The log of changes on the project/repository.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Reorder hotfixer (for incorrect index retrieval at download)
- Custom logger not properly configured
- Finished base configuration for c#
- Use proper (Pascal) casing for functions, c#
- C# base structure, not tested, nor executed, nor compiled...
- Finally uploaded the custom logger
- Finish base implementation for the health checker
- Implement updates detection and download
- Improved chapter and image missing detection
- Refactors
- Early image response content consumption, no content was available to copy into a file
- Base more ideas for the health checker
- Health checker early returns
- Refactor orchestrators
- Integrated downloads
- Integrated threading and processing pooling
- Implemented retries
- Implement
- Implemented download dir
- Code split the solution
- Base refactor modules concept
- Base Health checker
- Base ui packages (async and solid-query)
- Fixed typos on the main README
- Legacy version
- Started a new version of the script with classes in a single file (at least for now)
- Moved from
- Base JavaScript Queue structure
- Reduced the number of cyclical imports
- Add the pylint extension and styleguide
- Implemented some rules over the codebase to satisfy Pylint's warnings
- Translate the logger into a class with shared state
- Implement a Requested (name suggestable to changes)
- Images will now download in bulk after scraping them from the chapters
- Finally "finished" an example, a quick one at that
- Use Pool executor now instead of a manual Thread "queue"
- Move a ton of logic into models
- Cleaned up the code
- Base CLI concept
- Started the class component translation
- The multilang imports and usage
- Project started and repository initialized
- Base modularization scripts
- Translation utilities
- Config types
- Debug mode
- Logging
- Base UI scaffolding, solidjs
- Docs (readme and images), LICENSING and CHANGELOG
- Github Actions ci/cd workflow pipeline
- Base modularization concept design
- Cleaned the code a little bit
- Started the project
- Webscraping per chapter system
- Bulk image downloading
- "Manual" Threading, without pool or queue