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Releases: kami-blue/client
Releases · kami-blue/client
- Added GUI Tooltips
- Added Control mode to ElytraFlight
- Capes now support Elytras!
- Added AimBot
- Antihunger and elytraflight compatibility
- Added sneak option to inventory move
- Added no skylight updates to NoRender
- Made coordLog force log on player death.
- Added coordinate logger module
- Added Beacon Beams to NoRender
- Update to include It is the end's github account and jamie27's github account
- Update with the new getContributors() function in
- Added getContributors() to and a GithubUser class
- Added friends check to autotpa
- Added AutoEZ custom option
- Added ElytraReplace
- Fix NoPacketKick for all situations
- Fixed Offhandgap crash
- Added health option for AutoEat
- AutoEat no longer interacts with blocks
- Added AntiLevitation
- Added an Update Checker for major versions
- Added DM detection for AntiSpam
- Added Spammer
- Added PacketCancel
- Added players to Radar
- Added AutoMend
- Added InventoryMove
- Rewrote Aura and added eat while attacking
- Added AutoRemount
- Made scroll bars always visible to avoid confusion.
- Added AutoNameTag
- Fix impact compatibility
- Added method for setting custom colors for ActiveModules categories
- Fixed FakeGamemode
- Fixed getNameFromUUID
- Added MobOwner
- Added LagNotifier
- Delete auto32k and pull32k as they're patched
- Added proper isProduction filtering to module parser
- Added packet cancel to freecam
- Added Discord RPC Disconnect
- Rewrote Criticals entirely
- Changed default prefix to
- Added FancyChat
- Optimize getModule return type
- Made AntiHunger compatible with elytraflight
- Added BreakingWarning
- Made AutoFish work through disconnects
- Added BoxESP
- Added easy takeoff for ElytraFlight
- Added filtering to enabled command
- Made AntiHunger way better
- Added RunConfig
- Added DiscordNotifs
- Added ExplodeAttempts to CrystalAura
- Added TotemPopCounter
- Added AntiChainPop
- Made entity frame easier to move when minimized
- Added option to hide invisibles in ESP and Tracers
- Made friends frame easy to drag around if it's minimized
- Fixed GUI offscreen bugs
- Autoeat no longer eats poisonous potatoes
- Added BlockData and EntityTools
- Added a bunch of options to NoSlow including slime and cobwebs
- Added more options to FastUse and merged BowSpam into it
- Added colors and modes to ActiveModules
- Autoeat don't eat pufferfish
- Added BeaconSelector
- Added end teleport
- Added overloads for Vec3d <-> BlockPos methods for accepting lists
- Added nametag to autosummon
- Update combat improvements (#570)
- Added liquid interact
- mine code cleanup in velocity and nobreakanim
- Update combat improvements (#569)
- Fixed infooverlay speed
- Added max health check to autototem
- Added optional crystalcheck for offhandgap
- Added sneakTosurround in CrystalAura
- Made AntiSpam way more efficient and rewrite it (#566)
- Made direction 1 letter and cleanup code for coords
- when you forget minecraft syntax
- Added uwuAura
- Completely fix AntiSpam this time
- Added FancyChat
- Fix AntiSpam filtering your own messages no matter what
- Added direction to coords
- Added say command
- Added dupe book command
- Added Vector Utils
- Added automatic beta builds for Discord
- Added minDmg for CA 😳
- Hit delay for CrystalAura
- Added a ton of options to AntiSpam and make detection better
- ToolCheck for CrystalAura
- Tracer custom colors
- Added hunger options to autoeat and don't eat bad food
- Fix TimerSpeed, XRay, AutoFish and Customchat not saving
- Made ElytraFlight compatible with Sprint
- Added an option to prioritize manually placed crystals
- Made autofish faster
- Added pvp info
- Added custom colors to CrystalAura
- Updated bunch of stuff and deps in gradle
- Added AntiSuicide to CrystalAura
- Added Autoreply
- Added weakness to textradar and clean up modes
- Added XCarry (#485)
- Added MidClickFriends
- Finish gui colors for #36
- Added slow mode to timer
- Hide holeesp settings when unused
- Strafe > Sprint
- Added NoPush to Velocity
- Added Hypixel to AntiSpam
- Fixed Surround
- Added Offhandgap
- Fix ;set command bug with Enums
- Added default button to crystalaura
- CrystalAura check for absorption
- Collapse infooverlay options
- Fix AutoTotem bugs
- Hide prefixchat by default
- Added color options to Inventory Preview and clean up modes (#473)
- Fix For CrystalAura tracer messing up HoleESP
- Freecam fix distance bugs
- Optimize cape and RPC loading
- Improve capes and add elytra support
- Fixed Enum Setting Crashes (#458)
- Added a coord logger file util
- Added a Chat category
- Feature/chatprefixtoggle#440 (#456)
- Added in overrides to getValueAsString/setValueFromString so string settings make sense (#448)
- Finish the XRay interface
- Made XRay configurable & keep an "API" for possible commands
- Merge strengthdetect into text radar
- Textradar StrengthDetect
- Added an XRay module
- Fix issue with previous commit where I forgot to add 'refresh everything & set flags' to Freecam, so it didn't work
- Prevent rendering issues with Freecam in walls (Should fix KAMI#168)
- Reset antichatspam duplicates every 10 minutes for preformance
- Made nobreakanimation compatible
- Don't run prefixchat when sneaking
- Optimized active modules
- Added enabled command
- Fixed friends GUI
- Added ChatTimestamp
- Made highway mode in ElytraFlight a real mode
- Added animation to surround
- Added TimerSpeed uwu ty tbm
- Added Timer
- Added time to InfoOverlay
- Customchat Custom Modes
- Fixed freecam
- Fixed a ton of crash bugs with configs and the such
- Removed PearlDupe
- Added colors to InfoOverlay
- Refactor InfoOverlay and make code cleaner
- Fix custom RPC icons for donators and contributors
- EntityStats show who's tamable
- Loads of code cleanup and optimization
- Added modes to inventory viewer! Now fully customizable
- Inventory Viewer can now be dragged around!
- RPC Now has different modes for donator / booster (see images on website)
- Made updateManager and custom module names work better
- DiscordPresence has been rewritten and now has way better modes
- ChunkFinder bug with StorageESP was fixed
- Added FormatChat and ConsoleSpam
- Removed GUI Scale as it's useless
- Fixed crash on Mac OS
- Moved assets to different branch so no more random crashes when I delete stuff accidentally
- Added Axe/Sword preference to Aura
- Added Zoom
- Added CleanGUI
- Added NoArmour
- Moved Sprint to Strafe
- Added Highway mode to ElytraFlight (patched on 2b2t as I released it a week ago on the Discord)
- Added Durability to InfoOverlay
- Added TabFriends
- Added AntiSpam
- Added NoSwing
- Added VisualRange
- Added NoBreakAnimation
- Added AutoSpawner
- Added Pull32k
- Made HoleESP modes better
- Added Defaults button to ElytraFlight
- Fixed a bunch of typos in the code
- Surround now has AutoCenter and AutoDisable
- Switched to hub's AutoTrap (blockparole on github)
- Added legit options to Scaffold
- Deleted KznnorExploit
- Added Speed to InfoOverlay
- Added an update checker
- Fix capes
- Add Discord RPC
- You can now hide modules in active modules
- Fixed FakeGamemode and Freecam on non 2b
- Added PearlDupe
- Made AutoTrap better
- Added AutoTPA
- Fixed a bunch of bugs
- AutoQMain uses system time now
- Added Peek Bypass
- GUI now closes and opens with same key
- Added AntiFriendHit
- Made AutoFish better
- InfoOverlay is now automatic
- Fixed modules missing descriptions
- Fixed british spelling
- StorageESP now has options
- HoleESP has been merged with the fast version
- NoRender can now norender explosions
- Added .credits
- Fixed a bunch of compiling bugs and developer related stuff
- Added .signbook
Known bugs:
- link
- Modules under experimental are WIP and may not work
- Fixed 7 different NPE / config related crashes
- Added AntiDeathScreen
- Made AutoRespawn Better
- Added AntiChunkBan
- Added Criticals
- Added .commands descriptions
- Added PrefixChat (press your prefix just like MC
!) - Added AntiKick to FakeGamemode and Spectator
- Added AutoQMain
- Added Capes
- Added IceSpeed
- Added .entitystats, .vanish, .nbt and .teleport
- Added BookCrash
- Added AutoSnowGolem
- Added AutoWither
- Added AutoNameTag option
- Added HoleESP and HoleESP Fast (to be combined into one)
- Added Glow mode to ESP
- Added ElytraFly bypass
- Added ReloadSounds
- Added NoSoundLag
- Added options to the InfoOverlay as well as a welcomer, memory and ping
- Fixed some bugs with sliders
- Improved FastUse with modes and speed
- Added AutoExp
- Added Auto tick speed to Aura
- Fixed CrystalAura entity placing things
Known bugs:
- link
- Modules under experimental are WIP and may not work
- Readded commands option to CustomChat which was deleted somehow
- Renamed KAMI Aura mode to CPS to make it more clear
- Added surround
- Added bowspam
- Renamed Brightness to FullBright for clarity
- Added FastXP
- Added HoleESP
- Added FakeGamemode
- Added InventoryPreview
- Added a new mode to Customchat
- Changed defaults for FullBright, Autototem and Customchat, and the added modules
- Fixed InvPreview crash
Known bugs:
- Same as previous
- Modules under experimental are WIP and may not work
- Customchat now has modes (ontop, website etc)
- NoFall modes are now a toggle
- Autototem now has an inventory mode
- Autototem Soft mode has been toggled and renamed to Force to be more self exclamatory
- Minor changes to the GUIColor module
Known bugs:
- Same as previous
- Modules under experimental are WIP and may not work
- Customchat now works with other clients unless you have some sort of weird prefix, which you can create an issue for
- Fixed how auto32k looks for somewhere to place hoppers
- Auto32k has y offset options now, to have more places to place
- Fixed sprint sprint sprint
- Changed GUI color to be better
- Aura now has a tick delay instead of click delay
Known bugs:
- Modules under experimental are WIP and may not work
- Auto32k's Aura mode to turn it on doesn't work
- Future's Xcarry Force cancel messes with auto32k, don't use that mode
- Future's Block sync sometimes messes with auto32k timing, don't use that either, it's useless in real situations anyways iirc