All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Romantic Versioning.
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #65
- fix: Update Engadget parser by @jocmp in #64
- bump version v2.4.0 -> v2.4.1 by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for 9to5google by @jocmp in #63
- Replace URL.parse in generator by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #62
- feat: Add parser by @jocmp in #61
- feat: Add parser by @jocmp in #60
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.7 -> v2.4.0 by @jocmp
- Add parser for qbitai com by @jocmp in #59
- Replace .equal with .strictEqual by @jocmp in #58
- feat: Add custom extractor for by @jocmp in #57
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.6 -> v2.3.7 by @jocmp
- Add support for additional city sites by @jocmp in #56
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- fix: Hide extra header content for Ars Technica by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.5 -> v2.3.6 by @jocmp
- fix: Update arstechnica custom parser by @jocmp in #54
- Add more parsers by @jocmp in #53
- feat: Add parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add parser for by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.4 -> v2.3.5 by @jocmp
- Add custom parsers for by @jocmp in #52
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- Fix bsky selectors by @jocmp
- Update CHANGELOG by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #51
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #50
- fix: Hide ads on by @jocmp
- fix: Keep nested h3's in by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.3 -> v2.3.4 by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #49
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #48
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.2 -> v2.3.3 by @jocmp
- fix: Retain h2 for by @jocmp in #47
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.1 -> v2.3.2 by @jocmp
- Fix android authority parser by @jocmp in #46
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.3.0 -> v2.3.1 by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #45
- feat: Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #44
- chore: Fix references to Postlight Parser in README by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.10 -> v2.3.0 by @jocmp
- Fix changelog by @jocmp
- chore: Fix bumpver config by @jocmp
- chore: Update changelog by @jocmp
- fix: - Retain heading tags by @jocmp in #41
- fix: Update to parse figures by @jocmp in #42
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.9 -> v2.2.10 by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser for by @jocmp in #39
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.8 -> v2.2.9 by @jocmp
- [skip ci] Update changelog by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #38
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.7 -> v2.2.8 by @jocmp
- [skip ci] Update changelog by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #37
- [skip ci] Update changelog by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.6 -> v2.2.7 by @jocmp
- fix: Hide author thumbnail in techcrunch feed by @jocmp
- feat: Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #34
- Allow any article in preview by @jocmp
- Update changelog by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.5 -> v2.2.6 by @jocmp
- feat: Update custom extractor by @jocmp in #29
- chore(deps-dev): Bump brfs from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot[bot] in #26
- chore(deps): Bump iconv-lite from 0.5.0 to 0.6.3 by @dependabot[bot] in #24
- chore(deps-dev): Bump watchify from 3.11.1 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot[bot] in #23
- chore: Update changelog by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version v2.2.4 -> v2.2.5 by @jocmp
- chore: Update bump-version.yml by @jocmp
- feat: support headers in Android Authority parser by @jocmp in #28
- feat: android authority extractor by @jocmp in #27
- Prefix version in bumpver config by @jocmp
- Update by @jocmp
- Update publish step by @jocmp
Full Changelog:
- bump version 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4 by @jocmp
- Revert "bump version 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4" by @jocmp
- Use yarn in publish by @jocmp
- bump version 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4 by @jocmp
- Revert "bump version 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4" by @jocmp
- Publish on tag by @jocmp
- bump version 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4 by @jocmp
- Update release workflow by @jocmp
- Split out release step by @jocmp
- Use release ssh key by @jocmp
- Commit on bumpver by @jocmp
- Simplify build step by @jocmp
- Run yarn install in create-release by @jocmp
- Fix workflow paths by @jocmp
- Create FUNDING.yml by @jocmp
- Add release actions by @jocmp in #22
- chore(deps): Bump postman-request from 2.88.1-postman.31 to 2.88.1-postman.40 by @dependabot[bot] in #20
- chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-config-prettier from 6.11.0 to 6.15.0 by @dependabot[bot] in #19
- chore(deps-dev): Bump remark-preset-lint-recommended from 3.0.2 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot[bot] in #17
- chore(deps-dev): Bump karma-chrome-launcher from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot[bot] in #21
- Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #15
- Update dist by @jocmp
- Add custom parser - by @jocmp in #13
- Clean up docs by @jocmp
- chore(deps): Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.37 to 0.5.46 by @dependabot[bot] in #8
- chore(deps-dev): Bump rollup-plugin-uglify from 6.0.1 to 6.0.4 by @dependabot[bot] in #7
- chore(deps): Bump @postlight/ci-failed-test-reporter from 1.0.22 to 1.0.26 by @dependabot[bot] in #11
- chore(deps-dev): Bump rollup-plugin-terser from 6.1.0 to 7.0.2 by @dependabot[bot] in #12
- chore(deps-dev): Bump changelog-maker from 2.3.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot[bot] in #10
- chore(deps-dev): Bump babel-eslint from 10.0.1 to 10.1.0 by @dependabot[bot] in #5
- Clean up README, add CI badge by @jocmp
- Bump deps by @jocmp in #1
- fix: select extended types before content by @touchRED
- fix: update gif to match rebrand by @touchRED
- feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match by @sdoire
- feat: remove obsolete custom extractors by @sdoire
- fixed and improved extraction for latest layout of by @zhemaituk
- custom parser for by @zhemaituk
- custom parser for by @zhemaituk
- fix: postlight parser test by @sdoire
- adjust postlight insights custom selectors by @austinmbrown
- release: 2.2.3 by @johnholdun
- fix: handle sec & ms timestamps properly by @austinmbrown
- maintenance update - october 2022 by @mtashley
- feat: add custom extractor by @sdoire
- release: 2.2.2 by @johnholdun
- Update by @johnholdun
- Change Name by @johnholdun
- Update more dependencies by @johnholdun
- chore: Inline test fixtures by @johnholdun
- chore: Update builds by @johnholdun
- Added custom extractor for by @Shepard
- feat: Add figcaption to list of non-convertible span parents by @johnholdun
- Add li to the list of non-convertible parents for spans by @Wevah
- feat: Add a custom extractor for by @jbrayton
- feat: extractor by @jbrayton
- feat: Add a custom extractor for by @jbrayton
- Custom extractor for by @svenwiegand
- chore(deps): Bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore: Update CircleCI config by @johnholdun
- modifies check-build to differentiate between test env by @jaehanley
- chore: Update jQuery to 3.5.0 by @johnholdun
- chore(deps): Bump shell-quote from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3 by @dependabot[bot]
- Update by @samuelclay
- support build of es modules by @jimniels
- Add a new custom extractor for by @mwiedemeyer
- feat: Add a custom extractor for by @Canejo
- feat: extractor by @jbrayton
- Feat: update selectors and tests by @jshakes
- fix: updating generate-parser dist by @mtashley
- fix: don't try to re-decode prepared response by @ejucovy
- chore: update node version in .nvmrc & by @PeterDaveHello
- Bugfix new yorker wired extractors by @sodiumjoe
- Add --version CLI flag by @pirate
- chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 3.1.4 to 6.3.16 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump moment from 2.23.0 to 2.29.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- feat: Add date formats to two extractors by @johnholdun
- chore(deps): bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump cached-path-relative from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump async from 2.6.1 to 2.6.4 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump tar from 4.4.8 to 4.4.19 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump browserslist from 4.4.0 to 4.20.3 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump ajv from 6.7.0 to 6.12.6 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump pathval from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.3.0 to 2.6.7 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.1.5 to 2.8.9 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump ini from 1.3.4 to 1.3.8 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.3.2 to 6.5.4 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump http-proxy from 1.15.2 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.3 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump yargs-parser from 14.0.0 to 15.0.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump static-eval from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot[bot]
- release: 2.2.1 by @JadTermsani
- feat: extractor by @nitinthewiz
- feat: Times of India extractor by @nitinthewiz
- chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.2 to 4.17.21 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.7.6 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore: remove greenkeeper configs by @JadTermsani
- chore: update node version by @JadTermsani
- feat: update nytimes extractor by @WajeehZantout
- chore(package): update ora to version 4.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- fix(package): update yargs-parser to version 14.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- release: 2.2.0 by @mtashley
- feat: ability to add custom extractors via api by @mtashley
- Implemented custom extractor by @svenwiegand
- fix: incorrect parsing on by @mtashley
- chore(package): update inquirer to version 7.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- chore(package): update karma-chrome-launcher to version 3.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- chore(package): update eslint-config-prettier to version 6.1.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- deps: Update wuzzy to fix vulnerability by @malob
- doc: correct link that points to wrong line by @jfix
- fix: incorrect parsing on by @mtashley
- chore: minifying fixture by @mtashley
- Add custom extractor for by @kennyle3377
- doc: correct internal page links by @jfix
- chore(deps): bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump cached-path-relative from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump merge from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(package): update brfs-babel to version 2.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- Update moment-timezone to the latest version π by @greenkeeper[bot]
- chore(package): update remark-cli to version 7.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- deps: update husky to the latest version π by @greenkeeper[bot]
- deps: update iconv-lite to the latest version π by @greenkeeper[bot]
- tests: remove a duplicate test by @kirillDanshin
- release: 2.1.1 by @adampash
- deps: update eslint-config-prettier to version 5.0.0 by @greenkeeper[bot]
- chore: prevent adding phantomjs-prebuilt as a dependency in CI.
- fix: support query strings in lazy-loaded srcsets by @toufic-m
- feat: custom parser for by @benubois
- feat: pitchfork extractor by @mgeraci
- deps: Update moment-timezone to the latest version π by @greenkeeper[bot]
- deps: bump handlebars from 4.0.6 to 4.1.2 by @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump sshpk from 1.10.1 to 1.16.1 by @dependabot[bot]
- Custom Extractor for by @kennyle3377
- chore: update husky to version 2.3.0 by @toufic-m
- docs: Add links to README by @ginatrapani
- chore: update jquery to version 3.4.1 by @toufic-m
- fix: new yorker extractor by @WajeehZantout
- feat: add le monde extractor by @WajeehZantout
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- fix: skip absolutizing invalid srcsets by @toufic-m
- fix: add date_published selector in extractor by @kik0220
- fix: add date_published selector in extractor by @kik0220
- fix: add date_published selector in extractor by @kik0220
- fix: add date_published selector in extractor by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- release: 2.1.0 by @adampash
- fix: skip absolutizing empty hrefs by @toufic-m
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: custom genius parser. by @adampash
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- Include "src/shims" for webpack builds for web by @a2
- chore: small CoC typofix by @fdsimms
- fix: Initialize Content-Type as empty string if not present by @johnholdun
- chore: remove unneeded import by @fdsimms
- chore: set up ciftr for failed test reports by @fdsimms
- fix: explicity reject non-200 status codes by @toufic-m
- doc: fix extend typo in README by @droob
- feat: Support passing custom headers in requests by @toufic-m
- fix: Adapt CNBC extractor to article redesign by @toufic-m
- docs: Add parsing custom HTML to by @toufic-m
- feat: extract custom types with extend option by @droob
- feat: Return specific errors on failed parse attempts by @toufic-m
- fix: Preserve whitespace in certain HTML elements by @toufic-m
- fix: run parser preview by @adampash
- Extract content from GitHub repos. by @benubois
- docs: add content formats to
- fix: better handling for responsive images by @toufic-m
- feat: switch from forked request to postman-request by @droob
- feat: Add custom parser for Reddit by @toufic-m
- feat: upgrade watchify to remove vulnerable hoek dep by @droob
- fix: update parse signature in tests by @droob
- docs: add usage gif by @adampash
- feat: Use Deadspin parser for all Kinja websites by @toufic-m
- feat: add custom extractor for by @jhotmann
- feat: add custom parser by @kik0220
- docs: typofix by @ollisulopuisto
- fix: ci artifact paths by @adampash
- dx: comment on custom parser pr fix by @adampash
- fix: return early if creating the resource failed. by @benubois
- Update mocha to the latest version π by @greenkeeper[bot]
- release: 2.0.0 by @adampash
- fix: jquery doesn't like the case insensitive selector by @adampash
- chore: refactor format output adjustments by @adampash
- chore: add files to package.json by @xavdid
- fix: custom parser generator by @adampash
- feat: Various Character Encoding Improvements by @benubois
- docs: delete extra semicolon by @Madisonkanna
- fix: parse signature in cli by @adampash
- dx: add .prettierignore by @adampash
- dx: add .prettierignore by @adampash
- feat: add content format output options by @adampash
- release: 1.1.1 by @adampash
- chore: remove all-contributors-cli deps and script since no longer used by @george-haddad
- docs: add instructions for cli to README by @adampash
- feat: handle cli errors/timeout by @adampash
- docs: added gitter badge
- docs: add custom parsers to README by @ftrain
- chor: remove appveyor yml and badge by @adampash
- fix: ci config by @adampash
- release: 1.1.0 by @adampash
- feat: add mercury-parser cli by @adampash
- deps: update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper π΄ by @greenkeeper[bot]
- docs: add npm install instructions by @adampash
- docs: add hero to README by @ginatrapani
- a more explicit .prettierrc by @adampash
- docs: cleanup and update docs by @adampash
- docs: remove contributors (github already has this covered) by @adampash
- docs: add gitter room text and link by @george-haddad
- docs: change text to include AMP and Reader by @george-haddad
- docs: add mit license badge by @george-haddad
- feat: hook up ci to publish to npm by @george-haddad
- fresh run of prettier; remove by @adampash
- fix: proxy browser in build tests by @adampash
- docs: add instructions for browser usage to parse current page by @toufic-m
- chore: update node rollup config by @JadTermsani
- feat: add fortinet custom parser by @WajeehZantout
- feat: add fastcompany custom parser by @WajeehZantout
- Docs contributors by @RalphJbeily
- docs: update mercury parser installation by @RalphJbeily
- dx: include test results in comment by @adampash
- fix: Transform relative URLs in srcset attributes to absolute URLs by @toufic-m
- fix: image urls by @JadTermsani
- fix: non-forked packages breaking web build by @adampash
- fix: author and date published selectors by @RalphJbeily
- docs: add code of conduct path by @RalphJbeily
- fix: Create CI-specific script commands to allow for cross-platform linting by @toufic-m
- chore: remove forked packages by @JadTermsani
- fix: timezone comparison by @JadTermsani
- docs: add license files by @e55o
- feat: update package.json scripts to work on windows by @RalphJbeily
- docs: add install build and test guide by @RalphJbeily
- feat: add remarklint for md docs by @RalphJbeily
- docs: add by @RalphJbeily
- docs: PR and Issue templates by @e55o
- deps: upgrade by @adampash
- docs: add code of conduct by @JadTermsani
- dx: remove unnec comments in source by @george-haddad
- fix: pre-commit hook on js by @adampash
- chore: update node and some deps by @adampash
- fix: auto-pr by @adampash
- dx: automate fixture updates by @adampash
- dx: one-line comment links by @adampash
- dx: add image to preview and link to original article by @adampash
- dx: test/finish bot preview by @adampash
- dx: comment on PRs when fixtures have been added/changed by @adampash
- fix: failing fetchResource test by @adampash
- docs: document release process by @adampash
- dx: add nvmrc file by @adampash
- docs: Update by @adampash
- release: 1.0.13 by @adampash
- chore: update circle config.yml to 2.0 by @adampash
- fix: nytimes custom parser title selector by @adampash
- release: 1.0.12 by @adampash
- fix: PARSING_NODE undefined by @mutewinter
- release: 1.0.11 by @adampash
- fix: viewport tags leaking to parent page by @mutewinter
- release: 1.0.10 by @adampash
- feat: improve wh parser by @adampash
- release: 1.0.9 by @adampash
- fix: kept elements being removed by @adampash
- docs: update changelog by @adampash
- release: 1.0.8 by @adampash
- feat: improve parser by @adampash
- release: 1.0.7 by @adampash
- feat: prospect magazine parser by @janetleekim
- feat: parser by @kev5873
- feat: parser by @janetleekim
- feat: qdaily parser by @janetleekim
- feat: newrepublic parser shows image on page by @silasburton
- Feat: Slate extractor by @silasburton
- feat: extractor by @silasburton
- feat: better cleanup of atlantic articles by @silasburton
- Fixes an issue with encoding by @kev5873
- Feat: gothamist extractor by @silasburton
- Fix Encoding on Body by @kev5873
- release: 1.0.6 by @adampash
- feat: news.natgeo parser by @janetleekim
- feat: natgeo parser by @janetleekim
- feat: allow parser to define custom date formats by @adampash
- feat: latimes parser by @janetleekim
- feat: macrumors parser by @kev5873
- feat: androidcentral parser by @kev5873
- feat: pagesix parser by @janetleekim
- feat: si parser by @janetleekim
- feat: rawstory parser by @janetleekim
- feat: thefederalistpapers parser by @janetleekim
- feat: cnet parser by @janetleekim
- feat: cbs sports parser by @janetleekim
- feat: msnbc parser by @janetleekim
- feat: howtogeek extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: opposing views parser by @janetleekim
- feat: today parser by @janetleekim
- feat: cinema blend parser by @janetleekim
- feat: the political insider parser by @janetleekim
- feat: parser by @janetleekim
- feat: westernjournalism parser by @janetleekim
- feat: mental floss parser by @janetleekim
- feat: thepennyhoarder parser by @janetleekim
- feat: abcnewsgo parser by @janetleekim
- feat: support cleaning and transforms for all fields by @adampash
- feat: america now parser by @janetleekim
- Merge pull request #115 from postlight/feat-fusion-extractor by @dviramontes
- feat: adds selector for lead image by @dviramontes
- feat: adds video embed transform by @dviramontes
- fix: author selector, less brittle by @dviramontes
- feat: fusion parser by @janetleekim
- Merge pull request #137 from postlight/feat-the-verge-polygon-supported-domain by @dviramontes
- Merge branch 'master' into feat-the-verge-polygon-supported-domain by @dviramontes
- feat: ny daily news parser by @janetleekim
- feat: adds to list of supportedDomains by @dviramontes
- feat: sciencefly extractor by @janetleekim
- release: 1.0.5 by @adampash
- feat: custom parser for wh blog by @adampash
- fix: medium bug by @adampash
- fix: i put a bad comment in .gitattributes by @adampash
- chore: marking html fixtures as "vendored" by @adampash
- Feat: LinkedIn parser by @adampash
- release: 1.0.4 by @adampash
- feat: changed user agent to latest chrome by @adampash
- feat: npr parser by @janetleekim
- feat: recode parser by @janetleekim
- feat: fortune parser by @janetleekim
- feat: qz parser by @janetleekim
- feat: dmagazine parser by @janetleekim
- feat: reuters parser by @janetleekim
- feat: mashable parser by @janetleekim
- feat: chicago tribune parser by @janetleekim
- feat: hellogiggles parser by @janetleekim
- feat: thought catalog parser by @janetleekim
- feat: cnbc parser by @janetleekim
- feat: popsugar parser by @janetleekim
- feat: observer parser by @janetleekim
- feat: nbc news parser by @janetleekim
- feat: parser by @janetleekim
- feat: inquisitor parser by @janetleekim
- feat: refinery29 parser by @janetleekim
- feat: miami herald parser by @janetleekim
- feat: eonline parser by @janetleekim
- uproxx extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: rolling stone extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: usmagazine extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: people extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: vox custom parser by @janetleekim
- release: 1.0.3 by @adampash
- feat: bustle extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: browser-friendly selector for medium by @adampash
- feat: bloomberg extractor by @adampash
- feat: sbnation extractor by @janetleekim
- test: streamlined guardian tests w/new single-extraction by @adampash
- feat: more cleaning for wired by @adampash
- feat: the guardian custom extractor by @janetleekim
- release: 1.0.2 by @adampash
- feat: youtube custom extractor by @adampash
- Feat: detect platforms by @adampash
- fix: preserve whitespace by @adampash
- Refactor: running tests more efficiently by @adampash
- release: 1.0.1 by @adampash
- Fix: extension bugs by @adampash
- feat: improved nyt parser by @adampash
- feat: improvements for nyer magazine articles by @adampash
- fix: cleaning up deks by @adampash
- feat: aol custom extractor by @janetleekim
- feat: remove footer links by @mattq
- release: 1.0.0 so we can start doing proper releaes by @adampash
- feat: new cleaner for wapo by @adampash
- fix: browser cleanup by @adampash
- feat: preview with optional rebuild by @adampash
- feat: ci speedup by @adampash
- Feat cnn extractor by @silasburton
- feat: extractor for the verge by @silasburton
- fix: added timezone to new republic date by @adampash
- fix: normalizing spaces for authors/dek/title by @adampash
- feat: adjustment for huffpo. skipping overly aggressive default cleaners by @adampash
- Feat: huffington post extractor by @silasburton
- feat: new republic custom extractor by @adampash
- feat: add money.cnn custom parser by @janetleekim
- Feat: custom timezones by @adampash
- feat: test builds are created for preview purposes so we aren't committing dist every time by @adampash
- Fix extension bugs by @adampash
- feat: added tmz custom parser by @adampash
- fix: changed overly liberal regex for removing transparent images by @adampash
- feat: encoding response body based on content-type charset by @adampash
- chore: package upgrades by @adampash
- chore: updated readme by @adampash
- Feat: browser support by @adampash
- fix: servers returning bad headers was breaking request. temporarily by @adampash
- feat: recording/playing back network requests with nock by @adampash
- feat: making yarn-friendly for package manager by @adampash
- Feat: improving ci by @adampash
- chore: added repo by @adampash
- fix: circle test passing badge by @adampash
- Feat: adding circle ci by @adampash
- feat: parser auto-generates name; lint is more specific by @adampash
- feat: enforcing line break rules in linter by @adampash
- updated generator templates for new style of import/export. also some by @adampash
- making all.js export a generic function to decrease possiblity of error by @adampash
- feat: allowing extractors to support multiple domains by @adampash
- feat: custom medium extractor by @adampash
- feat: allowing iframes from src domain by @adampash
- feat: supporting all GMG sites using DeadspinExtractor by @adampash
- feat: quicker lint by being more specific by @adampash
- fix: increased avatar size by @adampash
- feat: added all-contributors by @adampash
- Add @mutewinter as a contributor by @adampash
- Add @droob as a contributor by @adampash
- Add @spiffytoy as a contributor by @adampash
- Update @adampash as a contributor by @adampash
- Add @adampash as a contributor by @adampash
- fix: bug that stopped proper attr cleaning in certain cases by @adampash
- feat: support lazy loading video on deadspin by @adampash
- fix: removeEmpty shouldn't remove elements with images or iframes inside by @adampash
- fix: narrowed selector to fix blogspot title selector by @adampash
- feat: keeping youtube and vimeo iframe embeds by @adampash
- fix: better selector for nytimes authors by @adampash
- feat: pulling score from whitelist by @adampash
- Merge pull request #13 from postlight/feat-apartmenttherapy-parser by @adampash
- feat: Add custom extrator for Apartment Therapy
- Merge pull request #12 from postlight/feat-broadwayworld-extractor by @adampash
- feat: Add custom parser for
- feat: added deadspin custom parser by @adampash
- feat: generator generates potential selectors for all custom selectable fields by @adampash
- feat: dek returns null if it's basically the same as the excerpt by @adampash
- fix: babel-polyfill mess (I think) by @adampash
- feat: some small tweaks to toy's excellent parsers
βΊοΈ by @adampash - Merge pull request #11 from postlight/feat-politico-extractor by @spiffytoy
- feat: added politico extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge pull request #10 from postlight/feat-littlethings-extractor by @spiffytoy
- feat: added littlethings extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' by @spiffytoy
- Merge pull request #9 from postlight/feat-wikia-extractor by @spiffytoy
- feat: added wikia extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge pull request #8 from postlight/feat-buzzfeed-extractor by @spiffytoy
- feat: added incomplete buzzfeed extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge pull request #7 from postlight/feat-yahoo-extractor by @spiffytoy
- feat: added incomplete yahoo extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge pull request #6 from postlight/feat-msn-extractor by @spiffytoy
- Merge branch 'feat-msn-extractor' by @spiffytoy
- feat: added incomplete msn extractor by @spiffytoy
- chore: small doc fixes by @adampash
- Merge pull request #5 from postlight/feat-wired-extractor by @adampash
- feat: added wired custom extractor by @spiffytoy
- chore: fix a few typos/links by @adampash
- feat: custom parser + generator + detailed readme instructions by @adampash
- chore: readme improvement by @adampash
- feat: content cleaner still runs, but can disable some cleaners by @adampash
- chore: cleaned up unused files, slight reorg by @adampash
- feat: switched test framework to jest by @adampash
- feat: generator for custom parsers and some documentation by @adampash
- fix: .babelrc was still referencing iris by @adampash
- fix: including babel-runtime as a bandaid for polyfill error by @adampash
- fix: using transform-runtime to avoid babel-polyfill conflicts when used by @adampash
- chore: barebones readme by @adampash
- refactor: slightly better preview by @adampash
- feat: improve wikipedia parser by @adampash
- feat: added preview script to test urls on-the-fly by @adampash
- chore: renamed iris to mercury by @adampash
- fix: wikpedia transform only grabs one image from .infobox by @adampash
- fix: added dist back to git by @adampash
- build for comparisons by @adampash
- feat: test runner takes args for wildcard search on individual test for easier testing by @adampash
- chore: cleaned up python and other unneeded comments by @adampash
- feat: some basic error handling for bad urls by @adampash
- Merge pull request #3 from postlight/fix-date-not-local by @adampash
- fix: some improvements to date parsing. punting on localization issues by @adampash
- feat: added twitter custom extractor by @adampash
- feat: added text direction to response by @adampash
- feat: add option to allow custom extractors to skip default cleaners by @adampash
- test: added sanity test for get-extractor by @adampash
- chore: cleanup by @adampash
- fix: encodeURI before fetching by @adampash
- fix: explicit/better decoding of gzipped content by @adampash
- push new build for testing by @adampash
- refactor: renamed child to sibling for clarity by @adampash
- fix: handling case where node.get(0) returns null by @adampash
- chore: disable camelcase for linting by @adampash
- chore: change result keys to match python api by @adampash
- fix: wordcount calling excerpt by @adampash
- checking in dist by @adampash
- updated name in package.json by @adampash
- chore: removed by @adampash
- feat: generic extractor for word count by @adampash
- chore: cleanup by @adampash
- feat: generic excerpt extraction by @adampash
- fix: selection should not be empty by @adampash
- feat: improve extractor to grab deks from features by @adampash
- feat: added page counts by @adampash
- feat: added domain and url extractor (using same extractor) by @adampash
- refactor: page collection by @adampash
- chore: clean up junk tests by @adampash
- Merge pull request #1 from postlight/test-fix-fixture-locations by @adampash
- test: fix fixture locations by @mutewinter
- fix: bug in scoring and converting to paragraphs by @adampash
- chore: improve linter/babelrc by @adampash
- chore: refactored and linted by @adampash
- chore: moved content scoring out of utils, removed no-longer-necessary utils by @adampash
- feat: nextPageUrl handles multi-page articles by @adampash
- feat: small improvement to author selectors by @adampash
- fix: scorePs parent scoring was overwriting child scoring by @adampash
- fix: accepting cookies with request (required for sites like by @adampash
- debugging: cheerio isn't always consistent in setting scores by @adampash
- refactor: limiting calls to $ function by @adampash
- feat: whitelisting attrs to keep by @adampash
- chore: remove logic for fetching meta tags with custom attrs (resource by @adampash
- chore: code reorganization by @adampash
- improved wiki extractor by @adampash
- fix: cleaning embed and object nodes by @adampash
- feat: links are rewritten to absolute in cleaner by @adampash
- feat: can now fetch attrs in RootExtractor's select method by @adampash
- feat: Improved dateString parsing to handle more; first trying to parse without cleaning by @adampash
- refactor: cleaners now run on custom extractors by @adampash
- feat: basic wikipedia custom extractor by @adampash
- feat: custom extractor by @adampash
- fix: duplicate key bug by @adampash
- fix: dek and leadImg should not be html by @adampash
- fix: brought .html fixtures into project dir by @adampash
- feat: RootExtractor performs extraction using custom and generic by @adampash
- refactor: improve extractor args; passing as object by @adampash
- Some good basic restructuring by @adampash
- basic merging of extracting sources by @adampash
- refactor: preparing for extraction merging by @adampash
- feat: getExtractor returns generic extractor by @adampash
- clean formatting by @adampash
- fix: encoding request response as null by @adampash
- updated constants by @adampash
- cleanup by @adampash
- fix: pre-loading html in resource by @adampash
- cleanup by @adampash
- feat: can pass in raw html if already fetched by @adampash
- feat: resource fetches content from a URL and prepares for parsing by @adampash
- fix: better scoring for iamge extensions by @adampash
- notes, cleanup by @adampash
- feat: bundling with rollup by @adampash
- feat: GenericExtractLeadImageUrl by @adampash
- feat: extract dek stubbed (not currently functional) by @adampash
- fix: title wasn't cleaning html tags by @adampash
- feat: GenericDatePublishedExtractor by @adampash
- feat: extract author by @adampash
- chore: plumbing by @adampash
- feat: title extraction and scaffolding for more by @adampash
- refactor: restructuring for metadata extraction by @adampash
- ignore npm-debug.log by @adampash
- chore: cleanup by @adampash
- fix: added babel-polyfill for bug in Reflect by @adampash
- feat: implemented extractBestNode functionality by @adampash
- feat: find top candidate function by @adampash
- feat: added linkDensity function by @adampash
- fix: changed parseInt to parseFloat by @adampash
- feat: added scoreContent function by @adampash
- Lots of progress on score-content by @adampash
- chore: cleaned up repetative testing for dom by @adampash
- chore: refactored tests by @adampash
- feat: ported scoring methods with unit tests by @adampash
- chore: refactored to slightly cleaner file structure (more to do here) by @adampash
- feat: convertToParagraphs function working by @adampash
- Converting multiple line breaks to p by @adampash
- simple logic in place for brsToPs by @adampash
- updated todo by @adampash
- Stripping unlikely candidates from DOM by @adampash
- getWeight with tests by @adampash
- Functions in need of porting by @adampash
- Basic testing in place by @adampash
- bringing in cheerio by @adampash
- basic structure by @adampash
- add gitignore by @adampash
- using rollup by @adampash
- Quick port of constants file by @adampash
- @jocmp made their first contribution
- @dependabot[bot] made their first contribution in #20
- @touchRED made their first contribution
- @sdoire made their first contribution
- @zhemaituk made their first contribution
- @austinmbrown made their first contribution
- @johnholdun made their first contribution
- @mtashley made their first contribution
- @Shepard made their first contribution
- @Wevah made their first contribution
- @jbrayton made their first contribution
- @svenwiegand made their first contribution
- @jaehanley made their first contribution
- @samuelclay made their first contribution
- @jimniels made their first contribution
- @mwiedemeyer made their first contribution
- @Canejo made their first contribution
- @jshakes made their first contribution
- @ejucovy made their first contribution
- @PeterDaveHello made their first contribution
- @sodiumjoe made their first contribution
- @pirate made their first contribution
- @JadTermsani made their first contribution
- @nitinthewiz made their first contribution
- @WajeehZantout made their first contribution
- @greenkeeper[bot] made their first contribution
- @malob made their first contribution
- @jfix made their first contribution
- @kennyle3377 made their first contribution
- @kirillDanshin made their first contribution
- @adampash made their first contribution
- @ made their first contribution
- @toufic-m made their first contribution
- @benubois made their first contribution
- @mgeraci made their first contribution
- @ginatrapani made their first contribution
- @kik0220 made their first contribution
- @a2 made their first contribution
- @fdsimms made their first contribution
- @droob made their first contribution
- @jhotmann made their first contribution
- @ollisulopuisto made their first contribution
- @xavdid made their first contribution
- @Madisonkanna made their first contribution
- @george-haddad made their first contribution
- @ftrain made their first contribution
- @RalphJbeily made their first contribution
- @e55o made their first contribution
- @mutewinter made their first contribution
- @janetleekim made their first contribution
- @kev5873 made their first contribution
- @silasburton made their first contribution
- @dviramontes made their first contribution
- @mattq made their first contribution
- @spiffytoy made their first contribution