All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.2.0 (2025-03-08)
2.1.0 (2025-03-03)
- command: add !focus command (2334025)
- focus: unfocus a task after it has been completed (#38) (134685c)
2.0.0 (2024-12-29)
- add audio to indicate when focus/break timer ends (fbecd90)
- command: fix !check command to response to users with no tasks (e00e37c)
- command: should reply with string, not task id. user request issue #14 (68e5a58)
- config: update defaults for shaper text 2x (769f933)
- docs: update docs (5423ced)
- i18n: add ES, FR, JP alias to doc & config (424412c)
- i18n: part2: add ES, FR, JP alias to doc & config (eefacd1)
- style: refactor to keep size constant for users (f4f6ece)
- style: simplify paddding, wording, config options (6887bd0)
- colorName bug (4aaf444)
- config: remove nested commands causing bug (712de5b)
- css: add 2x gap for Consistency (fddbc1c)
- delete users w/ 0 task from localStorage (86ec09e)
- patch delete all command & add test (b5eabd7)
- rebuild bundle - fix scroll bug (81b7320)
- test: fix test mode bug with update to command name (2c736f9)
- testMode fix with userList.clearUserList() to clear list object and LS.userList (90a5e5f)
- when connect is dropped or twitch servers get swapped reconnect. (77a7e70)