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File metadata and controls

208 lines (180 loc) · 10.5 KB


  1. Install Distribute, Pip, and virtualenv to install python packages. If you have pip and virtualenv already, you can skip this step:

     curl -O && sudo python
     curl -O && sudo python
     sudo pip install virtualenv
  2. Create a virtual environment using virtualenv and get the code:

     virtualenv LabSense
     cd LabSense
     git clone [email protected]:jtsao22/LabSense.git
     source bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies virtualenv and py-snmp

     sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. In order to use SensorAct, you must create a SensorAct account:

    1. Create a user account by running the following curl command replacing [YOURUSERNAME], [YOURPASSWORD], and [YOUREMAIL]

       curl --request POST \
            --data '{"username": "[YOURUSERNAME]", "password": "[YOURPASSWORD]", "email": "[YOUREMAIL]"}' \
            --header '{"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/plain"}' \
            --verbose \

      You should receive a reply similar to the following:

           {"apiname":"user/register","statuscode":0,"message":"New Userprofile registered: [YOURUSERNAME]"}
    2. Login and get your Api key:

       curl --request POST \
            --data '{"username": "[YOURUSERNAME]", "password": "[YOURPASSWORD]"}' \
            --header '{"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/plain"}' \
            --verbose \

      You should receive a 32 character api key in the reply:

    3. Copy the Api key to the config.json file in the SensorAct section.

  5. In order to use Cosm, you must first create an account at

    1. Navigate to and follow instructions.
    2. Sign in and click on the "Keys" button on the top right area.
    3. Click the blue "+Key" button.
    4. In the options, enter a Label, Choose "Use any public feed", and make Access Prileges set to "all." Then click the orange "Create" button.
    5. Copy the Api key to the config.json file in the Cosm section.


  1. Navigate to the LabSenseHandler directory.

  2. Create a config.json file using the config.json.example as a template. This file is used to specify all the parameters of the different sensors and sinks you will be using in your LabSense deployment. Please see the last section of this document for a description of the config.json file.

  3. Start the program by running:

     python config.json

LabSense Configuration

The LabSenseHandler/config.json configuration file tells LabSense all the parameters it needs to: 1. Send data to DataSinks: * SensorActInterval * Cosm * Stdout 2. Retrieve data from Devices: * Eaton * Veris * Raritan * SmartSwitch * LightSensor * TemperatureSensor * LabSenseServer, which has two devices: * DoorSensor * MotionSensor

It is highly recommended that your create your config.json file from the config.json.example file provided because it provides all the necessary variables (you simply need to fill in the variables according to your own configuration).


  1. SensorAct Data requirements:

    • IP: IP of SensorAct server
    • PORT: Port of SensorAct server
    • API_KEY: api key of SensorAct account. See step (4) in installation instructions.
  2. Cosm Data requirements:

    • API_KEY: api key of Cosm account. See step (5) in the Installation instructions.
    • user_name: Cosm user name (needed for checking what feeds are already created).
  3. Stdout requirements:

    • None are needed, so leave this empty. The reason why this is left in is because if a device wants to send to stdout, the datasink should be specified in the file.
  4. Device requirements (Eaton, Veris, Raritan, SmartSwitch, LightSensor, TemperatureSensor, DoorSensor, and MotionSensor):

    • name: This is the name you give your device. It must be unique and will be used for the Cosm channel name and SensorAct devicename.
    • IP: IP of the device. Note:
      • Eaton, Veris, SmartSwitch, TemperatureSensor all have IPs from which to query.
      • LabSenseServer devices (DoorSensor and MotionSensor) should both specify the IP of the computer you are running LabSense on. This IP is used for SensorAct, which requires an IP for the devices sending data.
    • PORT: Port of the device
    • location: This is used by SensorAct. Simply give a string specifying your location.
    • latitude, longitude: This is used by SensorAct. Give location details about your location.
    • channels: This is a list of channels you would like to retrieve from the * device. All devices currently have all channels specified by default in * the config.json.example file.
    • sinterval: This is the amount of time between each sampling of the device.
    • SensorAct, Cosm, Stdout: This are boolean values: true means send to the datasink, false means do not.
    • SensorActInterval, CosmInterval, StdoutInterval: The amount of time between each sending of the data.
    • Raritan also has the username and password fields to fill out. Please see the Raritan Section for more information.
  5. LabSenseServer requirements.

    • name: This is the name of your LabSenseServer. It must be unique and is identified by this name (you can have several LabSenseServers).
    • PORT: This is the port on your computer/server that you would like to serve the server on. Event-driven Zwave Devices (currently Door Sensor and Motion Sensor) send data to this server, which then forwards the data to the different datasinks according to the rates specified.
    • API_KEY: This is an agreed upon API_KEY that is specified in the config file and in the json sent from the Zwave Device.
    • Sensors: This can contain any number of MotionSensors and DoorSensors with configurations exactly the same as other device requirements except a PORT is not required.
  6. Setting up Raritan

    • The Raritan has two extra fields that need to be filled in: username and * password. These must be looked up from the Raritan control panel website (See diagram below): 1. Login to the Raritan website at the Raritans IP. 2. Click device settings and then SNMP settings. Raritan Setup 3. Make sure both the Enable SNMP v1/v2c Protocol and v3 Protocol are enabled. Copy the "Read Community" field into the config.json "password" field. 4. Copy the "User" field on the top left of the screen into the "username" field of the config.json file. Raritan Setup
  7. Setting Up Zwave

    • Zwave Devices include: LightSensor, TemperatureSensor, SmartSwitch, DoorSensor, and MotionSensor.
    • There are two groups of Zwave Devices:
      • Polling based: LightSensor, TemperatureSensor, and SmartSwitch.

        • The "name" field must be the same name given to the sensor on the Vera 2 webpage. To check/change the name on the Vera 2 webpage, go to the IP of your Vera and click on the "Devices" tab. Check what the name of the LightSensor is and make sure it matches with the "name" field of the sensor in question. See the following image: Zwave name
      • Event-driven: DoorSensor and MotionSensor. For these sensors, lua code must be written by the Vera sensors to send to the LabSenseServer you will host on your computer.

        Setup instructions:

        1. Navigate to the Vera 2 webpage.
        2. Click on the "Apps" tab and then the "Develop Apps" subtab.
        3. Click on "Edit Startup Lua" and copy/paste the "startup.lua" code in Devices/LabSenseServer/lua/startup.lua to the box and click "Go."
        4. Click the red "Save" button on the top right. Edit startup
        5. Click on the "Automation" tab, and click on the settings page of your scene. If you have not made a scene, click the "New Scene" tab and name the Scene whatever you would like.
        6. Click on the "Triggers" tab and add three triggers:
          1. Door opened with the Door Sensor Configure like the following: Config Add code by clicking on "Luup Event" and copy/pasting code from Devices/LabSenseServer/lua/door_opened_luup_event.lua. Copying Lua
          2. Door closed with the Door Sensor Configure like the following: Config Add code by clicking on "Luup Event" and copy/pasting code from Devices/LabSenseServer/lua/door_closed_luup_event.lua.
          3. Motion Detected with the Motion Sensor Configure like the following: Config Add code by clicking on "Luup Event" and copy/pasting code from Devices/LabSenseServer/lua/motion_detected_luup_event.lua.
          4. IMPORTANT For all Luup events, make sure to change the local api_key line to reflect the same API_KEY specified in the API_KEY field of LabSenseServer in the config.json file! Also, make sure the "local name" line pasted matches the "name" field in the "LabSenseServer" configuration in the config.json file.