- #146 [BUGFIX] Support type of
- #129 [INTERNAL] Replace instances of Ember.keys with Object.keys
- #132 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Reverse the changes introduced in Issue #114 and give service a unique name
- #138 Update CONTRIBUTING.md
- #142 [ENHANCEMENT] Uninstall ember-jsdoc; install ember-cli-jsdoc
- #144 Add information about how to generate documentation
- Remove develop branch
- #113 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade to Ember CLI 0.2.7
- #116 [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for JSDoc generated documentation
- #107 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade to Ember CLI 0.2.3
- #107 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Bound values now function in the normal Ember way
- #104 [BUGFIX] Update dependencies for underlying dependency chaining mis-matches that have occurred within Ember CLI ecosystem
- #103 [BUG FIX] Replace Ember.run.bind() calls with self=this references
- #101 [ENHANCEMENT] Add ember-cli-blanket for code coverage reporting
- #100 [BUGFIX] Fix binding reference for getTokenValue
- #67 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade to Ember CLI 0.1.5
- #58 [INTERNAL] Updated tests
- #59 [INTERNAL] Installed ember-cli-es5-shim to faciliate running of tests via TravisCI
- #65 [INTERNAL] Changed how meta data in demo application is populated
[INTERNAL] Documentation updates
- #5 [INTERNAL] Remove "private: true" flag
- #10 [INTERNAL] Update contribution guidelines to reflect use of git-flow branching model
- #11 [INTERNAL] Add additional details to upgrade information
- #12 [INTERNAL] Add GitHub pages demo information
- #13 [INTERNAL] Style demo app to match http://softlayergithub.io/sl-ember-translate
- #14 [INTERNAL] Update demo url
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Remove ember-cli-content-security-policy dependency
- [INTERNAL] New (final) design of demo application
- [INTERNAL] Change keywords meta value for demo application
- [INTERNAL] Change spelling error in footer of demo application
- [INTERNAL] Add homepage property to package.json
- [INTERNAL] Upgrade package.json properties
- [INTERNAL] Update demo application configuration
- #36 [BREAKING INTERNAL] Upgrade to Ember CLI 0.1.4
- Initial release