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KGC-Sandwiches is an app that facilitates sandwich ordering for account holders. Users can choose between two menues: Sandwiches and Drinks. Then they can choose to save their orders for future use.

User Story

AS A user of KGC Sandwiches, I WANT all my personal information and order history to be securely stored and accessible only to me, SO THAT I can maintain privacy and convenience when using the website. WHEN I log in to my account, THEN I expect to see my saved favorite sandwiches and drink preferences. WHEN I browse the menu and place an order, THEN I anticipate that my order details will be securely processed and stored for future reference. WHEN I close the website or log out of my account, THEN I expect that all my session data, including browsing history and temporary information, will be automatically cleared, SO THAT my privacy and security are maintained, and my personal data is not stored beyond my session.


Sequelize Bootstrap express.js Mysql node.js Insomnia handlebars Dotenv bcryp

#Screenshots (TBA)