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Lua Remote DeBugger

Licensed under Boost Software License

Build Status Coverage Status

Fork changes

This fork is modified to use absolute paths instead of relative in communication with remote debugger.

This fork works only with similarly modified vscode-lrdb extension - kapecp/vscode-lrdb.


LRDB is Debugger for Lua programing language.

Currentry debug client is Visual Studio Code extension only.

Command line interface debugger is not implemented.


  • Breakpoints with conditional and hit counts.
  • Step over, step in, step out
  • Display Local,Upvalue,Global values
  • Watches,Eval on Debug Console
  • Remote debugging over TCP network


  • Lua 5.1 to 5.3 (recommended: 5.3)
  • C++11 compiler

Embedded to your host program

LRDB is header only library

include path

  • LRDB/include
  • LRDB/third_party/asio/asio/include or boost.asio with -DLRDB_USE_BOOST_ASIO
  • LRDB/third_party/picojson


#include "lrdb/server.hpp"

  int listen_port = 21110;//listen tcp port for debugger interface

  lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();//create lua state

  lrdb::server debug_server(listen_port);
  debug_server.reset(L);//assign debug server to lua state(Required before script load)

  bool ret = luaL_dofile(L, luafilepath);

  debug_server.reset(); //unassign debug server (Required before lua_close )

Lua module

If you using standalone Lua. you can use lua c mocule.

Build and Install with LuaRocks

luarocks install lrdb

Build module your self

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DLUA=lua-5.3
cmake --build --target lrdb_server

Generated or lrdb_server.dll

Use module

lrdb = require("lrdb_server")
lrdb.activate(21110) --21110 is using port number. waiting for connection by debug client.

--debuggee lua code

lrdb.deactivate() --deactivate debug server if you want.

Visual Studio Code Extension