We are in the process of implementing new documentation requirements for mathlib. All future pull
requests must meet the following standards. See
the doc-gen
repo for information about the
automatically generated doc pages.
Each mathlib file should start with:
- a header comment with copyright information;
- the list of imports;
- a module docstring containing general documentation, written using Markdown.
(See the example below.)
Headers use atx-style headers (with hash signs, no underlying dash).
The open and close delimiters /-!
and -/
should appear on their own lines.
The mandatory title of the file is a first level header. It is followed by a summary of the content of the file.
The other sections, with second level headers are (in this order):
- Main definitions (optional, can be covered in the summary)
- Main statements (optional, can be covered in the summary)
- Notations (omitted only if no notation is introduced in this file)
- Implementation notes (description of important design decisions or interface features,
including use of type classes and
canonical form for new definitions) - References (references to textbooks or papers, or Wikipedia pages)
- Tags (a list of keywords that could be useful when doing text search in mathlib to find where something is covered)
References should refer to bibtex entries in the mathlib citations file.
The following code block is an example of a file header.
Copyright (c) 2018 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Robert Y. Lewis
import data.rat algebra.gcd_domain algebra.field_power
import ring_theory.multiplicity tactic.ring
import data.real.cau_seq
import tactic.norm_cast
# p-adic norm
This file defines the p-adic valuation and the p-adic norm on ℚ.
The p-adic valuation on ℚ is the difference of the multiplicities of `p` in the numerator and
denominator of `q`. This function obeys the standard properties of a valuation, with the appropriate
assumptions on p.
The valuation induces a norm on ℚ. This norm is a nonarchimedean absolute value.
It takes values in {0} ∪ {1/p^k | k ∈ ℤ}.
## Notations
This file uses the local notation `/.` for `rat.mk`.
## Implementation notes
Much, but not all, of this file assumes that `p` is prime. This assumption is inferred automatically
by taking (prime p) as a type class argument.
## References
* [F. Q. Gouêva, *p-adic numbers*][gouvea1997]
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-adic_number
## Tags
p-adic, p adic, padic, norm, valuation
Every definition and major theorem is required to have a doc string.
(Doc strings on lemmas are also encouraged, particularly if the lemma has any mathematical content
or might be useful in another file.)
These are introduced using /--
and closed by -/
above the definition.
They can contain some markdown, e.g. backtick quotes. LaTeX can be included between single dollar
signs $ ... $
to be rendered inline or double dollar signs $$ ... $$
to be rendered in "display
mode" by MathJax in the online mathlib docs.
Doc strings should convey the mathematical meaning of the definition. They are allowed to lie slightly about the actual implementation. The following is a doc string example:
If `q ≠ 0`, the p-adic norm of a rational `q` is `p ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q))`.
If `q = 0`, the p-adic norm of `q` is 0.
def padic_norm (p : ℕ) (q : ℚ) : ℚ :=
if q = 0 then 0 else (p : ℚ) ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q))
An example that is slightly lying but still describes the mathematical content would be:
For `p ≠ 1`, the p-adic valuation of an integer `z ≠ 0` is the largest natural number `n` such that
p^n divides z.
`padic_val_rat` defines the valuation of a rational `q` to be the valuation of `q.num` minus the
valuation of `q.denom`.
If `q = 0` or `p = 1`, then `padic_val_rat p q` defaults to 0.
def padic_val_rat (p : ℕ) (q : ℚ) : ℤ :=
if h : q ≠ 0 ∧ p ≠ 1
then (multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.num).get
(multiplicity.finite_int_iff.2 ⟨h.2, rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero h.1⟩) -
(multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.denom).get
(multiplicity.finite_int_iff.2 ⟨h.2, by exact_mod_cast rat.denom_ne_zero _⟩)
else 0
The #doc_blame
command can be run at the bottom of a file to list all definitions that do not have
doc strings. #doc_blame!
will also list theorems and lemmas.
Interactive tactics, user commands, hole commands and user attributes should have doc strings
explaining how they can be used. The add_tactic_doc
command should be invoked afterwards to add a
doc entry to the appropriate page in the online docs.
describe what the command does here
{ name := "display name of the tactic",
category := cat,
decl_names := [`dcl_1, `dcl_2],
tags := ["tag_1", "tag_2"]
The argument to add_tactic_doc
is a structure of type tactic_doc_entry
refers to the display name of the tactic; it is used as the header of the doc entry.cat
refers to the category of doc entry. Options:doc_category.tactic
is a list of the declarations associated with this doc. For instance, the entry forlinarith
would setdecl_names := [`tactic.interactive.linarith]
. Some entries may cover multiple declarations. It is only necessary to list the interactive versions of tactics.tags
is an optional list of strings used to categorize entries.- The doc string is the body of the entry. It can be formatted with markdown.
What you are reading now is taken from the description of
If only one related declaration is listed in decl_names
and if this
invocation of add_tactic_doc
does not have a doc string, the doc string of
that declaration will become the body of the tactic doc entry. If there are
multiple declarations, you can select the one to be used by passing a name to
the inherit_description_from
If you prefer a tactic to have a doc string that is different than the doc entry,
you should write the doc entry as a doc string for the add_tactic_doc
Note that providing a badly formed tactic_doc_entry
to the command can result in strange error
It is common to structure a file in sections, where each section contains related declarations.
By describing the sections with module documentation /-! ... -/
at the beginning,
these sections can be seen in the documentation.
While these sectioning comments will often correspond to section
or namespace
this is not required. You can use sectioning comments inside of a section or namespace, and you can
have multiple sections or namespaces following one sectioning comment.
Sectioning comments are for display and readability only. They have no semantic meaning.
Third-level headers ###
should be used for titles inside sectioning comments.
If the comment is more than one line long, the delimiters /-!
and -/
should appear on their own
See meta/expr.lean for an example in practice.
namespace binder_info
### Declarations about `binder_info`
This section develops an extended API for the type `binder_info`.
instance : inhabited binder_info := ⟨ binder_info.default ⟩
/-- The brackets corresponding to a given binder_info. -/
def brackets : binder_info → string × string
| binder_info.implicit := ("{", "}")
| binder_info.strict_implicit := ("{{", "}}")
| binder_info.inst_implicit := ("[", "]")
| _ := ("(", ")")
end binder_info
namespace name
/-! ### Declarations about `name` -/
/-- Find the largest prefix `n` of a `name` such that `f n ≠ none`, then replace this prefix
with the value of `f n`. -/
def map_prefix (f : name → option name) : name → name
| anonymous := anonymous
| (mk_string s n') := (f (mk_string s n')).get_or_else (mk_string s $ map_prefix n')
| (mk_numeral d n') := (f (mk_numeral d n')).get_or_else (mk_numeral d $ map_prefix n')
In addition to documentation living in Lean files, we have theory documentation in docs/theories where we give overviews spanning several Lean files, and more mathematical explanations in cases where formalization requires slightly exotic points of view, see for instance the topology documentation.
The following files are maintained as examples of good documentation style: