- 101
- 101 Principles
- Advice
- Classes/Types of Vulnerabilities
- How to suck at infosec
- Getting started with infosec
- Background
- Being the First Security Person/Starting a Security Program
- Briefing and Reporting
- Scaling a Security Program
- Building a Security Team
- Red Team, Blue Team, Purple Team, Green Team
- Mental Models
- Cognitive Biases
- Complexity
- Comedy
- Command Line & OS Basics
- Critical Thinking
- Common Vulnerability Scoring System
- Data Breaches
- Decision Making
- Fundamental Papers
- General Good Stuff
- Helping Others
- History
- How to ask better questions
- Information Processing
- Learning
- Networking
- Normalization of Deviance
- Problem Solving
- Project Management
- Ransomware
- Regular Expressions
- Research
- Request for Proposal/Service
- Risk
- Securing yourself
- Security Testing
- Statistics
- StoryTelling
- System Design
- Table Top Exercises
- Task Automation
- The Web
- Tools to Know About
- Zero Trust
Attention Economy https://www.gwern.net/docs/culture/2019-candia.pdf https://www.gwern.net/docs/sociology/1972-downs.pdf
CLI * MobaXterm
101 - Talks/Presentations/Videos
Basic Windows Tools
Basic Utilities
- Beginner/'Starting out' Link Collections
BeyondCorp https://www.scaleft.com/blog/beyondcorp-outside-of-google/
Building a Team
Building Org/Security https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/circlecitycon2019/track-3-14-inside-out-security-building-castles-not-warehouses-alyssa-miller https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/showmecon2018/showmecon-2018-track-1-03-how-hyperbolic-discounting-is-keeping-your-security-program-from-succeeding-jon-clark https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/bsidescleveland2018/c06-go-back-to-the-basics-with-your-processes-improving-operations-without-technology-mark-abrams https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/converge2018/converge-2018-111-finding-the-money-to-run-an-effective-security-program-matt-topper https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/bsidesnashville2018/bsides-nashville-2018-red-01-security-instrumentation-be-the-hero-getting-value-from-security-brian-contos https://frankmcg.com/2020/09/purchased-microsoft-365-e5-now-what/ * Starting Up Security: Guides for the growing security team - Ryan McGeehan * Series of articles aimed at security for Startups/new companies.
CLI Awk Bash Git Grep sed Vim
copy/paste code
Cognitive Bias
Data Manipulation
Decision Making
Distributed Computing
First Person/Starting a Security Team
Hiring Security Services
Maturity https://owaspsamm.org/blog/2020/10/29/comparing-bsimm-and-samm/ * What steps can you take toward evolving your organization's security maturity? - Matt Atkinson(2020)
Open Source Projects - Maintaining & Running
Pentest vs Redteam https://tbgsecurity.com/pen-tests-and-red-teams-are-not-the-same/ * Red Team Assessment and Penetration Testing - Yash.com
Product Sec Testing
Problem Solving
Recon * Recon Rundown #1 : Attack Surface Basics - sshell(2022) Research
Risk Analysis
Scaling AppSec
Scaling Ops
Searching https://www.gwern.net/Search
Security 101
Security Questionaires
Skills improvement
Strategy https://warontherocks.com/2020/08/distilling-the-essence-of-strategy/ https://strategy-madlibs.herokuapp.com/
Technical Debt
Testing https://github.com/obheda12/JupyterPen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY2mRlYkDBA&list=PL7D3STHEa66QvxwnM8MSf8tUq1Zkhoq4P&index=26&t=0s https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/bsidestampa2018/courtroom00-cyber-assurance-testing-for-success-col-john-burger https://www.fedramp.gov/assets/resources/documents/CSP_Penetration_Test_Guidance.pdf https://pen-testing.sans.org/resources/downloads#scope https://twitter.com/StanTwinB/status/1336935368436797440 Performing a Pentest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fahp8U1_JGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23F8QKTu86U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrGfhQpBibk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyJ0atDagco
IPv6 Troubleshooting https://theinternetprotocolblog.wordpress.com/2019/11/04/basic-ipv6-troubleshooting-commands-i-ipv6-rosetta-stone-2019/
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms - David MacKay
Entering the Field of Cybersecurity - SANS(2020)
- Advice for Teens Who Are Interested in Entering the Field of Cybersecurity
Drunk Hacker History: Hacker Stories Powered by C2H6O for Fun & Profit - Panel Defcon24
https://newsroom.intel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2019/07/Intel-Safety-First-for-Automated-Driving.pdf https://www.dia.mil/News/DIA-Directors-Reading-List/
- Getting youth interested in infosec from a youth's perspective. - Tristan Messner(BSidesCleveland2019)
- Security Assessment Mindset
IACD https://www.iacdautomate.org/ https://www.iacdautomate.org/getting-ready-for-soar https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a94b67ff93fd440f0516297/t/5d41000bc8f45f0001164c17/1564540939633/IACD+quickSTART_Final_optimized.pdf * Playbooks, Workflows, & Local Instance Examples - Integrated Adaptive Cyber Defense (IACD)
https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon6/304-and-bad-mistakes-ive-made-a-few-jayson-e-street https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon6/512-evolving-your-offices-security-culture-nancy-snoke https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon4/t514-a-brief-history-of-exploitation-devin-cook https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon4/t308-ethical-control-ethics-and-privacy-in-a-target-rich-environment-kevin-johnson-and-james-jardine https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon4/t526-information-security-team-management-how-to-keep-your-edge-while-embracing-the-dark-side-stephen-c-gay https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon4/t126-what-to-expect-when-youre-expectinga-pentest-martin-bos-and-eric-milam https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon4/t534-what-dungeons-dragons-taught-me-about-infosec-joey-maresca-l0stkn0wledge https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/louisvilleinfosec2019/track-2-01-common-observations-from-a-security-assessor-corey-shell%22 https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon2/4-2-6-kellep-charles-security-vulnerablity-assessments-process-and-best-practices https://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon6/308-business-developement-the-best-non-four-letter-dirty-word-in-infosec-scott-lyons-and-joshua-marpet https://danielmiessler.com/blog/algorithmic-vs-faith-based-learning/ https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2020/07/25/worst-tool-for-the-job/ https://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Creative_Think.txt
- 101
- 101
- Primum non nocere - Wikipedia
- Primum non nocere (Classical Latin: [ˈpriːmũː noːn nɔˈkeːrɛ]) is a Latin phrase that means "first, do no harm."
- The ""I don't know what I'm doing but I want to learn 'security'" portion:
- Security imo is a field like philosophy. On its own, it has limited application in the immediate. However, when applied to other subjects, its value/usefulness becomes more apparent.
- You can learn security as a discipline, or you can learn general basic concepts and then apply that to a line of code/function/program/Architecture/Design/etc.
- There isn't a single path to take, and not all paths go straight forward, you may go down one path only to find you end up reading about the basics for something you considered ignorable/not worth your time, because in a new perspective, you've seen the 'hidden' value.
- The "I wanna be a hacker!" advice:
0. Learn basic security concepts, check out the Security+ syllabus by Comptia for ideas.
00. Learn Basic CS concepts: Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems - Wladston Ferreira Filho, Plus plenty of reading on Wikipedia: Computer Science - Wikipedia
- Learn x86(-64) or ARM ASM. - I recommend Programming from the Ground Up, Azeria's series on writing ARM ASM, and the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals
- Learn C. Read The C Programming Language(K&R), but learn C elsewhere.
- Congratulations! You now have the skills and abilities(at least the basics) to start doing your own research and identifiying where you want to further develop your skills.
- Further reading I could recommend:
- Also this list: Information security / Hacking for noobs
- Also Why Cyber Security is Hard to Learn (Tips For Success!)
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education - CSAIL.MIT
- Classes teach you all about advanced topics within CS, from operating systems to machine learning, but there’s one critical subject that’s rarely covered, and is instead left to students to figure out on their own: proficiency with their tools. We’ll teach you how to master the command-line, use a powerful text editor, use fancy features of version control systems, and much more!
- Primum non nocere - Wikipedia
- General
- Alice and Bob - Wikipedia
- Security Engineering (3rd ed) - Ross Anderson
- 10 Immutable Laws of Security Administration - Scott Culp(docs.ms)
- Learning the Ropes 101: Introduction - zsec.uk
- InfoSec Newbie List by Mubix
- infosec_getting_started
- A collection of resources/documentation/links/etc to help people learn about Infosec and break into the field.
- Brandolini's Law - Wikipedia
- Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage which emphasizes the difficulty of debunking bullshit: "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Security Controls - Lee Holmes(2014)
- How to Secure Anything - Veeral Patel
- How to systematically secure anything: a repository about security engineering
- Signalling (economics) - Wikipedia
- Basic Security Concepts
- Computer Science
- 40 Key Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s Terms - carlcheo.com
- Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) - IEEE
- Infra Living Standard — whatwg.org
- Last Updated 30 August 2019; The Infra Standard aims to define the fundamental concepts upon which standards are built.
- Big-O Notation Explained - Daniel Miessler
- Mentality
- One week of bugs - danluu.com
- I could do that in a weekend! - danluu.com
- Zero-One-Infinity Rule - catb.org
- Improving Infosec (or any Community/Industry) in One Simple but Mindful Step - Matt Graeber
- Tacit Knowledge
- Tacit knowledge or implicit knowledge (as opposed to formal, codified or explicit knowledge) is the kind of knowledge that is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalizing it. For example, that London is in the United Kingdom is a piece of explicit knowledge that can be written down, transmitted, and understood by a recipient. However, the ability to speak a language, ride a bicycle, knead dough, play a musical instrument, or design and use complex equipment requires all sorts of knowledge which is not always known explicitly, even by expert practitioners, and which is difficult or impossible to explicitly transfer to other people.
- Programming 101
- A Byte of Python
- Repo
- ""A Byte of Python" is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you."
- A Byte of Python
- Things I wish someone had shown me when I was starting out
- Cautionary tale - James H. Cloos Jr(1999)
- Things to say when you're losing a technical argument - Steve Kirsch
- Trends in Cyber Security - Dan Geer(2013)
- Every TED Talk Ever, In One Brutal Parody - FastCompany
- The Most Important Productivity Lesson I Ever Learned - Daniel Messler
- How to exit Vim
- How to Seem Smart in Infosec Meetings - @jschauma(2015)
- Routines are the Compound Interest of Your Life - Ryan Caldbeck(2021)
- Applying the OODA Loop Model for Time-Sensitive Decision Making - Mars Groves(2021)
- Infosec Skill Sets - @jschauma(2022)
- Gwern.net
- This Is The Website of Gwern Branwen. I write about psychology, statistics, and technology. I am best known for work on the darknet markets & Bitcoin, blinded self-experiments, dual n-back & spaced repetition, and anime neural networks.
- Avoiding B.A.D. behaviour - @last0x00(2022)
- What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice - Alexey Guzey
- Learning from your mistakes as an offensive security professional - hackermindset.com(2020)
- On actually reading the book - natemyvis.com
- Mitchell & Webb Sound - Identity Theft
- Bathtub curve - Wikipedia
- The bathtub curve is widely used in reliability engineering. It describes a particular form of the hazard function which comprises three parts: 1. The first part is a decreasing failure rate, known as early failures. 2. The second part is a constant failure rate, known as random failures. 3. The third part is an increasing failure rate, known as wear-out failures. The name is derived from the cross-sectional shape of a bathtub: steep sides and a flat bottom.
- Sprezzatura: The Art Of Making Difficult Things Look Simple - constantrenewal.com
- Nick Saban: Do Your Job And Trust The Process - constantrenewal.com
- Videos
- Host Unknown presents: Accepted the Risk
- Security, Moore's Law, and the Anomaly of Cheap Complexity - Halvar Flake(2018)
- VirusBulletin Keynote address 2019: The security products we deserve - Haroon Meer, Adrian Sanabria(2019)
- Everybody decries the state of the industry. Everyone hates the over-hyped headlines, the obvious FUD and the shameless snake-oil. So why do we have so much of it? This talk aims to examine several of the dark-patterns that have become perfectly acceptable in infosec and then aims to drill down to their root causes. With any luck, we will also get to discuss some options to chart our way out of this mess.
- Security Basics: Burn It All and Start Over - John Strand(UniCon Keynote 2020)
- Foundations of Computer Security - Mason Egger(2020)
- This is the first talk in a series of Tech Talks from DigitalOcean around Computer Security titled Foundations of Computer Security. This talk will walk you through the fundamentals of computer security, from its history, to common threats you may face, to recommended practices to keep you safe.
- Every Security Team is a Software Team Now - Dino Dai Zovi(Black Hat USA 2019 Keynote)
- As software is eating the world, every company is becoming a software company. This doesn’t mean that every company is shipping software products, it means that services and products in every field are becoming increasingly driven, powered, and differentiated by software. Let’s explore what that will do to how cybersecurity is practiced in enterprises of all types. Peter Drucker famously said that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” There have been two large cultural shifts in software engineering over the last 20 years that created the successful strategies behind how software is eating the world. First, there was Agile (2001). In response to the inefficiencies of classic “waterfall” software development, Agile focused on breaking down the barriers between software requirements, development, and testing by having software development teams own their roadmaps as well as their quality. Separate product management organizations evolved into product owners working directly with the software team. Similarly, separate quality assurance organizations evolved into a focus on building quality into the software development process. This should remind us of how we talk about needing to build security in, but most importantly, this change was effected by software teams themselves vs. forced onto them by a separate security organization. There is a lesson to be learned there. Next came DevOps (2009), which brought the agile mindset to server operations. Software teams now began to own their deployment and their uptime. Treating software teams as the end-user and customer has driven the replacement of traditional ops with the cloud and replacing the traditional stack with serverless models. Ops teams evolved into software teams that provide platforms, tools, and self-service infrastructure to internal teams. They provide value by increasing internal teams’ productivity while reducing costs to the entire organization through economies of scale and other efficiencies. When a cross-functional team owns their features, their quality, their deployment, and their uptime, they fully own their end-to-end value stream. Next, they will evolve to also own their own risks and fully own their end-to-end impact. There are two big shifts involved as teams begin to own their end-to-end impact: software teams need to own their own security now and security teams need to become full-stack software teams. Just as separate product management and quality assurance organizations diffused into cross-functional software teams, security must now do the same. At his re:Invent 2018 Keynote, Amazon’s CTO Werner Vogels proclaimed that “security is everyone’s job now, not just the security team’s.” But if security is every teams’ job, what is the security team’s job? Just like how classic ops teams became internal infrastructure software teams, security teams will become internal security software teams that deliver value to internal teams through self-service platforms and tools. Security teams that adopt this approach will reduce the risk to the organization the most while also minimizing impact to overall productivity. In this talk, we’ll explore how this is already being done across high-performing companies and how to foster this security transformation at yours.
- Real Software Engineering - Glenn Vanderburg(Software Art Thou)
- The idea is spreading that perhaps software development is simply incompatible with engineering; that software developers are not, and never will be, real engineers. Glenn Vanderburg, VP of Engineering at First, takes a fresh look at what that really should mean for this field. With an extra 45 years of experience about the task of programming, and a broad survey of the varied different engineering disciplines, can we envision a future for a field of “software engineering” that is worthy of the name?
- Real Software Engineering by Glenn Vanderburg(Lone Star Ruby Conference(2010)
- Software engineering as it's taught in universities simply doesn't work. It doesn't produce software systems of high quality, and it doesn't produce them for low cost. Sometimes, even when practiced rigorously, it doesn't produce systems at all. That's odd, because in every other field, the term "engineering" is reserved for methods that work. What then, does real software engineering look like? How can we consistently deliver high-quality systems to our customers and employers in a timely fashion and for a reasonable cost? In this session, we'll discuss where software engineering went wrong, and build the case that disciplined Agile methods, far from being "anti-engineering" (as they are often described), actually represent the best of engineering principles applied to the task of software development.
- Software Security Field Guide for the Bewildered - zwischenzugs(2019)
- Q&A session with Rastamouse - Cyber V1s3r1on(Nov2020)
- Lessons Learned - A 15 year Retrospective - Price McDonald(BSides Indy 2018)
- Life is full of blessings and pitfalls. This is my attempt to let others learn from my past mistakes and hopefully keep working and pressing on towards their goals.
- Security Technology Arms Race 2021 - Medal Event - Mark Dowd(HITB2021)
- The investment into both offensive and defensive technologies has grown dramatically in line with the Internet’s rise as the pivotal system for communications, critical infrastructure, and global finance. Security of the Internet, cloud data, and personal devices, once an afterthought, is now a significant expense and stress on governments, organisations, corporations and individuals. No one remains untouched. Yet, as the offensive scope spreads, so do the defensive barriers, leading to a technology arms race on various fronts. Where are we in that race? And, looking to the future, can we predict the near-term balance of power between defensive mitigation and offensive ingenuity?
- From What to How in Cybersecurity: Self Care, Culture, and Strategy - Jason Chan(BSidesRDU2021)
- Security is a challenging field - controls fail, incidents happen, and our adversaries adapt. On top of that, it can be difficult to drive change and progress when organizations have so many competing priorities. Drawing on a career in cybersecurity and his most recent experience building and leading the security team at Netflix for over a decade, Jason will provide some insight and advice on preparing yourself for the ups and downs of the industry, going with the flow, and doing meaning and impactful security work.
- “Did You Miss My Comment or What?”: Understanding Toxicity in Open Source Discussions - Courtney Miller, Sophie Cohen, Daniel Klug, Bogdan Vasilescu, Christian Kästner(2022)
- Online toxicity is ubiquitous across the internet and its negative impact on the people and that online communities that it effects has been well documented. However, toxicity manifests differently on various platforms and toxicity in open source communities, while frequently discussed, is not well understood. We take a first stride at understanding the characteristics of open source toxicity to better inform future work on designing effective intervention and detection methods. To this end, we curate a sample of 100 toxic GitHub issue discussions combining multiple search and sampling strategies. We then qualitatively analyze the sample to gain an understanding of the characteristics of open-source toxicity. We find that the pervasive forms of toxicity in open source differ from those observed on other platforms like Reddit or Wikipedia. In our sample, some of the most prevalent forms of toxicity are entitled, demanding, and arrogant comments from project users as well as insults arising from technical disagreements. In addition, not all toxicity was written by people external to the projects; project members were also common authors of toxicity. We also discuss the implications of our findings. Among others we hope that our findings will be useful for future detection work
- 101
- 101 Principles
- Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design - David L. Akin
- Types of Authentication
- Access control best practices
- Information Theory - Wikipedia
- Encoding vs. Encryption vs. Hashing vs. Obfuscation - Daniel Messler
- Safety with Dignity Booklist - Sidney Dekker
- 10 Immutable Laws of Security (Microsoft TechNet) Non-original
- Ten Immutable Laws Of Security (Version 2.0) - docs.ms
- You Can’t Do Everything: The Importance of Prioritization in Security - RecordedFuture
- Advice
- Classes/Types of Vulnerabilities
- How to Suck at InfoSec
- Getting Started with InfoSec
- infosec_newbie.md - mubix
- List of links on getting started in InfoSec/Starting a career.
- Breaking Into Information Security A Modern Guide - 0xsha
- Passwords in a file - erratasec
- real0day References list
- Security Resources - CompassSecurity
- Links to online resources & tools we use during our web application / network security courses.
- infosec_newbie.md - mubix
- Background
- The Shoulders of InfoSec - Jack Daniels(BSides Tampa 2018)
- If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants; Most famously attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, this quote reflects the sentiment of this project. All of us in the field of information security stand on the shoulders of giants, this project is dedicated to shining a light on those shoulders- the known and unknown. In this presentation I will tell the stories some foundation figures in our industry and communities, some famous, some infamous, some unknown.
- Lessons Learned - A 15 year Retrospective - Price McDonald(BSides Indy 2018)
- Life is full of blessings and pitfalls. This is my attempt to let others learn from my past mistakes and hopefully keep working and pressing on towards their goals.
- The Shoulders of InfoSec - Jack Daniels(BSides Tampa 2018)
- Being the First Security Person/Starting a Security Program/Growing it
- 101
- Asset Inventory
- Baseline Hardening
- Developer Training/Secure Coding Training
- File Integrity Monitoring
- Firewall
- Logging
- Mobile Device Management
- Monitoring
- Patch Management
- Policies
- User Security Awareness Training
- Vendor Management
- Vulnerability Management
- 'Example Template Sample'(not sure where I found this originally)
- Define Problem(Inlcuding impact)
- Explain solution
- How does it solve the issue
- What resources/people are needed?
- Why will it work?
- Are there alternatives?
- Why did you choose this solution?
- benefits of solution
- Cost of implementation
- Quantifications
- Risk of doing/not doing
- Timeline
- 'General' Security Program
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Starting Up Security - Ryan McGeehan
- A collection of information security essays and links to help growing teams manage risks.
- A comprehensive guide to security for startups - David Cowan
- How Early-Stage Startups Can Enlist The Right Amount of Security As They Grow - firstround.com
- Starting Up Security - Ryan McGeehan
- Killing “Chicken Little”: Measure and eliminate risk through forecasting. - Ryan McGeehan
- Building an InfoSec Organisation - Week 1 to 6 - Greg van der Gaast(2020)
- Security Strategy for Small Medium Business - Claus Houman, Infosystir, Jim Nitterauer, Moose(DEFCON27 Blue Team Village
- Starting Up Security - Ryan McGeehan
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Empathy as a Service to Create a Culture of Security - Tracy Z. Maleeff(Derbycon2019)
- True empathy requires that you step outside your own emotions to view things entirely from the perspective of the other person.? Reject the idea that end users are the weakest security link. Rather, think of them as your front line of defense. Start the foundation of creating a strong culture of security within your organization by treating end users with respect, dignity, and empathy. Security professionals need to utilize soft skills, in addition to technical tools, to empower the end users to prepare them against phishing and other social engineering attacks. Based on a library science technique that has been adapted for Information Security professionals, this talk will illustrate how changing the way you interact with end users can make for a better security atmosphere.
- Building a Modern Security Engineering Organization - Zane Lackey(Derbycon 2014)
- Continuous deployment and the DevOps philosophy have forever changed the ways in which businesses operate. This talk with discuss how security adapts effectively to these changes- specifically covering: – Practical advice for building and scaling modern AppSec and NetSec programs – Lessons learned for organizations seeking to launch a bug bounty program – How to run realistic attack simulations and learn the signals of compromise in your environment
- Startup security: Starting a security program at a startup - Evan Johnson(OWASP AppSecCali 2019)
- There's no blueprint for how to be successful at a small startup. Startups are quirky, ambiguous, and full of challenges and broken processes. Startups also have a high risk tolerance and rarely introduce security from the beginning. This talk will discuss different approaches to introducing security at a company, how to be successful as a security professional at a startup, and how to integrate your security team with the rest of the company.
- So You've Inherited a Security Department, Now What? - Amanda Berlin & Lee Brotherston(Derbycon 2016)
- Over the last decade, technology as a whole has exploded worldwide and corporations have struggled to keep pace. Usability and revenue creation have been the key motivating factors, ignoring the proactive design and security required for long-term stability. With the increase of breaking news hacks, record breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks it is our job to not only scrape by with default installs but to secure our data and assets to the best of our abilities. There will always be cases where you will walk into an environment that is a metaphorical train wreck. So many of us have been there. We've walked into an environment that has exploded with technology, but no talent to manage it, no leadership to distinguish FUD from real threats, and either zero infosec budget or so much they aren't sure what to do with it. If you or someone you know are currently in this situation, we're here to help. We'll go over great steps to start with that will have little impact on budget, but a large impact on moving forward for a more secure environment. It is important to be able to implement low cost security technology and prioritize threats to show upper level management that due diligence has been done before they throw money at blinky boxes.
- Twubhubbook: Like an Appsec Program, but for Startups - Brent Johnson, Neil Matatall(OWASP AppSec CA 2017)
- Simulated walk through of two 'security' contractors being brought on to establish security within a 'startup'. Good talk.
- Run your security program like a boss / practical governance advice - Justin Leapline & Rockie Brockway(Derbycon 2017)
- Let’s face it; it’s not easy to run a security governance program. With the continuing pressure of keeping our information secure and breach-free while management doesn’t see the need of increasing budget if there isn’t an incident occurring or compliance need. So how does someone in the trenches measure, monitor, and communicate this to ensure that you get the buy-in needed - or at least get the acceptance from management on the risk. It’s something that everyone in a security leadership position struggles with. Through this talk, we will be discussing some of the key points in implementing, managing, and creating oversight to communicate both internally to the security team and externally with the company. And don’t worry, the points we will be discussing will be applicable across the board - from small businesses to Fortune 100s. Also, we will be releasing some helpful tools in aiding your quest to the nirvana of a simple security governance program. You don't want to miss it!
- Reaching Across the Isle: Improving Security Through Partnership - Kevin Gennuso(Derbycon 2017)
- Information security has been a challenge since the dawn of computer networking. Improving the situation requires coordination and cooperation, not an adversarial stance between The Business, Security and IT. The answer isn't more endpoint agents, blinky boxes, or vendor pitches. The answer lies in partnering with all teams with a common purpose: improved security.
- We Come Bearing Gifts: Enabling Product Security with Culture and Cloud - Astha Singhal, Patrick Thomas(OWASP AppSec Cali2018)
- This talk explores that counter-intuitive premise, and shows how it is not just possible but necessary to discard many traditional security behaviors in order to support modern high-velocity, cloud-centric engineering teams. For the product security team at Netflix, this is the logical implication of a cultural commitment to enabling the organization. Attendees will learn how to replace heavy-handed gating with an automation-first approach, and build powerful security capabilities on top of cloud deployment primitives. Specific examples including provable application identity, immutable and continuous deployment, and secret bootstrapping illustrate how this approach balances security impact with engineering enablement.
- Building a Modern Security Engineering Organization - Zane Lackey(OWASP AppSec California2015
- Continuous deployment and the DevOps philosophy have forever changed the ways in which businesses operate. This talk with discuss how security adapts effectively to these changes, specifically covering: Practical advice for building and scaling modern AppSec and NetSec programs; Lessons learned for organizations seeking to launch a bug bounty program; How to run realistic attack simulations and learn the signals of compromise in your environment
- Where do I start The first 365 days of building a security program - Hudson Bush(ShellCon2018)
- Scenario: You've been put in charge of InfoSec for a business with no existing security posture and the executive team thinks that Antivirus and Firewall is a sufficient InfoSec budget. They expect results in one year. If you're thinking '
Oh $(*7, I have to do what?'
, this talk is for you. At the end of this talk you will have a roadmap for the first year of implementing a security program, with some understanding of what those who have come before you have done. I hope to explain my mistakes so that you don't have to make mine; you can make your own.
- Scenario: You've been put in charge of InfoSec for a business with no existing security posture and the executive team thinks that Antivirus and Firewall is a sufficient InfoSec budget. They expect results in one year. If you're thinking '
- starting an AppSec Program: An Honest Retrospective - John Melton
- This talk will cover the lessons learned from a 2-year journey starting an appsec program at a small-medium sized company that previously had no security program. This will be an honest look at what worked, what didn't work, as well as a follow-up analysis. There will be plenty of stories, common sense perspective, as well as discussion around goal-setting and execution. This will be the talk I wish I had two years ago when I was starting this adventure.
- Startup security: Starting a security program at a startup - Evan Johnson(AppSecCali 2019)
- There's no blueprint for how to be successful at a small startup. Startups are quirky, ambiguous, and full of challenges and broken processes. Startups also have a high risk tolerance and rarely introduce security from the beginning. This talk will discuss different approaches to introducing security at a company, how to be successful as a security professional at a startup, and how to integrate your security team with the rest of the company.
- Scrapping for Pennies: How to implement security without a budget - Ryan Wisniewski(BSides Columbus Ohio2019)
- This talk focuses on how to implement the CIS Top 20 controls using open source and free tools. Ryan identifies each control objective, the commercial product, and the free product to achieve the control.
- A Pitmaster's Guide To Security | Alyssa Miller | WWHF Deadwood 2020 Virtual
- Preparing great BBQ requires adherence to certain methods and principles. This is also the case when it comes to designing and deploying security controls. However, in the same way that some cooks ignore those proven techniques and ruin a good cut of meat, IT and security professionals also often fail to follow established best practices when architecting security solutions. This results in vulnerabilities and eventually breaches of those environments. This session will show how we can take lessons from good BBQ techniques and apply them to our security architecture. We'll examine five rules all good pitmasters follow and see how those same rules can form a framework of security defense design that eliminates common pitfalls. By the end of this talk, you'll not only have a clearer vision for improving the defensive posture of your IT systems, you'll also be better equipped to smoke a killer brisket!
- Empathy as a Service to Create a Culture of Security - Tracy Z. Maleeff(Derbycon2019)
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- AppSec Program
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- OWASP Security Champions Playbook
- A bug goes skateboarding on Boehm’s Curve - Ulf Eriksson(2013)
- Your 30-60-90 Day AppSec Plan - Hope Goslin(2020)
- Thoughts on Starting an Application Security Program - Christopher Emerson
- One Man Shop: Building an effective security program all by yourself - Tim Mcguffin(Defcon22)
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Pushing left like a boss - Tanya Janca(DevSecCon Singapore2018)
- With incident response and penetration testing currently receiving most of our application security dollars, it would appear that industry has decided to treat the symptom instead of the disease. “Pushing left” refers to starting security earlier in the SDLC; addressing the problem throughout the process. From scanning your code with a vulnerability scanner to red team exercises, developer education programs and bug bounties, this talk will show you how to ‘push left’, like a boss.
- Starting Strength for AppSec - Fredrick Lee(OWASP AppSec Cali2019)
- Working with Developers for Fun and Progress - Leif Dreizler(OWASP AppSec Cali2019)
- Forging a strong relationship with developers is essential part of creating an impactful AppSec program. Without it, your team will have little idea what's going on and will have trouble getting bugs fixed and features shipped. Segment has built strong ties to developers using our competition-based training featuring Burp Suite and OWASP Juice Shop, partnership during implementation of tooling, and contributions to the existing codebase. This presentation is chock full of practical examples and references that attendees can bring back to their organization.
- Jumpstarting Your Appsec Program - Julia Knecht & Jacob Lords(BSidesSLC 2020)
- Empathy for the (Devel)oper: Lessons Learned Building An Application Security Module - Yolonda Smith(NolaCon2019)
- Security teams spend a lot of time focused on the results and impact of what happens when applications FAIL at security. In turn, we have a bad habit of 'Monday-Morning-Quarterback'ing all the things that should have happened to prevent the security failure in the first place. But have you ever attempted to fully implement ALL of the security advice that's out there in conjunction with business priorities? Well, I did. In this presentation, I will share what I learned about what it takes to get application security right from design to delivery, how to communicate about REAL risk (without the FUD) and why we should eliminate the word 'just' from our remediation recommendations.
- Pushing left like a boss - Tanya Janca(DevSecCon Singapore2018)
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Product Security Program
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Product Security Shouldn't be Painful - Wim Remes(Derbycon 2019)
- There is more pressure than ever to produce secure products. In healthcare, IoT, ICS and virtually any segment where connected devices are prevalent, both customer requirements and regulatory pressure force manufacturers to make security of their products a key feature. With this presentation we will share a framework that allows organizations to implement product security practices that do not hamper innovation. With a focus on building a frictionless relationship with developers and engineers, as well as showing progress to the business, we will enable participants to do exactly the same without making the mistakes we did.
- How to Conduct a Product Security Test: And How it Fits Into the Larger Security Strategy - Dr. Jared DeMott(GrrCON 2018)
- Product Security Shouldn't be Painful - Wim Remes(Derbycon 2019)
- Security Awareness/Training Program
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Building An Information Security Awareness Program from Scratch - Bill Gardner and Valerie Thomas(Derbycon 2013)
- Description:Most organization’s Security Awareness Programs suck: they involved ‘canned’ video presentations or someone is HR explaining computer use policies. Others are extremely expensive and beyond the reach of the budgets of smaller organizations. This talk will show you how to build a Security Awareness Program from scratch for little or no money, and how to engage your users so that they get the most out of the program.
- Building An Information Security Awareness Program from Scratch - Bill Gardner and Valerie Thomas(Derbycon 2013)
- DFIR Program
- 0Day to HeroDay: Bringing a company from scorched earth to a modern security organization - Ryan Wisniewski(ShowMeCon2019)
- This talk will outline how a company was brought down to its knees from a ransomware attack, how it rose from the ashes, and how it now has a full security organization. Ryan will take you through the thrilling adventure of building incident response, system architecture, disaster recovery, and system operations on the fly while the business was down - and how the group ensured the business could come back online without risk of reinfection. Then, he will discuss how he started a security organization from scratch and talk through the challenges of maturing an organization that was on the brink of destruction just a few months ago.
- 0Day to HeroDay: Bringing a company from scorched earth to a modern security organization - Ryan Wisniewski(ShowMeCon2019)
- 101
- Briefing and Reporting
- Capability Maturity Model Integration
- Scaling a Security Program
- 101
- How to 10X Your Company’s Security (Without a Series D) - Clint Gibler(BSidesSF2020)
- Slides
- I’ll summarize and distill the insights, unique tips and tricks, and actionable lessons learned from a vast number of DevSecOps/modern AppSec talks and blog posts, saving attendees 100s of hours. I’ll show where we’ve been, where we’re going, and provide a lengthy bibliography for further review.
- How to 10X Your Company’s Security (Without a Series D) - Clint Gibler(BSidesSF2020)
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- DevSecOps State of the Union - Clint Gibler(BSidesSF 2019)
- Many companies have shared their lessons learned in scaling their security efforts, leading to hundreds of blog posts and conference talks. Sharing knowledge is fantastic, but when you're a busy AppSec engineer or manager struggling to keep up with day-to-day requirements, it can be difficult to stay on top of or even be aware of relevant research. This talk will summarize and distill the unique tips and tricks, lessons learned, and tools discussed in a vast number of blog posts and conference talks over the past few years and combine it with knowledge gained from in-person discussions with AppSec engineers at a number of companies with mature security teams. Topics covered will include: Principles, mindsets, and methodologies of highly effective AppSec teams, Best practices in developing security champions and building a positive security culture, High value engineering projects that can prevent classes of bugs, How and where to integrate security automation into the CI/CD process in a high signal, low noise way, Open source tools that help with one or more of the above. Attendees will leave this talk with an understanding of the current state of the art in DevSecOps, links to tools they can use, resources where they can dive into specific topics of interest, and most importantly an actionable path forward for taking their security program to the next level.
- Efforts in Scaling Application Security Programs - Eric Fay(ShellCon2018)
- With organizational success comes the exciting period of ever-increasing scale and scope. This talk will cover some of the past and current efforts that Eric personally took on while creating and scaling the application security program at Hulu. A retrospective look will be taken at the focus points, tradeoffs and decisions made by the application security team while keeping up with the growth and continued success of Hulu.
- Scale your security with DevSecOps: 4 valuable mindsets and principles - Clint Gibler(2019)
- A Pragmatic Approach for Internal Security Partnerships - Scott Behrens, Esha Kanekar(OWASP AppSecCali 2019)
- Why do we have such a hard time getting engineering teams to care about vulnerabilities? How is it that we are fixing lots of vulnerabilities, yet are still falling ever further behind on the actual risks? These questions both have the same answer, but getting to it requires empathy, trust, courage, and a giant step back from our day-to-day approach to security. In this talk we will share our experiences about creating proactive partnerships with engineering and product teams. From the ways we have seen this fail to recent success stories, we will illustrate specific practices that help developers and security teams focus and align on a shared view of risk, rather than a laundry list of vulnerabilities: the leverage that comes from enabling rather than gating, automating for visibility and action to manage scale, threat modeling across organizations rather than individual applications, and the particulars of how we get big security features onto busy product teams' roadmaps.
- Efforts in Scaling Application Security Programs - Eric Fay(ShellCon2018)
- With organizational success comes the exciting period of ever-increasing scale and scope. This talk will cover some of the past and current efforts that Eric personally took on while creating and scaling the application security program at Hulu. A retrospective look will be taken at the focus points, tradeoffs and decisions made by the application security team while keeping up with the growth and continued success of Hulu.
- Year[0]: AppSec at a Startup - Leif Dreizler(LASCON2019)
- Have you wanted to be on the application security team at a startup, but were worried about having an employer that can’t figure out how to monetize its user base, being compensated in potentially worthless stock options, or discovering your company’s business model is based on selling a $400 juicer and expensive juice packets that could actually be squeezed by hand? If so, then this talk is for you! From the safety of the audience you’ll hear about the first year of an appsec program at a tech startup. We’ll cover how to win over the hearts and minds of your developers, useful tooling/automation, and other topics to rapidly improve the security of a growing SaaS startup.
- (in)Secure Development - Why some product teams are great and others … aren’t... - Koen Hendrix(AppSecCali 2019)
- In this presentation, Koen will share his experiences with Product Teams at Riot Games and how those teams do or do not take security into consideration. Every product team is unique; but they all behave in similar security patterns, and care about security in predictable ways. Using metrics of our Bug Bounty program and security review process, we’ll dissect the impact that team culture and process have on the security posture of a product. The framework that we’ve created allows you to quickly see what makes a good team good, and how other teams can improve. Taking into account how agile organisations want to operate, we will look at some tools you can introduce into your product teams to help raise the security bar.
- The Call is Coming From Inside the House: Lessons in Securing Internal Apps - Hongyi Hu(OWASP AppSec Cali 2019)
- Come hear a dramatic and humorous tale of internal appsec and the technical and management lessons we learned along the way. Even if your focus is on securing external apps, this talk will be relevant for you. You’ll hear about what worked well for us and what didn’t, including: Finding a useful mental model to organize your roadmap; Starting with the basics: authn/z, TLS, etc.; Rolling out Content Security Policy; Using SameSite cookies as a powerful entry point regulation mechanism; Leveraging WAFs for useful detection and response; Using internal apps as a training ground for new security engineers
- Jumpstarting Your Appsec Program - Julia Knecht & Jacob Lords(BSidesSLC 2020)
- Scaling a Security Engagement Program - Hayden Stephenson (BSides Halifax 2021)
- "One of the biggest challenges in InfoSec is getting the fundamentals right consistently. This talk will detail an approach to scaling security in an enterprise organisation across hundreds of software developers, including key points and lessons learned from real-world usage."
- DevSecOps State of the Union - Clint Gibler(BSidesSF 2019)
- 101
- Building a Security Team
- Red Team, Blue Team, Purple Team, Green Team
- See RedTeam Page
- The Difference Between Red, Blue, and Purple Teams - Daniel Miessler
- Red Teams - Ryan McGeehan(2015)
- Bridging the gaps between Red and Blue teaming - Andy Gill(2020)
- Oh My God... Vulnerabiltiy Assessment, Penetration Testing, Redteaming... - Florian Hansemann(2020)
- The Four Phases of Offensive Security Teams - mubix(2020)
- Purple Teaming
- Purple Teaming: The Pen-Test Grows Up - Bryce Galbraith
- This webcast will cover: Why your annual pen-test is a recipe for disaster, and what you can do about it.; Why many Red and Blue Teams are ineffective despite their efforts, and how to turn this around.; Several real-world TTPs that adversaries utilize (including demos) to completely dominate organizations, shockingly fast.; How to begin to perform adversary emulation and Purple Teaming.; Several helpful tools and resources you can begin to explore immediately...; As Einstein wisely stated, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. There is a better way...
- Purple Team Exposed
- Are you looking to rapidly improve your security posture or train a new member of your security organization? Are you a Blue Team member looking to cross train with Red Team or vice versa? Purple Teaming could be the answer to your problems. You may have already heard about Purple Teaming through a spare think piece online, casual mentions or even rage tweets, but few know what makes a Purple Team. In this talk I will cover how to build your own Purple Team function from the ground up using applied gap analysis, creating meaningful test cases, modifying tools, cross-training possibilities, and automation frameworks. We'll walk through the methodology together so you leave with the tools and experience you need to do it yourself. If implemented, this can give you a better knowledge of your security baseline, improvements in defenses, opportunities for internal training and mentorship, and an increased dialogue between Red and Blue.
- Purple Teaming: The Pen-Test Grows Up - Bryce Galbraith
- Having a Pentest Performed
- Red Team Assessment and Penetration Testing - Manga Sridhar Akella
- Pen Tests and Red Teams are NOT the same - Carole Theriault
- Putting your security assessment budget on a leash while avoiding the Pentest Puppy Mill - John Strand, Paul Asadoorian(2013)
- The goal of a penetration test should be to elevate your security, not line the pocket of the pentester. In this webcast, Paul and John discuss ways to structure your pentest so that you aren't paying for shells from a Pentest Puppy Mill, but instead paying for reproducible results that will provide a baseline for future testing.
- What to Expect When You're Expecting a Penetration Test - CJ Cox & Bryan Strand(2020)
- Measuring Results of a Red Team/Pentest
- Cognitive Bias
- List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia
- 58 cognitive biases that screw up everything we do - Business Insider
- Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (109 Models Explained) - Farnam Street
- Spotlight effect - Wikipedia
- Curse of knowledge - Wikipedia
- The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the background to understand. This bias is also called by some authors the curse of expertise, although that term is also used to refer to various other phenomena.
- Kuleshov effect
- The Kuleshov effect is a film editing (montage) effect demonstrated by Soviet filmmaker Lev Kuleshov in the 1910s and 1920s. It is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.
- Asch conformity experiments - Wikipedia
- Automation bias - Wikipedia
- Automation bias is the propensity for humans to favor suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct.
- Why Do People Neglect Maintenance? - Andy, Jess, Lee(The Maintainers 2019)
- Prosecutor's Fallacy - Wikipedia
- "The prosecutor's fallacy is a fallacy of statistical reasoning involving a test for an occurrence, such as a DNA match. A positive result in the test may paradoxically be more likely to be an erroneous result than an actual occurrence, even if the test is very accurate. The fallacy is named because it is typically used by a prosecutor to exaggerate the probability of a criminal defendant's guilt. The fallacy can be used to support other claims as well – including the innocence of a defendant. "
- Moral Disengagement - Wikipedia
- "Moral disengagement is a term from social psychology for the process of convincing the self that ethical standards do not apply to oneself in a particular context. This is done by separating moral reactions from inhumane conduct and disabling the mechanism of self-condemnation. Thus, moral disengagement involves a process of cognitive re-construing or re-framing of destructive behavior as being morally acceptable without changing the behavior or the moral standards."
- Complexity
- How Complex Systems Fail - Richard I. Cook, MD
- "(Being a Short Treatise on the Nature of Failure; How Failure is Evaluated; How Failure is Attributed to Proximate Cause; and the Resulting New Understanding of Patient Safety)"
- Velocity 2012: Richard Cook, "How Complex Systems Fail"
- How Complex Systems Fail - Richard I. Cook, MD
- Comedy
- The Website is Down #1: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude
- BOFH Index
- This is a collection of links to most of the BOFH stories from 2000 to 2016 (For BOFH episodes from before 2000, please see the Official Archive).
- Microservices
- Satire or documentary.
- Command Lines & OS Basics<
- Linux/MacOS
- Articles/Resources
- System Basics
- Simple Awk
- Is awk simple? Or this guide will make learning awk simple? Ha-ha, you should decide this after you read this guide.
- Simple Awk
- Bash
- Bash Guide for Beginners - tldp.org
- The Bash Guide for Beginners gets you started with Bash scripting and bridges the gap between the Bash HOWTO and the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. Everybody who wants to make life easier on themselves, power users and sysadmins alike, can benefit from reading this practical course. The guide contains lots of examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, demonstrating the theory and helping you practice. Bash is available on a wide variety of UNIX, Linux, MS Windows and other systems.
- The BashGuide
- This guide aims to aid people interested in learning to work with BASH. It aspires to teach good practice techniques for using BASH, and writing simple scripts. This guide is targeted at beginning users. It assumes no advanced knowledge -- just the ability to login to a Unix-like system and open a command-line (terminal) interface. It will help if you know how to use a text editor; we will not be covering editors, nor do we endorse any particular editor choice. Familiarity with the fundamental Unix tool set, or with other programming languages or programming concepts, is not required, but those who have such knowledge may understand some of the examples more quickly.
- Bash Pitfalls - wooledge.org
- Concise GNU Bash: An Introduction to Advanced Usage - James Panacciulli @ LinuxFest Northwest 2017
- Slides
- A broad (but not too shallow) introduction to Bash features for users familiar with command line environments who want to go beyond simple command execution. Exciting concepts and syntax illustrated in the slides and demonstrated with live examples. Topics include command types, parameters (arguments, variables, arrays, special parameters), parameter expansion (interpolation, directly or with truncation or substitution), stream redirection, compound commands (loops, groups, conditionals), subshells, brace expansion (word and sequence generation), tests and pattern matching, branching (if, case, logical operators), functions, and the encapsulation of parameters and functions for expansion into distinct Bash instances (run your functions in a root shell or on remote hosts via SSH).
- Bash Guide for Beginners - tldp.org
- git
- Intro to Git for Security Professionals - Ian Lee - Deadwood 2020 Workshop
- "This workshop is to provide an overview and introduction to the version control system Git. This workshop will help provide an introduction to security professionals that may have no background in software development, that would like to start using their favorite open source tool, or even more, to find ways to contribute back."
- Git Credential Manager
- Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
- Intro to Git for Security Professionals - Ian Lee - Deadwood 2020 Workshop
grep- Quick Grep
- Quick grep reference and tutorial. Combine these simple options into longer ones as needed.
- learn_gnugrep_ripgrep
- Example based guide to mastering GNU grep and ripgrep
- ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} - Andrew Gallant
- rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
- rga is a line-oriented search tool that allows you to look for a regex in a multitude of file types. rga wraps the awesome ripgrep and enables it to search in pdf, docx, sqlite, jpg, movie subtitles (mkv, mp4), etc.
- Quick Grep
- sed
- Useful sed
- Useful sed tips, techniques and tricks for daily usage.
- Useful sed
- Secure Shell - Wikipedia
- Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. Typical applications include remote command-line, login, and remote command execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH.
- OpenSSH
- SSH -debian.org
- Secure Shell - Wikipedia
- tmux & screen
- tmux
- tmux
- tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.
- Getting Started - tmux
- tmux manpage
- A Quick and Easy Guide to tmux - Ham Vocke
- tmux plugin manager
- Installs and loads tmux plugins.
- Introduction to tmux - ippsec
- .tmux - oh my tmux!
- Self-contained, pretty and versatile .tmux.conf configuration file.
- tmux
- Screen
- GNU Screen - gnu.org
- Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells. Each virtual terminal provides the functions of the DEC VT100 terminal and, in addition, several control functions from the ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429) and ISO 2022 standards (e.g., insert/delete line and support for multiple character sets). There is a scrollback history buffer for each virtual terminal and a copy-and-paste mechanism that allows the user to move text regions between windows. When screen is called, it creates a single window with a shell in it (or the specified command) and then gets out of your way so that you can use the program as you normally would. Then, at any time, you can create new (full-screen) windows with other programs in them (including more shells), kill the current window, view a list of the active windows, turn output logging on and off, copy text between windows, view the scrollback history, switch between windows, etc. All windows run their programs completely independent of each other. Programs continue to run when their window is currently not visible and even when the whole screen session is detached from the users terminal.
- Screen User’s Manual - gnu.org
- GNU Screen - gnu.org
- tmux
- emacs/vim/nano
- emacs
- Nano
- Vim
- Mastering the Vim Language - Chris Toomey
- Slides
- Chris Toomey talks about mastering the Vim language. Vim's core is the amazing command mappings and text objects that allow for countless combinations to define precise edits. Learn how to master the built-in commands, motions, and text objects, and even how to extend the Vim language for even more power!
- Evil Mode: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Emacs - Aaron Bieber(2015)
- Aaron Bieber from Wayfair is back to talk to us about his recent experience using Emacs (what?!?!). That's right, Emacs. Aaron decided it was time to see how things looked on the other side and will share what he found, what he missed from Vim, and maybe even a few things we can bring back to Vim from Emacs.
- Mastering the Vim Language - Chris Toomey
- General
- Bandit - OvertheWire
- "The Bandit wargame is aimed at absolute beginners. It will teach the basics needed to be able to play other wargames."; It's also an effective way to learn the basics of linux and how to use the linux cli.
- The art of the command line
- Master the command line, in one page
- Stupid Unix Tricks - Jeffrey Paul
- Why Learn AWK? - Jonathan Palardy
- Applying Your Linux Skills to macOS: Terminal BASH and Common Commands - Jason Eckert
- Linux Command Line
- Introduction to Linux commands and Shell scripting
- Linux Productivity Tools
- Highly recommend.
- Don Libes' Expect: A Surprisingly Underappreciated Unix Automation Tool - Robert Elder
- mastering-zsh
- Bandit - OvertheWire
- Videos
- Linux Command Line Dojo with Hal Pomeranz(BHIS 2020)
- In this webcast, we have our friend Hal Pomeranz sharing his massive knowledge on Linux. If you’re new to Linux, or if you know it and just want to hear from Hal’s years of using and teaching all things Linux, then this is the webcast for you.
- Part 2
- Out With the Old, In With the GNU - Lsly(Bsides Philadelphia2017)
- In our field and related subsections, we typically don,t learn from scratch. Instead, we learn from those who have been around longer through books, online resources, and person-to-person training. That said, when is "tribal knowledge" harmful? Can we improve (or remove) commands we use for a single purpose for something better? Why do people confine their use of
when it can be as flush as Perl? This talk will review some simple ways we can streamline command line, by stripping down to the bare essentials. Most examples will be for Linux, however it will touch on BSD and other command line-friendly OS'.
- In our field and related subsections, we typically don,t learn from scratch. Instead, we learn from those who have been around longer through books, online resources, and person-to-person training. That said, when is "tribal knowledge" harmful? Can we improve (or remove) commands we use for a single purpose for something better? Why do people confine their use of
- Linux Command Line Dojo with Hal Pomeranz(BHIS 2020)
- Tools
- explainshell.com
- explainshell is a tool (with a web interface) capable of parsing man pages, extracting options and explain a given command-line by matching each argument to the relevant help text in the man page.
- A little collection of cool unix terminal/console/curses tools
- Pexpect
- Pexpect is a Pure Python Expect-like module
- Chepy
- Chepy is a python lib/cli equivalent of the awesome CyberChef tool.
- explainshell.com
- Articles/Resources
- Windows
- Articles/Resources
- Tools
- Chocolatey
- "The Package Manager for Windows."
- Chocolatey
- Windows cmd.exe
- Linux/MacOS
- Critical Thinking
- Common Vulnerability Scoring System(CVSS)
- Data Breaches
- SecurityBreach
- Crowdsourced catalog of security breaches.
- SecurityBreach
- Databases
- Decision Making
- Architecture decision record (ADR)
- An architectural decision record (ADR) is a document that captures an important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences.
- Six Degrees of Infiltration - Sacha Faust(BSidesSF 2018)
- The talk will provide insight on a graph solutions explored by Lyft Security Intelligence team to tackle knowledge consolidation and improve decision making. Attendees of this session will be introduced to methodologies and off the shelf tools like Neo4j, we use along with the release our open source graph based security intelligence platform they can use to get started and collaborate.
- Architecture decision record (ADR)
- Distributed Systems
- Fundamental Papers
- END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN - J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed and D.D. Clark
- This paper presents a design principle that helps guide placement of functions among the modules of a distributed computer system. The principle, called the end-to-end argument, suggests that functions placed at low levels of a system may be redundant or of little value when compared with the cost of providing them at that low level. Examples discussed in the paper include bit error recovery, security using encryption, duplicate message suppression, recovery from system crashes, and delivery acknowledgement. Low level mechanisms to support these functions are justified only as performance enhancements.
- Ceremony Design and Analysis - Carl Ellison
- Abstract. The concept of ceremony is introduced as an extension of the concept of network protocol, with human nodes alongside computer nodes and with communication links that include UI, human-to-human communication and transfers of physical objects that carry data. What is out-of-band to a protocol is in-band to a ceremony, and therefore subject to design and analysis using variants of the same mature techniques used for the design and analysis of protocols. Ceremonies include all protocols, as well as all applications with a user interface, all workflow and all provisioning scenarios. A secure ceremony is secure against both normal attacks and social engineering. However, some secure protocols imply ceremonies that cannot be made secure.
- How Complex Systems Fail (Being a Short Treatise on the Nature of Failure; How Failure is Evaluated; How Failure is Attributed to Proximate Cause; and the Resulting New Understanding of Patient Safety) Richard I. Cook, MD
- No Silver Bullet - fmiljang.co.uk
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication - Claude E. Shannon
- The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis - Sergio Caltagirone, Andrew Pendergast, Christopher Betz
- Beyond Corp
- BeyondCorp
- How Google Adopted BeyondCorp
- BeyondCorp: A New Approach to Enterprise Security - Rory Ward, Betsy Beyer
- Virtually every company today uses firewalls to enforce perimeter security. However, this security model is problematic because, when that perimeter is breached, an attacker has relatively easy access to a company’s privileged intranet. As companies adopt mobile and cloud technologies, the perimeter is becoming increasingly difficult to enforce. Google is taking a different approach to network security. We are removing the requirement for a privileged intranet and moving our corporate applications to the Internet.
- END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN - J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed and D.D. Clark
- General
- Mozilla Enterprise Information Security
- Rating Infosec Relevant Masters Programs - netsecfocus
- Salted Hash Ep 34: Red Team vs. Vulnerability Assessments - CSO Online
- Words matter. This week on Salted Hash, we talk to Phil Grimes about the differences between full Red Team engagements and vulnerability assessments
- General Good Stuff
- C2 Wiki - Security
- Not Even Close, The State of Computer Security w/ slides - James Mickens
- [Words Have Meanings - Dan Tentler - CircleCityCon 2017]
- (Deliberate) practice makes perfect: how to become an expert in anything - Aytekin Tank
- Information Security Mental Models - Chris Sanders
- The Submarine (Article)- Paul Graham
- Satya Nadella ‘Reads’/‘Games’ Hacker News - KicksCondor
- Unintendedconsequenc.es
- Art as a Methodology for Security Research - Leigh-Anne Galloway
- The Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists - Kat Nagel
- Helping Others
- Hiring Security Services
- History
- Old Is the New New - Kevlin Henney(GOTO2018)
- Everything is changing. Everything is new. Frameworks, platforms and trends are displaced on a weekly basis. Skills are churning. And yet... Beneath this seemingly turbulent flow there is a slow current, strong and steady, changing relatively little over the decades. Concepts with a long history appear in new forms and fads and technologies. Principles are revisited. Ideas once lost to the mainstream are found again. In this keynote we revisit the present through the past, looking at the enduring principles that shape programming languages, architecture, development practice and development process, the ideas that cycle round, each time becoming perhaps a little better defined, a little more mature, and look to see what else might be on the horizon.
- Collections: The Siege of Gondor, Part II: These Beacons are Liiiiiiit - Bret Devereaux
- Defense in depth aint new
- CyberInsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly - How the Dominance of Microsoft's Products Poses a Risk to Security - Daniel Geer, Charles P. Pfleeger, Bruce Schneier, John S. Quarterman, Perry Metzger, Rebecca Bace, and Peter Gutmann
- Ford Pinto - Engineering.com
- A Case Study of Toyota Unintended Acceleration and Software Safety - Phil Koopman
- The Hacker Crackdown - Wikipedia
- The book discusses watershed events in the hacker subculture in the early 1990s. The most notable topic covered is Operation Sundevil and the events surrounding the 1987–1990 war on the Legion of Doom network: the raid on Steve Jackson Games, the trial of "Knight Lightning" (one of the original journalists of Phrack), and the subsequent formation of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The book also profiles the likes of "Emmanuel Goldstein" (publisher of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly), the former assistant attorney general of Arizona Gail Thackeray, FLETC instructor Carlton Fitzpatrick, Mitch Kapor, and John Perry Barlow.
- The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier by Bruce Sterling - Project Gutenberg
- Old Is the New New - Kevlin Henney(GOTO2018)
- Questions
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Eric Raymond
- Socratic questioning - Wikipedia
- The Six Types Of Socratic Questions - umich.edu
- Ask Good Questions: Deep Dive - Yousef Kazerooni
- Relearning the Art of Asking Questions - HBR
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - wiki.c2.com
- The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action - Eric E. Vogt, Juanita Brown, David Isaacs(2020)
- Information Processing
- Learning:
- 101
- Autodidacticism - Wikipedia
- Effective learning: Twenty rules of formulating knowledge - SuperMemo
- Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects - Coursera
- Double-loop Learning - Wikipedia
- Double-loop learning entails the modification of goals or decision-making rules in the light of experience. The first loop uses the goals or decision-making rules, the second loop enables their modification, hence "double-loop". Double-loop learning recognises that the way a problem is defined and solved can be a source of the problem. This type of learning can be useful in organizational learning since it can drive creativity and innovation, going beyond adapting to change to anticipating or being ahead of change.
- DIKW pyramid - Wikipedia
- Bloom’s Taxonomy - Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Janki Method — Using SRS to Improve Programming - Jack Kinsella
- Using spaced repetition systems to learn and retain technical knowledge.
- Janki Method Refined - Tips, shortcuts and revisions to the original method
- The Motivation Secret: How to Maintain Intense Motivation as a Hacker (or Anything) - Luke Stephens
- Deliberate Practice: What It Is and How to Use It - James Clear
- The Importance Of Deep Work & The 30-Hour Method For Learning A New Skill - Azeria
- The idea of a difficulty curve is all wrong - David Strachan
- How to Read a Book, v5.0 - Paul N. Edwards University of Michigan
- How to Read a Book - Wikipedia
- Learning to Learn - Nick Agliano(2020)
- Please stop asking for “advanced” learning content - Don Jones(2020)
- Why the Learning Styles myth spreads - Matthew Phillips
- Janki Method — Using SRS to Improve Programming - Jack Kinsella
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Continuous Skills Improvement For Everyone - Matt Scheurer(OISF19)
- Develop Technical Recall Skills: Spaced Repetition with Anki w/ Josh Wright(2020)
- If you're like Josh, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge you're supposed to learn and recall at a moment's notice. There's an interesting science behind our human ability to learn and recall technical information, and with some best-practices you can apply to improve your recall and memorization skills. Whether you're studying for a certification exam, undertaking self-paced training online, or preparing to participate in an online class, you're going to be challenged to learn and remember technical concepts. In this Hackin' Cast Josh covers the amazing Anki tool, and how you can apply spaced repetition to develop long-term recall for any technical subject.
- Papers
- Excel
- You Suck at Excel with Joel Spolsky(2015)
- The way you are using Excel causes errors, creates incomprehensible spaghetti spreadsheets, and makes me want to stab out my own eyes. Enough of the =VLOOKUPs with the C3:$F$38. You don't even know what that means.
- Notes
- You Suck at Excel with Joel Spolsky(2015)
- Agnostic Tools
- Structured Text Tools
- The following is a list of text-based file formats and command line tools for manipulating each.
- Structured Text Tools
- Videos
- jumpcutter
- Automatically edits vidx. Explanation here
- Auto-Editor
- Auto-Editor is a video editing tool that can automatically edit raw source video into a entertaining and polished video. It works by analyzing the video's audio to detect when a section needs to be cut, kept in, or zoomed in, then auto-editor runs a subprocess called ffmpeg to create the new video.
- cut-the-crap
- Cut the crap is an automatic video editing program for streamers. It can cut out uninteresting parts by detecting silences. This was inspired by jumpcutter, where this program can get better quality results by using an (optional) dedicated microphone track. This prevents cutting of quieter consonants for example. Using ffmpeg more efficiently also produces faster results and is less error prone.
- jumpcutter
- 101
- Mobile Device Management
- Mental Models
- The Map Is Not the Territory - Farnam Street
- The map of reality is not reality. Even the best maps are imperfect. That’s because they are reductions of what they represent. If a map were to represent the territory with perfect fidelity, it would no longer be a reduction and thus would no longer be useful to us. A map can also be a snapshot of a point in time, representing something that no longer exists. This is important to keep in mind as we think through problems and make better decisions.
- Coastline paradox - Wikipedia
- The coastline paradox is the counterintuitive observation that the coastline of a landmass does not have a well-defined length. This results from the fractal curve-like properties of coastlines, i.e., the fact that a coastline typically has a fractal dimension (which in fact makes the notion of length inapplicable).
- Information Security Mental Models - Chris Sanders
- The Mechanics of Modern Thievery (Part 1 of 3) - Greg Johnson(2020)
- Specifically the metaphor the preface provides. If you look at credentials stored within repositories as similar to keys dropped on the street, it becomes easier to understand how and why passwords & credentials are left in code, beyond 'Developers are lazy/stupid'.
- The Map Is Not the Territory - Farnam Street
- Metrics
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Be Careful What You Measure - Mark Graham Brown
- How to Use Metrics - George K. Campbell(2006)
- Security metric techniques: How to answer the 'so what?' - Bill Brenner
- Security Value Made Visible: How American Water's Bruce Larson uses a simple metric to build bridges with business partners and justify security spending at the same time - Scott Berinato
- A key performance indicator for infosec organizations: Using probabilistic risk KPIs to direct complex risk engineering efforts - Ryan McGeehan(2019)
- Building effective security OKRs - Alex Smolen(2020)
- 20 Cybersecurity Metrics & KPIs to Track in 2022 - securityscorecard.com
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Aligning Security Metrics With Business Initiatives - Rekha Shenoy(2014)
- "During her presentation, Shenoy discussed how security and risk professionals can report their performance to Boards of Directors in an effective and clear manner. Shenoy also provide practical examples of the best ways to translate technical security information into business terms non-security executives can understand."
- Presenting Security Metrics to the Board / Leadership - Walt Williams(Defcon24)
- The board of directors and corporate leadership is not interested in how many attacks your firewall has blocked, and frankly, that is not a metric, that is a measure. Difference between metrics and measurements, how metrics are constructed, and the kinds of metrics the board of directors are interested in will be discussed. In other words, how to identify how to align security metrics with business goals and objectives. The use of frameworks such as ISO 27004 to construct metrics, the pragmatic framework and its uses will also be discussed.
- Winning the cybers by measuring all the things - Jim Beechey(Converge2018)
- Looking to measure your security program? Struggling to get other departments to make necessary changes? Problems convincing your security management to take action? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this talk is for you. Join us as we discuss all things metrics and KPIs including justifying the need for metrics, a framework to start with, metrics we track in a Fortune 500 security program and lessons learned on our journey.
- Security KPIs - Measuring Improvement in Your Security Program - Steven Aiello(BSides Detroit2018
- The saying goes: you can,t manage what you can,t measure. So what should you be measuring when it comes to your security program? Do you know what actions are involved in almost every security breach that leads to data loss? Have you developed defenses for those malicious actions? Most important of all are you able to improve that your defense are getting better over time? Follow along on the journey that will have the prettiest slide-ware out of the whole conference!
- Creating a Security Metrics Program: How to Measure Success - Jason Christopher(SANS ICS Security Summit 2019)
- We’ve heard it all before: “Our team handles 500,000 cyber-attacks a day.” “Cyber threats are increasing.” “We track cybersecurity as a critical risk for our organization.” But what does any of that really mean? Creating measurements and metrics around cybersecurity is difficult, but so is building a sustainable metrics program, regardless of the subject matter. Early tasks, including measuring what is important and resource management, can be undermined by external pressures to tell a certain narrative or prove certain results. How can our industry create unbiased, yet compelling, metrics? What is the right-sized team or amount of resources for a metrics program? Is such a program sustainable? This presentation will cover not only the basics of cybersecurity metrics, but also lay the foundation for how s security team can create a new metrics program that goes beyond red/yellow/green or compliance. By moving to objective and repeatable metrics, utility security leaders will be able to not only justify programmatic improvements, but also track trends across environments and future projects. With research from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, practitioners can build a defensible security metrics program across strategic, tactical, and operational levels of the utility.
- How to Present Cyber Security Risk to Senior Leadership - James Tarala(2021)
- In this presentation, James Tarala will share lessons learned from research into risk management and his experiences communicating about risk to boards of directors and C-Suite leadership teams. He will present specific strategies to consider when measuring risk, communicating risk, and helping security teams realistically setting expectations with business stakeholders. While this topic traditionally has been a nebulous, vague conversation, in this presentation, listeners will learn actionable steps to communicating risk in more effective ways.
- Cybersecurity Metrics Development for Board and Risk Committee Reporting - Richard White(2021)
- This session will cover how to create and report customized cybersecurity metrics as related to risk. The goal is to cover the multitude of sources available and then condense these sources into a codified set of reporting metrics. While the examples will be focused on the financial sector, the literature review, data collection, and customization process will relate to most industry verticals.
- Aligning Security Metrics With Business Initiatives - Rekha Shenoy(2014)
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Networking
- The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking - Google/Coursera
- This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model; understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications; grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques; learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run; understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage
- Linux Network Administration - gnulinux.guru
- One(really long) page reference
- IPv4/v6 Subnet Mask cheatsheet - kthx.at
- The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking - Google/Coursera
- Normalization of Deviance
- The normalization of deviance in healthcare delivery - John Hanja
- Many serious medical errors result from violations of recognized standards of practice. Over time, even egregious violations of standards of practice may become “normalized” in healthcare delivery systems. This article describes what leads to this normalization and explains why flagrant practice deviations can persist for years, despite the importance of the standards at issue. This article also provides recommendations to aid healthcare organizations in identifying and managing unsafe practice deviations before they become normalized and pose genuine risks to patient safety, quality care, and employee morale.
- The normalization of deviance in healthcare delivery - John Hanja
- Open Source
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- The Asymmetry of Open Source: A comprehensive guide to funding open source software projects - Matthew Holt(2021)
- Uncurled - Daniel Stenberg
- "Uncurled – everything I know and learned about running and maintaining Open Source projects for three decades."
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Problem Solving
- Software Problem Solving Cheat Sheet - Florian Roth
- The XY Problem
- The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help.
- The AZ Problem
- This website introduces the AZ Problem: a generalization of the XY Problem. To wit, if we agree that the XY Problem is a problem, than the AZ Problem is a metaproblem. And while the XY Problem is often technical, the AZ Problem is procedural. The AZ Problem is when business requirements are misunderstood or decontextualized. These requirements end up being the root cause of brittle, ill-suited, or frivolous features. An AZ Problem will often give rise to several XY Problems.
- SCQA – A Framework For Defining Problems & Hypotheses - Paul(strategyu.co)
- Project Management
- 101
- Agile
- Gantt Charts
- Lean/Toyota Production System
- Toyota Production System - Wikipedia
- The Goal, The Phoenix Project
- Tools
- Ransomware
- Regular Expressions
- Regular Expressions | A Complete Beginners Tutorial - Atmanand Nagpure
- Fall in love with Regex — Why don’t you marry them? - Sarvagya Sagar(2019)
- Regular Expressions (Regex) Overview - Matt Scheurer(Derbycon 2017)
- Writing Regular Expressions (Regex) is a versatile skill set to have across the IT landscape. Regex has a number of information security related uses and applications. We are going to provide an overview and show examples of writing Regex for pattern matching and file content analysis using sample threat feed data in this presentation. Along with a healthy dose of motherly advice, we cover Regex syntax, character classes, capture groups, and sub-capture groups. Whether Regex is something completely new or worth brushing up on, this talk is geared toward you.
- Research
- Doing/Performing Research
- Legalities
- A Researcher’s Guide to SomeLegal Risks of Security Research - Sunoo Park, Kendra Albert(2020)
- What does it cover? This guide overviews broad areas of potential legal riskrelated to security research, and the types of security research likely implicated.We hope it will serve as a useful starting point for concerned researchers andothers. While the guide covers what we see as the main areas of legal risk forsecurity researchers, it is not exhaustive. It also doesn’t create a lawyer-clientrelationship between you and the authors. This guide focuses on U.S. law, and mostly federal law.Different U.S. statesand jurisdictions may have different laws, and even different interpretations ofthe same federal law. This guide does not do a state-by-state analysis, butrather focuses on federal law and how it is interpreted by most states. Todetermine which states’ law applies to your specific situation, consult a lawyer.This guide doesnotdiscuss risks associated with security research undernon-U.S. legal systems. Your activity may raise legal risks in legal systemsoutside of the U.S. if it takes place or has impacts outside the U.S., or involvesor impacts people who are governed by non-U.S. legal systems. Similarly, youractivity may be subject to U.S. legal liability (as well as liability under yourlocal law) even if it occurs primarily outside the U.S., if it has impacts in theU.S. or involves or involves U.S. people and/or equipment.2Finally, if your research involves human subjects and is aiming to pro-duce generalizable knowledge,3you should consult an institutional review board(IRB) or ethical review committee to ensure that you are in compliance withhuman testing rules, which are outside the scope of this Guide
- A Researcher’s Guide to SomeLegal Risks of Security Research - Sunoo Park, Kendra Albert(2020)
- Request for Service/Product
- Risk
- See .\Threat_Modeling.md or ./Threat_Modeling.html
- Factor analysis of information risk - Wikipedia
- Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) is a taxonomy of the factors that contribute to risk and how they affect each other. It is primarily concerned with establishing accurate probabilities for the frequency and magnitude of data loss events. It is not a methodology for performing an enterprise (or individual) risk assessment.
- Factor analysis of information risk - Wikipedia
- Scheduling & Planning
- Introducing the Eisenhower Matrix - eisenhower.me
- "The Eisenhower Matrix, also referred to as Urgent-Important Matrix, helps you decide on and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should either delegate or not do at all."
- Introducing the Eisenhower Matrix - eisenhower.me
- Securing yourself
- Operation Luigi: How I hacked my friend without her noticing
- My friend gave me permission to "hack all her stuff" and this is my story. It's about what I tried, what worked, my many flubs, and how easy it is to compromise Non Paranoid People TM.
- Blogpost
- Operation Luigi: How I hacked my friend without her noticing
- Software Testing
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- What broke the bank - Chris Stokel-Walker(2019)
- A disastrous IT migration corrupted 1.3 billion customer records. The culprit was insufficient testing.
- What broke the bank - Chris Stokel-Walker(2019)
- Talks/Presentations
- When to Test and How to Test It - Bruce Potter - Derbycon7
- “I think we need a penetration test” This is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the security community. It can mean anything from “Someone should run a vulnerability scan against a box” to “I’d like nation-state capable actors to tell me everything that wrong with my enterprise” and everything in between. Security testing is a complex subject and it can be hard to understand what the best type of testing is for a given situation. This talk will examine the breadth of software security testing. From early phase unit and abuse testing to late phase penetration testing, this talk will provide details on the different tests that can be performed, what to expect from the testing, and how to select the right tests for your situation. Test coverage, work effort, attack simulation, and reporting results will be discussed. Also, this talk will provide a process for detailed product assessments, i.e.: if you’ve got a specific product you’re trying to break, how do you approach assessing the product in a way that maximizes your chance of breaking in as well as maximizing the coverage you will get from your testing activity.
- When to Test and How to Test It - Bruce Potter - Derbycon7
- Having a Pentest Performed
- Red Team Assessment and Penetration Testing - Manga Sridhar Akella
- Pen Tests and Red Teams are NOT the same - Carole Theriault
- Putting your security assessment budget on a leash while avoiding the Pentest Puppy Mill - John Strand, Paul Asadoorian(2013)
- The goal of a penetration test should be to elevate your security, not line the pocket of the pentester. In this webcast, Paul and John discuss ways to structure your pentest so that you aren't paying for shells from a Pentest Puppy Mill, but instead paying for reproducible results that will provide a baseline for future testing.
- What to Expect When You're Expecting a Penetration Test - CJ Cox & Bryan Strand(2020)
- Scoping
- Shopping for Testing
- Don’t end up with a pencil: Tips for shopping for pen tests. - Dmitry Zadadsky(BSidesBoston2020)
- As a blue team, penetration tests are a critical part of your security program and finding a pen test company that can meet your needs is paramount. Unfortunately, there is no manual for hiring a pen tester. Sometimes you need to learn from mistakes and successes. This presentation will go over the experience of a penetration test from the customer’s perspective. You’ll hear stories of tests that were good, bad, and ugly. First, you need to determine what your goals are to pick the right kind of assessment. Then you can start looking at vendors. Asking some of the right questions beforehand can really set the stage for success. Contracts, scoping, and documentation can be a pain, but they are important. We will go over the things you want to cover. Afterward comes the report. What should you do if there are lots of findings? What if there aren’t any? We will cover answers to these and more to help make sure when you buy a pen test, you don’t end up with a pencil.
- Don’t end up with a pencil: Tips for shopping for pen tests. - Dmitry Zadadsky(BSidesBoston2020)
- Vulnerability Assesssment
- Vulnerability Assessment 2.0 - John Askew(Derbycon 2014)
- What can you do to step up your game as a security analyst? Vulnerability scanners and other security assessment tools can be extremely useful for collecting information quickly and efficiently, but what are some good next steps for analyzing and using that information? How much value does a raw vulnerability scan report provide (hint: don’t just hand this to a client or supervisor), and how much more value can we get out of our tools with a little bit of effort? What do you do when you need data that an existing tool can’t provide? John will discuss some areas in the security asssessment process that are ripe for easy wins through custom scripting, including data aggregation, diffing, false,positive identification, and visualization. As an example, John will release a tool for slicing and dicing the results from assessment tools in interesting ways, based on various techniques used in previous consulting engagements.
- Vulnerability Assessment 2.0 - John Askew(Derbycon 2014)
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Statistics
- How to Lie with Statistics, Information Security Edition - Tony Martin-Vegue(Circle City Con2018)
- Stiff statistics, prismatic pie charts, and questionable survey results drown the Information Security space in a sea of never-ending numbers that can be difficult to sift through. Have you ever finished reading a research institution's annual security report and felt your Spidey sense begin to tingle with doubt or disbelief? What you are probably sensing is a manipulation of statistics, an age-old hoodwink that has been occurring as long as numbers have been used to convey information. This critical subject was first examined over 60 years ago, when Darrell Huff first published the groundbreaking book "How to Lie with Statistics," over 60 years ago. This presentation takes the foundation Huff created and updates the core concepts for the contemporary Information Security field. Most people would be shocked to find that data is often manipulated to lead the reader to a particular conclusion. Several areas are examined: bias in vendor-sponsored security reports, data visualization misuse and common security fallacies. There is a silver lining - once you are aware of the subtle ways data is manipulated, it's easy to spot. Attendees will walk away with a new understanding of ways to identify and avoid unintentionally using some of the methods described.
- How to Lie with Statistics, Information Security Edition - Tony Martin-Vegue(Circle City Con2018)
- StoryTelling
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- The Power of Storytelling - David Shipley (BSides Halifax 2021)
- During this keynote presentation, Beauceron CEO David Shipley will talk about the critical importance of leveraging storytelling as a framework to educate and to motivate. He’ll provide examples and a framework for how this practice can be used to move awareness programs into effective behaviour change initiatives that can tangibly reduce cyber risk in organizations.
- How to Share Your Knowledge with Others – Jason Blanchard(2021)
- "Have you ever seen a call for papers for a conference and thought to yourself that you’d like to submit a talk and then immediately thought, oh never mind? Have you ever been asked to present internally at your organization and immediately recommended someone else to do it? Was it because you didn’t know how to give a presentation, or because you were afraid of speaking in front of an audience, or because you didn’t know where to start? This Black Hills Information Security (BHIS) presentation on giving presentations the way people like to hear presentations will be based on Jason’s background as a video editor, story teller, comedian, and content creator. We will dive into structure, delivery, and how your audience perceives every single word and image you share. By the end of this most meta-presentation on presentations using science and stuff, you’ll be equipped with getting started sharing your knowledge with others in a way they will want to hear it."
- The Power of Storytelling - David Shipley (BSides Halifax 2021)
- System Design
- The System Design Primer
- Learning how to design scalable systems will help you become a better engineer. System design is a broad topic. There is a vast amount of resources scattered throughout the web on system design principles. This repo is an organized collection of resources to help you learn how to build systems at scale.
- The System Design Primer
- TableTop Exercises
- Why Crisis management exercises (still) work - Mercedes M Diaz(2020)
- Intro to Tabletop Exercises with Amanda Berlin & Jeremy Mio(2020)
- When testing responses, defenses, and detections of an environment one of the main tools that can be used is a tabletop exercise. A tabletop exercise is a meeting of key stakeholders and staff who walk step by step through the mitigation of some type of disaster, malfunction, attack, or other emergency in a low stress situation. In this short training webinar, we walk through two basic exercises from beginning to end, covering what helpful structure, items, and activities should be included. We then follow up each exercise with an after action report to recap.
- Task Automation
- WALKOFF is a flexible, easy to use, automation framework allowing users to integrate their capabilities and devices to cut through the repetitive, tedious tasks slowing them down,
- StackStorm
- Robot Framework
- Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA). It has simple plain text syntax and it can be extended easily with libraries implemented using Python or Java. Robot Framework is operating system and application independent. The core framework is implemented using Python, supports both Python 2 and Python 3, and runs also on Jython (JVM), IronPython (.NET) and PyPy. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects. For more information about Robot Framework and the ecosystem, see http://robotframework.org.
- Tools to Know About
- Process Monitor X v2
- Procmon-like tool that uses Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) instead of a kernel driver to provide event information.
- rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. - phiresky
- Process Monitor X v2
- Vendor Security
- UC Berkely Vendor Security Assessment Program
- VSAQ: Vendor Security Assessment Questionnaire
- VSAQ is an interactive questionnaire application. Its initial purpose was to support security reviews by facilitating not only the collection of information, but also the redisplay of collected data in templated form. At Google, questionnaires like the ones in this repository are used to assess the security programs of third parties. But the templates provided can be used for a variety of purposes, including doing a self-assessment of your own security program, or simply becoming familiar with issues affecting the security of web applications.
- The Web
- Web Architecture 101 - Jonathan Fulton
- The Tangled Web - Michal Zalewski(book)
- "The Tangled Web is my second book, a lovingly crafted guide to the world of browser security. It enters an overcrowded market, but there are two reasons why you may want to care. First of all, where other books simply dispense old and tired advice on remediating common vulnerabilities, The Tangled Web offers a detailed and thoroughly enjoyable account of both the "how" and the "why" of the modern web. In doing so, it enables you to deal with the seedy underbelly of contemporary, incredibly complex web apps. The other reason is that it is based on years of original research - including, of course, my Browser Security Handbook (2008). I think it is simply unmatched when it comes to the breadth and the quality of the material presented. It outlines dozens of obscure but remarkably important security policies, governing everything from content rendering to frame navigation - and affecting your applications in more ways than you may expect."
- Tools
- Firefox Developer Tools - MDN
- Firefox Developer Tools is a set of web developer tools built into Firefox. You can use them to examine, edit, and debug HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This section contains detailed guides to all of the tools as well as information on how to debug Firefox for Android, how to extend DevTools, and how to debug the browser as a whole.
- Chrome DevTools - developers.google
- Discover DevTools
- Learn how Chrome DevTools can sharpen your dev process and discover the tools that can optimize your workflow and make life easier.
- Firefox Developer Tools - MDN
- Zero Trust
- Articles/Blogposts/Writeups
- Talks/Presentations/Videos
- Tools you should probably know exist
- Introduction To Metasploit – The Basics
- Shodan
- agrep - tool
- print lines approximately matching a pattern
- Fun