Apart from the wooden thing, all links are pointing to examples only.
Feel free to customize or use whatever you want!
- 1 wooden wreath
- diameter 600 mm
- made of wood of hornbeam, lacquered
- Many thanks to my brother and his wife for this gift and once again a big apology for stealing an idea!
- 24 (old) similar tea lights - electric fake candles
- Remove the interior, the "flame" and the housing is needed only.
- 24 WS2812B LED Chips
- Some wires and cables.
- Some skills in soldering and drilling.
- 1 RaspBerry Pi Zero W with lite buster image on 8GB SD card
- It has enough power to do its job.
- It is small. just right, not too big.
- Additionally we need a power supply also, don't forget!