- Required: Java JDK version >= 1.7
- Required: Apache Maven (for building the jar file and running unit tests)
- Optional: Android SDK (for Android examples)
- Optional: sqlite-jdbc (for key storage). This is installed by Maven.
- Optional: Protobuf (for the ProtobufTlv converter and ChronoSync). This is installed by Maven.
Following are the detailed steps for each platform to install the prerequisites.
To install Apache Maven, first install Xcode. To install the command line tools, in a terminal enter:
xcode-select --install
Install Brew from https://brew.sh
In a terminal, enter:
brew install maven
Optional: To install Android SDK, install from https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html .
To install Apache Maven, in a terminal enter:
sudo apt-get install maven
jNDN is tested on Windows 7 64-bit.
To install Apache Maven, follow the instructions at http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi . Also see the Windows install hints at http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/windows-prerequisites.html .
To build in a terminal, change directory to the jNDN root. Enter:
mvn package
This builds the default profile "with-protobuf" which puts jndn-.jar in the 'target' folder. The jar file includes ProtobufTlv and other classes so that your deployed application needs the Google Protobuf library. To build without this dependency, enter the following which puts jndn-without-protobuf-.jar in the 'target' folder:
mvn -f pom-without-protobuf.xml package
Building 'package' automatically runs the unit tests in the folder 'tests'. To also run the integration tests (you must be running NFD), in a terminal enter:
mvn test -P with-integration-tests
To run the examples, you must first install the jar file. In the jNDN root directory, enter:
mvn install
To run an example such as TestEncodeDecodeFibEntry (see the list below), make sure the jar file is installed (see above). Change to the 'examples' directory. In a terminal enter:
mvn -q test -DclassName=TestEncodeDecodeFibEntry
To make documentation, in a terminal change directory to the jNDN root and enter:
mvn javadoc:javadoc -P javadoc
The documentation output is in target/site/apidocs
To run the Android samples, install the Android SDK as shown above. The samples were tested by installing the following in the Android SDK Manager: "Android SDK Build tools rev 21.1", all support for Android 5.0 (API 21), "Extras / Android Support Repository" and "Extras / Android Support Library". Also, in the Android Virtual Device Manager create an Android 5.0 device. Also, import adt-bundle/sdk/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat into the workspace.
- samples/android/NDNPing: Ping an NDN testbed server and show the ping time. To build, in Eclipse you need to right-click on src/net and fix the link to the jndn/src/net folder.
This makes the following library:
- target/jndn-.jar: The jNDN library.
When you run mvn test
in the examples directory, it compiles the following java classes
from examples/src/net/named_data/jndn/tests and puts the class files in
- TestGetAsync: Connect to one of the NDN testbed hubs, express an interest and display the received data.
- TestPublishAsyncNfd: Connect to the local NFD hub, accept interests with prefix /testecho and echo back a data packet. See test-echo-consumer.
- TestEchoConsumer: Prompt for a word, send the interest /testecho/word to the local hub which is echoed by test-publish-async-nfd.
- TestEncodeDecodeInterest: Encode and decode an interest, testing interest selectors and the name URI.
- TestEncodeDecodeData: Encode and decode a data packet, including signing the data packet.
- TestEncodeDecodeFibEntry: Encode and decode a sample Protobuf message using ProtobufTlv.
- TestChronoChat: A command-line chat application using the ChronoSync2013 API, compatible with ChronoChat-js.
Running mvn javadoc:javadoc
puts code documentation in target/site/apidocs.