+308B> <U+65E5><U+97D3><U+5408><U+610F><U+53D7><U+3051>2<U+5EA6><U+76EE>
#                                       hash year month
# text592027 8b94af77cf10b662e4728e89257d252b 2016     1
# text592028 2c974c3cdb7a2e995fda5316d1bf6961 2016     1

as.matrix(head(data, 2))

#            date         edition section  page length head                                                    
# text592027 "2016-01-01" "朝刊"  "3総合" "3"  "1288" "解散時期、政権見極め 支持率・株価も考慮か 同日選視野"
# text592028 "2016-01-01" "朝刊"  "3総合" "3"  " 595" "大統領府が談話、世論沈静化図る 日韓合意受け2度目"    
#            hash                               year   month
# text592027 "8b94af77cf10b662e4728e89257d252b" "2016" "1"  
# text592028 "2c974c3cdb7a2e995fda5316d1bf6961" "2016" "1" 

In short, as.matrix() could be a workaround.

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@koheiw Thank you very much! Short after I posted this issue, I bought a MacBook. This problem does not exist in MacOS.
I just got some questions on collecting date from newspaper database and hope you can help me. I searched "一帯一路" in Asahi Shimbun database "聞蔵Ⅱビジュアル" and found 235 results. I want to save them like your sample data, but I don't know how to do that. Of course I can copy them one by one, but I don't think it's an effective way. Your sample data includes all the news on Asahi Shimbun in 2016, and I think you may have some methods to scrap the data automatically. I'm wondering if you can tell me how you collected the data.
Best wishes!

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koheiw commented Mar 13, 2018

Nice, but can you check if as.matrix() solves on your Windows if you still have it?

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I tried the as.matrix() code in my Windows, but it made no difference. I think it's not the matrix problem but the decoding problem. My Windows may not recognize the tab places correctly because there appeared some \t where should be separated. I really appreciate for your perseverance to solve problems. Thanks again.

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koheiw commented Mar 13, 2018

Thanks. It seems like importing problem.

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