- Overview
- Setup - The basics of getting started with kong
- Usage
- Parameters
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development
The puppet-kong module installs the Kong package, manages the Kong admin configuration and manages the Kong service.
By default this module installs packages from the Kong website, with all package dependencies.
- the Kong package
- the Kong admin configuration (/etc/kong/kong.yml)
- the Kong service
To install Kong:
class { 'kong': }
If you do not want package dependencies installed by this module:
class { 'kong':
manage_package_dependencies => false,
If you do not want package fetching to be handled by this module:
class { 'kong':
manage_package_fetching => false,
Path to cmd.exe on Windows. Defaults to C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe. You may
Defaults to
Defaults to 8001
Defaults to https://downloadkong.org
Defaults to [ '' ]
Defaults to kong
Defaults to SimpleStrategy
Used only when the replication strategy is set to SimpleStrategy
Defaults to 1
Used only when the replication strategy is set to NetworkTopologyStrategy
Defaults to false
Defaults to false
Absolute path to the trusted CA certificate in PEM format when cassandra_ssl_verify
is set to true
Defaults to 5000
Defaults to
Defaults to 7946
Defaults to
Defaults to 7373
Defaults to root
Defaults to 0644
Defaults to root
Defaults to /etc/kong/kong.yml
Defaults to all plugins
Defaults to cassandra
Defaults to dnsmasq
Defaults to /usr/local/bin/kong
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to 128
Defaults to /usr/local/kong/
Defaults to true
Defaults to
Defaults to 8000
Defaults to
Defaults to 8443
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to running
Defaults to true
Use the puppet/staging
module for fetching the package rather than puppet/archive
Defaults to false
Defaults to 0.7.0
This module has received limited testing on:
- CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
- Debian 6/7/8
- Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/15.04
The following platforms should also work, but have not been tested:
- Amazon Linux
- Archlinux
- Darwin
If using CentoOS/RHEL 5/6/7, you will need to ensure that the stahnma-epel
module is installed.
Patches are welcome.