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At ADP the DET same ADJ instant NOUN , . Nick NOUN hit VERB the DET barrel NOUN and CONJ threw VERB himself PRON upon ADP the DET smaller ADJ man NOUN . .
The DET gun NOUN fired VERB next ADP to ADP his DET ear NOUN with ADP a DET vicious ADJ whoosh PRT like ADP the DET first ADJ stroke NOUN of ADP an DET old ADJ steam NOUN engine NOUN . .
At ADP the DET same ADJ instant NOUN , . Elaine NOUN screamed VERB wildly ADV , . the DET sound NOUN ending VERB abruptly ADV as ADP Nick NOUN went VERB off ADP the DET boat NOUN and CONJ into ADP the DET water NOUN on ADP top NOUN of ADP the DET frantic ADJ , . struggling VERB Poet NOUN . .
The DET moment NOUN the DET sea NOUN closed VERB over ADP Nick NOUN , . some DET atavistic ADJ sense NOUN warned VERB him PRON that ADP he PRON would VERB survive VERB in ADP this DET alien ADJ element NOUN only ADV if ADP he PRON did VERB not ADV panic VERB . .
But CONJ the DET murderer NOUN to ADP whom PRON he PRON clung VERB had VERB a DET tremendous ADJ advantage NOUN . .
The DET wide ADJ flippers NOUN on ADP Poet's NOUN feet NOUN gave VERB his DET legs NOUN incredible ADJ power NOUN , . driving VERB the DET two NUM of ADP them PRON down PRT into ADP the DET water NOUN as ADP they PRON rolled VERB over PRT and CONJ over PRT . .
Poet NOUN was VERB the DET captured VERB , . arms NOUN pinioned VERB to ADP his DET side NOUN , . and CONJ he PRON twisted VERB convulsively ADV trying VERB to PRT escape VERB . .
Poet NOUN would VERB escape VERB , . Nick NOUN thought VERB grimly ADV , . because ADP he PRON wore VERB the DET apparatus NOUN which DET would VERB keep VERB him PRON alive ADJ under ADP water NOUN . .
But CONJ Nick NOUN would VERB not ADV let VERB go VERB . .
The DET rubber NOUN and CONJ glass NOUN face NOUN mask NOUN slipped VERB from ADP Poet's NOUN forehead NOUN , . bounced VERB painlessly ADV off ADP Nick's NOUN chin NOUN , . then ADV disappeared VERB . .
Poet NOUN twisted VERB again ADV and CONJ Nick's NOUN knuckles NOUN scraped VERB on ADP the DET air NOUN tank NOUN , . ripping VERB off PRT the DET skin NOUN . .
For ADP a DET split VERB second NOUN , . Nick NOUN relaxed VERB his DET grip NOUN and CONJ Poet's NOUN slippery ADJ body NOUN spun VERB completely ADV around ADV before ADP Nick NOUN could VERB stop VERB him PRON , . holding VERB him PRON now ADV from ADP the DET rear NOUN . .
Something NOUN flailed VERB at ADP the DET side NOUN of ADP Nick's NOUN head NOUN as ADP they PRON rolled VERB around ADV and CONJ around ADV . .
Suddenly ADV Poet NOUN stopped VERB struggling VERB and CONJ the DET two NUM of ADP them PRON hung VERB suspended VERB in ADP the DET water NOUN , . not ADV rising VERB , . not ADV sinking VERB . .
A DET sharp ADJ pain NOUN lanced VERB across ADP Nick's NOUN chest NOUN and CONJ a DET bubble NOUN of ADP air NOUN escaped VERB from ADP his DET tortured VERB lungs NOUN , . joining VERB dozens NOUN of ADP others NOUN that PRON sailed VERB lazily ADV toward ADP the DET surface NOUN like ADP helium NOUN balloons NOUN rising VERB into ADP the DET sky NOUN . .
A DET black ADJ , . snake-like ADJ object NOUN swayed VERB eerily ADV in ADP front NOUN of ADP him PRON , . spewing VERB bubbles NOUN from ADP its DET flat ADJ cobra NOUN head NOUN . .
The DET air NOUN hose NOUN was VERB free ADJ ! . ! .
The DET discovery NOUN struck VERB Nick NOUN like ADP a DET blow NOUN . .
Desperately ADV , . Nick NOUN flashed VERB one NUM hand NOUN up PRT , . catching VERB Poet's NOUN neck NOUN in ADP the DET bend NOUN of ADP his DET elbow NOUN . .
At ADP the DET same ADJ instant NOUN , . he PRON grabbed VERB the DET loose ADJ , . writhing VERB hose NOUN with ADP his DET other ADJ hand NOUN and CONJ bit VERB down PRT on ADP the DET hard ADJ rubber NOUN mouthpiece NOUN . .
Instinctively ADV he PRON exhaled VERB through ADP his DET nose NOUN then ADV sucked VERB in PRT the DET air NOUN from ADP the DET hose NOUN . .
At ADP once ADP the DET excruciating ADJ pain NOUN in ADP his DET chest NOUN stopped VERB and CONJ he PRON was VERB seized VERB with ADP a DET sudden ADJ , . wild ADJ exultation NOUN . .
As ADP if ADP this DET was VERB a DET signal NOUN , . Poet NOUN abruptly ADV began VERB to PRT thrash VERB the DET water NOUN and CONJ the DET quick ADJ movement NOUN slowly ADV made VERB them PRON sink VERB through ADP the DET water NOUN . .
Relentlessly ADV , . Nick NOUN held VERB on PRT , . sucking VERB on ADP the DET hose NOUN , . inhaling VERB the DET air NOUN that PRON belonged VERB to ADP Poet NOUN . .
Poet NOUN was VERB not ADV fighting VERB Nick NOUN now ADV . .
Harbor NOUN Point NOUN sticks VERB out PRT into ADP the DET ocean NOUN like ADP the DET fat ADJ neck NOUN of ADP a DET steamer NOUN clam NOUN . .
It's PRT a DET rich ADJ village NOUN but CONJ not ADV much ADJ for ADP action NOUN -- . too ADV many ADJ solid ADJ residents NOUN , . not ADV enough ADJ tourists NOUN or CONJ working VERB stiffs NOUN . .
It's PRT at ADP the DET far ADJ end NOUN of ADP the DET county NOUN and CONJ the DET last ADJ time NOUN I PRON came VERB here ADV was VERB for ADP a DET hit NOUN and CONJ run NOUN manslaughter NOUN -- . about ADV seven NUM months NOUN ago ADV . .
Chief NOUN Bob NOUN Moore NOUN looked VERB his DET same ADJ hick-self NOUN ; . ; .
a DET man NOUN mountain NOUN running VERB to ADP lard NOUN in ADP his DET middle-age NOUN . .
Seeing VERB me PRON he PRON said VERB with ADP real ADJ surprise NOUN , . `` . Well PRT , . well PRT , . ain't VERB we PRON honored VERB ! . ! .
Hardly ADV expected VERB the DET head NOUN of ADP County NOUN Homicide NOUN up PRT for ADP this DET murder NOUN . .
You PRON sure ADV climbed VERB fast ADV , . Jed NOUN . .
Rookie NOUN investigator NOUN last ADJ summer NOUN and CONJ now ADV it's PRT Inspector NOUN Jed NOUN . .
Took VERB me PRON 19 NUM years NOUN to PRT become VERB Chief NOUN of ADP our DET three NUM man NOUN police NOUN force NOUN . .
Proves VERB a DET college NOUN education NOUN pays VERB off PRT '' . . .
His DET sarcasm NOUN was VERB followed VERB by ADP a DET stupid ADJ grin NOUN of ADP his DET thick ADJ mouth NOUN and CONJ bad ADJ teeth NOUN . .
`` . I PRON guess VERB it PRON helps VERB '' . , . I PRON said VERB , . paying VERB no DET attention NOUN to ADP his DET ribbing NOUN . .
`` . Never ADV could VERB figure VERB out PRT why ADV you PRON ever ADV wanted VERB to PRT be VERB a DET cop NOUN , . Jed NOUN . .
You're PRT not ADV only ADV young ADJ but CONJ well PRT , . you PRON don't VERB even ADV look VERB like ADP a DET police NOUN officer NOUN . .
A DET runt NOUN with ADP narrow ADJ shoulders NOUN and CONJ that DET brush NOUN haircut NOUN hell PRT , . you'd PRT pass VERB for ADP a DET juvenile NOUN delinquent NOUN of ADP the DET hotrod NOUN set NOUN . .
In ADP my DET day NOUN the DET first ADJ requirement NOUN for ADP a DET cop NOUN was VERB to PRT look VERB like ADP the DET law NOUN , . big ADJ and CONJ tough ADJ . .
Man NOUN , . when ADV my DET 275 NUM pounds NOUN and CONJ six-four NUM comes VERB along ADV , . why ADV it's PRT the DET same ADJ as ADP another DET badge NOUN . .
When ADV I PRON say VERB move VERB , . a DET guy NOUN moves VERB '' . ! . ! .
`` . Don't VERB worry VERB about ADP my DET being VERB tough ADJ , . Moore NOUN . .
Also ADV , . it's PRT far ADV too ADV early ADV in ADP the DET day NOUN for ADP corny ADJ lines NOUN like ADP the DET bigger ADJ they PRON come VERB You've PRT had VERB your DET gassy ADJ lecture NOUN , . let's VERB get VERB to PRT work VERB . .
Who PRON was VERB the DET murdered VERB woman NOUN Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Widow NOUN , . nice ADJ sort NOUN of ADP woman NOUN . .
Comfortably ADV fixed VERB . .
Ran VERB a DET fair-sized ADJ farm NOUN . .
Came VERB to ADP the DET Harbor NOUN as ADP a DET bride NOUN and CONJ Don't VERB worry VERB Jed NOUN , . this DET one NOUN is VERB in ADP the DET bag NOUN . .
I PRON know VERB the DET killer NOUN , . have VERB the DET only ADJ road NOUN off ADP the DET peninsula NOUN covered VERB '' . . .
`` . Yeah ADV , . passed VERB your DET road NOUN block NOUN as ADP I PRON drove VERB in PRT '' . , . I PRON said VERB , . sitting VERB on ADP his DET polished VERB desk NOUN . .
Although ADP Bob NOUN dressed VERB like ADP a DET slob NOUN , . he PRON kept VERB a DET neat ADJ office NOUN . .
`` . Okay PRT , . what DET happened VERB '' . ? . ? .
`` . About ADV nine NUM this DET morning NOUN Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN phones VERB me PRON she's PRT having VERB trouble NOUN with ADP one NUM of ADP her DET farm NOUN hands NOUN -- . money NOUN trouble NOUN . .
Colored VERB fellow NOUN named VERB Tim NOUN Williams NOUN -- . only ADJ hand NOUN she PRON has VERB working VERB for ADP her PRON now ADV . .
Tim NOUN come VERB with ADP the DET migratory ADJ workers NOUN that PRON follow VERB the DET crops NOUN up PRT from ADP the DET South NOUN last ADJ year NOUN , . but CONJ Tim NOUN and CONJ his DET wife NOUN settled VERB here ADV . .
Never ADV had VERB no DET trouble NOUN with ADP him PRON before ADV , . thought VERB he PRON was VERB a DET hard ADJ worker NOUN , . hustling VERB around ADV to PRT get VERB a DET full ADJ week's NOUN work NOUN . .
Anyway ADV , . Julia NOUN asks VERB me PRON to ADP . .
`` . Julia NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Come VERB on PRT , . Inspector NOUN , . look VERB alive ADJ . .
Julia NOUN Buck NOUN , . the DET deceased NOUN '' . , . Moore NOUN said VERB , . slipping VERB me PRON his DET smug ADJ , . idiot-grin NOUN again ADV . .
`` . Julia NOUN asks VERB me PRON to PRT come VERB out PRT at ADP once ADV . .
But CONJ she PRON didn't VERB sound VERB real ADV alarmed VERB you PRON know VERB , . like ADP there PRT was VERB any DET immediate ADJ danger NOUN . .
I PRON got VERB there ADV at ADP 9:47 NUM A.M. ADV , . found VERB her PRON strangled VERB . .
I PRON would VERB have VERB come VERB sooner ADV if ADP I'd PRT known VERB . .
No DET doubt NOUN about ADP Tim NOUN being VERB the DET killer NOUN -- . I PRON have VERB a DET witness NOUN . .
Don't VERB know VERB why ADV the DET County NOUN had VERB to PRT send VERB anybody NOUN up PRT here ADV . .
Told VERB them PRON I PRON can VERB handle VERB this DET '' . . .
`` . Yeah ADV , . seems VERB you PRON have VERB a DET nice ADJ package NOUN , . with ADP all PRT the DET strings NOUN tied VERB . .
Who's PRT '' . ? . ? .
`` . I'll PRT collar VERB Tim NOUN before ADP night NOUN '' . . .
`` . Who's PRT your DET witness NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Julia NOUN had VERB -- . has VERB -- . an DET old ADJ Indian ADJ woman NOUN cooking VERB for ADP her PRON -- . Nellie NOUN Harris NOUN . .
Probably ADV the DET last NOUN of ADP the DET original ADJ Island NOUN Indians NOUN . .
Nellie NOUN was VERB in ADP the DET kitchen NOUN , . had VERB just ADV come VERB to PRT work VERB , . when ADV she PRON heard VERB Tim NOUN arguing VERB with ADP Julia NOUN in ADP the DET living VERB room NOUN . .
Swears VERB she PRON recognized VERB his DET voice NOUN , . that ADP Tim NOUN yelled VERB , . ' . It's PRT my DET money NOUN and CONJ I PRON want VERB it PRON ' . ! . ! .
And CONJ then ADV rushed VERB out ADP of ADP the DET house NOUN . .
Then ADV she PRON heard VERB Julia NOUN phone VERB me PRON . .
Nellie NOUN went VERB on ADP with ADP her PRON house NOUN work NOUN -- . until ADP I PRON found VERB Julia NOUN dead ADJ . .
And CONJ before ADP you PRON say VERB it PRON , . Nellie NOUN ain't VERB near ADV strong ADJ enough ADV to PRT have VERB strangled VERB Julia NOUN . .
There's PRT no DET doubt NOUN this DET Tim NOUN sneaked VERB back ADV and CONJ killed VERB Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN . .
Another DET fact NOUN : . Tim's PRT disappeared VERB -- . on ADP the DET run NOUN . .
But CONJ there's PRT no DET way NOUN off ADP the DET Point NOUN except ADP through ADP my DET road NOUN block NOUN . .
Guess VERB you PRON want VERB to PRT see VERB the DET body NOUN -- . have VERB her PRON up ADP the DET street NOUN in ADP Doc NOUN Abel's NOUN office NOUN '' . . .
`` . Let's VERB see VERB it PRON '' . . .
We PRON walked VERB up ADP Main ADJ Street NOUN to ADP this DET big ADJ white ADJ house NOUN , . then ADV around ADV to ADP the DET back NOUN . .
Being VERB the DET Harbor's NOUN sole ADJ doctor NOUN , . Abel NOUN was VERB also ADV its DET Medical ADJ Examiner NOUN . .
The DET corpse NOUN was VERB on ADP a DET table NOUN , . covered VERB by ADP a DET sheet NOUN . .
Doc NOUN Abel NOUN was VERB busy ADJ up PRT front NOUN with ADP some DET of ADP his DET live ADJ patients NOUN . .
Pulling VERB back ADV the DET sheet NOUN , . I PRON examined VERB the DET bruises NOUN around ADP Julia NOUN Buck's NOUN once ADV slender ADJ throat NOUN . .
Powerful ADJ hands NOUN had VERB killed VERB her PRON . .
`` . Find VERB any DET prints NOUN '' . ? . ? .
Chief NOUN Moore NOUN shook VERB his DET big ADJ head NOUN , . seemed VERB lost VERB in ADP thought NOUN as ADP he PRON stared VERB at ADP the DET nude ADJ body NOUN . .
Then ADV he PRON said VERB , . `` . Never ADV noticed VERB it PRON before ADV I PRON mean VERB , . when ADV she PRON was VERB dressed VERB but CONJ for ADP a DET woman NOUN her DET age NOUN , . Julia NOUN had VERB a DET real ADV fine ADJ figure NOUN '' . . .
I PRON dropped VERB the DET sheet NOUN , . glanced VERB at ADP my DET watch NOUN . .
It PRON was VERB almost ADV one NUM and CONJ I PRON hadn't VERB had VERB lunch NOUN . .
Still ADV , . I PRON wanted VERB to PRT get VERB this DET over PRT with ADV , . had VERB a DET lot NOUN of ADP paper NOUN work NOUN waiting VERB in ADP my DET own ADJ office NOUN . .
I PRON told VERB him PRON , . `` . I PRON want VERB to PRT go VERB see VERB the DET Buck NOUN house NOUN '' . . .
`` . Sure ADV '' . . .
Walking VERB back ADV down ADP Main ADJ Street NOUN , . I PRON said VERB , . `` . I PRON saw VERB the DET Harbor's NOUN one NUM squad NOUN car NOUN at ADP the DET road NOUN block NOUN , . we'll PRT ride VERB out PRT in ADP my DET car NOUN '' . . .
`` . Naw ADV , . we'll PRT use VERB mine PRON '' . , . Moore NOUN said VERB , . opening VERB the DET door NOUN of ADP a DET sleek ADJ white ADJ Jaguar NOUN roadster NOUN . .
As ADP I PRON slid VERB in PRT beside ADP him PRON he PRON said VERB , . `` . Some DET heap NOUN , . hey PRT ? . ? .
Got VERB a DET heck NOUN of ADP a DET buy NOUN on ADP this DET , . dirt NOUN cheap ADJ '' . . .
`` . Yeah ADV , . it's PRT a DET real ADJ load NOUN '' . , . I PRON told VERB him PRON , . looking VERB up ADP the DET street NOUN at ADP my DET battered VERB Ford NOUN . .
Five NUM racing VERB minutes NOUN later ADV we PRON pulled VERB into ADP the DET driveway NOUN of ADP this DET typical ADJ two-story ADJ house NOUN , . and CONJ when ADV the DET Jaguar NOUN stopped VERB I PRON managed VERB to PRT swallow VERB . .
There PRT was VERB a DET garage NOUN and CONJ a DET modern ADJ barn NOUN in ADP the DET rear NOUN , . all PRT of ADP it PRON standing VERB between ADP two NUM large ADJ flat ADJ fields NOUN planted VERB in ADP early ADJ potatoes NOUN . .
Everything NOUN shouted VERB gentleman NOUN farming NOUN , . the DET kind NOUN of ADP grandfather-father-to-son NOUN folding VERB money NOUN the DET Point NOUN is VERB known VERB for ADP . .
The DET fins NOUN of ADP a DET Caddy NOUN were VERB sticking VERB out ADP of ADP the DET garage NOUN , . while ADP the DET inside NOUN of ADP the DET house NOUN was VERB a DET comfortable ADJ mixture NOUN of ADP old ADJ and CONJ expensive ADJ contemporary ADJ furniture NOUN . .
Nellie NOUN Harris NOUN wasn't VERB old ADJ , . she PRON was VERB ancient ADJ -- . a DET tiny ADJ shriveled VERB woman NOUN with ADP a DET face NOUN like ADP a DET tan ADJ prune NOUN . .
She PRON was VERB also ADV stone NOUN deaf ADJ in ADP her DET right ADJ ear NOUN . .
She PRON calmly ADV repeated VERB what DET Moore NOUN had VERB told VERB me PRON . .
When ADV I PRON asked VERB , . `` . Why ADV didn't VERB you PRON go VERB into ADP the DET living VERB room NOUN to PRT see VERB how ADV Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN was VERB '' . ? . ? .
The DET old ADJ gal NOUN stared VERB at ADP me PRON with ADP her PRON hard ADJ eyes NOUN , . said VERB , . `` . She PRON didn't VERB call VERB . .
I PRON do VERB the DET living VERB room NOUN last ADV . .
I PRON went VERB up ADP stairs NOUN and CONJ did VERB the DET bath NOUN and CONJ her DET bedroom NOUN -- . way NOUN I PRON always ADV do VERB in ADP the DET morning NOUN '' . . .
`` . Have VERB you PRON any DET idea NOUN what DET this DET Tim NOUN and CONJ Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN were VERB arguing VERB about ADP '' . ? . ? .
`` . Probably ADV wages NOUN . .
Miss NOUN Julia NOUN was VERB a DET hard ADJ woman NOUN with ADP a DET dollar NOUN . .
Years NOUN ago ADV when ADV I PRON asked VERB her PRON to PRT put VERB me PRON in ADP Social ADJ Security NOUN , . so's ADP I PRON wouldn't VERB have VERB to PRT be VERB working VERB now ADV , . Miss NOUN Julia NOUN threatened VERB to PRT fire VERB me PRON -- . all PRT because ADP it PRON would VERB mean VERB a DET few ADJ more ADJ dollars NOUN a DET year NOUN to ADP her PRON '' . . .
`` . Did VERB you PRON hear VERB Tim NOUN return VERB '' . ? . ? .
`` . No DET sir NOUN . .
Nobody NOUN came VERB until ADP Chief NOUN Moore NOUN '' . . .
I PRON drummed VERB on ADP the DET kitchen NOUN table NOUN with ADP my DET pencil NOUN . .
`` . Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN have VERB any DET men NOUN friends NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Her PRON '' . ? . ? .
The DET wrinkled VERB mouth NOUN laughed VERB , . revealing VERB astonishingly ADV strong ADJ , . white ADJ , . teeth NOUN . .
`` . I PRON never ADV see VERB none NOUN . .
But CONJ then ADV I PRON wasn't VERB her DET social ADJ secretary NOUN '' . . .
`` . Was VERB she PRON on ADP friendly ADJ terms NOUN with ADP other ADJ members NOUN of ADP her PRON family NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Didn't VERB have VERB no DET family NOUN -- . around ADP here ADV . .
They PRON had VERB a DET son NOUN -- . killed VERB in ADP the DET war NOUN '' . . .
I PRON walked VERB into ADP the DET living VERB room NOUN . .
There PRT didn't VERB seem VERB to PRT be VERB any DET signs NOUN of ADP a DET struggle NOUN . .
I PRON told VERB Moore NOUN , . `` . Where ADV does VERB Tim's NOUN wife NOUN live VERB '' . ? . ? .
`` . I'll PRT take VERB you PRON there ADV . .
Look VERB Jed NOUN , . this DET is VERB an DET open VERB and CONJ shut VERB case NOUN and CONJ I PRON have VERB to PRT relieve VERB my DET men NOUN at ADP the DET road NOUN block NOUN soon ADV . .
Okay PRT , . come VERB on PRT '' . . .
We PRON did VERB 80 NUM miles NOUN an DET hour NOUN across ADP a DET hard ADJ dirt NOUN road NOUN to ADP a DET cluster NOUN of ADP shacks NOUN . .
In ADP late ADJ summer NOUN migratory ADJ workers NOUN lived VERB five NUM and CONJ six NUM to ADP a DET room NOUN in ADP these DET . .
Now ADV they PRON were VERB empty ADJ , . except ADP for ADP a DET cottage NOUN across ADP the DET road NOUN . .
Mrs. NOUN Tim NOUN Williams NOUN was VERB about ADV 21 NUM , . with ADP skin NOUN the DET color NOUN of ADP bitter ADJ chocolate NOUN , . and CONJ if ADP you PRON discounted VERB the DET plain ADJ dress NOUN and CONJ worn VERB slippers NOUN , . she PRON was VERB startlingly ADV pretty ADJ . .
The DET inside NOUN of ADP their DET place NOUN was VERB full ADJ of ADP new ADJ furniture NOUN , . five NUM bucks NOUN down PRT and CONJ a DET buck NOUN a DET week NOUN stuff NOUN , . but CONJ all PRT of ADP it PRON clean ADJ and CONJ full ADJ of ADP the DET warmth NOUN of ADP a DET home NOUN . .
Mrs. NOUN Williams NOUN was VERB both DET sullen ADJ and CONJ frightened VERB . .
She PRON said VERB she PRON didn't VERB know VERB a DET thing NOUN -- . Tim NOUN had VERB left VERB the DET house NOUN at ADP six NUM in ADP the DET morning NOUN , . as ADV usual ADJ . .
She PRON hadn't VERB seen VERB him PRON since ADV . .
`` . Did VERB Mrs. NOUN Buck NOUN owe VERB him PRON any DET wages NOUN '' . ? . ? .
I PRON asked VERB . .
`` . Well PRT , . for ADP this DET week NOUN , . but CONJ they PRON wasn't VERB due ADJ 'till ADP Saturday NOUN . .
Listen VERB , . Mr. NOUN Inspector NOUN , . no DET matter NOUN what DET anybody NOUN say VERB , . my DET Tim NOUN didn't VERB kill VERB that DET woman NOUN ! . ! .
Tim NOUN is VERB a DET good ADJ man NOUN , . hard ADV working VERB . .
He PRON strong ADJ as ADP a DET bull NOUN but CONJ gentle ADJ as ADP a DET baby NOUN . .
Even ADV if ADP he PRON angry ADJ , . Tim NOUN wouldn't VERB hurt VERB a DET woman NOUN . .
He PRON never ADV in ADP his DET life NOUN took VERB a DET hand NOUN to ADP a DET woman NOUN or CONJ '' .
`` . We'll PRT get VERB him PRON soon ADV , . see VERB what DET he PRON says VERB '' . , . Chief NOUN Moore NOUN cut VERB in PRT . .
`` . Does VERB your DET husband NOUN have VERB a DET car NOUN '' . ? . ? .
I PRON asked VERB . .
`` . Got VERB us PRON an DET old ADJ station NOUN wagon NOUN . .
Need VERB it PRON for ADP the DET job NOUN '' . . .
I PRON asked VERB a DET silly ADJ question NOUN : . `` . You've PRT no DET idea NOUN where ADV your DET husband NOUN could VERB be VERB , . now ADV '' . ? . ? .
She PRON shook VERB her PRON head NOUN . .
I PRON knew VERB she PRON was VERB lying VERB . .
I PRON stood VERB there ADV , . staring VERB at ADP her PRON for ADP a DET moment NOUN -- . thinking VERB mostly ADV of ADP her DET beauty NOUN and CONJ her DET poverty NOUN . .
Moore NOUN said VERB , . `` . Come VERB on PRT , . Jed NOUN , . I PRON have VERB to PRT get VERB to ADP my DET men NOUN '' . . .
On ADP my DET way NOUN out PRT I PRON told VERB her PRON , . `` . If ADP you PRON should VERB eh PRT just ADV happen VERB to PRT see VERB your DET husband NOUN , . get VERB him PRON to PRT give VERB himself PRON up PRT . .
He'll PRT get VERB a DET fair ADJ trial NOUN . .
Hiding VERB out PRT like ADP this DET won't VERB get VERB him PRON anything NOUN , . except ADP more ADJ trouble NOUN , . or CONJ a DET bullet NOUN '' . . .
`` . Yes ADV . .
I'll PRT tell VERB him PRON -- . if ADP I PRON see VERB him PRON '' . . .
We PRON made VERB it PRON back ADV to ADP the DET Harbor NOUN in ADP less ADJ than ADP four NUM minutes NOUN . .
I PRON tried VERB not ADV to PRT act VERB scared VERB . .
That DET Jaguar NOUN could VERB really ADV barrel VERB along ADV . .
I PRON told VERB Moore NOUN I PRON was VERB going VERB to PRT eat VERB , . get VERB some DET forms NOUN filled VERB out PRT by ADP Doc NOUN Abel NOUN . .
Chief NOUN Moore NOUN said VERB , . `` . If ADP I PRON don't VERB see VERB you PRON when ADV I PRON return VERB , . see VERB you PRON for ADP certain ADJ at ADP my DET road NOUN block NOUN , . Inspector NOUN '' . . .
I PRON had VERB a DET bowl NOUN of ADP decent ADJ chowder NOUN , . phoned VERB the DET Doc NOUN and CONJ he PRON said VERB he'd PRT leave VERB the DET death NOUN statements NOUN with ADP his DET girl NOUN -- . in ADP a DET half PRT hour NOUN . .
Lighting VERB my DET pipe NOUN , . I PRON took VERB a DET walk NOUN . .
The DET Harbor NOUN is VERB a DET big ADJ yachting VERB basin NOUN in ADP the DET summer NOUN . .
Even ADV now ADV , . there PRT were VERB several ADJ slick ADJ cruisers NOUN tied VERB to ADP the DET dock NOUN , . an DET ocean-going ADJ yawl NOUN anchored VERB inside ADP the DET breakwater NOUN . .
There PRT was VERB a DET 34 NUM foot NOUN Wheeler NOUN with ADP Chief NOUN Bob's NOUN in ADP big ADJ gold NOUN letters NOUN on ADP its DET stern NOUN also ADV tied VERB up PRT at ADP the DET dock NOUN . .
It PRON wasn't VERB a DET new ADJ boat NOUN , . about ADV five NUM years NOUN old ADJ , . but CONJ fitted VERB with ADP fishing VERB outriggers NOUN and CONJ chairs NOUN . .
I PRON asked VERB an DET old ADJ guy NOUN running VERB a DET fishing VERB station NOUN if ADP the DET boat NOUN was VERB Moore's NOUN . .
He PRON said VERB , . `` . You PRON bet VERB . .
Bob NOUN Moore NOUN is VERB plumb ADV crazy ADJ about ADP blue NOUN fishing VERB '' . . .
I PRON dropped VERB into ADP the DET doctor's NOUN office NOUN , . picked VERB up PRT my DET forms NOUN . .
As ADP I PRON was VERB walking VERB back ADV to ADP the DET Police NOUN Station NOUN , . which DET was VERB in ADP the DET same ADJ building NOUN with ADP the DET City NOUN Hall NOUN and CONJ Post NOUN Office NOUN , . I PRON saw VERB Mrs. NOUN Tim NOUN Williams NOUN sneaking VERB into ADP the DET back NOUN of ADP my DET car NOUN . .
If ADP she PRON moved VERB gracefully ADV , . she PRON was VERB clumsy ADJ at ADP it PRON . .
I PRON got VERB into ADP the DET front ADJ seat NOUN . .
She PRON was VERB ' . hiding VERB ' . on ADP the DET floor NOUN of ADP the DET back NOUN seat NOUN , . the DET soft ADJ curves NOUN of ADP her PRON back NOUN and CONJ hips NOUN -- . rousing ADJ lines NOUN . .
I PRON drove VERB out ADP of ADP the DET Harbor NOUN , . turned VERB off PRT into ADP a DET dirt NOUN road NOUN among ADP the DET scrub NOUN pine NOUN trees NOUN and CONJ stopped VERB . .
I PRON waited VERB a DET few ADJ minutes NOUN and CONJ she PRON sat VERB up PRT . .
For ADP another DET moment NOUN we PRON didn't VERB talk VERB , . then ADV she PRON began VERB to PRT weep VERB . .
She PRON mumbled VERB , . `` . I PRON just ADV know VERB that ADP Chief NOUN Moore NOUN is VERB out PRT to PRT kill VERB my DET Tim NOUN '' . ! . ! .
`` . Maybe ADV . .
I PRON never ADV saw VERB him PRON so ADV anxious ADJ before ADV '' . , . I PRON said VERB , . lighting VERB my DET pipe NOUN and CONJ offering VERB her PRON a DET cigarette NOUN . .
`` . Of ADP course NOUN , . it PRON could VERB be VERB because ADP this DET is VERB his DET first ADJ murder NOUN case NOUN . .
You PRON know VERB where ADV Tim NOUN is VERB , . don't VERB you PRON , . Mrs. NOUN Williams NOUN '' . ? . ? .
She PRON puffed VERB on ADP the DET cigarette NOUN slowly ADV , . sitting VERB slumped VERB against ADP the DET back NOUN seat NOUN ; . ; .
didn't VERB answer VERB . .
But CONJ the DET police NOUN have VERB dropped VERB the DET case NOUN . .
I PRON want VERB you PRON to PRT go VERB to ADP Pearson NOUN City NOUN and CONJ find VERB out PRT why ADV -- . first-hand ADJ stuff NOUN for ADP your DET modern ADJ crime NOUN series NOUN . .
Take VERB the DET same ADJ train NOUN Diana NOUN Beauclerk NOUN took VERB and CONJ get VERB there ADV at ADP the DET same ADJ time NOUN . .
Go VERB to ADP the DET same ADJ hotel NOUN and CONJ occupy VERB the DET same ADJ suite NOUN -- . 1105 NUM '' . . .
`` . Will VERB the DET hotel NOUN rent NOUN it PRON so ADV soon ADV after ADP the DET crime NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Why ADV not ADV ? . ? .
The DET police NOUN have VERB finished VERB with ADP it PRON . .
Besides ADV , . the DET number NOUN of ADP the DET suite NOUN hasn't VERB been VERB published VERB in ADP any DET newspaper NOUN . .
To ADP the DET hotel NOUN people NOUN , . you'll PRT just ADV be VERB an DET innocent ADJ tourist NOUN who PRON happens VERB to PRT ask VERB for ADP that DET particular ADJ suite NOUN '' . . .
`` . Still ADV , . they PRON may VERB not ADV want VERB to PRT rent VERB it PRON '' . . .
`` . That's PRT your DET headache NOUN . .
Once ADV inside ADV , . keep VERB your DET eyes NOUN open VERB '' . ! . ! .
`` . For ADP what DET '' . ! . ! .
Alec NOUN was VERB growing VERB more ADV and CONJ more ADV skeptical ADJ . .
`` . The DET police NOUN will VERB have VERB gone VERB over ADP every DET square NOUN inch NOUN of ADP the DET place NOUN with ADP a DET fine-tooth NOUN comb NOUN . .
The DET hotel NOUN people NOUN will VERB have VERB scoured VERB and CONJ vacuumed VERB it PRON . .
Ten NUM to ADP one NUM , . it's PRT even ADV been VERB redecorated VERB '' . ! . ! .
`` . There's PRT always ADV a DET chance NOUN they PRON may VERB have VERB overlooked VERB something NOUN '' . , . returned VERB the DET chief NOUN . .
`` . I'm PRT betting VERB on ADP that DET chance NOUN . .
Interview VERB the DET bellboy NOUN and CONJ chambermaid NOUN who PRON waited VERB on ADP Beauclerk NOUN . .
Study VERB the DET topography NOUN of ADP the DET suite NOUN . .
Soak VERB up PRT local ADJ color NOUN . .
Reenact VERB everything NOUN Beauclerk NOUN did VERB . .
Try VERB to PRT imagine VERB you're PRT going VERB to PRT be VERB murdered VERB yourself PRON -- . between ADP eleven NUM p.m. ADV and CONJ one NUM a.m. ADV the DET night NOUN you PRON arrive VERB '' . . .
Alec NOUN smirked VERB . .
`` . Cheerful ADJ way NOUN to PRT spend VERB an DET evening NOUN '' . ! . ! .
A DET sudden ADJ thought NOUN wiped VERB the DET smirk NOUN from ADP his DET face NOUN . .
`` . Suppose VERB the DET murderer NOUN should VERB return VERB to ADP the DET scene NOUN of ADP the DET crime NOUN '' . ! . ! .
The DET chief's NOUN eyes NOUN gleamed VERB . .
He PRON spoke VERB softly ADV . .
`` . That DET is VERB exactly ADV what DET I'm PRT hoping VERB for ADP . .
After ADP all PRT , . the DET murderer NOUN is VERB still ADV at ADP large ADJ . .
And CONJ the DET key NOUN to ADP the DET suite NOUN is VERB still ADV missing VERB '' . . .
On ADP the DET train NOUN Alec NOUN refreshed VERB his DET memory NOUN of ADP the DET Beauclerk NOUN case NOUN by ADP reading VERB teletype NOUN flimsies NOUN -- . spot-news NOUN stories NOUN about ADP the DET crime NOUN sent VERB out PRT by ADP the DET Pearson NOUN City NOUN Star NOUN , . a DET member NOUN of ADP the DET Syndicate NOUN Press NOUN . .
Diana NOUN Beauclerk NOUN was VERB a DET second-rate ADJ actress NOUN living VERB in ADP New ADJ York NOUN . .
Two NUM weeks NOUN ago ADV she PRON had VERB gone VERB west NOUN to ADP Pearson NOUN City NOUN . .
Daniel NOUN Forbes NOUN , . her DET divorced VERB husband NOUN , . lived VERB there ADV . .
So ADV did VERB the DET firm NOUN of ADP lawyers NOUN who PRON had VERB got VERB her PRON the DET divorce NOUN , . Kimball NOUN and CONJ Stacy NOUN . .
She PRON reached VERB Pearson NOUN City NOUN at ADP nine NUM p.m. ADV and CONJ went VERB straight ADV to ADP the DET Hotel NOUN Westmore NOUN . .
She PRON telephoned VERB the DET junior ADJ partner NOUN of ADP her DET law NOUN firm NOUN , . Martin NOUN Stacy NOUN , . and CONJ asked VERB him PRON to PRT call VERB at ADP her DET hotel NOUN that DET evening NOUN . .
At ADP the DET time NOUN of ADP her DET divorce NOUN Forbes NOUN had VERB promised VERB to PRT pay VERB her PRON a DET lump NOUN sum NOUN in ADP lieu NOUN of ADP further ADJ alimony NOUN if ADP she PRON remarried VERB . .
According ADP to ADP Stacy NOUN , . she PRON told VERB him PRON she PRON was VERB planning VERB to PRT remarry VERB and CONJ she PRON wanted VERB him PRON to PRT ask VERB Forbes NOUN for ADP the DET lump NOUN sum NOUN . .
Stacy NOUN replied VERB that ADP it PRON would VERB bankrupt VERB Forbes NOUN , . who PRON had VERB just ADV sunk VERB all PRT his DET money NOUN in ADP a DET real ADJ estate NOUN venture NOUN . .
Stacy NOUN said VERB he PRON left VERB her DET suite NOUN at ADP nine NUM forty-five NUM p.m. ADV . .
She PRON was VERB in ADP good ADJ health NOUN and CONJ spirits NOUN , . but CONJ still ADV determined VERB to PRT get VERB the DET money NOUN from ADP Forbes NOUN . .
No DET one NOUN saw VERB Stacy NOUN leave VERB . .
No DET other ADJ visitor NOUN inquired VERB for ADP her PRON that DET evening NOUN . .
Next ADJ morning NOUN she PRON was VERB found VERB dead ADJ in ADP her DET suite NOUN with ADP a DET bullet NOUN from ADP a DET
Colt NOUN revolver NOUN in ADP her DET brain NOUN . .
According ADP to ADP the DET medical ADJ examiner NOUN , . she PRON was VERB shot VERB between ADP eleven NUM p.m. ADV and CONJ one NUM a.m. ADV . .
Her DET door NOUN was VERB locked VERB and CONJ the DET key NOUN was VERB missing VERB . .
So ADV was VERB the DET gun NOUN . .
When ADV Alec NOUN finished VERB reading VERB he PRON was VERB sure ADJ that ADP either CONJ Forbes NOUN or CONJ Stacy NOUN had VERB killed VERB Diana NOUN Beauclerk NOUN . .
Forbes NOUN had VERB motive NOUN and CONJ Stacy NOUN had VERB opportunity NOUN . .
Find VERB a DET motive NOUN for ADP Stacy NOUN or CONJ an DET opportunity NOUN for ADP Forbes NOUN and CONJ the DET case NOUN would VERB be VERB solved VERB . .
The DET Hotel NOUN Westmore NOUN proved VERB to PRT be VERB one NUM of ADP the DET older ADJ hotels NOUN in ADP Pearson NOUN City NOUN , . and CONJ definitely ADV second-rate ADJ . .
Alec's NOUN first ADJ impression NOUN of ADP the DET lobby NOUN was VERB gloomy ADJ , . Victorian ADJ dignity NOUN -- . black ADJ walnut NOUN and CONJ red ADJ plush NOUN , . a DET black ADJ and CONJ white ADJ tiled VERB floor NOUN , . and CONJ Persian ADJ rugs NOUN . .
He PRON studied VERB the DET night NOUN clerk NOUN as ADP a DET man NOUN measures VERB an DET adversary NOUN . .
`` . I'd PRT like VERB the DET room NOUN I PRON had VERB the DET last ADJ time NOUN '' . . .
`` . Certainly ADV , . sir NOUN '' . . .
The DET clerk NOUN was VERB young ADJ and CONJ limp ADJ , . with ADP a DET tired VERB smile NOUN . .
`` . Do VERB you PRON recall VERB the DET number NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . It PRON was VERB 1105 NUM '' . . .
The DET clerk's NOUN smile NOUN congealed VERB . .
`` . That DET suite NOUN is VERB taken VERB '' . . .
Alec's NOUN glance NOUN went VERB to ADP a DET chart NOUN of ADP guest NOUN names NOUN and CONJ room NOUN numbers NOUN hanging VERB on ADP the DET wall NOUN behind ADP the DET clerk NOUN . .
Opposite ADP the DET number NOUN 1105 NUM stood VERB one NUM word NOUN : . Unoccupied ADJ . .
The DET clerk's NOUN glance NOUN followed VERB Alec's NOUN . .
`` . We PRON have VERB better ADJ rooms NOUN vacant ADJ now ADV '' . , . he PRON babbled VERB . .
`` . Larger ADJ and CONJ more ADV comfortable ADJ . .
At ADP the DET same ADJ rate NOUN '' . . .
Alec's NOUN face NOUN was VERB dark ADJ , . blunt ADJ , . and CONJ sulky ADJ . .
He PRON always ADV looked VERB impertinent ADJ and CONJ he PRON could VERB look VERB dangerous ADJ . .
He PRON was VERB looking VERB dangerous ADJ now ADV . .
He PRON raised VERB his DET voice NOUN . .
`` . Anything NOUN wrong ADJ with ADP the DET plumbing NOUN in ADP 1105 NUM '' . ? . ? .
There PRT was VERB a DET sudden ADJ stillness NOUN in ADP the DET lobby NOUN . .
Two NUM women NOUN , . who PRON had VERB been VERB chattering VERB like ADP parrots NOUN , . were VERB struck VERB dumb ADJ . .
A DET man NOUN , . lighting VERB a DET match NOUN for ADP his DET cigar NOUN , . paused VERB until ADP the DET flame NOUN burned VERB his DET fingers NOUN . .
Even ADV the DET bellboys NOUN on ADP their DET bench NOUN were VERB listening VERB . .
The DET clerk's NOUN eyes NOUN flickered VERB . .
`` . Of ADP course NOUN not ADV '' . ! . ! .
`` . Anybody NOUN with ADP a DET contagious ADJ disease NOUN been VERB in ADP there ADV '' . ? . ? .
`` . No ADV '' . ! . ! .
The DET clerk NOUN was VERB almost ADV hysterical ADJ . .
`` . It's PRT just ADV that ADP -- . well PRT , . 1105 NUM is VERB being VERB redecorated VERB '' . . .
`` . I PRON don't VERB believe VERB it PRON '' . . .
Alec NOUN leaned VERB on ADP the DET desk NOUN , . holding VERB the DET clerk's NOUN eyes NOUN with ADP his PRON . .
`` . Suppose VERB you PRON tell VERB me PRON the DET real ADJ reason NOUN '' . , . he PRON drawled VERB . .
`` . There PRT might VERB be VERB a DET story NOUN in ADP it PRON '' . . .
`` . St-story NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . I'm PRT with ADP the DET Syndicated VERB Press NOUN , . Feature NOUN Service NOUN . .
Either CONJ I PRON get VERB the DET story NOUN -- . or CONJ I PRON get VERB the DET suite NOUN '' . . .
It PRON was VERB blackmail NOUN and CONJ the DET clerk NOUN knew VERB it PRON . .
`` . There PRT is VERB no DET story NOUN '' . , . he PRON piped VERB tremulously ADV . .
`` . Front NOUN ! . ! .
Show VERB this DET gentleman NOUN to ADP 1105 NUM '' . ! . ! .
The DET stillness NOUN persisted VERB as ADP Alec NOUN followed VERB a DET bellboy NOUN across ADP the DET lobby NOUN to ADP the DET elevator NOUN . .
He PRON could VERB feel VERB eyes NOUN on ADP his DET back NOUN . .
He PRON wished VERB it PRON had VERB not ADV been VERB necessary ADJ to PRT announce VERB the DET number NOUN of ADP his DET suite NOUN quite ADV so ADV publicly ADV . .
The DET corridor NOUN on ADP the DET eleventh ADJ floor NOUN was VERB dimly ADV lighted VERB by ADP electric ADJ globes NOUN at ADP intervals NOUN of ADP thirty NUM feet NOUN . .
A DET thick ADJ , . crimson ADJ carpet NOUN muffled VERB every DET footfall NOUN . .
At ADP the DET end NOUN of ADP the DET corridor NOUN Alec NOUN noticed VERB a DET door NOUN marked VERB : . Fire NOUN Stairs NOUN . .
It PRON was VERB a DET neat ADJ setup NOUN for ADP murder NOUN . .
The DET bellboy NOUN unlocked VERB a DET white ADJ door NOUN numbered VERB 1105 NUM . .
The DET room NOUN was VERB dark ADJ but CONJ a DET neon NOUN sign NOUN flashed VERB and CONJ faded VERB beyond ADP the DET window NOUN . .
A DET few ADJ snowflakes NOUN sifted VERB down PRT through ADP that DET theatrical ADJ red ADJ glow NOUN , . languid ADJ as ADP falling VERB feathers NOUN . .
Hastily ADV the DET boy NOUN switched VERB on PRT a DET ceiling NOUN light NOUN . .
The DET room NOUN looked VERB normal ADJ and CONJ even ADV commonplace ADJ . .
There PRT was VERB no DET hint NOUN of ADP a DET violent ADJ struggle NOUN now ADV . .
Deal NOUN furniture NOUN with ADP a DET mahogany NOUN finish NOUN was VERB neatly ADV arranged VERB as ADV if ADP it PRON stood VERB in ADP the DET window NOUN of ADP a DET department NOUN store NOUN . .
The DET blue ADJ rug NOUN was VERB suspiciously ADV bright ADJ and CONJ new ADJ . .
It PRON had VERB never ADV been VERB stained VERB with ADP blood NOUN . .
Table NOUN covers NOUN and CONJ towels NOUN were VERB clean ADJ , . ashtrays NOUN empty ADJ and CONJ supplied VERB with ADP fresh ADJ matches NOUN . .
The DET mirror NOUN over ADP the DET bureau NOUN was VERB a DET blank NOUN eye NOUN , . round ADJ and CONJ innocent ADJ . .
Alec NOUN played VERB the DET part NOUN of ADP an DET innocent ADJ tourist NOUN . .
`` . Is VERB there PRT anything NOUN wrong ADJ with ADP this DET room NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . N-no ADV '' . . .
The DET boy NOUN dropped VERB his DET eyes NOUN . .
`` . Afraid ADJ you'll PRT lose VERB your DET job NOUN if ADP you PRON don't VERB keep VERB your DET mouth NOUN shut VERB '' . ? . ? .
The DET boy NOUN raised VERB his DET eyes NOUN . .
`` . Listen VERB , . mister NOUN . .
If ADP you PRON want VERB my DET advice NOUN , . pack VERB up PRT and CONJ take VERB the DET next ADJ train NOUN back ADV to ADP New ADJ York NOUN '' . . .
`` . Were VERB you PRON on ADP duty NOUN here ADV two NUM weeks NOUN ago ADV '' . ? . ? .
The DET boy NOUN hesitated VERB . .
Then ADV , . `` . I'm PRT not ADV talking VERB . .
But CONJ I PRON wouldn't VERB spend VERB a DET night NOUN in ADP here ADV for ADP a DET million NUM bucks NOUN '' . ! . ! .
He PRON was VERB in ADP a DET hurry NOUN to PRT get VERB out ADP of ADP the DET room NOUN . .
Alec NOUN gave VERB him PRON a DET tip NOUN and CONJ let VERB him PRON go VERB . .
Alone ADV , . Alec NOUN examined VERB the DET doors NOUN . .
There PRT were VERB three NUM -- . one NUM leading VERB to ADP a DET bathroom NOUN , . one NUM to ADP the DET hall NOUN , . and CONJ one NUM to ADP the DET room NOUN next ADJ door NOUN which DET was VERB immovable ADJ -- . locked VERB or CONJ bolted VERB on ADP the DET other ADJ side NOUN . .
Alec NOUN locked VERB the DET hall NOUN door NOUN and CONJ put VERB the DET key NOUN with ADP his DET watch NOUN on ADP the DET bedside NOUN table NOUN . .
It PRON was VERB just ADV quarter NOUN of ADP nine NUM . .
As ADP he PRON ranged VERB his DET belongings NOUN on ADP the DET bureau NOUN he PRON noticed VERB a DET film NOUN of ADP white ADJ dust NOUN on ADP the DET dark ADJ surface NOUN of ADP the DET wood NOUN beyond ADP the DET linen NOUN cover NOUN . .
Not ADV gray ADJ like ADP the DET dust NOUN that PRON collects VERB in ADP an DET unused ADJ room NOUN , . but CONJ white ADJ . .
Women NOUN didn't VERB use VERB white ADJ face NOUN powder NOUN nowadays ADV , . he PRON recalled VERB . .
They PRON used VERB pink ADJ , . tan ADJ , . or CONJ cream ADJ powder NOUN . .
Alec NOUN glanced VERB into ADP the DET bathroom NOUN . .
Blood NOUN in ADP the DET bathtub NOUN where ADV the DET murderer NOUN appears VERB to PRT have VERB washed VERB his DET hands NOUN . .
It PRON seemed VERB clean ADJ now ADV , . but CONJ Alec NOUN decided VERB against ADP a DET bath NOUN . .
He PRON crawled VERB into ADP bed NOUN and CONJ switched VERB off PRT the DET light NOUN . .
In ADP the DET darkness NOUN he PRON could VERB see VERB the DET rosy ADJ reflection NOUN of ADP the DET neon NOUN sign NOUN on ADP the DET wall NOUN opposite ADP the DET window NOUN . .
It PRON winked VERB as ADV steadily ADV as ADP a DET metronome NOUN -- . on PRT , . off PRT -- . on PRT , . off PRT . .
In ADP less ADJ than ADP five NUM minutes NOUN Alec NOUN was VERB asleep ADV . .
He PRON never ADV knew VERB just ADV what DET woke VERB him PRON . .
Yet ADV suddenly ADV he PRON was VERB wide-awake ADJ . .
There PRT was VERB no DET sound NOUN and CONJ apparently ADV no DET movement NOUN in ADP the DET room NOUN except ADP the DET noiseless ADJ pulsation NOUN of ADP the DET red ADJ light NOUN on ADP the DET wall NOUN . .
He PRON lay VERB still ADV , . listening VERB to ADP the DET silence NOUN , . watching VERB the DET light NOUN . .
Somewhere ADV in ADP the DET city NOUN a DET big ADJ clock NOUN sounded VERB twelve NUM solemn ADJ notes NOUN -- . midnight NOUN . .
According ADP to ADP the DET medical ADJ examiner NOUN she PRON was VERB shot VERB between ADP eleven NUM p.m. ADV and CONJ one NUM a.m. ADV . .
Alec NOUN heard VERB a DET faint ADJ sound NOUN . .
His DET heart NOUN seemed VERB to PRT swell VERB and CONJ knock VERB against ADP the DET wall NOUN of ADP his DET chest NOUN . .
For ADP the DET sound NOUN was VERB inside ADP the DET room NOUN . .
He PRON let VERB his DET eyelids NOUN droop VERB and CONJ breathed VERB heavily ADV , . feigning VERB sleep NOUN . .
The DET sound NOUN was VERB coming VERB nearer ADV . .
A DET monstrous ADJ shadow NOUN fell VERB across ADP the DET illuminated VERB wall NOUN , . distorted VERB and CONJ indefinable ADJ . .
When ADV the DET neon NOUN sign NOUN faded VERB out PRT , . the DET shadow NOUN disappeared VERB . .
When ADV the DET neon NOUN sign NOUN flashed VERB on PRT , . the DET shadow NOUN was VERB still ADV there ADV . .
It PRON stretched VERB to ADP an DET impossible ADJ height NOUN , . climbing VERB the DET wall NOUN to ADP the DET ceiling NOUN . .
That DET meant VERB that ADP something NOUN between ADP the DET light NOUN and CONJ its DET reflection NOUN on ADP the DET wall NOUN was VERB moving VERB closer ADV to ADP the DET source NOUN of ADP the DET light NOUN -- . in ADP this DET case NOUN , . the DET window NOUN . .
Cautiously ADV Alec NOUN tensed VERB his DET muscles NOUN , . ready ADJ to PRT jump VERB . .
The DET bedsprings NOUN betrayed VERB him PRON with ADP a DET creak NOUN . .
The DET shadow NOUN vanished VERB . .
Someone NOUN had VERB moved VERB beyond ADP the DET range NOUN of ADP the DET light NOUN from ADP the DET window NOUN . .
Abandoning VERB caution NOUN , . Alec NOUN leaped VERB out ADP of ADP bed NOUN and CONJ groped VERB for ADP the DET light NOUN switch NOUN . .
Before ADP he PRON could VERB snap VERB it PRON on PRT , . a DET stinging VERB blow NOUN caught VERB him PRON in ADP the DET ribs NOUN . .
He PRON lashed VERB out PRT blindly ADV with ADP his DET right NOUN . .
There PRT was VERB a DET thick ADJ , . squashy ADJ crack NOUN of ADP fist NOUN on ADP flesh NOUN . .
Something NOUN hard ADJ grazed VERB his DET knuckles NOUN . .
He PRON put VERB everything NOUN he PRON had VERB into ADP the DET next ADJ and CONJ aimed VERB down PRT where ADV the DET stomach NOUN ought VERB to PRT be VERB . .
Rough ADJ cloth NOUN rasped VERB his DET fist NOUN . .
There PRT was VERB a DET grunt NOUN , . curiously ADV inarticulate ADJ , . like ADP that DET of ADP an DET animal NOUN in ADP pain NOUN . .
Something NOUN heavy ADJ shook VERB the DET floor NOUN as ADP it PRON dropped VERB . .
Alec NOUN waited VERB a DET moment NOUN , . on ADP guard NOUN . .
Nothing NOUN happened VERB . .
Again ADV he PRON groped VERB for ADP the DET light NOUN switch NOUN . .
The DET blue ADJ rug NOUN had VERB been VERB rolled VERB up PRT and CONJ stacked VERB in ADP one NUM corner NOUN of ADP the DET room NOUN . .
On ADP the DET bare ADJ floorboards NOUN a DET man NOUN lay VERB face NOUN down PRT . .
He PRON had VERB a DET short ADJ , . heavy ADJ , . powerful ADJ body NOUN . .
Alec NOUN turned VERB him PRON over PRT and CONJ discovered VERB a DET round ADJ , . lumpy ADJ face NOUN with ADP narrow ADJ , . slanting VERB eyes NOUN -- . a DET primitive ADJ Tartar NOUN face NOUN from ADP Russia NOUN or CONJ the DET Balkans NOUN . .
The DET man's NOUN shoes NOUN were VERB too ADV pointed VERB , . his DET overcoat NOUN too ADV broad ADJ at ADP the DET shoulders NOUN and CONJ too ADV narrow ADJ at ADP the DET waist NOUN . .
There PRT was VERB a DET slight ADJ bulge NOUN under ADP the DET left ADJ armpit NOUN -- . a DET shoulder NOUN holster NOUN . .
Alec NOUN promptly ADV removed VERB the DET gun NOUN . .
He PRON was VERB familiar ADJ with ADP this DET type NOUN . .
He PRON had VERB seen VERB it PRON in ADP the DET lineup NOUN at ADP Police NOUN Headquarters NOUN in ADP New ADJ York NOUN , . in ADP Broadway NOUN night NOUN clubs NOUN and CONJ Seventh ADJ Avenue NOUN pool NOUN rooms NOUN , . in ADP the DET criminal NOUN courts NOUN . .
But CONJ he PRON was VERB surprised VERB to PRT meet VERB it PRON here ADV . .
Diana NOUN Beauclerk NOUN had VERB no DET connection NOUN with ADP the DET underworld NOUN . .
A DET professional ADJ gunman NOUN would VERB not ADV have VERB killed VERB her PRON with ADP a DET weapon NOUN of ADP such ADJ small ADJ caliber NOUN as ADP a DET
. .
Nor CONJ would VERB he PRON choose VERB a DET respectable ADJ hotel NOUN as ADP the DET scene NOUN for ADP a DET killing NOUN when ADV it PRON would VERB be VERB so ADV much ADV safer ADJ to PRT take VERB his DET victim NOUN for ADP a DET one-way NOUN ride NOUN on ADP a DET lonely ADJ country NOUN road NOUN . .
The DET man's NOUN eyelids NOUN fluttered VERB . .
He PRON opened VERB his DET eyes NOUN . .
`` . What DET are VERB you PRON doing VERB here ADV '' . ? . ? .
Demanded VERB Alec NOUN . .
The DET man NOUN made VERB no DET reply NOUN . .
His DET eyes NOUN were VERB dazed VERB . .
His DET lips NOUN were VERB bruised VERB and CONJ swollen VERB where ADV Alec NOUN had VERB hit VERB him PRON . .
`` . Did VERB you PRON kill VERB Diana NOUN Beauclerk NOUN '' . ? . ? .
Alec NOUN expected VERB an DET indignant ADJ denial NOUN , . but CONJ there PRT was VERB no DET response NOUN at ADP all PRT . .
`` . Oh PRT , . come VERB on PRT , . snap VERB out ADP of ADP it PRON ! . ! .
Or CONJ I'll PRT turn VERB you PRON over PRT to ADP the DET police NOUN '' . ! . ! .
The DET silence NOUN was VERB getting VERB on ADP Alec's NOUN nerves NOUN . .
The DET man NOUN opened VERB his DET mouth NOUN , . but CONJ no DET words NOUN came VERB . .
Only ADV that DET curious ADJ , . animal NOUN grunting NOUN Alec NOUN had VERB heard VERB during ADP their DET fight NOUN . .
`` . Don't VERB you PRON speak VERB English NOUN '' . ? . ? .
The DET man NOUN opened VERB his DET mouth NOUN wider ADJ . .
A DET forefinger NOUN pointed VERB toward ADP his DET gullet NOUN . .
Alec NOUN leaned VERB forward ADV to PRT look VERB . .
There PRT were VERB hideous ADJ scars NOUN inside ADP the DET throat NOUN and CONJ the DET palate NOUN was VERB mutilated VERB . .
In ADP good ADJ time NOUN I PRON shall VERB get VERB to ADP the DET distressing ADJ actuality NOUN , . to ADP Red ADJ McIver NOUN and CONJ Handley NOUN Walker NOUN , . to ADP murder NOUN and CONJ sudden ADJ death NOUN . .
But CONJ you PRON realize VERB , . I PRON am VERB sure ADJ , . how ADV much ADV old ADJ deeds NOUN incite VERB to ADP new ADJ ones NOUN , . and CONJ you PRON must VERB forgive VERB me PRON if ADP I PRON tell VERB you PRON first ADV of ADP the DET old ADJ ones NOUN . .
It PRON was VERB in ADP 1814 NUM that ADP Abraham NOUN Wharf NOUN and CONJ his DET sister NOUN sat VERB by ADP a DET meager ADJ fire NOUN in ADP their DET house NOUN on ADP Dogtown NOUN Common NOUN , . a DET desolate ADJ place NOUN even ADV then ADV . .
He PRON was VERB sharpening VERB his DET razor NOUN . .
`` . Sister NOUN '' . , . said VERB he PRON `` . do VERB you PRON think VERB people NOUN who PRON commit VERB suicide NOUN go VERB to ADP heaven NOUN '' . ? . ? .
And CONJ she PRON answered VERB , . `` . I PRON don't VERB know VERB , . but CONJ I PRON hope VERB you'll PRT never ADV do VERB such PRT a DET thing NOUN '' . . .
Without ADP a DET tremor NOUN , . `` . God NOUN forbid VERB '' . ! . ! .
He PRON said VERB , . and CONJ went VERB out PRT and CONJ cut VERB his DET throat NOUN in ADP the DET cave NOUN near ADP Granny NOUN Day's NOUN swamp NOUN . .
What DET has VERB this DET to PRT do VERB with ADP the DET present NOUN ? . ? .
Much ADJ , . I PRON assure VERB you PRON . .
You PRON must VERB know VERB what DET gets VERB into ADP people NOUN , . even ADV such ADJ as ADP Red NOUN and CONJ Handley NOUN , . before ADP you PRON can VERB tell VERB what DET comes VERB out ADP of ADP them PRON . .
They PRON had VERB learned VERB , . both DET of ADP them PRON , . about ADP Abraham NOUN Wharf NOUN . .
That's PRT why ADV I PRON beg VERB you PRON not ADV to PRT forget VERB him PRON . .
His DET ghost NOUN is VERB not ADV laid VERB . .
Red NOUN and CONJ Handley NOUN , . God NOUN help VERB them PRON , . knew VERB the DET old ADJ Dogtown NOUN lore NOUN ; . ; .
and CONJ I PRON knew VERB they PRON knew VERB it PRON , . for ADP I'd PRT told VERB them PRON a DET lot NOUN of ADP it PRON . .
And CONJ isn't VERB it PRON true ADJ that ADP you PRON get VERB a DET deeper ADJ perception NOUN about ADP a DET man NOUN and CONJ his DET motives NOUN when ADV you PRON know VERB what DET it PRON is VERB he PRON knows VERB ? . ? .
Yes ADV , . gentlemen NOUN , . I PRON am VERB getting VERB to ADP the DET point NOUN , . to ADP my DET point NOUN . .
You PRON know VERB the DET facts NOUN ; . ; .
they PRON are VERB set VERB forth ADV in ADP your DET own ADJ newspapers NOUN . .
You PRON want VERB from ADP me PRON the DET story NOUN , . but CONJ a DET story NOUN is VERB about ADP ' . why ADV ' . and CONJ then ADV , . perhaps ADV , . about ADP how ADV . .
The DET ' . when ADV ' . you PRON know VERB ; . ; .
yesterday NOUN morning NOUN . .
So ADP what DET I PRON am VERB trying VERB to PRT tell VERB you PRON is VERB the DET ' . why ADV ' . -- . that DET is VERB my DET point NOUN -- . and CONJ that DET concerns VERB the DET spirit NOUN of ADP the DET matter NOUN . .
There PRT is VERB an DET inwardness NOUN and CONJ a DET luster NOUN to ADP old ADJ furniture NOUN ( . look VERB at ADP that DET mahogany NOUN highboy NOUN behind ADP you PRON ) . which DET has VERB a DET provocative ADJ emanation NOUN , . if ADP I PRON may VERB say VERB so ADV . .
Places NOUN , . too ADV , . have VERB their DET haunting ADJ qualities NOUN . .
Even ADV people NOUN . .
And CONJ my DET point NOUN in ADP this DET sad ADJ story NOUN is VERB the DET spirit NOUN of ADP the DET matter NOUN . .
When ADV you PRON hold VERB the DET spirit NOUN of ADP a DET thing NOUN , . then ADV somehow ADV you PRON know VERB the DET truth NOUN -- . you PRON know VERB a DET fake ADJ antique NOUN from ADP the DET real ADJ thing NOUN . .
And CONJ the DET truth NOUN is VERB what DET you've PRT come VERB for ADP , . is VERB it PRON not ADV ? . ? .
Now ADV , . Dogtown NOUN is VERB one NUM of ADP those DET places NOUN that PRON creeps VERB into ADP the DET marrow NOUN as ADP worms NOUN get VERB into ADP old ADJ wood NOUN , . under ADP the DET veneer NOUN . .
In ADP fact NOUN , . all PRT the DET folk NOUN who PRON lived VERB on ADP the DET back NOUN of ADP Cape NOUN Ann NOUN , . they PRON are VERB not ADV just ADV like ADP others NOUN . .
There's PRT a DET different ADJ hall-mark NOUN on ADP them PRON . .
There PRT were VERB no DET witch NOUN burnings NOUN here ADV because ADP everyone NOUN had VERB a DET witch NOUN in ADP the DET family NOUN . .
Just ADV think VERB of ADP old ADJ Granther NOUN Stannard NOUN who PRON pulled VERB the DET teeth NOUN of ADP Dark NOUN Younger NOUN ( . her DET real ADJ name NOUN was VERB Dorcas NOUN ) . , . and CONJ because ADP he PRON bungled VERB the DET job NOUN and CONJ left VERB two NUM protruding VERB tusks NOUN she PRON put VERB such PRT a DET hex NOUN on ADP him PRON that ADP he PRON thought VERB his DET legs NOUN were VERB made VERB of ADP glass NOUN . .
After ADP that ADP he PRON was VERB never ADV known VERB to PRT run VERB or CONJ even ADV walk VERB fast ADV . .
Today NOUN Dogtown NOUN is VERB the DET only ADJ deserted VERB village NOUN in ADP all PRT New ADJ England NOUN that ADP I PRON know VERB of ADP . .
There ADV it PRON sits VERB , . a DET small ADJ highland NOUN , . with ADP towns NOUN like ADP Gloucester NOUN near ADV by ADV ; . ; .
but CONJ now ADV it's PRT the DET most ADV lost VERB and CONJ tortured VERB place NOUN in ADP the DET world NOUN . .
Those DET who PRON lived VERB in ADP that DET desolation NOUN of ADP rocky ADJ deformity NOUN took VERB on PRT some DET of ADP the DET moraine's NOUN stony ADJ character NOUN . .
Scientists NOUN say VERB it PRON is VERB the DET last ADJ spewings NOUN of ADP a DET great ADJ glacier NOUN , . but CONJ one NOUN rather ADV feels VERB that ADP only ADV a DET malevolent ADJ giant NOUN could VERB have VERB piled VERB up PRT those DET crouching VERB monsters NOUN of ADP granite NOUN which DET still ADV seem VERB to PRT preserve VERB a DET sort NOUN of ADP suspended VERB , . ominous ADJ life NOUN in ADP them PRON . .
We'll PRT walk VERB up ADP there ADV later ADV . .
It's PRT perhaps ADV a DET mile NOUN from ADP here ADV where ADV we PRON sit VERB . .
And CONJ not ADV one NUM single ADJ dwelling NOUN left VERB there ADV , . though ADP once ADV , . in ADP the DET early ADJ eighteenth ADJ century NOUN , . there PRT were VERB close ADV to ADP a DET hundred NUM houses NOUN . .
( . I PRON myself PRON have VERB identified VERB about ADP sixty NUM sites NOUN , . from ADP the DET old ADJ maps NOUN and CONJ registers NOUN . .
A DET fascinating ADJ pursuit NOUN , . I PRON assure VERB you PRON . .
) . Even ADV I PRON can VERB remember VERB nothing NOUN but ADP ruined VERB cellars NOUN and CONJ tumbled VERB pillars NOUN , . and CONJ nobody NOUN has VERB lived VERB there ADV in ADP the DET memory NOUN of ADP any DET living VERB man NOUN . .
It PRON is VERB now ADV a DET sweep NOUN of ADP boulders NOUN and CONJ ledges NOUN , . with ADP oak NOUN , . walnut NOUN and CONJ sumac NOUN creeping VERB across ADP the DET common NOUN , . and CONJ everywhere NOUN the DET ruins NOUN and CONJ the DET long ADJ , . long ADJ shadows NOUN . .
That's PRT your DET setting NOUN , . and CONJ a DET sinister ADJ one NOUN . .
Please VERB get VERB that DET in ADP your DET reports NOUN . .
It PRON accounts VERB for ADP so ADV many ADJ things NOUN . .
Both DET Red ADJ McIver NOUN and CONJ Handley NOUN Walker NOUN lived VERB nearby ADV , . almost ADV as ADV near ADV as ADP I PRON do VERB . .
Red ADJ lived VERB at ADP Lanesville NOUN , . and CONJ from ADP his DET house NOUN he PRON could VERB be VERB up PRT on ADP the DET Common NOUN in ADP a DET half PRT hour's NOUN brisk ADJ walk NOUN ; . ; .
Handley NOUN lived VERB further ADV on PRT , . at ADP Pigeon NOUN Cove NOUN . .
I'd PRT often ADV find VERB one NUM or CONJ other ADJ of ADP them PRON up PRT around ADP Dogtown NOUN sketching VERB . .
They PRON were VERB both DET painters NOUN , . ( . They PRON were VERB ? . ? .
They PRON are VERB ? . ? .
What DET should VERB one NOUN say VERB ? . ? .
) . Well PRT , . anyhow ADV , . Dogtown NOUN Common NOUN is VERB so ADV much ADV off ADP the DET beaten VERB track NOUN nowadays ADV that ADP only ADV Sunday NOUN picnickers NOUN still ADV stray VERB up ADP there ADV , . from ADP time NOUN to ADP time NOUN . .
Sea-road NOUN , . railroad NOUN , . lack NOUN of ADP water NOUN , . killed VERB Dogtown NOUN . .
Dead ADJ , . dead ADJ as ADP a DET brass NOUN door NOUN nail NOUN , . and CONJ I PRON sometimes ADV feel VERB like ADP the DET Sexton NOUN , . for ADP I'm PRT about ADV the DET last ADJ to PRT be VERB even ADV interested VERB . .
I PRON knew VERB Red NOUN and CONJ Handley NOUN well ADV . .
As ADP I PRON said VERB , . they PRON were VERB both DET painters NOUN . .
They'd PRT come VERB , . separately ADV , . to ADP Gloucester NOUN some DET twenty NUM years NOUN ago ADV -- . there's PRT always ADV been VERB an DET artists' NOUN colony NOUN somewhere NOUN on ADP Cape NOUN Ann NOUN -- . and CONJ each DET married VERB here ADV . .
They PRON married VERB cousins NOUN , . Anta NOUN and CONJ Freya NOUN Norberg NOUN . .
There PRT are VERB a DET lot NOUN of ADP Scandinavians NOUN in ADP this DET neck NOUN of ADP the DET woods NOUN , . and CONJ many ADJ still ADV make VERB painted VERB furniture NOUN and CONJ take VERB steam-baths NOUN . .
Pretty ADJ girls NOUN among ADP them PRON , . with ADP blonde ADJ hair NOUN and CONJ pert ADJ faces NOUN . .
Handley NOUN married VERB Freya NOUN and CONJ Red NOUN , . of ADP the DET red ADJ beard NOUN , . married VERB Anta NOUN . .
And CONJ it PRON was VERB because ADP of ADP an DET old ADJ Norberg NOUN inheritance NOUN that ADP I PRON got VERB to PRT understand VERB them PRON all PRT so ADV well ADV . .
The DET quarrel NOUN ended VERB in ADP a DET ridiculous ADJ draw NOUN , . but CONJ I PRON must VERB tell VERB you PRON about ADP it PRON . .
Oh PRT , . yes ADV , . I'm PRT quite ADV sure ADJ it's PRT important ADJ , . because ADP of ADP the DET Beech NOUN Pasture NOUN . .
What's PRT that DET ? . ? .
Why ADV , . that's PRT what DET gave VERB me PRON the DET feeling NOUN , . gave VERB me PRON as-it-were ADV the DET spirit NOUN , . the DET demoniac ADJ , . evil ADJ spirit NOUN of ADP this DET whole NOUN affair NOUN . .
You PRON see VERB , . besides ADV being VERB custodian NOUN of ADP antiquities NOUN , . I PRON am VERB also ADV registrar NOUN . .
No ADV , . I PRON don't VERB hold VERB with ADP those DET who PRON live VERB entirely ADV among ADP dead ADJ things NOUN . .
I PRON know VERB as ADV well ADV as ADP the DET next ADJ man NOUN that ADP a DET ship NOUN is VERB called VERB from ADP the DET rigging NOUN she PRON carries VERB , . where ADV the DET live ADJ wind NOUN blows VERB , . and CONJ not ADV from ADP the DET hull NOUN . .
But CONJ you've PRT got VERB to PRT know VERB both DET . .
What's PRT below ADP the DET water-line NOUN interests VERB me PRON also ADV . .
As ADP I PRON was VERB saying VERB , . I've PRT known VERB all PRT about ADP the DET old ADJ records NOUN , . including ADP the DET old ADJ Norberg NOUN deed NOUN . .
Some DET ten NUM years NOUN ago ADV that DET page NOUN was VERB torn VERB out PRT , . I PRON don't VERB know VERB by ADP whom PRON . .
About ADV five NUM years NOUN ago ADV , . Handley NOUN came VERB to PRT ask VERB me PRON if ADP he PRON could VERB see VERB the DET tattered VERB register NOUN . .
He PRON was VERB courteous ADJ and CONJ casual ADJ about ADP it PRON , . as ADP though ADP it PRON were VERB of ADP no DET consequence NOUN . .
He's PRT always ADV like ADP that DET , . in ADP spite ADP of ADP being VERB a DET big ADJ man NOUN . .
( . When ADV you PRON see VERB him PRON , . you'll PRT notice VERB his DET habit NOUN of ADP fingering VERB , . I PRON might VERB almost ADV say VERB , . stroking VERB a DET large ADJ mole NOUN with ADP black ADJ hairs NOUN on ADP it PRON , . by ADP his DET right ADJ temple NOUN . .
) . A DET sensual ADJ man NOUN , . but CONJ very ADV courteous ADJ , . some DET would VERB say VERB slick ADJ . .
Like ADP his DET glossy ADJ black ADJ hair NOUN . .
Too ADV many ADJ outside ADJ manners NOUN , . to ADP my DET taste NOUN . .
He PRON is VERB the DET sort NOUN who PRON , . with ADP an DET appraising VERB eye NOUN , . would VERB cross VERB the DET street NOUN to PRT help VERB a DET strange ADJ woman NOUN on ADP to ADP a DET bus NOUN and CONJ then ADV pinch VERB her PRON . .
A DET real ADJ gentleman NOUN , . I PRON feel VERB , . would VERB do VERB neither DET . .
He's PRT always ADV worn VERB a DET broad-brimmed ADJ hat NOUN , . and CONJ I've PRT noticed VERB , . in ADP my DET small ADJ study NOUN at ADP the DET Society NOUN , . that ADP he PRON rather ADV smells VERB of ADP cosmetics NOUN . .
The DET next ADJ week NOUN , . cousin NOUN Red NOUN wandered VERB in PRT as ADV casually ADV , . but CONJ curt ADJ and CONJ untidy ADJ . .
Red NOUN was VERB small ADJ and CONJ fine-boned ADJ , . like ADP ivory-inlay NOUN . .
He PRON too ADV asked VERB to PRT see VERB the DET same ADJ page NOUN . .
When ADV I PRON told VERB him PRON someone NOUN had VERB torn VERB it PRON out PRT , . he PRON shouted VERB . .
`` . By ADP God NOUN , . it's PRT that DET damn ADJ Handley NOUN , . the DET sneak NOUN '' . ! . ! .
And CONJ later ADV in ADP the DET same ADJ week NOUN they PRON both DET came VERB together ADV to PRT examine VERB the DET register NOUN . .
Fortunately ADV we PRON were VERB alone ADV in ADP the DET building NOUN -- . so ADV few ADJ people NOUN nowadays ADV are VERB interested VERB even ADV in ADP their DET own ADJ past NOUN or CONJ in ADP the DET lovely ADJ craft NOUN of ADP other ADJ days NOUN -- . for ADP they PRON began VERB to PRT abuse VERB each DET other ADJ in ADP the DET foulest ADJ language NOUN . .
Red ADJ thrusting VERB out PRT his DET tawny ADJ beard NOUN , . Handley NOUN glowering VERB under ADP his DET suddenly ADV rumpled VERB black ADJ hair NOUN . .
They PRON actually ADV bristled VERB . .
Le X rouge X et X le X noir X . .
Violent ADJ men NOUN both DET . .
Red ADJ always ADV was VERB morose ADJ , . yet ADV that DET day NOUN the DET dapper ADJ Handley NOUN was VERB the DET louder ADJ of ADP the DET two NUM . .
But ADP for ADP my DET presence NOUN , . they PRON would VERB have VERB been VERB at ADP each DET others' NOUN throats NOUN . .
During ADP the DET quarrel NOUN I PRON learned VERB what DET the DET trouble NOUN was VERB , . from ADP the DET accusations NOUN each DET hurled VERB at ADP the DET other ADJ . .
The DET Beech NOUN Pasture NOUN had VERB suddenly ADV become VERB valuable ADJ . .
There's PRT a DET fine ADJ granite NOUN quarry NOUN there ADV , . and CONJ granite's PRT coming VERB back ADV for ADP public ADJ buildings NOUN . .
Both DET men NOUN knew VERB it PRON was VERB in ADP the DET Norberg NOUN family NOUN holdings NOUN , . but CONJ to ADP which DET of ADP the DET cousins NOUN did VERB it PRON belong VERB , . Anta NOUN or CONJ Freya NOUN ? . ? .
Fortunately ADV , . I PRON knew VERB almost ADV exactly ADV what DET the DET will NOUN had VERB said VERB . .
It PRON began VERB with ADP a DET preamble NOUN , . of ADP course NOUN . .
This DET explained VERB that ADP the DET judge NOUN of ADP probate NOUN of ADP Essex NOUN County NOUN , . 1785 NUM or CONJ 1786 NUM , . appointed VERB three NUM free-holders NOUN of ADP Gloucester NOUN to PRT divide VERB and CONJ establish VERB the DET Norberg NOUN estate NOUN . .
After ADP the DET usual ADJ Honorable ADJ Sirs NOUN , . it PRON went VERB on PRT to PRT say VERB that ADP there PRT had VERB been VERB set VERB off PRT to ADP the DET widow NOUN one NUM full ADJ third ADJ part NOUN of ADP the DET real ADJ estate NOUN of ADP the DET deceased ADJ Salu NOUN Norberg NOUN , . one NUM lower ADJ room NOUN , . on ADP the DET Western ADJ side NOUN , . privileges NOUN to ADP the DET well NOUN and CONJ bake-oven NOUN and CONJ to ADP one NUM third ADJ of ADP the DET cellar NOUN ( . I PRON can VERB show VERB you PRON the DET cellar NOUN when ADV we PRON go VERB up PRT ) . , . also ADV one NUM Cow NOUN Right NOUN , . and CONJ lastly ADV they PRON set VERB off PRT to ADP the DET widow NOUN her DET own ADJ land NOUN that ADP she PRON brought VERB with ADP her PRON as ADP dower NOUN , . namely ADV the DET Beech NOUN Pasture NOUN . .
And CONJ I PRON remember VERB that ADP the DET whole NOUN of ADP the DET privileges NOUN , . not ADV counting VERB the DET Beech NOUN Pasture NOUN , . was VERB valued VERB at ADP twenty NUM pounds NOUN . .
I PRON wish VERB you PRON could VERB have VERB seen VERB the DET crests NOUN fall VERB on ADP these DET two NUM sparring VERB coxcombs NOUN when ADV I PRON told VERB them PRON that ADP obviously ADV the DET pasture NOUN belonged VERB to ADP their DET wives NOUN jointly ADV . .
That DET battle NOUN scene NOUN , . ridiculous ADJ as ADP it PRON was VERB , . remained VERB in ADP my DET mind NOUN . .
A DET disturbing ADJ picture NOUN of ADP bad ADJ blood NOUN , . to PRT be VERB further ADJ heightened VERB with ADP illicit ADJ if ADP buccolic ADJ colors NOUN , . for ADP on ADP a DET subsequent ADJ day NOUN I PRON saw VERB Handley NOUN escorting VERB Anta NOUN , . Red's NOUN wife NOUN , . up PRT on ADP Dogtown NOUN Common NOUN . .
I PRON felt VERB it PRON would VERB be VERB inopportune ADJ to PRT disclose VERB my DET presence NOUN . .
Not ADV that ADP I PRON intentionally ADV go VERB unperceived ADJ , . but CONJ the DET boulders NOUN up PRT there ADV are VERB very ADV high ADJ and CONJ I PRON am VERB a DET small ADJ woman NOUN . .
One NUM other ADJ cause NOUN of ADP jealousy NOUN between ADP them PRON I PRON must VERB tell VERB you PRON . .
Paint NOUN ! . ! .
Gloomy ADJ and CONJ unkempt ADJ as ADP Red ADJ McIver NOUN was VERB , . he PRON was VERB much ADV the DET better ADJ painter NOUN . .
I PRON suppose VERB Handley NOUN knew VERB it PRON . .
If ADP Red NOUN had VERB a DET show NOUN at ADP Gloucester NOUN , . Handley NOUN would VERB hurry VERB to PRT hang VERB his DET pictures NOUN in ADP Rockport NOUN . .
You PRON may VERB say VERB this DET has VERB little ADJ pertinence NOUN , . but CONJ , . gentlemen NOUN , . remember VERB that ADP all PRT this DET prepared VERB my DET mind NOUN , . alerted VERB my DET intelligence NOUN . .
By ADP such ADJ touches NOUN the DET pattern NOUN takes VERB shape NOUN . .
You PRON would VERB call VERB these DET the DET motives NOUN of ADP crime NOUN . .
I PRON would VERB call VERB them PRON the DET patterns NOUN of ADP life NOUN , . perhaps ADV even ADV the DET designs NOUN of ADP destiny NOUN . .
Yet ADV with ADP all PRT this DET knowledge NOUN I PRON had VERB nothing NOUN of ADP substance NOUN to PRT unravel VERB our DET case NOUN , . as ADP you PRON would VERB call VERB it PRON , . till ADP yesterday NOUN . .
One NUM month NOUN ago ADV , . on ADP the DET 20th ADJ of ADP October NOUN , . was VERB the DET opening NOUN of ADP the DET gunning VERB season NOUN in ADP Massachusetts NOUN . .
Not ADV much ADJ to PRT shoot VERB , . but CONJ there PRT are VERB a DET few ADJ pheasant NOUN . .
Rabbits NOUN , . too ADV , . if ADP you PRON care VERB for ADP them PRON , . which DET most ADJ of ADP the DET folk NOUN around ADP here ADV haven't VERB the DET sense NOUN to PRT appreciate VERB . .
Any DET more ADV than ADP they PRON have VERB the DET sense NOUN to PRT eat VERB mussels NOUN . .
That DET was VERB the DET day NOUN Red NOUN was VERB said VERB to PRT have VERB gone VERB away ADV . .
Oh PRT yes ADV , . he'd PRT talked VERB about ADP doing VERB so ADV . .
In ADP fact NOUN , . he PRON often ADV disappeared VERB , . from ADP time NOUN to ADP time NOUN , . -- . off PRT to PRT paint VERB the DET sea NOUN , . aboard ADV a DET dragger NOUN out PRT from ADP Gloucester NOUN . .
Anta NOUN , . his DET wife NOUN , . never ADV seemed VERB to PRT mind VERB . .
I PRON suppose VERB these DET absences NOUN gave VERB her PRON more ADJ clearance NOUN for ADP her DET embraces NOUN with ADP Cousin NOUN Handley NOUN . .
Anyhow ADV , . I PRON wasn't VERB surprised VERB , . early ADV that DET morning NOUN , . to PRT see VERB Handley NOUN himself PRON crossing VERB from ADP Dogtown NOUN Common NOUN Road NOUN to ADP the DET Back ADJ Road NOUN . .
No ADV , . he PRON didn't VERB have VERB his DET gun NOUN , . which DET he PRON should VERB have VERB . .
It PRON would VERB have VERB been VERB a DET good ADJ excuse NOUN for ADP his DET being VERB there ADV at ADP all PRT . .
I PRON myself PRON had VERB been VERB up PRT there ADV by ADP seven NUM o'clock ADV , . after ADP mushrooms NOUN , . since ADP there'd PRT been VERB a DET week NOUN of ADP rain NOUN which DET had VERB stopped VERB early ADV that DET morning NOUN and CONJ the DET day NOUN was VERB as ADV clear ADJ as ADP Sandwich NOUN glass NOUN . .
That's PRT what DET the DET man NOUN had VERB said VERB . .
Haney NOUN peered VERB doubtfully ADV at ADP his DET drinking VERB companion NOUN through ADP bleary ADJ , . tear-filled ADJ eyes NOUN . .
He PRON had VERB no DET ready ADJ answer NOUN , . as ADV much ADV from ADP surprise NOUN as ADP from ADP the DET fit NOUN of ADP coughing VERB . .
Was VERB the DET man NOUN drunk ADJ or CONJ crazy ADJ or CONJ both DET ? . ? .
But CONJ his DET new-found ADJ buddy NOUN had VERB matched VERB him PRON drink NOUN for ADP drink NOUN until ADP he PRON lost VERB count NOUN , . and CONJ the DET man's NOUN eyes NOUN were VERB still ADV clear ADJ . .
The DET guy NOUN is VERB off ADP his DET rocker NOUN , . Haney NOUN thought VERB to ADP himself PRON , . and CONJ looked VERB away ADV from ADP those DET eyes NOUN . .
Eyes NOUN that PRON were VERB clear ADJ , . but CONJ also ADV bright ADJ with ADP a DET strange ADJ intensity NOUN , . a DET sort NOUN of ADP cold ADJ fire NOUN burning VERB behind ADP them PRON . .
Why ADV hadn't VERB he PRON noticed VERB it PRON before ADV ? . ? .
No ADV , . the DET man NOUN was VERB not ADV drunk ADJ
He PRON wondered VERB how ADV he PRON got VERB tied VERB up PRT with ADP this DET stranger NOUN . .
But CONJ , . of ADP course NOUN , . he PRON remembered VERB now ADV . .
It PRON was VERB blurred VERB , . after ADP two NUM hours NOUN of ADP steady ADJ drinking NOUN , . but CONJ the DET occasion NOUN of ADP it PRON came VERB back ADV to ADP him PRON . .
The DET stranger NOUN , . his DET head NOUN seemingly ADV sunk VERB in ADP thought NOUN , . started VERB to PRT cross VERB the DET street NOUN against ADP the DET light NOUN just ADV as ADP a DET huge ADJ moving VERB van NOUN roared VERB through ADP the DET intersection NOUN . .
Brakes NOUN howled VERB and CONJ a DET horn NOUN blared VERB furiously ADV , . but CONJ the DET man NOUN would VERB have VERB been VERB hit VERB if ADP Phil NOUN hadn't VERB called VERB out PRT to ADP him PRON a DET second NOUN before ADV . .
His DET shout NOUN had VERB been VERB involuntary ADJ , . something NOUN anybody NOUN might VERB have VERB done VERB without ADP thinking VERB , . on ADP the DET spur NOUN of ADP the DET moment NOUN . .
As ADP a DET matter NOUN of ADP fact NOUN , . he PRON wouldn't VERB have VERB cared VERB at ADP all PRT if ADP the DET guy NOUN had VERB been VERB hit VERB . .
Actually ADV , . he PRON regretted VERB having VERB opened VERB his DET mouth NOUN when ADV the DET truck NOUN came VERB to ADP a DET stop NOUN and CONJ the DET angry ADJ driver NOUN jumped VERB down PRT from ADP the DET cab NOUN and CONJ walked VERB back ADV toward ADP them PRON . .
By ADP then ADV , . the DET stranger NOUN was VERB thanking VERB Haney NOUN profusely ADV and CONJ had VERB one NUM arm NOUN around ADP his DET shoulders NOUN as ADP if ADP he PRON were VERB an DET old ADJ friend NOUN . .
So ADP the DET driver NOUN started VERB to PRT curse VERB at ADP both DET of ADP them PRON as ADP if ADP they PRON had VERB been VERB in ADP a DET plot NOUN together ADV to PRT ruin VERB his DET safe-driving NOUN record NOUN . .
Then ADV the DET man NOUN he PRON saved VERB turned VERB and CONJ looked VERB squarely ADV into ADP the DET truck NOUN driver's NOUN face NOUN , . without ADP saying VERB a DET word NOUN . .
Very ADV suddenly ADV , . the DET driver NOUN stopped VERB swearing VERB at ADP them PRON , . turned VERB on ADP his DET heel NOUN and CONJ went VERB back ADV to ADP his DET truck NOUN . .
Haney NOUN hadn't VERB given VERB it PRON much ADJ thought NOUN at ADP the DET time NOUN . .
Now ADV he PRON recalled VERB it PRON very ADV clearly ADV , . and CONJ wondered VERB what DET the DET truck NOUN driver NOUN had VERB seen VERB in ADP those DET eyes NOUN to PRT make VERB him PRON back VERB off PRT . .
It PRON must VERB have VERB been VERB the DET sort NOUN of ADP look NOUN that PRON can VERB call VERB a DET bluff NOUN without ADP saying VERB a DET word NOUN . .
When ADV the DET light NOUN went VERB their DET way NOUN , . they PRON went VERB on PRT across ADP the DET street NOUN . .
And CONJ when ADV the DET stranger NOUN found VERB out PRT that ADP Phil NOUN was VERB on ADP the DET way NOUN to ADP one NUM of ADP his DET favorite ADJ bars NOUN , . he PRON insisted VERB on ADP offering VERB to PRT buy VERB drinks NOUN for ADP both DET of ADP them PRON . .
Phil NOUN usually ADV went VERB alone ADV and CONJ kept VERB to ADP himself PRON , . sitting VERB in ADP a DET corner NOUN and CONJ passing VERB the DET time NOUN by ADP nursing VERB his DET favorite ADJ grudges NOUN . .
But CONJ he PRON decided VERB he PRON wouldn't VERB mind VERB company NOUN in ADP return NOUN for ADP free ADJ drinks NOUN , . even ADV though ADP he PRON made VERB good ADJ money NOUN at ADP his DET job NOUN . .
Phil NOUN was VERB like ADP that DET . .
Now ADV he PRON wondered VERB if ADP it PRON was VERB worth ADJ it PRON , . having VERB a DET screwball NOUN for ADP company NOUN . .
He PRON really ADV didn't VERB take VERB the DET offer NOUN seriously ADV , . but CONJ he PRON began VERB to PRT feel VERB uneasy ADJ . .
When ADV he PRON finally ADV got VERB the DET coughing NOUN under ADP control NOUN , . he PRON realized VERB that ADP Pete NOUN ( . all PRT he PRON gave VERB was VERB his DET first ADJ name NOUN ) . was VERB still ADV waiting VERB for ADP an DET answer NOUN -- . he PRON didn't VERB even ADV seem VERB to PRT wink VERB as ADP he PRON continued VERB to PRT stare VERB . .
Haney NOUN managed VERB a DET weak ADJ laugh NOUN . .
`` . Guess VERB I PRON can't VERB think VERB of ADP anyone NOUN , . Pete NOUN . .
Thanks NOUN anyhow ADV '' . . .
A DET faint ADJ crease NOUN appeared VERB between ADP the DET man's NOUN eyebrows NOUN . .
`` . I PRON think VERB you PRON aren't VERB taking VERB me PRON seriously ADV , . Phil NOUN . .
I PRON meant VERB it PRON . .
And CONJ everybody NOUN has VERB some DET kind NOUN of ADP grudge NOUN . .
I PRON might VERB have VERB got VERB hit VERB by ADP that DET truck NOUN if ADP it PRON wasn't VERB for ADP you PRON . .
I PRON believe VERB in ADP returning VERB favors NOUN . .
I'll PRT do VERB anything NOUN for ADP somebody NOUN I PRON like VERB . .
It PRON won't VERB cost VERB you PRON a DET cent NOUN , . Phil NOUN . .
Go VERB ahead ADV and CONJ try VERB me PRON '' . ! . ! .
Phil NOUN rubbed VERB his DET forehead NOUN wearily ADV . .
He PRON was VERB beginning VERB to PRT feel VERB woolly ADJ . .
Maybe ADV it PRON would VERB be VERB better ADJ to PRT humor VERB the DET guy NOUN and CONJ then ADV make VERB an DET exit NOUN . .
He PRON really ADV didn't VERB expect VERB anything NOUN to PRT come VERB of ADP it PRON , . and CONJ there PRT were VERB a DET few ADJ people NOUN
`` . All ADV right ADV '' . , . he PRON conceded VERB finally ADV , . `` . if ADP you PRON must VERB know VERB , . I PRON don't VERB get VERB along ADV with ADP the DET landlord NOUN . .
He PRON keeps VERB riding VERB me PRON because ADP I PRON like VERB to PRT listen VERB to ADP the DET radio NOUN and CONJ sing VERB while ADP I'm PRT taking VERB a DET bath NOUN . .
He PRON says VERB the DET neighbors NOUN complain VERB , . but CONJ I PRON don't VERB believe VERB it PRON . .
Why ADV don't VERB they PRON tell VERB me PRON themselves PRON if ADP it PRON bothers VERB them PRON '' . ? . ? .
The DET man NOUN closed VERB his DET eyes NOUN and CONJ nodded VERB . .
When ADV he PRON looked VERB up PRT again ADV , . he PRON seemed VERB almost ADV contented VERB . .
`` . Fine ADJ . .
Give VERB me PRON your DET address NOUN . .
It PRON will VERB take VERB a DET little ADJ time NOUN . .
I PRON want VERB to PRT study VERB your DET landlord's NOUN habits NOUN and CONJ movements NOUN first ADV . .
You PRON see VERB , . I PRON always ADV make VERB it PRON look VERB like ADP an DET accident NOUN . .
Maybe ADV suicide NOUN , . if ADP it PRON looks VERB reasonable ADJ . .
In ADP that DET way NOUN there's PRT no DET trouble NOUN for ADP the DET customer NOUN '' . . .
Haney's NOUN eyebrows NOUN flew VERB up PRT . .
`` . Customer NOUN '' . ? . ? .
Pete NOUN smiled VERB modestly ADV . .
`` . It's PRT my DET line NOUN of ADP work NOUN '' . , . he PRON said VERB
Five NUM minutes NOUN later ADV , . before ADP Haney NOUN could VERB make VERB his DET break NOUN , . the DET stranger NOUN stood VERB up PRT and CONJ nodded VERB farewell NOUN . .
Haney NOUN watched VERB the DET small ADJ but CONJ wiry ADJ man NOUN slip VERB out ADP the DET door NOUN quickly ADV and CONJ silently ADV , . and CONJ felt VERB relieved VERB to PRT see VERB that ADP nobody NOUN else ADV seemed VERB to PRT notice VERB his DET departure NOUN . .
Phil NOUN decided VERB to PRT stay VERB a DET little ADJ longer ADJ , . and CONJ as ADP time NOUN passed VERB it PRON seemed VERB as ADP if ADP the DET strange ADJ little ADJ man NOUN had VERB never ADV been VERB there ADV , . but CONJ for ADP the DET other ADJ glass NOUN on ADP the DET table NOUN . .
Some DET time NOUN before ADP midnight NOUN he PRON returned VERB to ADP his DET apartment NOUN and CONJ hit VERB the DET sack NOUN , . putting VERB the DET whole ADJ incident NOUN out ADP of ADP mind NOUN before ADP he PRON fell VERB asleep ADV . .
The DET next ADJ day NOUN , . Sunday NOUN , . the DET hangover NOUN reminded VERB Haney NOUN where ADV he PRON had VERB been VERB the DET night NOUN before ADV . .
The DET hangover NOUN in ADP turn NOUN reminded VERB him PRON of ADP his DET conversation NOUN with ADP the DET weirdy NOUN , . and CONJ he PRON groaned VERB . .
He PRON went VERB for ADP more ADJ aspirin NOUN later ADV in ADP the DET day NOUN , . and CONJ passed VERB the DET surly ADJ landlord NOUN on ADP the DET way NOUN -- . he PRON was VERB still ADV alive ADJ and CONJ scowling VERB as ADV usual ADJ , . as ADP if ADP tenants NOUN were VERB a DET burden NOUN in ADP his DET life NOUN . .
Phil NOUN shrugged VERB and CONJ ignored VERB him PRON . .
He PRON went VERB back ADV to ADP work NOUN Monday NOUN . .
By ADP Wednesday NOUN the DET landlord NOUN was VERB still ADV alive ADJ . .
Of ADP course NOUN On ADP Thursday NOUN , . Haney NOUN mailed VERB the DET monthly ADJ check NOUN for ADP separate ADJ maintenance NOUN to ADP his DET wife NOUN Lolly NOUN , . and CONJ wished VERB the DET stranger NOUN could VERB do VERB something NOUN about ADP her PRON
Coming VERB home NOUN from ADP work NOUN , . he PRON was VERB startled VERB to PRT see VERB a DET police NOUN car NOUN parked VERB in ADP front NOUN of ADP the DET apartment NOUN building NOUN . .
Inside ADP the DET lobby NOUN , . people NOUN were VERB standing VERB around ADV , . talking VERB excitedly ADV . .
His DET spine NOUN crawled VERB with ADP a DET foreboding VERB premonition NOUN as ADP he PRON asked VERB one NUM of ADP his DET fellow NOUN tenants NOUN what DET had VERB happened VERB . .
The DET landlord NOUN had VERB died VERB . .
Late ADV that DET afternoon NOUN , . it PRON seemed VERB , . he PRON had VERB fallen VERB off ADP the DET roof NOUN while ADP on ADP some DET obscure ADJ errand NOUN or CONJ inspection NOUN . .
He PRON had VERB apparently ADV been VERB alone ADV . .
Nobody NOUN witnessed VERB the DET fall NOUN -- . just ADV the DET sickening VERB impact NOUN when ADV his DET body NOUN smashed VERB on ADP the DET pavement NOUN just ADV outside ADP the DET basement NOUN delivery NOUN entrance NOUN . .
Haney NOUN hoped VERB that ADP nobody NOUN noticed VERB his DET sudden ADJ pallor NOUN , . as ADP he PRON felt VERB the DET blood NOUN drain NOUN from ADP his DET cheeks NOUN . .
He PRON muttered VERB something NOUN about ADP how ADV terrible ADJ it PRON was VERB , . and CONJ walked VERB with ADP deliberate ADJ slowness NOUN to ADP the DET elevator NOUN . .
Once ADV inside ADP his DET apartment NOUN , . he PRON poured VERB a DET drink NOUN with ADP trembling VERB hands NOUN and CONJ flopped VERB limply ADV in ADP a DET chair NOUN . .
After ADP a DET while NOUN he PRON began VERB to PRT feel VERB better ADV about ADP it PRON , . especially ADV when ADV no DET one NOUN bothered VERB to PRT ask VERB any DET questions NOUN . .
But CONJ after ADP all PRT , . why ADV should VERB they PRON ? . ? .
Still ADV later ADV , . he PRON finally ADV convinced VERB himself PRON that ADP it PRON was VERB an DET accident NOUN -- . just ADV a DET coincidence NOUN . .
The DET stranger NOUN really ADV had VERB nothing NOUN to PRT do VERB with ADP it PRON , . of ADP course NOUN
Haney NOUN went VERB to ADP bed NOUN , . happy ADJ that ADP at ADP least ADJ he PRON was VERB rid ADJ of ADP that DET lousy ADJ landlord NOUN . .
After ADP all PRT , . the DET man NOUN had VERB no DET family NOUN , . so ADP no DET one NOUN suffered VERB , . and CONJ everybody NOUN was VERB better ADJ off PRT for ADP it PRON . .
Really ADV , . he PRON said VERB to ADP himself PRON , . nobody NOUN kills VERB a DET man NOUN just ADV as ADP a DET favor NOUN ! . ! .
So ADV you PRON thought VERB I PRON didn't VERB mean VERB what DET I PRON said VERB . .
The DET stranger's NOUN eyes NOUN were VERB large ADJ and CONJ sad ADJ , . as ADP if ADP Phil NOUN Haney NOUN had VERB hurt NOUN his DET feelings NOUN . .
It PRON was VERB like ADP a DET recurrent ADJ , . annoying ADJ dream NOUN , . but CONJ now ADV the DET dream NOUN was VERB beginning VERB to PRT take VERB on ADP overtones NOUN of ADP a DET nightmare NOUN . .
However ADV , . Haney NOUN knew VERB it PRON was VERB not ADV a DET dream NOUN . .
He PRON might VERB be VERB very ADV tight ADJ , . but CONJ he PRON knew VERB where ADV he PRON was VERB . .
It PRON was VERB the DET same ADJ bar NOUN , . and CONJ it PRON was VERB two NUM weeks NOUN later ADV -- . Saturday NOUN night NOUN , . when ADV he PRON had VERB an DET excuse NOUN to PRT drink VERB heavier ADV than ADP usual ADJ . .
He PRON had VERB been VERB sitting VERB in ADP the DET usual ADJ corner NOUN at ADP the DET little ADJ table NOUN , . as ADV far ADJ as ADP possible ADJ from ADP any DET talkative ADJ , . friendly ADJ lushes NOUN . .
He PRON was VERB enjoying VERB the DET weekly ADJ ritual NOUN of ADP washing VERB down PRT his DET pet NOUN grievance NOUN with ADP bourbon NOUN slightly ADV moistened VERB with ADP water NOUN . .
This DET favorite NOUN grievance NOUN was VERB not ADV the DET landlord NOUN . .
He PRON had VERB already ADV quite ADV forgotten VERB about ADP him PRON . .
In ADP fact NOUN , . he PRON had VERB only ADV mentioned VERB him PRON on ADP the DET spur NOUN of ADP the DET moment NOUN . .
His DET real ADJ grievance NOUN was VERB Lolly NOUN . .
Toward ADP the DET end NOUN of ADP his DET fourth ADJ hairy ADJ highball NOUN , . while ADP he PRON was VERB moodily ADV making VERB wet ADJ rings NOUN on ADP the DET table-top NOUN with ADP the DET bottom NOUN of ADP the DET glass NOUN , . he PRON became VERB aware ADJ that ADP he PRON was VERB not ADV alone ADV . .
He PRON looked VERB up PRT with ADP bloodshot ADJ eyes NOUN and CONJ beheld VERB the DET stranger NOUN sitting VERB across ADP the DET table NOUN , . smiling VERB a DET secret ADJ smile NOUN at ADP him PRON , . as ADP if ADP they PRON were VERB fellow NOUN conspirators NOUN . .
He PRON hadn't VERB even ADV noticed VERB -- . what DET was VERB his DET name NOUN ? . ? .
Pete NOUN ? . ? .
-- . he PRON hadn't VERB seen VERB him PRON sit VERB down PRT . .
The DET man NOUN was VERB uncanny ADJ , . like ADP a DET shadow NOUN , . and CONJ made VERB as ADV much ADJ noise NOUN as ADP a DET shadow NOUN . .
Haney NOUN felt VERB like ADP shrinking VERB out PRT of ADP sight NOUN , . but CONJ he PRON was VERB already ADV trapped VERB in ADP the DET corner NOUN with ADP the DET wiry ADJ , . dark ADJ little ADJ man NOUN . .
He PRON began VERB to PRT wish VERB that ADP he PRON hadn't VERB shouted VERB that DET other ADJ evening NOUN when ADV the DET truck NOUN bore VERB down PRT through ADP the DET crossing NOUN . .
Was VERB he PRON going VERB to PRT be VERB saddled VERB from ADP now ADV on PRT with ADP a DET creep NOUN for ADP a DET bar-buddy NOUN ? . ? .
He'd PRT have VERB to PRT start VERB going VERB to ADP some DET of ADP the DET other ADJ places NOUN again ADV . .
In ADP a DET low ADJ voice NOUN , . almost ADV whispering VERB , . the DET man NOUN had VERB asked VERB Phil NOUN if ADP he PRON was VERB happy ADJ with ADP the DET way NOUN the DET landlord NOUN had VERB been VERB taken VERB off ADP his DET back NOUN . .
He PRON made VERB the DET mistake NOUN of ADP answering VERB in ADP an DET offhand ADJ way NOUN , . and CONJ instantly ADV realized VERB that ADP his DET skepticism NOUN must VERB have VERB showed VERB in ADP his DET face NOUN or CONJ voice NOUN . .
Pete NOUN frowned VERB slightly ADV , . then ADV became VERB sad ADJ and CONJ moody ADJ . .
Haney NOUN didn't VERB want VERB to PRT encourage VERB his DET company NOUN , . but CONJ felt VERB he PRON ought VERB to PRT buy VERB him PRON a DET drink NOUN anyhow ADV , . to PRT prevent VERB possible ADJ trouble NOUN . .
But CONJ there PRT was VERB no DET trouble NOUN . .
The DET guy NOUN sulked VERB over ADP his DET drink NOUN , . obviously ADV upset VERB by ADP Haney's NOUN lack NOUN of ADP appreciation NOUN . .
To PRT break VERB the DET uncomfortable ADJ silence NOUN , . Haney NOUN began VERB to PRT talk VERB . .
In ADP time NOUN , . and CONJ two NUM drinks NOUN later ADV , . he PRON was VERB complaining VERB bitterly ADV about ADP his DET wife NOUN , . He PRON was VERB on ADP the DET subject NOUN for ADP ten NUM minutes NOUN or CONJ so ADV when ADV he PRON noticed VERB the DET renewed VERB interest NOUN in ADP his DET listener NOUN -- . it PRON showed VERB in ADP the DET alert ADJ face NOUN and CONJ the DET suddenly ADV bright ADJ eyes NOUN . .
When ADV he PRON paused VERB to PRT moisten VERB his DET throat NOUN , . the DET stranger NOUN broke VERB in PRT . .
`` . But CONJ why ADV pay NOUN her DET bills NOUN ? . ? .
If ADP she PRON runs VERB around ADV with ADP other ADJ men NOUN , . and CONJ if ADP you PRON hate VERB her PRON as ADP you PRON say VERB , . why ADV not ADV just ADV divorce VERB her PRON '' . ? . ? .
Haney NOUN scowled VERB . .
`` . That DET bitch NOUN would VERB love VERB a DET divorce NOUN '' . , . he PRON growled VERB . .
`` . Then ADV she'd PRT get VERB half PRT of ADP everything NOUN I PRON have VERB . .
Community NOUN property NOUN deal NOUN -- . you PRON know VERB . .
I'd PRT have VERB to PRT sell VERB out PRT my DET business NOUN to PRT pay VERB her PRON off PRT with ADP her DET share NOUN . .
She PRON can VERB drop VERB dead ADJ '' . ! . ! .
Pete NOUN nodded VERB understandingly ADV . .
`` . Oh PRT yes ADV . .
Now ADV I PRON see VERB . .
You PRON must VERB understand VERB , . I PRON haven't VERB been VERB in ADP this DET state NOUN too ADV long ADJ . .
I PRON came VERB out PRT here ADV to PRT retire VERB . .
That's PRT why ADV I PRON -- . why ADV I PRON do VERB a DET free ADJ job NOUN now ADV and CONJ then ADV . .
You PRON should VERB have VERB told VERB me PRON about ADP her PRON before ADV '' . . .
Haney NOUN felt VERB a DET twinge NOUN of ADP annoyance NOUN when ADV he PRON heard VERB the DET now ADV familiar ADJ line NOUN again ADV . .
Then ADV a DET wild ADJ thought NOUN ran VERB circles NOUN through ADP his DET clouded VERB brain NOUN . .
Suppose VERB -- . just ADV suppose VERB this DET guy NOUN was VERB really ADV what DET he PRON said VERB he PRON was VERB ! . ! .
A DET retired VERB professional ADJ killer NOUN If ADP he PRON was VERB just ADV a DET nut NOUN , . no DET harm NOUN was VERB done VERB . .
But CONJ if ADP he PRON was VERB the DET real ADJ thing NOUN , . he PRON could VERB do VERB something NOUN about ADP Lolly NOUN . .
He PRON felt VERB very ADV cunning ADJ , . very ADV proud ADJ of ADP himself PRON as ADP he PRON played VERB on ADP the DET other ADJ man's NOUN soft ADJ spot NOUN . .
`` . No DET offense NOUN intended VERB '' . , . he PRON said VERB gently ADV . .
`` . But CONJ it's PRT just ADV that ADP -- . well PRT , . you PRON know VERB . .
The DET cops NOUN didn't VERB suspect VERB a DET thing NOUN , . and CONJ I PRON thought VERB it PRON was VERB a DET coincidence NOUN . .
After ADP all PRT , . I PRON didn't VERB know VERB you PRON , . Pete NOUN . .
It PRON could VERB have VERB been VERB an DET accident NOUN '' . . .
He PRON shrugged VERB casually ADV . .
`` . But CONJ if ADP you PRON say VERB you PRON managed VERB it PRON '' . The DET stranger NOUN was VERB hooked VERB . .
His DET eyes NOUN burned VERB feverishly ADV . .
`` . Yes ADV , . yes ADV '' . , . he PRON muttered VERB impatiently ADV . .
`` . Of ADP course NOUN it PRON looked VERB like ADP an DET accident NOUN . .
I PRON always ADV work VERB it PRON that DET way NOUN -- . and CONJ always ADV at ADP a DET time NOUN when ADV the DET customer NOUN has VERB an DET alibi NOUN . .
Let VERB me PRON prove VERB it PRON , . Phil NOUN . .
I PRON think VERB I PRON can VERB manage VERB one NUM more ADJ favor NOUN for ADP you PRON '' . . .
He PRON waited VERB eagerly ADV . .
Haney NOUN swished VERB the DET liquor NOUN in ADP the DET bottom NOUN of ADP his DET glass NOUN . .
About ADV halfway ADV back ADV Pops NOUN groped VERB against ADP a DET wall NOUN and CONJ stopped VERB , . pulled VERB away ADV two NUM loosely ADV nailed VERB wide ADJ boards NOUN at ADP one NUM end NOUN , . and CONJ went VERB through PRT . .
`` . C'mon PRT '' . , . he PRON whispered VERB ; . ; .
`` . floor NOUN level's PRT about ADV three NUM feet NOUN down PRT , . so ADP don't VERB fall VERB '' . . .
I PRON went VERB through ADP and CONJ down PRT , . into ADP pitch NOUN darkness NOUN . .
He PRON said VERB , . `` . Jist ADV stay VERB still ADJ . .
I'll PRT pull VERB the DET boards NOUN back VERB and CONJ then ADV get VERB us PRON a DET light NOUN . .
Jist ADV stay VERB where ADV you PRON are VERB '' . . .
I PRON jist ADV stayed VERB where ADV I PRON was VERB while ADP he PRON fumbled VERB around ADV and CONJ then ADV walked VERB away ADV . .
A DET moment NOUN later ADV he PRON struck VERB a DET match NOUN and CONJ lighted VERB a DET candle NOUN , . and CONJ I PRON could VERB see VERB . .
It PRON was VERB a DET big ADJ room NOUN , . empty ADJ except ADP for ADP a DET few ADJ things NOUN of ADP Pops's NOUN at ADP the DET far ADJ end NOUN -- . a DET wooden ADJ crate NOUN on ADP which DET stood VERB the DET candle NOUN , . a DET spread VERB out PRT blanket NOUN , . and CONJ an DET unrolled VERB bindle NOUN . .
I PRON looked VERB back ADV over ADP my DET shoulder NOUN while ADP I PRON went VERB to PRT join VERB him PRON ; . ; .
he'd PRT hung VERB another DET half PRT of ADP a DET blanket NOUN over ADP the DET boarded VERB window NOUN so ADP no DET light NOUN would VERB show VERB through PRT . .
I PRON took VERB the DET pint NOUN bottle NOUN from ADP my DET pocket NOUN and CONJ handed VERB it PRON over PRT as ADP I PRON sat VERB down PRT beside ADP him PRON on ADP the DET spread VERB blanket NOUN . .
`` . You PRON first ADV '' . , . I PRON said VERB . .
He PRON drank VERB and CONJ handed VERB it PRON back ADV . .
`` . Nice ADJ place NOUN '' . , . I PRON told VERB him PRON . .
`` . Listen VERB , . I PRON got VERB a DET buddy NOUN I PRON travel VERB with ADP , . real ADV nice ADJ guy NOUN named VERB Larry NOUN . .
I PRON know VERB where ADV he PRON is VERB , . right ADV near ADP here ADV . .
Could VERB he PRON join VERB the DET party NOUN and CONJ sleep VERB here ADV tonight NOUN too ADV ? . ? .
We'll PRT both DET be VERB blowing VERB town NOUN tomorrow NOUN so ADP we PRON won't VERB be VERB moving VERB in PRT on ADP you PRON '' . . .
He PRON hesitated VERB a DET second NOUN , . looking VERB at ADP the DET bottle NOUN , . before ADP he PRON said VERB `` . Sure-sure PRT '' . , . and CONJ I PRON reassured VERB him PRON . .
`` . He'll PRT bring VERB a DET bottle NOUN too ADV , . and CONJ I'll PRT get VERB another DET one NUM or CONJ maybe ADV two NUM while ADP I'm PRT out PRT . .
You PRON can VERB work VERB on ADP this DET one NOUN while ADP I'm PRT gone VERB , . kill VERB it PRON if ADP you PRON want VERB '' . . .
I PRON took VERB a DET short ADJ swallow NOUN from ADP it PRON myself PRON and CONJ handed VERB it PRON to ADP him PRON . .
His DET `` . sure-sure PRT '' . was VERB enthusiastic ADJ this DET time NOUN . .
He PRON put VERB the DET bottle NOUN down PRT . .
`` . Git VERB over PRT by ADP the DET window NOUN while ADP there's PRT light NOUN , . an' CONJ I'll PRT put VERB th' DET candle NOUN out PRT . .
When ADV yuh PRON come VERB back ADV I'll PRT put VERB it PRON out PRT agin ADV till ADP you're PRT both DET inside ADV '' . . .
Charlie NOUN was VERB waiting VERB , . leaning VERB against ADP a DET building NOUN front NOUN . .
`` . Perfect ADJ set-up NOUN '' . , . I PRON told VERB him PRON . .
`` . But CONJ we PRON got VERB to PRT go VERB back ADV to ADP Fifth ADJ and CONJ get VERB another DET bottle NOUN or CONJ two NUM . .
On ADP the DET way NOUN I'll PRT give VERB you PRON the DET scoop NOUN '' . . .
On ADP the DET way NOUN I PRON gave VERB him PRON the DET scoop NOUN . .
I PRON bought VERB another DET pint NOUN of ADP sherry NOUN and CONJ when ADV we PRON got VERB back ADV Pops NOUN let VERB us PRON in PRT in ADP the DET dark NOUN , . put VERB back ADV the DET blanket NOUN and CONJ then ADV lighted VERB the DET candle NOUN again ADV . .
I PRON introduced VERB my DET friend NOUN Larry NOUN to ADP Pops NOUN and CONJ we PRON made VERB ourselves PRON comfortable ADJ . .
There PRT was VERB still ADV a DET little ADJ , . not ADV much ADJ , . left VERB in ADP the DET first ADJ bottle NOUN and CONJ we PRON passed VERB it PRON around ADV once ADV and CONJ killed VERB it PRON , . and CONJ Charlie NOUN opened VERB his PRON . .
I PRON was VERB reminded VERB , . amusedly ADV , . by ADP a DET poem NOUN of ADP Kenneth NOUN Patchen's NOUN called VERB The DET Murder NOUN of ADP Two NUM Men NOUN by ADP a DET Young ADJ Kid NOUN Wearing VERB Lemon NOUN Colored VERB Gloves NOUN , . which DET Patchen NOUN himself PRON read VERB on ADP a DET record NOUN against ADP jazz NOUN background NOUN . .
The DET poem NOUN consisted VERB of ADP only ADJ two NUM words NOUN , . the DET word NOUN `` . Wait VERB '' . , . repeated VERB over PRT and CONJ over PRT at ADP irregular ADJ intervals NOUN and CONJ with ADP different ADJ inflections NOUN , . and CONJ then ADV the DET word NOUN `` . Now ADV '' . ! . ! .
And CONJ a DET blaring VERB final ADJ chord NOUN from ADP the DET jazz NOUN group NOUN . .
This DET was VERB the DET same ADJ , . except ADP that ADP it PRON was VERB the DET murder NOUN of ADP one NUM man NOUN by ADP two NUM men NOUN and CONJ neither DET of ADP us PRON was VERB wearing VERB gloves NOUN . .
But CONJ we PRON could VERB wait VERB all ADV right ADV ; . ; .
there PRT was VERB no DET hurry NOUN . .
I PRON said VERB , . `` . Wait NOUN wait NOUN '' . to ADP Charlie NOUN and CONJ he PRON grinned VERB , . digging VERB the DET reference NOUN . .
We'd PRT heard VERB the DET record NOUN together ADV once ADV . .
The DET second ADJ bottle NOUN passed VERB a DET few ADJ times NOUN . .
Pops NOUN was VERB taking VERB long ADJ ones NOUN , . but CONJ not ADV showing VERB the DET effect NOUN yet ADV . .
He PRON seemed VERB as ADV drunk ADJ as ADP when ADV I'd PRT first ADV talked VERB to ADP him PRON , . but CONJ no DET drunker ADJ . .
He PRON had VERB a DET capacity NOUN ; . ; .
if ADP we'd PRT really ADV been VERB trying VERB to PRT get VERB him PRON dead ADV drunk ADJ we'd PRT have VERB had VERB to PRT go VERB out PRT for ADP more ADJ wine NOUN . .
About ADV halfway ADV through ADP the DET second ADJ bottle NOUN , . Charlie NOUN looked VERB at ADP me PRON across ADP Pops NOUN , . who PRON was VERB sitting VERB between ADP us PRON and CONJ asked VERB `` . Now ADV '' . ? . ? .
I PRON said VERB , . `` . Wait VERB '' . , . and CONJ handed VERB the DET bottle NOUN to ADP Pops NOUN for ADP his DET final ADJ drink NOUN . .
When ADV he PRON handed VERB it PRON back ADV and CONJ I PRON had VERB hold NOUN of ADP it PRON safely ADV , . Pops NOUN was VERB looking VERB toward ADP me PRON and CONJ I PRON said VERB `` . Now ADV '' . , . to ADP Charlie NOUN and CONJ he PRON swung VERB the DET short ADJ length NOUN of ADP lead NOUN pipe NOUN he'd PRT meanwhile ADV taken VERB from ADP his DET pocket NOUN , . once ADV . .
It PRON was VERB a DET lead NOUN pipe NOUN cinch NOUN . .
There PRT was VERB a DET sound NOUN like ADP the DET one NOUN you PRON produce VERB by ADP flicking VERB a DET watermelon NOUN with ADP your DET finger NOUN , . only ADV louder ADJ , . and CONJ Pops NOUN fell VERB forward ADV from ADP the DET waist NOUN and CONJ then ADV over PRT sidewise ADV . .
Out PRT cold ADJ , . if ADP not ADV dead ADJ ; . ; .
and CONJ he'd PRT never ADV known VERB what DET hit VERB him PRON -- . he'd PRT never ADV known VERB that ADP anything NOUN had VERB hit VERB him PRON . .
I PRON reached VERB my DET hand NOUN toward ADP him PRON to PRT put VERB it PRON inside ADP his DET shirt NOUN to PRT feel VERB for ADP a DET heartbeat NOUN , . but CONJ Charlie NOUN said VERB `` . Wait VERB '' . ! . ! .
-- . and CONJ said VERB it PRON sharply ADV , . not ADV as ADP in ADP the DET Patchen NOUN bit NOUN , . but CONJ as ADP an DET order NOUN -- . so ADP I PRON stopped VERB my DET hand NOUN and CONJ looked VERB at ADP him PRON . .
He PRON was VERB holding VERB the DET piece NOUN of ADP lead NOUN pipe NOUN out PRT to ADP me PRON . .
`` . We PRON don't VERB want VERB to PRT know VERB whether ADP he's PRT dead ADJ , . yet ADV . .
I PRON gauged VERB that DET blow NOUN to PRT be VERB borderline NOUN . .
To PRT kayo VERB him PRON and CONJ maybe ADV or CONJ maybe ADV not ADV kill VERB . .
You PRON hit VERB again ADV about ADV twice ADV that ADV hard ADV before ADP we PRON know VERB whether ADP he's PRT dead ADJ or CONJ not ADV . .
That DET way NOUN we'll PRT never ADV know VERB which DET of ADP us PRON really ADV killed VERB him PRON and CONJ which DET was VERB just ADV the DET accomplice NOUN . .
Dig VERB '' . ? . ? .
I PRON dug VERB him PRON , . I PRON saw VERB his DET point NOUN ; . ; .
it PRON made VERB sense NOUN . .
I PRON took VERB the DET piece NOUN of ADP pipe NOUN from ADP Charlie's NOUN hand NOUN and CONJ used VERB it PRON , . harder ADV than ADP he PRON had VERB . .
The DET thunk NOUN was VERB louder ADJ , . anyway ADV , . and CONJ I PRON thought VERB I PRON heard VERB bone NOUN crack VERB . .
Charlie NOUN said VERB , . `` . Good ADJ boy NOUN . .
That DET did VERB it PRON , . if ADP mine PRON didn't VERB . .
And CONJ we'll PRT never ADV know VERB which DET . .
All ADV right ADV , . now ADV I'll PRT give VERB you PRON a DET hand NOUN '' . . .
We PRON straightened VERB Pops NOUN up PRT and CONJ I PRON made VERB sure ADJ there PRT was VERB no DET trace NOUN of ADP a DET heartbeat NOUN . .
I PRON nodded VERB to ADP Charlie NOUN . .
`` . Let's VERB put VERB him PRON down PRT again ADV the DET way NOUN he PRON was VERB . .
It's PRT a DET more ADV natural ADJ position NOUN '' . . .
We PRON did VERB that DET . .
`` . How ADV do VERB you PRON feel VERB '' . ? . ? .
Charlie NOUN asked VERB me PRON . .
`` . Cool ADJ '' . , . I PRON told VERB him PRON . .
`` . What DET do VERB you PRON feel VERB '' . ? . ? .
`` . Nothing NOUN . .
Well PRT maybe ADV I'm PRT exaggerating VERB . .
It PRON was VERB a DET kick NOUN , . but CONJ not ADV a DET big ADJ enough ADV one NUM for ADP me PRON to PRT want VERB to PRT take VERB the DET chance NOUN again ADV , . except ADP for ADP stakes NOUN . .
But CONJ let's VERB not ADV talk VERB about ADP it PRON abstractly ADV until ADP we're PRT out ADP of ADP here ADV . .
Now ADV , . first ADJ question NOUN : . the DET bottles NOUN . .
Shall VERB we PRON take VERB them PRON all PRT with ADP us PRON , . or CONJ leave VERB one NUM '' . ? . ? .
`` . Take VERB them PRON '' . , . I PRON said VERB . .
`` . If ADP we PRON left VERB one NUM we'd PRT have VERB to PRT wipe VERB it PRON for ADP fingerprints NOUN . .
Here's PRT the DET picture NOUN we PRON want VERB to PRT leave VERB for ADP the DET fuzz NOUN -- . whenever ADV the DET body NOUN gets VERB found VERB . .
This DET happened VERB in ADP the DET middle NOUN of ADP a DET drinking VERB bout NOUN with ADP another DET bum NOUN . .
If ADP they'd PRT been VERB working VERB on ADP a DET bottle NOUN or CONJ a DET jug NOUN he'd PRT have VERB taken VERB it PRON with ADP him PRON '' . . .
`` . Right ADV . .
And CONJ he'd PRT have VERB taken VERB the DET weapon NOUN with ADP him PRON too ADV , . so ADP we PRON take VERB that DET . .
Now ADV '' . -- . He PRON looked VERB around ADV . .
`` . I've PRT been VERB careful ADJ about ADP fingerprints NOUN . .
How ADV about ADP you PRON '' . ? . ? .
`` . Same ADJ . .
There PRT are VERB the DET boards NOUN over ADP the DET window NOUN , . of ADP course NOUN , . but CONJ they're PRT not ADV painted VERB and CONJ too ADV rough ADJ to PRT take VERB prints NOUN . .
Same ADJ goes VERB for ADP the DET rough ADJ cement NOUN of ADP the DET ledge NOUN . .
Besides ADV , . I PRON doubt VERB if ADP the DET cops NOUN will VERB even ADV try VERB dusting VERB . .
They PRON find VERB dead ADJ winos NOUN every DET day NOUN , . maybe ADV they PRON won't VERB even VERB autopsy VERB him PRON for ADP the DET cause NOUN of ADP death NOUN '' . . .
`` . We PRON can't VERB take VERB a DET chance NOUN on ADP that DET . .
We've PRT got VERB to PRT assume VERB they'll PRT decide VERB he PRON was VERB murdered VERB and CONJ we've PRT got VERB to PRT keep VERB the DET picture NOUN consistent ADJ . .
Our DET hypothetical ADJ other ADJ bum NOUN who PRON killed VERB him PRON would VERB have VERB turned VERB out PRT his DET pockets NOUN . .
Let's VERB do VERB that DET '' . . .
We PRON did VERB that DET and CONJ found VERB a DET dirty ADJ handkerchief NOUN , . some DET matches NOUN and CONJ fourteen NUM cents NOUN in ADP change NOUN . .
We PRON took VERB the DET matches NOUN -- . they PRON were VERB book NOUN matches NOUN and CONJ once ADV they'd PRT been VERB touched VERB might VERB retain VERB fingerprints NOUN -- . and CONJ the DET change NOUN . .
We PRON discussed VERB the DET candle NOUN and CONJ decided VERB the DET hypothetical ADJ other ADJ bum NOUN would VERB have VERB left VERB it PRON burning VERB to PRT light VERB his DET way NOUN to ADP the DET window NOUN and CONJ because ADP he'd PRT have VERB no DET reason NOUN to PRT blow VERB it PRON out PRT . .
The DET candle NOUN had VERB been VERB stuck VERB on ADP a DET tin NOUN lid NOUN so ADP it PRON wouldn't VERB set VERB fire NOUN to ADP the DET crate NOUN when ADV it PRON guttered VERB out PRT . .
A DET fire NOUN wouldn't VERB have VERB mattered VERB except ADP that ADP it PRON would VERB cause VERB Pops NOUN to PRT be VERB found VERB sooner ADV . .
He PRON might VERB not ADV be VERB found VERB for ADP days NOUN , . even ADV weeks NOUN , . otherwise ADV . .
We PRON went VERB once ADV more ADV over ADP every DET point NOUN , . then ADV triple-checked ADJ . .
Being VERB picked VERB up PRT for ADP questioning VERB by ADP a DET cop NOUN on ADP the DET way NOUN out PRT seemed VERB to PRT be VERB the DET only ADV possible ADJ remaining VERB danger NOUN , . and CONJ we PRON weren't VERB picked VERB up PRT by ADP a DET cop NOUN . .
In ADP fact NOUN , . nobody NOUN saw VERB us PRON , . cop NOUN or CONJ citizen NOUN . .
Winsett NOUN is VERB a DET quiet ADJ street NOUN with ADP no DET taverns NOUN and CONJ was VERB completely ADV deserted VERB at ADP that DET hour NOUN . .
Which DET , . if ADP it PRON matters VERB , . was VERB one NUM A.M. ADV . .
Less ADJ than ADP three NUM hours NOUN ago ADV we'd PRT decided VERB , . in ADP Maxine NOUN Wells's NOUN pad NOUN on ADP Cosmo NOUN , . to PRT commit VERB a DET trial NOUN murder NOUN . .
It PRON had VERB gone VERB like ADP clockwork NOUN . .
Almost ADV too ADV smoothly ADV , . I PRON found VERB myself PRON thinking VERB , . and CONJ then ADV told VERB myself PRON that DET was VERB ridiculous ADJ . .
How ADV safe NOUN is VERB too ADV safe ADJ ? . ? .
Thinking VERB like ADP that DET can VERB get VERB you PRON into ADP a DET padded VERB pad NOUN . .
An DET hour NOUN later ADV we PRON were VERB back ADV in ADP my DET unpadded ADJ pad NOUN , . killing VERB what DET had VERB been VERB left VERB of ADP the DET second ADJ pint NOUN . .
We PRON decided VERB to PRT leave VERB the DET third ADJ one NUM intact ADJ for ADP tomorrow NOUN . .
Also ADV our DET plans NOUN for ADP me PRON to PRT commit VERB Charlie's NOUN murder NOUN and CONJ for ADP him PRON to PRT commit VERB mine PRON . .
But CONJ we PRON were VERB really ADV going VERB to PRT do VERB it PRON . .
We PRON shook VERB hands NOUN on ADP it PRON . .
We PRON planned VERB ahead ADV only ADV one NUM step NOUN , . a DET rendezvous NOUN for ADP tomorrow NOUN when ADV we PRON could VERB swap VERB notes NOUN . .
I'd PRT tell VERB him PRON everything NOUN I'd PRT learned VERB about ADP Seaton's NOUN habits NOUN and CONJ habitat NOUN , . and CONJ he'd PRT tell VERB me PRON the DET score NOUN on ADP Radic NOUN . .
We PRON made VERB the DET date NOUN for ADP two NUM o'clock ADV in ADP the DET afternoon NOUN at ADP Maxine NOUN Wells's NOUN pad NOUN . .
Charlie NOUN would VERB get VERB there ADV early ADV because ADP he PRON had VERB the DET key NOUN . .
From ADP here ADV on PRT in PRT , . the DET less ADV Charlie NOUN and CONJ I PRON were VERB seen VERB together ADV in ADP public NOUN , . or CONJ visited VERB one NUM another's DET rooms NOUN , . the DET better ADJ . .
I PRON was VERB dead ADJ tired VERB and CONJ slept VERB soundly ADV , . as ADV far ADJ as ADP I PRON know VERB dreamlessly ADV . .
We PRON met VERB at ADP Maxine's NOUN and CONJ decided VERB we PRON were VERB set VERB to PRT stay VERB as ADV long ADJ as ADP it PRON took VERB , . into ADP or CONJ even ADV through ADP the DET evening NOUN , . to PRT talk VERB things NOUN out PRT . .
Charlie NOUN had VERB brought VERB food NOUN and CONJ we'd PRT decided VERB on ADP no DET drinks NOUN . .
I'd PRT brought VERB along ADV the DET virgin ADJ pint NOUN from ADP last ADJ night NOUN , . but CONJ we PRON were VERB going VERB to PRT kill VERB that DET only ADV when ADV we PRON were VERB through PRT talking VERB . .
I PRON talked VERB first ADV , . telling VERB him PRON everything NOUN I PRON knew VERB about ADP Seaton NOUN and CONJ his DET house NOUN and CONJ domestic ADJ arrangements NOUN . .
I PRON drew VERB diagrams NOUN and CONJ floor NOUN plans NOUN ; . ; .
he PRON memorized VERB them PRON thoroughly ADV and CONJ then ADV we PRON tore VERB them PRON into ADP tiny ADJ pieces NOUN and CONJ flushed VERB them PRON down PRT . .
He PRON gave VERB me PRON equivalent ADJ and CONJ even ADV more ADV detailed VERB dope NOUN on ADP Radic NOUN , . including ADP diagrams NOUN -- . one NUM of ADP the DET apartment NOUN building NOUN Radic NOUN lived VERB in ADP and CONJ one NUM of ADP the DET apartment NOUN itself PRON . .
He'd PRT been VERB there ADV several ADJ times NOUN , . back ADV when ADV , . while ADP he PRON and CONJ Radic NOUN had VERB been VERB friends NOUN , . or CONJ at ADP least ADJ not ADV enemies NOUN . .
It PRON didn't VERB take VERB us PRON as ADV long ADJ as ADP we'd PRT thought VERB it PRON might VERB ; . ; .
it PRON was VERB not ADV quite ADV six NUM o'clock ADV when ADV we PRON finished VERB and CONJ Charlie NOUN said VERB , . `` . Well PRT , . I PRON guess VERB that's PRT it PRON . .
Shall VERB we PRON flip VERB a DET coin NOUN to PRT see VERB which DET of ADP us PRON goes VERB first ADV ? . ? .
Or CONJ would VERB you PRON rather ADV deal VERB a DET hand NOUN of ADP show-down NOUN poker NOUN or CONJ play VERB a DET game NOUN of ADP gin NOUN rummy NOUN , . or CONJ what DET '' . ? . ? .
`` . Wait VERB a DET minute NOUN , . Charlie NOUN '' . , . I PRON said VERB . .
`` . One NUM thing NOUN we PRON haven't VERB discussed VERB , . expense NOUN money NOUN . .
We'll PRT need VERB some DET at ADP least ADJ , . if ADP only ADV bus NOUN fare NOUN to ADP the DET scene NOUN of ADP the DET crime NOUN . .
And CONJ if ADP you're PRT as ADV flat ADV broke ADJ as ADP I PRON am VERB , . I PRON think VERB we'll PRT have VERB to PRT take VERB the DET added VERB risk NOUN of ADP knocking VERB over PRT a DET filling VERB station NOUN or CONJ something NOUN before ADP we PRON split VERB for ADP one NUM of ADP us PRON to PRT set VERB up PRT an DET alibi NOUN while ADP the DET other ADJ does VERB his DET dirty ADJ work NOUN '' . . .
He PRON sighed VERB . .
`` . All ADV right ADV , . I'll PRT come VERB clean ADJ . .
I've PRT got VERB a DET little ADJ stashed VERB for ADP a DET rainy ADJ day NOUN , . and CONJ I PRON guess VERB this DET is VERB rainy ADJ enough ADV . .
A DET couple NOUN of ADP hundred NUM . .
If ADP you PRON draw VERB the DET short ADJ straw NOUN I'll PRT lend VERB you PRON some DET bread NOUN , . like ADP fifty NUM bucks NOUN , . before ADP I PRON take VERB off PRT to PRT visit VERB my DET sister NOUN in ADP Frisco NOUN . .
Then ADV , . after ADP I'm PRT back ADV , . another DET fifty NUM so ADP you PRON can VERB put VERB some DET mileage NOUN on ADP yourself PRON and CONJ have VERB a DET solid ADJ alibi NOUN somewhere ADV while ADP I PRON take VERB care NOUN of ADP your DET seat NOUN cover NOUN boy NOUN '' . . .
`` . Solid ADJ '' . , . I PRON said VERB . .
I PRON took VERB a DET deep ADJ breath NOUN , . and CONJ the DET plunge NOUN . .
`` . In ADP that DET case NOUN , . let's VERB not ADV draw VERB . .
I'll PRT go VERB to PRT bat VERB first ADV . .
You'd PRT have VERB to PRT wait VERB till ADP Seaton's PRT back ADV from ADP Mexico NOUN City NOUN and CONJ also ADV while ADP I PRON set VERB it PRON up PRT with ADP Doris NOUN to PRT have VERB her PRON have VERB an DET alibi NOUN for ADP D-night NOUN . .
So ADP it PRON wouldn't VERB be VERB for ADP days NOUN or CONJ even ADV a DET week NOUN before ADP you PRON could VERB do VERB anything NOUN . .
But CONJ your DET friend NOUN Manny NOUN can VERB go VERB any DET time NOUN '' . . .
He PRON grinned VERB and CONJ clapped VERB me PRON on ADP the DET shoulder NOUN . .
`` . I PRON was VERB hoping VERB you'd PRT say VERB that DET , . Willy NOUN . .
But CONJ I PRON wouldn't VERB have VERB suggested VERB it PRON . .
Well PRT -- . in ADP that DET case NOUN , . I PRON take VERB off PRT tomorrow NOUN morning NOUN for ADP Frisco NOUN . .
And CONJ , . in ADP case NOUN , . I PRON brought VERB the DET money NOUN with ADP me PRON '' . . .
Now ADV that ADP he PRON knew VERB himself PRON to PRT be VERB self NOUN he PRON was VERB free ADJ to PRT grok VERB ever ADV closer ADV to ADP his DET brothers NOUN , . merge VERB without ADP let NOUN . .
Self's NOUN integrity NOUN was VERB and CONJ is VERB and CONJ ever ADV had VERB been VERB . .
Mike NOUN stopped VERB to PRT cherish VERB all PRT his DET brother NOUN selves NOUN , . the DET many ADJ threes-fulfilled ADJ on ADP Mars NOUN , . corporate ADJ and CONJ discorporate ADJ , . the DET precious ADJ few ADJ on ADP Earth NOUN -- . the DET unknown ADJ powers NOUN of ADP three NUM on ADP Earth NOUN that PRON would VERB be VERB his DET to PRT merge VERB with ADP and CONJ cherish VERB now ADV that ADP at ADP last ADJ long ADJ waiting NOUN he PRON grokked VERB and CONJ cherished VERB himself PRON . .
Mike NOUN remained VERB in ADP trance NOUN ; . ; .
there PRT was VERB much ADJ to PRT grok VERB , . loose ADJ ends NOUN to PRT puzzle VERB over PRT and CONJ fit VERB into ADP his DET growing VERB -- . all PRT that ADP he PRON had VERB seen VERB and CONJ heard VERB and CONJ been VERB at ADP the DET Archangel NOUN Foster NOUN Tabernacle NOUN ( . not ADV just ADV cusp NOUN when ADV he PRON and CONJ Digby NOUN had VERB come VERB face NOUN to ADP face NOUN alone ADV ) . why ADV Bishop NOUN Senator NOUN Boone NOUN made VERB him PRON warily ADV uneasy ADJ , . how ADV Miss NOUN Dawn NOUN Ardent NOUN tasted VERB like ADP a DET water NOUN brother NOUN when ADV she PRON was VERB not ADV , . the DET smell NOUN of ADP goodness NOUN he PRON had VERB incompletely ADV grokked VERB in ADP the DET jumping NOUN up PRT and CONJ down PRT and CONJ wailing VERB -- .
Jubal's NOUN conversations NOUN coming VERB and CONJ going VERB -- . Jubal's NOUN words NOUN troubled VERB him PRON most ADV ; . ; .
he PRON studied VERB them PRON , . compared VERB them PRON with ADP what DET he PRON had VERB been VERB taught VERB as ADP a DET nestling NOUN , . struggling VERB to PRT bridge VERB between ADP languages NOUN , . the DET one NUM he PRON thought VERB with ADP and CONJ the DET one NUM he PRON was VERB learning VERB to PRT think VERB in PRT . .
The DET word NOUN `` . church NOUN '' . which DET turned VERB up PRT over PRT and CONJ over PRT again ADV among ADP Jubal's NOUN words NOUN gave VERB him PRON knotty ADJ difficulty NOUN ; . ; .
there PRT was VERB no DET Martian ADJ concept NOUN to PRT match VERB it PRON -- . unless ADP one NOUN took VERB `` . church NOUN '' . and CONJ `` . worship NOUN '' . and CONJ `` . God NOUN '' . and CONJ `` . congregation NOUN '' . and CONJ many ADJ other ADJ words NOUN and CONJ equated VERB them PRON to ADP the DET totality NOUN of ADP the DET only ADJ world NOUN he PRON had VERB known VERB during ADP growing-waiting NOUN then ADV forced VERB the DET concept NOUN back ADV into ADP English NOUN in ADP that DET phrase NOUN which DET had VERB been VERB rejected VERB ( . by ADP each DET differently ADV ) . by ADP Jubal NOUN , . by ADP Mahmoud NOUN , . by ADP Digby NOUN . .
`` . Thou PRON art NOUN God NOUN '' . . .
He PRON was VERB closer ADV to PRT understanding VERB it PRON in ADP English NOUN now ADV , . although ADP it PRON could VERB never ADV have VERB the DET inevitability NOUN of ADP the DET Martian ADJ concept NOUN it PRON stood VERB for ADP . .
In ADP his DET mind NOUN he PRON spoke VERB simultaneously ADV the DET English ADJ sentence NOUN and CONJ the DET Martian ADJ word NOUN and CONJ felt VERB closer ADJ grokking NOUN . .
Repeating VERB it PRON like ADP a DET student NOUN telling VERB himself PRON that ADP the DET jewel NOUN is VERB in ADP the DET lotus NOUN he PRON sank VERB into ADP nirvana NOUN . .
Before ADP midnight NOUN he PRON speeded VERB his DET heart NOUN , . resumed VERB normal ADJ breathing NOUN , . ran VERB down PRT his DET check NOUN list NOUN , . uncurled VERB and CONJ sat VERB up PRT . .
He PRON had VERB been VERB weary ADJ ; . ; .
now ADV he PRON felt VERB light ADJ and CONJ gay ADJ and CONJ clear-headed ADJ , . ready ADJ for ADP the DET many ADJ actions NOUN he PRON saw VERB spreading VERB out PRT before ADP him PRON . .
He PRON felt VERB a DET puppyish ADJ need NOUN for ADP company NOUN as ADV strong ADJ as ADP his DET earlier ADJ necessity NOUN for ADP quiet NOUN . .
He PRON stepped VERB out PRT into ADP the DET hall NOUN , . was VERB delighted VERB to PRT encounter VERB a DET water NOUN brother NOUN . .
`` . Hi PRT '' . ! . ! .
`` . Oh PRT . .
Hello PRT , . Mike NOUN . .
My PRT , . you PRON look VERB chipper ADJ '' . . .
`` . I PRON feel VERB fine ADV ! . ! .
Where ADV is VERB everybody NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Asleep ADV . .
Ben NOUN and CONJ Stinky NOUN went VERB home NOUN an DET hour NOUN ago ADV and CONJ people NOUN started VERB going VERB to ADP bed NOUN '' . . .
`` . Oh PRT '' . . .
Mike NOUN felt VERB disappointed VERB that ADP Mahmoud NOUN had VERB left VERB ; . ; .
he PRON wanted VERB to PRT explain VERB his DET new ADJ grokking NOUN . .
`` . I PRON ought VERB to PRT be VERB asleep ADV , . too ADV , . but CONJ I PRON felt VERB like ADP a DET snack NOUN . .
Are VERB you PRON hungry ADJ '' . ? . ? .
`` . Sure ADV , . I'm PRT hungry ADJ '' . ! . ! .
`` . Come VERB on PRT , . there's PRT some DET cold ADJ chicken NOUN and CONJ we'll PRT see VERB what DET else ADV '' . . .
They PRON went VERB downstairs ADV , . loaded VERB a DET tray NOUN lavishly ADV . .
`` . Let's VERB take VERB it PRON outside ADV . .
It's PRT plenty ADV warm ADJ '' . . .
`` . A DET fine ADJ idea NOUN '' . , . Mike NOUN agreed VERB . .
`` . Warm ADJ enough ADV to PRT swim VERB -- . real ADJ Indian ADJ summer NOUN . .
I'll PRT switch VERB on ADP the DET floods NOUN '' . . .
`` . Don't VERB bother VERB '' . , . Mike NOUN answered VERB . .
`` . I'll PRT carry VERB the DET tray NOUN '' . . .
He PRON could VERB see VERB in ADP almost ADV total ADJ darkness NOUN . .
Jubal NOUN said VERB that ADP his DET night-sight NOUN probably ADV came VERB from ADP the DET conditions NOUN in ADP which DET he PRON had VERB grown VERB up PRT , . and CONJ Mike NOUN grokked VERB this DET was VERB true ADJ but CONJ grokked VERB that ADP there PRT was VERB more ADJ to ADP it PRON ; . ; .
his DET foster ADJ parents NOUN had VERB taught VERB him PRON to PRT see VERB . .
As ADP for ADP the DET night NOUN being VERB warm ADJ , . he PRON would VERB have VERB been VERB comfortable ADJ naked ADJ on ADP Mount NOUN Everest NOUN but CONJ his DET water NOUN brothers NOUN had VERB little ADJ tolerance NOUN for ADP changes NOUN in ADP temperature NOUN and CONJ pressure NOUN ; . ; .
he PRON was VERB considerate ADJ of ADP their DET weakness NOUN , . once ADP he PRON learned VERB of ADP it PRON . .
But CONJ he PRON was VERB looking VERB forward ADV to ADP snow NOUN -- . seeing VERB for ADP himself PRON that ADP each DET tiny ADJ crystal NOUN of ADP the DET water NOUN of ADP life NOUN was VERB a DET unique ADJ individual NOUN , . as ADP he PRON had VERB read VERB -- . walking VERB barefoot ADV , . rolling VERB in ADP it PRON . .
In ADP the DET meantime NOUN he PRON was VERB pleased VERB with ADP the DET warm ADJ night NOUN and CONJ the DET still ADV more ADV pleasing ADJ company NOUN of ADP his DET water NOUN brother NOUN . .
`` . Okay PRT , . take VERB the DET tray NOUN . .
I'll PRT switch VERB on ADP the DET underwater ADJ lights NOUN . .
That'll PRT be VERB plenty ADV to PRT eat VERB by ADP '' . . .
`` . Fine ADV '' . . .
Mike NOUN liked VERB having VERB light NOUN up PRT through ADP the DET ripples NOUN ; . ; .
it PRON was VERB a DET goodness NOUN , . beauty NOUN . .
They PRON picnicked VERB by ADP the DET pool NOUN , . then ADV lay VERB back ADV on ADP the DET grass NOUN and CONJ looked VERB at ADP stars NOUN . .
`` . Mike NOUN , . there's PRT Mars NOUN . .
It PRON is VERB Mars NOUN , . isn't VERB it PRON ? . ? .
Or CONJ Antares NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . It PRON is VERB Mars NOUN '' . . .
`` . Mike NOUN ? . ? .
What DET are VERB they PRON doing VERB on ADP Mars NOUN '' . ? . ? .
He PRON hesitated VERB ; . ; .
the DET question NOUN was VERB too ADV wide ADJ for ADP the DET sparse ADJ English ADJ language NOUN . .
`` . On ADP the DET side NOUN toward ADP the DET horizon NOUN -- . the DET southern ADJ hemisphere NOUN -- . it PRON is VERB spring NOUN ; . ; .
plants NOUN are VERB being VERB taught VERB to PRT grow VERB '' . . .
`` . ' . Taught VERB to PRT grow VERB ' . '' . ? . ? .
He PRON hesitated VERB . .
`` . Larry NOUN teaches VERB plants NOUN to PRT grow VERB . .
I PRON have VERB helped VERB him PRON . .
But CONJ my DET people NOUN -- . Martians NOUN , . I PRON mean VERB ; . ; .
I PRON now ADV grok VERB you PRON are VERB my DET people NOUN -- . teach VERB plants NOUN another DET way NOUN . .
In ADP the DET other ADJ hemisphere NOUN it PRON is VERB growing VERB colder ADJ and CONJ nymphs NOUN , . those DET who PRON stayed VERB alive ADJ through ADP the DET summer NOUN , . are VERB being VERB brought VERB into ADP nests NOUN for ADP quickening VERB and CONJ more ADJ growing VERB '' . . .
He PRON thought VERB . .
`` . Of ADP the DET humans NOUN we PRON left VERB at ADP the DET equator NOUN , . one NOUN has VERB discorporated VERB and CONJ the DET others NOUN are VERB sad ADJ '' . . .
Yes ADV , . I PRON heard VERB it PRON in ADP the DET news NOUN '' . . .
Mike NOUN had VERB not ADV heard VERB it PRON ; . ; .
he PRON had VERB not ADV known VERB it PRON until ADP asked VERB . .
`` . They PRON should VERB not ADV be VERB sad ADJ . .
Mr. NOUN Booker NOUN T. NOUN W. NOUN Jones NOUN Food NOUN Technician NOUN First ADJ Class NOUN is VERB not ADV sad ADJ ; . ; .
the DET Old ADJ Ones NOUN have VERB cherished VERB him PRON '' . . .
`` . You PRON knew VERB him PRON '' . ? . ? .
`` . Yes ADV . .
He PRON had VERB his DET own ADJ face NOUN , . dark ADJ and CONJ beautiful ADJ . .
But CONJ he PRON was VERB homesick ADJ '' . . .
`` . Oh PRT , . dear PRT ! . ! .
Mike NOUN do VERB you PRON ever ADV get VERB homesick ADJ ? . ? .
For ADP Mars NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . At ADP first ADV I PRON was VERB homesick ADJ '' . , . he PRON answered VERB . .
`` . I PRON was VERB lonely ADJ always ADV '' . . .
He PRON rolled VERB toward ADP her PRON and CONJ took VERB her PRON in ADP his DET arms NOUN . .
`` . But CONJ now ADV I PRON am VERB not ADV lonely ADJ . .
I PRON grok VERB I PRON shall VERB never ADV be VERB lonely ADJ again ADV '' . . .
`` . Mike NOUN darling ADJ '' . -- . They PRON kissed VERB , . and CONJ went VERB on PRT kissing VERB . .
Presently ADV his DET water NOUN brother NOUN said VERB breathlessly ADV . .
`` . Oh PRT , . my PRT ! . ! .
That DET was VERB almost ADV worse ADJ than ADP the DET first ADJ time NOUN '' . . .
`` . You PRON are VERB all ADV right ADJ , . my DET brother NOUN '' . ? . ? .
`` . Yes ADV . .
Yes ADV indeed ADV . .
Kiss VERB me PRON again ADV '' . . .
A DET long ADJ time NOUN later ADV , . by ADP cosmic ADJ clock NOUN , . she PRON said VERB , . `` . Mike NOUN ? . ? .
Is VERB that DET -- . I PRON mean VERB , . ' . Do VERB you PRON know VERB ' . '' . -- .
`` . I PRON know VERB . .
It PRON is VERB for ADP growing VERB closer ADV . .
Now ADV we PRON grow VERB closer ADV '' . . .
`` . Well PRT I've PRT been VERB ready ADJ a DET long ADJ time NOUN -- . goodness NOUN , . we PRON all PRT have VERB , . but CONJ never ADV mind VERB , . dear ADJ ; . ; .
turn VERB just ADV a DET little ADJ . .
I'll PRT help VERB '' . . .
As ADP they PRON merged VERB , . grokking VERB together ADV , . Mike NOUN said VERB softly ADV and CONJ triumphantly ADV : . `` . Thou PRON art VERB God NOUN '' . . .
Her DET answer NOUN was VERB not ADV in ADP words NOUN . .
Then ADV , . as ADP their DET grokking NOUN made VERB them PRON ever ADV closer ADV and CONJ Mike NOUN felt VERB himself PRON almost ADV ready ADJ to PRT discorporate VERB her DET voice NOUN called VERB him PRON back ADV : . `` . Oh PRT ! . ! .
Oh PRT ! . ! .
Thou PRON art VERB God NOUN '' . ! . ! .
`` . We PRON grok VERB God NOUN '' . . .
25 NUM . .
On ADP Mars NOUN humans NOUN were VERB building VERB pressure NOUN domes NOUN for ADP the DET male NOUN and CONJ female NOUN party NOUN that DET would VERB arrive VERB by ADP next ADJ ship NOUN . .
This DET went VERB faster ADV than ADP scheduled VERB as ADP the DET Martians NOUN were VERB helpful ADJ . .
Part NOUN of ADP the DET time NOUN saved VERB was VERB spent VERB on ADP a DET preliminary ADJ estimate NOUN for ADP a DET long-distance NOUN plan NOUN to PRT free VERB bound VERB oxygen NOUN in ADP the DET sands NOUN of ADP Mars NOUN to PRT make VERB the DET planet NOUN more ADV friendly ADJ to ADP future ADJ human NOUN generations NOUN . .
The DET Old ADJ Ones NOUN neither CONJ helped VERB nor CONJ hindered VERB this DET plan NOUN ; . ; .
time NOUN was VERB not ADV yet ADV . .
Their DET meditations NOUN were VERB approaching VERB a DET violent ADJ cusp NOUN that PRON would VERB shape VERB Martian ADJ art NOUN for ADP many ADJ millennia NOUN . .
On ADP Earth NOUN elections NOUN continued VERB and CONJ a DET very ADV advanced VERB poet NOUN published VERB a DET limited VERB edition NOUN of ADP verse NOUN consisting VERB entirely ADV of ADP punctuation NOUN marks NOUN and CONJ spaces NOUN ; . ; .
Time NOUN magazine NOUN reviewed VERB it PRON and CONJ suggested VERB that ADP the DET Federation NOUN Assembly NOUN Daily ADJ Record NOUN should VERB be VERB translated VERB into ADP the DET medium NOUN . .
A DET colossal ADJ campaign NOUN opened VERB to PRT sell VERB more ADV sexual ADJ organs NOUN of ADP plants NOUN and CONJ Mrs. NOUN Joseph NOUN ( . `` . Shadow NOUN of ADP Greatness NOUN '' . ) . Douglas NOUN was VERB quoted VERB as ADP saying VERB : . `` . I PRON would VERB no DET more ADV sit VERB down PRT without ADP flowers NOUN on ADP my DET table NOUN than ADP without ADP serviettes NOUN '' . . .