title |
Errors API | ldapjs |
This document covers the ldapjs errors API and assumes that you are familiar with LDAP. If you're not, read the guide first.
All errors in the ldapjs framework extend from an abstract error type called
. In addition to the properties listed below, all errors will have
a stack
property correctly set.
In general, you'll be using the errors in ldapjs like:
const ldap = require('ldapjs');
const db = {};
server.add('o=example', (req, res, next) => {
const parent = req.dn.parent();
if (parent) {
if (!db[parent.toString()])
return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(parent.toString()));
if (db[req.dn.toString()])
return next(new ldap.EntryAlreadyExistsError(req.dn.toString()));
I.e., if you just pass them into the next()
handler, ldapjs will automatically
return the appropriate LDAP error message, and stop the handler chain.
All errors will have the following properties:
Returns the LDAP status code associated with this error.
The name of this error.
The message that will be returned to the client.
- OperationsError
- ProtocolError
- TimeLimitExceededError
- SizeLimitExceededError
- CompareFalseError
- CompareTrueError
- AuthMethodNotSupportedError
- StrongAuthRequiredError
- ReferralError
- AdminLimitExceededError
- UnavailableCriticalExtensionError
- ConfidentialityRequiredError
- SaslBindInProgressError
- NoSuchAttributeError
- UndefinedAttributeTypeError
- InappropriateMatchingError
- ConstraintViolationError
- AttributeOrValueExistsError
- InvalidAttriubteSyntaxError
- NoSuchObjectError
- AliasProblemError
- InvalidDnSyntaxError
- AliasDerefProblemError
- InappropriateAuthenticationError
- InvalidCredentialsError
- InsufficientAccessRightsError
- BusyError
- UnavailableError
- UnwillingToPerformError
- LoopDetectError
- NamingViolationError
- ObjectclassViolationError
- NotAllowedOnNonLeafError
- NotAllowedOnRdnError
- EntryAlreadyExistsError
- ObjectclassModsProhibitedError
- AffectsMultipleDsasError
- OtherError