- Order price is allowed to input.
- Total price must plus 21% TVA.
- Order view should allow add/remove items.
If register controller to the app module directly using
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []); myApp.controller("FirstController", function FirstController($scope) {...});
Then in the view,
must be defined on a tag to make it bound to the controller. -
Otherwise, if register controller as the app COMPONENT
// Assume this app definition is put separately in another file e.g app.js var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []); // define myApp // The component file e.x first.component.js angular.module("myApp). // Get the defined myApp component('itemList', { template: ... , controller: function FirstController() { this.items = []; } })
Then we don't have to add
on the view because it already know which TEMPLATE to bind to. Addingng-controller='FirstController'
on the view again may cause "Argument 'FirstController' is not a function, got undefined" error -
In order to use
isolated scope, the attribute name on the view should besandwitch
stylea.btn.btn-danger(delete-confirm, object-type="items", object-id="{{$ctrl.item.id}}", role="button") | Delete Item
In delete-confirm.directive.js
angular. module('core'). directive('deleteConfirm', ['$http', '$location', function($http, $location) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { objectId: "@", //Read https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive objectType: "@" }, link: function (scope, elem, attr) {
They can be used together
Define Angular expression as e.g:
tr(ng-repeat="item in $ctrl.items") td {{item.id}} td a(href='/items/' + "{{item.id}}") {{item.code}} td {{item.name}} td {{item.price}} td {{item.in_stock}}
In order to render Jade as templateUrl in componet we can put:
// js file angular. module('stockit'). component('itemList', { templateUrl: '/items/partials/list', ... // On express Item controller partials.get('/:name', function (req, res) { var name = req.params.name; res.render('_' + name); }); router.use('/partials', partials); // _list.jade table.table.table-hover thead tr th ID th Code th Name th Price th In stock tbody tr(ng-repeat="item in $ctrl.items") td {{item.id}} td a(href='/items/' + "{{item.id}}") {{item.code}} td {{item.name}} td {{item.price}} td {{item.in_stock}}
If we use "=" (equal sign) to print out angularjs scriptlet we need to wrap them between ""
label.col-md-1 Name: div.col-md-11 = "{{$ctrl.item.name}}"