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Terraform module for Datadog Kafka

This module contains both Kafka specific monitors and system monitors from our system module.

This module is part of a larger suite of modules that provide alerts in Datadog. Other modules can be found on the Terraform Registry

We have two base modules we use to standardise development of our Monitor Modules:

Modules are generated with this tool:

Example Usage

module "kafka" {
  source = "kabisa/kafka/datadog"

  notification_channel = "[email protected]"
  service              = "ServiceX"
  env                  = "prd"
  filter_str           = "service:kafka"

Module Variables


Monitor name Default enabled Priority Query
Bytesin High True 3 avg(last_30m){tag:xxx} by {host} > 5000000
Bytesout_high True 3 avg(last_30m){tag:xxx} by {host} > 5000000
Fetch_purgatory_size True 3 avg(last_30m):max:kafka.request.fetch_request_purgatory.size{tag:xxx} by {host} > 100000
In_sync_nodes_dropped True 2 avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.isr_shrinks.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} - max:kafka.replication.isr_expands.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} >
Leader_election_occurring True 3 max(last_5m):avg:kafka.replication.leader_elections.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} >
Multiple_active_controllers True 2 avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.active_controller_count{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} > 1
No_active_controllers True 2 avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.active_controller_count{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} < 1
Offline_partitions True 2 avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.offline_partitions_count{tag:xxx} >
Produce_purgatory_size True 3 avg(last_15m):max:kafka.request.producer_request_purgatory.size{tag:xxx} > 200
Unclean_leader_election True 2 avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.unclean_leader_elections.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} >
Under_replicated_partitions True 3 avg(last_15m):avg:kafka.replication.under_replicated_partitions{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} >
Unusual_consumer_fetch_time True 3 avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch_consumer.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 1000
Unusual_fetch_failures True 3 avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch.failed.rate{tag:xxx} > 50
Unusual_follower_fetch_time True 3 avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch_follower.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 1000
Unusual_produce_failures True 3 avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.produce.failed.rate{tag:xxx} > 50
Unusual_produce_time True 3 avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.produce.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 20

Getting started developing

pre-commit was used to do Terraform linting and validating.


  • Install pre-commit. E.g. brew install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install in this repo. (Every time you clone a repo with pre-commit enabled you will need to run the pre-commit install command)
  • That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (.tf file), the hooks in the hooks: config .pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

Bytesin High

NOTE: This is based on a baseline and might need adjusting further down the road.

Generally, disk throughput tends to be the main bottleneck in Kafka performance. However, that’s not to say that the network is never a bottleneck. Network throughput can affect Kafka’s performance if you are sending messages across data centers, if your topics have a large number of consumers, or if your replicas are catching up to their leaders. Tracking network throughput on your brokers gives you more information as to where potential bottlenecks may lie, and can inform decisions like whether or not you should enable end-to-end compression of your messages.


avg(last_30m){tag:xxx} by {host} > 5000000
variable default required description
bytesin_high_enabled True No
bytesin_high_warning 2500000 No
bytesin_high_critical 5000000 No
bytesin_high_evaluation_period last_30m No
bytesin_high_note "" No
bytesin_high_docs NOTE: This is based on a baseline and might need adjusting further down the road.

Generally, disk throughput tends to be the main bottleneck in Kafka performance. However, that’s not to say that the network is never a bottleneck. Network throughput can affect Kafka’s performance if you are sending messages across data centers, if your topics have a large number of consumers, or if your replicas are catching up to their leaders. Tracking network throughput on your brokers gives you more information as to where potential bottlenecks may lie, and can inform decisions like whether or not you should enable end-to-end compression of your messages. | No | | | bytesin_high_filter_override | "" | No | | | bytesin_high_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | bytesin_high_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


NOTE: This is based on a baseline and might need adjusting further down the road.

Generally, disk throughput tends to be the main bottleneck in Kafka performance. However, that’s not to say that the network is never a bottleneck. Network throughput can affect Kafka’s performance if you are sending messages across data centers, if your topics have a large number of consumers, or if your replicas are catching up to their leaders. Tracking network throughput on your brokers gives you more information as to where potential bottlenecks may lie, and can inform decisions like whether or not you should enable end-to-end compression of your messages.


avg(last_30m){tag:xxx} by {host} > 5000000
variable default required description
bytesout_high_enabled True No
bytesout_high_warning 2500000 No
bytesout_high_critical 5000000 No
bytesout_high_evaluation_period last_30m No
bytesout_high_note "" No
bytesout_high_docs NOTE: This is based on a baseline and might need adjusting further down the road.

Generally, disk throughput tends to be the main bottleneck in Kafka performance. However, that’s not to say that the network is never a bottleneck. Network throughput can affect Kafka’s performance if you are sending messages across data centers, if your topics have a large number of consumers, or if your replicas are catching up to their leaders. Tracking network throughput on your brokers gives you more information as to where potential bottlenecks may lie, and can inform decisions like whether or not you should enable end-to-end compression of your messages. | No | | | bytesout_high_filter_override | "" | No | | | bytesout_high_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | bytesout_high_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The request purgatory serves as a temporary holding pen for produce and fetch requests waiting to be satisfied. Fetch requests are added to purgatory if there is not enough data to fulfill the request (fetch.min.bytes on consumers) until the time specified by is reached or enough data becomes available

Keeping an eye on the size of purgatory is useful to determine the underlying causes of latency. Increases in consumer fetch times, for example, can be easily explained if there is a corresponding increase in the number of fetch requests in purgatory.


avg(last_30m):max:kafka.request.fetch_request_purgatory.size{tag:xxx} by {host} > 100000
variable default required description
fetch_purgatory_size_enabled True No
fetch_purgatory_size_warning 70000 No
fetch_purgatory_size_critical 100000 No
fetch_purgatory_size_evaluation_period last_30m No
fetch_purgatory_size_note "" No
fetch_purgatory_size_docs The request purgatory serves as a temporary holding pen for produce and fetch requests waiting to be satisfied.
Fetch requests are added to purgatory if there is not enough data to fulfill the request (fetch.min.bytes on consumers) until the time specified by is reached or enough data becomes available

Keeping an eye on the size of purgatory is useful to determine the underlying causes of latency. Increases in consumer fetch times, for example, can be easily explained if there is a corresponding increase in the number of fetch requests in purgatory. | No | | | fetch_purgatory_size_filter_override | "" | No | | | fetch_purgatory_size_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | fetch_purgatory_size_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The number of in-sync replicas (ISRs) for a particular partition should remain fairly static, except when you are expanding your broker cluster or removing partitions. In order to maintain high availability, a healthy Kafka cluster requires a minimum number of ISRs for failover. A replica could be removed from the ISR pool if it has not contacted the leader for some time (configurable with the parameter). You should investigate any flapping in the values of these metrics, and any increase in IsrShrinksPerSec without a corresponding increase in IsrExpandsPerSec shortly thereafter.


avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.isr_shrinks.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} - max:kafka.replication.isr_expands.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} > 
variable default required description
in_sync_nodes_dropped_enabled True No
in_sync_nodes_dropped_warning 0 No
in_sync_nodes_dropped_critical 0 No
in_sync_nodes_dropped_evaluation_period last_5m No
in_sync_nodes_dropped_note "" No
in_sync_nodes_dropped_docs The number of in-sync replicas (ISRs) for a particular partition should remain fairly static, except when you are expanding your broker cluster or removing partitions. In order to maintain high availability, a healthy Kafka cluster requires a minimum number of ISRs for failover. A replica could be removed from the ISR pool if it has not contacted the leader for some time (configurable with the parameter). You should investigate any flapping in the values of these metrics, and any increase in IsrShrinksPerSec without a corresponding increase in IsrExpandsPerSec shortly thereafter. | No | | | in_sync_nodes_dropped_filter_override | "" | No | | | in_sync_nodes_dropped_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | in_sync_nodes_dropped_priority | 2 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


When a partition leader dies, an election for a new leader is triggered. A partition leader is considered “dead” if it fails to maintain its session with ZooKeeper. Unlike ZooKeeper’s Zab, Kafka does not employ a majority-consensus algorithm for leadership election. Instead, Kafka’s quorum is composed of the set of all in-sync replicas (ISRs) for a particular partition. Replicas are considered in-sync if they are caught-up to the leader, which means that any replica in the ISR can be promoted to the leader.


max(last_5m):avg:kafka.replication.leader_elections.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} > 
variable default required description
leader_election_occurring_enabled True No
leader_election_occurring_warning 0 No
leader_election_occurring_critical 0 No
leader_election_occurring_evaluation_period last_5m No
leader_election_occurring_note "" No
leader_election_occurring_docs When a partition leader dies, an election for a new leader is triggered. A partition leader is considered “dead” if it fails to maintain its session with ZooKeeper. Unlike ZooKeeper’s Zab, Kafka does not employ a majority-consensus algorithm for leadership election. Instead, Kafka’s quorum is composed of the set of all in-sync replicas (ISRs) for a particular partition. Replicas are considered in-sync if they are caught-up to the leader, which means that any replica in the ISR can be promoted to the leader. | No | | | leader_election_occurring_filter_override | "" | No | | | leader_election_occurring_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | leader_election_occurring_require_full_window | False | No | | | leader_election_occurring_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The first node to boot in a Kafka cluster automatically becomes the controller, and there can be only one. The controller in a Kafka cluster is responsible for maintaining the list of partition leaders, and coordinating leadership transitions (in the event a partition leader becomes unavailable). If it becomes necessary to replace the controller, ZooKeeper chooses a new controller randomly from the pool of brokers. The sum of ActiveControllerCount across all of your brokers should always equal one, and you should alert on any other value that lasts for longer than one second.


avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.active_controller_count{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} > 1
variable default required description
multiple_active_controllers_enabled True No
multiple_active_controllers_warning 0 No
multiple_active_controllers_critical 1 No
multiple_active_controllers_evaluation_period last_5m No
multiple_active_controllers_note "" No
multiple_active_controllers_docs The first node to boot in a Kafka cluster automatically becomes the controller, and there can be only one. The controller in a Kafka cluster is responsible for maintaining the list of partition leaders, and coordinating leadership transitions (in the event a partition leader becomes unavailable). If it becomes necessary to replace the controller, ZooKeeper chooses a new controller randomly from the pool of brokers. The sum of ActiveControllerCount across all of your brokers should always equal one, and you should alert on any other value that lasts for longer than one second. | No | | | multiple_active_controllers_filter_override | "" | No | | | multiple_active_controllers_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | multiple_active_controllers_require_full_window | True | No | | | multiple_active_controllers_priority | 2 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The first node to boot in a Kafka cluster automatically becomes the controller, and there can be only one. The controller in a Kafka cluster is responsible for maintaining the list of partition leaders, and coordinating leadership transitions (in the event a partition leader becomes unavailable). If it becomes necessary to replace the controller, ZooKeeper chooses a new controller randomly from the pool of brokers. The sum of ActiveControllerCount across all of your brokers should always equal one, and you should alert on any other value that lasts for longer than one second.


avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.active_controller_count{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} < 1
variable default required description
no_active_controllers_enabled True No
no_active_controllers_warning 0 No
no_active_controllers_critical 1 No
no_active_controllers_evaluation_period last_5m No
no_active_controllers_note "" No
no_active_controllers_docs The first node to boot in a Kafka cluster automatically becomes the controller, and there can be only one. The controller in a Kafka cluster is responsible for maintaining the list of partition leaders, and coordinating leadership transitions (in the event a partition leader becomes unavailable). If it becomes necessary to replace the controller, ZooKeeper chooses a new controller randomly from the pool of brokers. The sum of ActiveControllerCount across all of your brokers should always equal one, and you should alert on any other value that lasts for longer than one second. | No | | | no_active_controllers_filter_override | "" | No | | | no_active_controllers_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | no_active_controllers_require_full_window | True | No | | | no_active_controllers_priority | 2 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


This metric reports the number of partitions without an active leader. Because all read and write operations are only performed on partition leaders, you should alert on a non-zero value for this metric to prevent service interruptions. Any partition without an active leader will be completely inaccessible, and both consumers and producers of that partition will be blocked until a leader becomes available.


avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.offline_partitions_count{tag:xxx} > 
variable default required description
offline_partitions_enabled True No
offline_partitions_warning 0 No
offline_partitions_critical 0 No
offline_partitions_evaluation_period last_5m No
offline_partitions_note "" No
offline_partitions_docs This metric reports the number of partitions without an active leader. Because all read and write operations are only performed on partition leaders, you should alert on a non-zero value for this metric to prevent service interruptions. Any partition without an active leader will be completely inaccessible, and both consumers and producers of that partition will be blocked until a leader becomes available. | No | | | offline_partitions_filter_override | "" | No | | | offline_partitions_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | offline_partitions_require_full_window | True | No | | | offline_partitions_priority | 2 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The request purgatory serves as a temporary holding pen for produce and fetch requests waiting to be satisfied. If request.required.acks=-1, all produce requests will end up in purgatory until the partition leader receives an acknowledgment from all followers.

Keeping an eye on the size of purgatory is useful to determine the underlying causes of latency. Increases in consumer fetch times, for example, can be easily explained if there is a corresponding increase in the number of fetch requests in purgatory.


avg(last_15m):max:kafka.request.producer_request_purgatory.size{tag:xxx} > 200
variable default required description
produce_purgatory_size_enabled True No
produce_purgatory_size_warning 100 No
produce_purgatory_size_critical 200 No
produce_purgatory_size_evaluation_period last_15m No
produce_purgatory_size_note "" No
produce_purgatory_size_docs The request purgatory serves as a temporary holding pen for produce and fetch requests waiting to be satisfied.
If request.required.acks=-1, all produce requests will end up in purgatory until the partition leader receives an acknowledgment from all followers.

Keeping an eye on the size of purgatory is useful to determine the underlying causes of latency. Increases in consumer fetch times, for example, can be easily explained if there is a corresponding increase in the number of fetch requests in purgatory. | No | | | produce_purgatory_size_filter_override | "" | No | | | produce_purgatory_size_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | produce_purgatory_size_require_full_window | True | No | | | produce_purgatory_size_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


Unclean leader elections occur when there is no qualified partition leader among Kafka brokers. Normally, when a broker that is the leader for a partition goes offline, a new leader is elected from the set of ISRs for the partition. Unclean leader election is disabled by default in Kafka version 0.11 and newer, meaning that a partition is taken offline if it does not have any ISRs to elect as the new leader. If Kafka is configured to allow an unclean leader election, a leader is chosen from the out-of-sync replicas, and any messages that were not synced prior to the loss of the former leader are lost forever. Essentially, unclean leader elections sacrifice consistency for availability. You should alert on this metric, as it signals data loss.


avg(last_5m):max:kafka.replication.unclean_leader_elections.rate{tag:xxx} by {aiven-project} > 
variable default required description
unclean_leader_election_enabled True No
unclean_leader_election_warning 100 No
unclean_leader_election_critical 0 No
unclean_leader_election_evaluation_period last_5m No
unclean_leader_election_note "" No
unclean_leader_election_docs Unclean leader elections occur when there is no qualified partition leader among Kafka brokers. Normally, when a broker that is the leader for a partition goes offline, a new leader is elected from the set of ISRs for the partition. Unclean leader election is disabled by default in Kafka version 0.11 and newer, meaning that a partition is taken offline if it does not have any ISRs to elect as the new leader. If Kafka is configured to allow an unclean leader election, a leader is chosen from the out-of-sync replicas, and any messages that were not synced prior to the loss of the former leader are lost forever. Essentially, unclean leader elections sacrifice consistency for availability. You should alert on this metric, as it signals data loss. | No | | | unclean_leader_election_filter_override | "" | No | | | unclean_leader_election_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unclean_leader_election_require_full_window | False | No | | | unclean_leader_election_priority | 2 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


If a broker becomes unavailable, the value of UnderReplicatedPartitions will increase sharply. Since Kafka’s high-availability guarantees cannot be met without replication, investigation is certainly warranted should this metric value exceed zero for extended time periods.


avg(last_15m):avg:kafka.replication.under_replicated_partitions{tag:xxx} by {aiven-service} > 
variable default required description
under_replicated_partitions_enabled True No
under_replicated_partitions_warning 100 No
under_replicated_partitions_critical 0 No
under_replicated_partitions_evaluation_period last_15m No
under_replicated_partitions_note "" No
under_replicated_partitions_docs If a broker becomes unavailable, the value of UnderReplicatedPartitions will increase sharply. Since Kafka’s high-availability guarantees cannot be met without replication, investigation is certainly warranted should this metric value exceed zero for extended time periods. | No | | | under_replicated_partitions_filter_override | "" | No | | | under_replicated_partitions_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | under_replicated_partitions_require_full_window | True | No | | | under_replicated_partitions_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.


avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch_consumer.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 1000
variable default required description
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_enabled True No
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_warning 800 No
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_critical 1000 No
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_evaluation_period last_30m No
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_note "" No
unusual_consumer_fetch_time_docs produce: requests from producers to send data
fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data
fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown. | No | | | unusual_consumer_fetch_time_filter_override | "" | No | | | unusual_consumer_fetch_time_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unusual_consumer_fetch_time_require_full_window | True | No | | | unusual_consumer_fetch_time_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task


avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch.failed.rate{tag:xxx} > 50
variable default required description
unusual_fetch_failures_enabled True No
unusual_fetch_failures_warning 40 No
unusual_fetch_failures_critical 50 No
unusual_fetch_failures_evaluation_period last_30m No
unusual_fetch_failures_note "" No
unusual_fetch_failures_docs produce: requests from producers to send data
fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data
fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task | No | | | unusual_fetch_failures_filter_override | "" | No | | | unusual_fetch_failures_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unusual_fetch_failures_require_full_window | True | No | | | unusual_fetch_failures_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.


avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.fetch_follower.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 1000
variable default required description
unusual_follower_fetch_time_enabled True No
unusual_follower_fetch_time_warning 800 No
unusual_follower_fetch_time_critical 1000 No
unusual_follower_fetch_time_evaluation_period last_30m No
unusual_follower_fetch_time_note "" No
unusual_follower_fetch_time_docs produce: requests from producers to send data
fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data
fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown. | No | | | unusual_follower_fetch_time_filter_override | "" | No | | | unusual_follower_fetch_time_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unusual_follower_fetch_time_require_full_window | True | No | | | unusual_follower_fetch_time_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The TotalTimeMs metric family measures the total time taken to service a request (be it a produce, fetch-consumer, or fetch-follower request):

produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task


avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.produce.failed.rate{tag:xxx} > 50
variable default required description
unusual_produce_failures_enabled True No
unusual_produce_failures_warning 40 No
unusual_produce_failures_critical 50 No
unusual_produce_failures_evaluation_period last_30m No
unusual_produce_failures_note "" No
unusual_produce_failures_docs The TotalTimeMs metric family measures the total time taken to service a request (be it a produce, fetch-consumer, or fetch-follower request):

produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task | No | | | unusual_produce_failures_filter_override | "" | No | | | unusual_produce_failures_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unusual_produce_failures_require_full_window | True | No | | | unusual_produce_failures_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |


The TotalTimeMs metric family measures the total time taken to service a request (be it a produce, fetch-consumer, or fetch-follower request):

produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task


avg(last_30m):avg:kafka.request.produce.time.avg{tag:xxx} > 20
variable default required description
unusual_produce_time_enabled True No
unusual_produce_time_warning 10 No
unusual_produce_time_critical 20 No
unusual_produce_time_evaluation_period last_30m No
unusual_produce_time_note "" No
unusual_produce_time_docs The TotalTimeMs metric family measures the total time taken to service a request (be it a produce, fetch-consumer, or fetch-follower request):

produce: requests from producers to send data fetch-consumer: requests from consumers to get new data fetch-follower: requests from brokers that are the followers of a partition to get new data

Under normal conditions, this value should be fairly static, with minimal fluctuations. If you are seeing anomalous behavior, you may want to check the individual queue, local, remote and response values to pinpoint the exact request segment that is causing the slowdown.

This monitor checks if there's an unusual high amount of failures. Which might be indicative of the application not being able to perform its task | No | | | unusual_produce_time_filter_override | "" | No | | | unusual_produce_time_alerting_enabled | True | No | | | unusual_produce_time_require_full_window | True | No | | | unusual_produce_time_priority | 3 | No | Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low). |

Module Variables

variable default required description
env Yes
service Kafka No
notification_channel Yes
additional_tags [] No
filter_str Yes
is_hosted_service False No
locked True No
system_notification_channel_override None No
name_prefix "" No Can be used to prefix to the Monitor name
name_suffix "" No Can be used to suffix to the Monitor name
priority_offset 0 No For non production workloads we can +1 on the priorities