From c3d943e2e081c39226d38b62e5b00aeacb84d59e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Minchao Wu Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:03:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(computability): strong reducibility and degrees (#1203) Co-authored-by: Mario Carneiro Co-authored-by: Jeremy Avigad --- docs/references.bib | 35 +++ src/computability/halting.lean | 14 +- src/computability/partrec.lean | 11 +- src/computability/partrec_code.lean | 16 ++ src/computability/primrec.lean | 12 +- src/computability/reduce.lean | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 448 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/computability/reduce.lean diff --git a/docs/references.bib b/docs/references.bib index bbc14beec014f..182f3d9cac28e 100644 --- a/docs/references.bib +++ b/docs/references.bib @@ -189,3 +189,38 @@ @book {atiyah-macdonald MRNUMBER = {0242802}, MRREVIEWER = {J. A. Johnson}, } + +@book {soare1987, + AUTHOR = {Soare, Robert I.}, + TITLE = {Recursively enumerable sets and degrees}, + SERIES = {Perspectives in Mathematical Logic}, + NOTE = {A study of computable functions and computably generated sets}, + PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, + YEAR = {1987}, + PAGES = {xviii+437}, + ISBN = {3-540-15299-7}, + MRCLASS = {03-02 (03D20 03D25 03D30)}, + MRNUMBER = {882921}, +MRREVIEWER = {Peter G. Hinman}, + DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-02460-7} +} + +@inproceedings{carneiro2019, + author = {Mario M. Carneiro}, + editor = {John Harrison and + John O'Leary and + Andrew Tolmach}, + title = {Formalizing Computability Theory via Partial Recursive Functions}, + booktitle = {10th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, {ITP} + 2019, September 9-12, 2019, Portland, OR, {USA}}, + series = {LIPIcs}, + volume = {141}, + pages = {12:1--12:17}, + publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik}, + year = {2019}, + url = {}, + doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ITP.2019.12}, + timestamp = {Fri, 27 Sep 2019 15:57:06 +0200}, + biburl = {}, + bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} +} diff --git a/src/computability/halting.lean b/src/computability/halting.lean index 2e8c47bebc624..304c5579c0b5f 100644 --- a/src/computability/halting.lean +++ b/src/computability/halting.lean @@ -2,12 +2,20 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro - -More partial recursive functions using a universal program; -Rice's theorem and the halting problem. -/ + import computability.partrec_code +/-! +# Computability theory and the halting problem + +A universal partial recursive function, Rice's theorem, and the halting problem. + +## References + +* [Mario Carneiro, *Formalizing computability theory via partial recursive functions*][carneiro2019] +-/ + open encodable denumerable namespace nat.partrec diff --git a/src/computability/partrec.lean b/src/computability/partrec.lean index b76bd937bfaef..f025617741738 100644 --- a/src/computability/partrec.lean +++ b/src/computability/partrec.lean @@ -2,13 +2,22 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro +-/ + +import computability.primrec data.pfun + +/-! +# The partial recursive functions The partial recursive functions are defined similarly to the primitive recursive functions, but now all functions are partial, implemented using the `roption` monad, and there is an additional operation, called μ-recursion, which performs unbounded minimization. + +## References + +* [Mario Carneiro, *Formalizing computability theory via partial recursive functions*][carneiro2019] -/ -import computability.primrec data.pfun open encodable denumerable roption diff --git a/src/computability/partrec_code.lean b/src/computability/partrec_code.lean index 2fdafb679e60d..e20a2113f8416 100644 --- a/src/computability/partrec_code.lean +++ b/src/computability/partrec_code.lean @@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ protected def const : ℕ → code | 0 := zero | (n+1) := comp succ (const n) +theorem injective_const : Π {n₁ n₂}, nat.partrec.code.const n₁ = nat.partrec.code.const n₂ → n₁ = n₂ +| 0 0 h := by simp +| (n₁+1) (n₂+1) h := by { dsimp [nat.partrec.code.const] at h, + injection h with h₁ h₂, + simp only [injective_const h₂] } + protected def id : code := pair left right def curry (c : code) (n : ℕ) : code := @@ -506,6 +512,16 @@ theorem curry_prim : primrec₂ curry := comp_prim.comp primrec.fst $ pair_prim.comp (const_prim.comp primrec.snd) (primrec.const +theorem injective_curry {c₁ c₂ n₁ n₂} (h : curry c₁ n₁ = curry c₂ n₂) : c₁ = c₂ ∧ n₁ = n₂ := +⟨by injection h, by { injection h, + injection h with h₁ h₂, + injection h₂ with h₃ h₄, + exact injective_const h₃ }⟩ + +theorem smn : ∃ f : code → ℕ → code, + computable₂ f ∧ ∀ c n x, eval (f c n) x = eval c (mkpair n x) := +⟨curry, primrec₂.to_comp curry_prim, eval_curry⟩ + theorem exists_code {f : ℕ →. ℕ} : nat.partrec f ↔ ∃ c : code, eval c = f := ⟨λ h, begin induction h, diff --git a/src/computability/primrec.lean b/src/computability/primrec.lean index 9212f83bd428c..bd44f8af3b39f 100644 --- a/src/computability/primrec.lean +++ b/src/computability/primrec.lean @@ -2,9 +2,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro +-/ +import data.equiv.list + +/-! +# The primitive recursive functions The primitive recursive functions are the least collection of functions -nat → nat which are closed under projections (using the mkpair +`nat → nat` which are closed under projections (using the mkpair pairing function), composition, zero, successor, and primitive recursion (i.e. nat.rec where the motive is C n := nat). @@ -14,8 +19,11 @@ which we implement through the type class `encodable`. (More precisely, we need that the composition of encode with decode yields a primitive recursive function, so we have the `primcodable` type class for this.) + +## References + +* [Mario Carneiro, *Formalizing computability theory via partial recursive functions*][carneiro2019] -/ -import data.equiv.list open denumerable encodable diff --git a/src/computability/reduce.lean b/src/computability/reduce.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6be5940f12e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/computability/reduce.lean @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2019 Minchao Wu. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Minchao Wu, Mario Carneiro +-/ + +import computability.halting + +/-! +# Strong reducibility and degrees. + +This file defines the notions of many-one reduction and one-one reduction between sets, and +shows that the corresponding degrees form a semilattice. + +## Notations + +This file uses the local notation `⊕'` for `sum.elim` to denote the disjoint union of two degrees, +and `deg` for the `many_one_degree.of` a set. + +## References + +* [Robert Soare, *Recursively enumerable sets and degrees*][soare1987] + +## Tags + +computability, reducibility, reduction +-/ + +open function + +/-- +`p` is many-one reducible to `q` if there is a computable function translating questions about `p` +to questions about `q`. +-/ +def many_one_reducible {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) := +∃ f, computable f ∧ ∀ a, p a ↔ q (f a) + +infix ` ≤₀ `:1000 := many_one_reducible + +theorem {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] {f : α → β} (q : β → Prop) + (h : computable f) : (λ a, q (f a)) ≤₀ q := ⟨f, h, λ a, iff.rfl⟩ + +@[refl] +theorem many_one_reducible_refl {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) : + p ≤₀ p := ⟨id,, by simp⟩ + +@[trans] +theorem many_one_reducible.trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : p ≤₀ q → q ≤₀ r → p ≤₀ r +| ⟨f, c₁, h₁⟩ ⟨g, c₂, h₂⟩ := ⟨g ∘ f, c₂.comp c₁, + λ a, ⟨λ h, by rwa [←h₂, ←h₁], λ h, by rwa [h₁, h₂]⟩⟩ + +theorem reflexive_many_one_reducible {α} [primcodable α] : reflexive (@many_one_reducible α α _ _) := +many_one_reducible_refl + +theorem transitive_many_one_reducible {α} [primcodable α] : transitive (@many_one_reducible α α _ _) := +λ p q r, many_one_reducible.trans + +/-- +`p` is one-one reducible to `q` if there is an injective computable function translating questions +about `p` to questions about `q`. +-/ +def one_one_reducible {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) := +∃ f, computable f ∧ injective f ∧ ∀ a, p a ↔ q (f a) + +infix ` ≤₁ `:1000 := one_one_reducible + +theorem {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] {f : α → β} (q : β → Prop) + (h : computable f) (i : injective f) : (λ a, q (f a)) ≤₁ q := ⟨f, h, i, λ a, iff.rfl⟩ + +@[refl] +theorem one_one_reducible_refl {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) : + p ≤₁ p := ⟨id,, injective_id, by simp⟩ + +@[trans] +theorem one_one_reducible.trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : p ≤₁ q → q ≤₁ r → p ≤₁ r +| ⟨f, c₁, i₁, h₁⟩ ⟨g, c₂, i₂, h₂⟩ := ⟨g ∘ f, c₂.comp c₁, injective_comp i₂ i₁, + λ a, ⟨λ h, by rwa [←h₂, ←h₁], λ h, by rwa [h₁, h₂]⟩⟩ + +theorem one_one_reducible.to_many_one {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : p ≤₁ q → p ≤₀ q +| ⟨f, c, i, h⟩ := ⟨f, c, h⟩ + +theorem one_one_reducible.of_equiv {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] {e : α ≃ β} (q : β → Prop) + (h : computable e) : (q ∘ e) ≤₁ q := _ h e.injective + +theorem one_one_reducible.of_equiv_symm {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] {e : α ≃ β} (q : β → Prop) + (h : computable e.symm) : q ≤₁ (q ∘ e) := +by convert one_one_reducible.of_equiv _ h; funext; simp + +theorem reflexive_one_one_reducible {α} [primcodable α] : reflexive (@one_one_reducible α α _ _) := +one_one_reducible_refl + +theorem transitive_one_one_reducible {α} [primcodable α] : transitive (@one_one_reducible α α _ _) := +λ p q r, one_one_reducible.trans + +namespace computable_pred +variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {σ : Type*} +variables [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable σ] +open computable + +theorem computable_of_many_one_reducible + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} + (h₁ : p ≤₀ q) (h₂ : computable_pred q) : computable_pred p := +begin + rcases h₁ with ⟨f, c, hf⟩, + rw [show p = λ a, q (f a), from set.ext hf], + rcases computable_iff.1 h₂ with ⟨g, hg, rfl⟩, + exact ⟨by apply_instance, by simpa using hg.comp c⟩ +end + +theorem computable_of_one_one_reducible + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} + (h : p ≤₁ q) : computable_pred q → computable_pred p := +computable_of_many_one_reducible h.to_many_one + +end computable_pred + +/-- `p` and `q` are many-one equivalent if each one is many-one reducible to the other. -/ +def many_one_equiv {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) := p ≤₀ q ∧ q ≤₀ p + +/-- `p` and `q` are one-one equivalent if each one is one-one reducible to the other. -/ +def one_one_equiv {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) := p ≤₁ q ∧ q ≤₁ p + +theorem many_one_equiv_refl {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) : many_one_equiv p p := +⟨many_one_reducible_refl _, many_one_reducible_refl _⟩ + +theorem many_one_equiv.symm {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : many_one_equiv p q → many_one_equiv q p := and.swap + +@[trans] +theorem many_one_equiv.trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : + many_one_equiv p q → many_one_equiv q r → many_one_equiv p r +| ⟨pq, qp⟩ ⟨qr, rq⟩ := ⟨pq.trans qr, rq.trans qp⟩ + +theorem equivalence_of_many_one_equiv {α} [primcodable α] : equivalence (@many_one_equiv α α _ _) := +⟨many_one_equiv_refl, λ x y, many_one_equiv.symm, λ x y z, many_one_equiv.trans⟩ + +@[refl] +theorem one_one_equiv_refl {α} [primcodable α] (p : α → Prop) : one_one_equiv p p := +⟨one_one_reducible_refl _, one_one_reducible_refl _⟩ + +@[symm] +theorem one_one_equiv.symm {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : one_one_equiv p q → one_one_equiv q p := and.swap + +@[trans] +theorem one_one_equiv.trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : + one_one_equiv p q → one_one_equiv q r → one_one_equiv p r +| ⟨pq, qp⟩ ⟨qr, rq⟩ := ⟨pq.trans qr, rq.trans qp⟩ + +theorem equivalence_of_one_one_equiv {α} [primcodable α] : equivalence (@one_one_equiv α α _ _) := +⟨one_one_equiv_refl, λ x y, one_one_equiv.symm, λ x y z, one_one_equiv.trans⟩ + +theorem one_one_equiv.to_many_one {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : one_one_equiv p q → many_one_equiv p q +| ⟨pq, qp⟩ := ⟨pq.to_many_one, qp.to_many_one⟩ + +/-- sets up to many-one equivalence -/ +def many_one_equiv_setoid {α} [primcodable α] : setoid (set α) := +⟨many_one_equiv, @equivalence_of_many_one_equiv α _⟩ + +/-- a computable bijection -/ +def equiv.computable {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] (e : α ≃ β) := computable e ∧ computable e.symm + +theorem equiv.computable.symm {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] {e : α ≃ β} : + e.computable → e.symm.computable := and.swap + +theorem equiv.computable.trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {e₁ : α ≃ β} {e₂ : β ≃ γ} : + e₁.computable → e₂.computable → (e₁.trans e₂).computable +| ⟨l₁, r₁⟩ ⟨l₂, r₂⟩ := ⟨l₂.comp l₁, r₁.comp r₂⟩ + +theorem computable.eqv (α) [denumerable α] : (denumerable.eqv α).computable := +⟨computable.encode, computable.of_nat _⟩ + +theorem computable.equiv₂ (α β) [denumerable α] [denumerable β] : + (denumerable.equiv₂ α β).computable := +(computable.eqv _).trans (computable.eqv _).symm + +theorem one_one_equiv.of_equiv {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {e : α ≃ β} (h : e.computable) {p} : one_one_equiv (p ∘ e) p := +⟨one_one_reducible.of_equiv _ h.1, one_one_reducible.of_equiv_symm _ h.2⟩ + +theorem many_one_equiv.of_equiv {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {e : α ≃ β} (h : e.computable) {p} : many_one_equiv (p ∘ e) p := +(one_one_equiv.of_equiv h).to_many_one + +theorem many_one_equiv.le_congr_left {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : many_one_equiv p q) : p ≤₀ r ↔ q ≤₀ r := ⟨h.2.trans, h.1.trans⟩ + +theorem many_one_equiv.le_congr_right {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : many_one_equiv q r) : p ≤₀ q ↔ p ≤₀ r := ⟨λ h', h'.trans h.1, λ h', h'.trans h.2⟩ + +theorem one_one_equiv.le_congr_left {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : one_one_equiv p q) : p ≤₁ r ↔ q ≤₁ r := ⟨h.2.trans, h.1.trans⟩ + +theorem one_one_equiv.le_congr_right {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : one_one_equiv q r) : p ≤₁ q ↔ p ≤₁ r := ⟨λ h', h'.trans h.1, λ h', h'.trans h.2⟩ + +theorem many_one_equiv.congr_left {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : many_one_equiv p q) : many_one_equiv p r ↔ many_one_equiv q r := +and_congr h.le_congr_left h.le_congr_right + +theorem many_one_equiv.congr_right {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : many_one_equiv q r) : many_one_equiv p q ↔ many_one_equiv p r := +and_congr h.le_congr_right h.le_congr_left + +theorem one_one_equiv.congr_left {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : one_one_equiv p q) : one_one_equiv p r ↔ one_one_equiv q r := +and_congr h.le_congr_left h.le_congr_right + +theorem one_one_equiv.congr_right {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} + (h : one_one_equiv q r) : one_one_equiv p q ↔ one_one_equiv p r := +and_congr h.le_congr_right h.le_congr_left + +-- local attribute [instance] many_one_equiv_setoid + +/-- A many-one degree is an equivalence class of sets up to many-one equivalence. -/ +def many_one_degree (α) [primcodable α] := quotient (@many_one_equiv_setoid α _) + +instance {α} [primcodable α] : inhabited (many_one_degree α) := +⟨ _(@many_one_equiv_setoid α _) ∅⟩ + +local infix ` ⊕' `:1001 := sum.elim + +open nat.primrec + +theorem one_one_reducible.disjoin_left {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : p ≤₁ p ⊕' q := +⟨sum.inl, computable.sum_inl, λ x y, sum.inl.inj_iff.1, λ a, iff.rfl⟩ + +theorem one_one_reducible.disjoin_right {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : q ≤₁ p ⊕' q := +⟨sum.inr, computable.sum_inr, λ x y, sum.inr.inj_iff.1, λ a, iff.rfl⟩ + +theorem disjoin_many_one_reducible {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : p ≤₀ r → q ≤₀ r → p ⊕' q ≤₀ r +| ⟨f, c₁, h₁⟩ ⟨g, c₂, h₂⟩ := ⟨sum.elim f g, + (c₁.comp computable.snd).to₂ (c₂.comp computable.snd).to₂, + λ x, by cases x; [apply h₁, apply h₂]⟩ + +theorem disjoin_le {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} {r : γ → Prop} : p ⊕' q ≤₀ r ↔ p ≤₀ r ∧ q ≤₀ r := +⟨λ h, ⟨one_one_reducible.disjoin_left.to_many_one.trans h, + one_one_reducible.disjoin_right.to_many_one.trans h⟩, + λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, disjoin_many_one_reducible h₁ h₂⟩ + +/-- +For many-one degrees `d₁` and `d₂`, `d₁ ≤ d₂` if the sets in `d₁` are many-one reducible to the +sets in `d₂`. +-/ +def many_one_degree.le {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (d₁ : many_one_degree α) (d₂ : many_one_degree β) : Prop := +quotient.lift_on₂' d₁ d₂ (λ a b, a ≤₀ b) + (λ a b c d h₁ h₂, propext $ (h₁.le_congr_left).trans (h₂.le_congr_right)) + +instance many_one_degree.has_le {α} [primcodable α] : has_le (many_one_degree α) := ⟨many_one_degree.le⟩ + +/-- the many-one degree of a set or predicate -/ +def many_one_degree.of {α} [primcodable α] : (α → Prop) → many_one_degree α :=' + +local notation `deg` := many_one_degree.of + +@[simp] theorem many_one_degree.of_le_of {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) : (deg p).le (deg q) ↔ p ≤₀ q := iff.rfl + +@[simp] theorem many_one_degree.of_le_of' {α} [primcodable α] (p q : α → Prop) : + deg p ≤ deg q ↔ p ≤₀ q := iff.rfl + +theorem many_one_degree.le_refl {α} [primcodable α] (d : many_one_degree α) : d.le d := +quotient.induction_on' d many_one_reducible_refl + +theorem many_one_degree.le_antisymm {α} [primcodable α] {d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree α} : + d₁ ≤ d₂ → d₂ ≤ d₁ → d₁ = d₂ := +quotient.induction_on₂' d₁ d₂ $ λ p q h₁ h₂, quotient.sound' ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ + +theorem many_one_degree.le_trans {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {d₁ : many_one_degree α} {d₂ : many_one_degree β} {d₃ : many_one_degree γ} : + d₁.le d₂ → d₂.le d₃ → d₁.le d₃ := +quotient.induction_on₃' d₁ d₂ d₃ $ λ a b c, many_one_reducible.trans + +/-- +Given a computable bijection `e` from `α` to `β`, the inverse image from `set β` to `set α` lifts +to a map on many-one degrees. +-/ +def many_one_degree.comap {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] (e : α ≃ β) (he : e.computable) + (d : many_one_degree β) : many_one_degree α := +quotient.lift_on' d (λ p, deg (p ∘ e)) $ +λ a b h, quotient.sound' $ +((many_one_equiv.of_equiv he).congr_left).2 $ ((many_one_equiv.of_equiv he).congr_right).2 h + +theorem many_one_degree.le_comap_left {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + (e : α ≃ β) (he : e.computable) {d₁ : many_one_degree β} {d₂ : many_one_degree γ} : + (d₁.comap e he).le d₂ ↔ d₁.le d₂ := +quotient.induction_on₂' d₁ d₂ $ λ p q, (many_one_equiv.of_equiv he).le_congr_left + +theorem many_one_degree.le_comap_right {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + (e : β ≃ γ) (he : e.computable) {d₁ : many_one_degree α} {d₂ : many_one_degree γ} : + d₁.le (d₂.comap e he) ↔ d₁.le d₂ := +quotient.induction_on₂' d₁ d₂ $ λ p q, (many_one_equiv.of_equiv he).le_congr_right + +/-- the join of two degrees, induced by the disjoint union of two underlying sets -/ +def many_one_degree.add {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (d₁ : many_one_degree α) (d₂ : many_one_degree β) : many_one_degree (α ⊕ β) := +quotient.lift_on₂' d₁ d₂ (λ a b, deg (a ⊕' b)) $ +λ a b c d ⟨hl₁, hr₁⟩ ⟨hl₂, hr₂⟩, quotient.sound' $ +⟨disjoin_many_one_reducible + (hl₁.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_left.to_many_one) + (hl₂.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_right.to_many_one), + disjoin_many_one_reducible + (hr₁.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_left.to_many_one) + (hr₂.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_right.to_many_one)⟩ + +instance degree_add {α} [denumerable α] : has_add (many_one_degree α) := +⟨λ d₁ d₂, (d₁.add d₂).comap _ (computable.equiv₂ _ _)⟩ + +theorem many_one_degree.add_le {α β γ} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] [primcodable γ] + {d₁ : many_one_degree α} {d₂ : many_one_degree β} {d₃ : many_one_degree γ} : + (d₁.add d₂).le d₃ ↔ d₁.le d₃ ∧ d₂.le d₃ := +quotient.induction_on₃' d₁ d₂ d₃ $ λ p q r, disjoin_le + +theorem many_one_degree.le_add_left {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (d₁ : many_one_degree α) (d₂ : many_one_degree β) : d₁.le (d₁.add d₂) := +(many_one_degree.add_le.1 (many_one_degree.le_refl _)).1 + +theorem many_one_degree.le_add_right {α β} [primcodable α] [primcodable β] + (d₁ : many_one_degree α) (d₂ : many_one_degree β) : d₂.le (d₁.add d₂) := +(many_one_degree.add_le.1 (many_one_degree.le_refl _)).2 + +theorem many_one_degree.add_le' {α β} [denumerable α] [primcodable β] + {d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree α} {d₃ : many_one_degree β} : + (d₁ + d₂).le d₃ ↔ d₁.le d₃ ∧ d₂.le d₃ := +(many_one_degree.le_comap_left _ _).trans many_one_degree.add_le + +theorem many_one_degree.le_add_left' {α} [denumerable α] + (d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree α) : d₁ ≤ d₁ + d₂ := +(many_one_degree.add_le'.1 (many_one_degree.le_refl _)).1 + +theorem many_one_degree.le_add_right' {α} [denumerable α] + (d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree α) : d₂ ≤ d₁ + d₂ := +(many_one_degree.add_le'.1 (many_one_degree.le_refl _)).2 + +instance many_one_degree.semilattice_sup {α} [denumerable α] : + semilattice_sup (many_one_degree α) := +{ le := has_le.le, + sup := has_add.add, + le_refl := many_one_degree.le_refl, + le_antisymm := λ a b, many_one_degree.le_antisymm, + le_trans := λ a b c, many_one_degree.le_trans, + le_sup_left := many_one_degree.le_add_left', + le_sup_right := many_one_degree.le_add_right', + sup_le := λ a b c h₁ h₂, many_one_degree.add_le'.2 ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ }