diff --git a/reports/dfm-presentation/main.qmd b/reports/dfm-presentation/main.qmd
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+++ b/reports/dfm-presentation/main.qmd
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+title: "Covid-19 Data-Rich Dynamic Factor Model"
+author: ""
+ revealjs:
+ theme: blood
+ include-in-header:
+ text: |
+# Dynamic Factor Models
+## Overview
+> Dynamic Factor Models are statistical models that capture the evolving relationships among observed variables through latent factors and time dynamics.
+::: {.incremental}
+- Provides a framework to understand complex interactions in time-series data.
+- Relevant for tracking the economic impacts of COVID-19, where relationships between variables may change dynamically over time
+- Enables extraction of underlying trends and patterns from noisy and interrelated economic data
+## Model
+> Basic Dynamic Factor Model
+$$y_t = \Lambda f_t + \epsilon_t$$
+::: {.incremental}
+- $y_t$: Observed variables at time $t$
+- $\Lambda$: Loading matrix
+- $f_t$: Latent factors
+- $\epsilon_t$: Error term
+## Latent Factors and Loading Matrix
+> Relationship between latent factors and loading matrix
+- The loading matrix, often denoted as $\Lambda$>, establishes the linear relationship between the latent factors and the observed variables
+- The loading matrix is a bridge that connects the latent factors, which are unobservable, to the observed variables, providing a mathematical representation of how the latent factors influence the observed data
+## Latent Factors and Loading Matrix
+> Relationship between latent factors and loading matrix
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# Set seed for reproducibility
+# Generate dummy data
+num_observed_variables = 4
+num_time_points = 100
+loading_matrix = np.array([[0.5, 0.3, 0.8, 0.2],
+ [0.7, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1]])
+latent_factors = np.random.randn(num_time_points, 2)
+observed_variables = np.dot(latent_factors, loading_matrix) + np.random.randn(num_time_points, num_observed_variables)
+# Plotting
+plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
+# Plot latent factors
+plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
+plt.plot(latent_factors[:, 0], label='Latent Factor 1', linestyle='--')
+plt.plot(latent_factors[:, 1], label='Latent Factor 2', linestyle='--')
+plt.title('Latent Factors Over Time')
+# Plot observed variables
+plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
+for i in range(num_observed_variables):
+ plt.plot(observed_variables[:, i], label=f'Observed Variable {i+1}')
+plt.title('Observed Variables Over Time')
+## Extending the model {.smaller}
+> Incorporating time dynamics
+The DFM is typically generalized to include autoregressive components
+. . .
+y_t & = \Lambda f_t + B x_t + u_t \\
+f_t & = A_1 f_{t-1} + \dots + A_p f_{t-p} + \eta_t \qquad \eta_t \sim N(0, I)\\
+u_t & = C_1 u_{t-1} + \dots + C_q u_{t-q} + \varepsilon_t \qquad \varepsilon_t \sim N(0, \Sigma)
+. . .
+Where $y_t$ is observed, $f_t$ are unobserved latent factors, $x_t$ are optional (unused for our case) exogenous variables, and the dynamic evolution of latent factors is expressed using the transition matrix $A$ with $\eta_t$ representing new information or random shocks. $u_t$ is the error or "idiosyncratic" process
+. . .
+This model is then cast into state space form and the unobserved factors estimated via the Kalman filter. The likelihood can be evaluated as a byproduct of the filtering recursions with maximum likelihood estimation used to estimate the parameters.
+# Time Dynamics
+## Autoregressive component
+$$f_t = A f_{t-1} + \eta_t$$
+$A$: Transition matrix
+$\eta_t$: Innovation term
+- The transition matrix, often denoted as $A$, is a square matrix that governs the temporal evolution of the latent factors
+- Each element of the matrix represents the influence of one latent factor at the current time on the corresponding latent factor at the next time point
+- The elements of the transition matrix $A$ determine how each latent factor at the previous time point contributes to the latent factors at the current time point
+- Values in the diagonal of $A$ represent the persistence of each latent factor over time
+- Off-diagonal elements indicate the influence of one latent factor on another
+## Interpreting Transition Matrices {.smaller}
+> Transition Matrix 1
+import numpy as np
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# Set seed for reproducibility
+# Generate two different transition matrices
+transition_matrix_1 = np.array([[0.8, 0.2],
+ [0.3, 0.7]])
+transition_matrix_2 = np.array([[0.5, 0.5],
+ [0.6, 0.4]])
+# Create a figure with subplots
+fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
+# Plot heatmap for Transition Matrix 1
+sns.heatmap(transition_matrix_1, annot=True, cmap="Reds", linewidths=.5, ax=axs[0])
+axs[0].set_title('Transition Matrix 1')
+# Plot heatmap for Transition Matrix 2
+sns.heatmap(transition_matrix_2, annot=True, cmap="Reds", linewidths=.5, ax=axs[1])
+axs[1].set_title('Transition Matrix 2')
+# Adjust layout
+- The diagonal elements (0.8 and 0.7) are relatively high, indicating a strong persistence of each latent factor over time.
+- The off-diagonal elements (0.2 and 0.3) suggest moderate influence of one latent factor on the other, allowing for some interaction between the two factors.
+- Summary: latent factors have a tendency to persist, with some interdependence.
+## Interpreting Transition Matrices {.smaller}
+> Transition Matrix 2
+import numpy as np
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# Set seed for reproducibility
+# Generate two different transition matrices
+transition_matrix_1 = np.array([[0.8, 0.2],
+ [0.3, 0.7]])
+transition_matrix_2 = np.array([[0.5, 0.5],
+ [0.6, 0.4]])
+# Create a figure with subplots
+fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
+# Plot heatmap for Transition Matrix 1
+sns.heatmap(transition_matrix_1, annot=True, cmap="Reds", linewidths=.5, ax=axs[0])
+axs[0].set_title('Transition Matrix 1')
+# Plot heatmap for Transition Matrix 2
+sns.heatmap(transition_matrix_2, annot=True, cmap="Reds", linewidths=.5, ax=axs[1])
+axs[1].set_title('Transition Matrix 2')
+# Adjust layout
+- The diagonal elements (0.5 and 0.4) are lower compared to Transition Matrix 1, suggesting less persistence of each latent factor over time.
+- The off-diagonal elements (0.5 and 0.6) indicate a relatively stronger influence of one latent factor on the other compared to Transition Matrix 1.
+- Summary: latent factors are less likely to persist and may be influenced more by each other, allowing for a more dynamic and responsive behavior.
+## Factor Constraints
+> Factor constraints are restrictions imposed on the parameters of the model, particularly on the loading matrix or transition matrix.
+Factor constraints can enhance the interpretability of the model by imposing structure on the relationships between latent factors and observed variables.
+For example, setting certain elements of the loading matrix to zero might suggest that specific observed variables are not influenced by particular latent factors.
+## Factor Constraints {.smaller}
+> Factor loading constraint example
+| Dep. variable | Global.1 | Pandemic | Employment | Consumption | Inflation |
+| Supply_1 | X | | | | |
+| Supply_7 | X | | | | |
+| Monetary_5 | X | | | | |
+| Monetary_9 | X | | | | |
+| Supply_2 | X | | X | | |
+| Supply_3 | X | | X | | |
+| Demand_7 | X | | X | | |
+| Demand_3 | X | | | X | |
+| Demand_5 | X | | | X | |
+| Monetary_2 | X | | | | X |
+| Monetary_1 | X | | | | X |
+| Pandemic_2 | X | X | | | |
+| Pandemic_9 | X | X | | | |
+. . .
+- Can reduce model complexity by reducing the number of free parameters
+- Incorporates domain knowledge about variable relationships
+# Python Package
+## Implementation
+> A Data-Rich Dynamic Factor Model for Covid-19 Response
+We have created a self-contained Python package that is also available as a Docker container, a platform-agnostic container environment, which can run in any host environment that has Docker installed deterministically
+- Poetry for dependency management
+- CI with GitHub Actions
+- Pre-commit hooks with pre-commit
+- Code quality with black & ruff
+- Testing and coverage with pytest and codecov
+- Documentation with MkDocs
+- Compatibility testing for multiple versions of Python with Tox
+- Containerization with Docker
+## Dashboard
+> Included in the package is a GUI-dashboard for running the model
+# Conclusion