BFT Protocol Benchmarking Suite
This is a Gradle monorepo that contains the following modules:
: The core benchmarking suite. Currently also includes the protocol implementations.webui
: A web interface for the benchmarking suite.
For the benchmarking suite to work, you need to have the following installed on your system:
- Java 21
For the user interface to work, you need to have the following installed on your system:
- Node.js
- pnpm
Installing everything on macOS using HomeBrew can be done with the following commands:
brew install openjdk@17 node pnpm
Installing JDK:
Through Eclipse Adoptium:
- Download the version you need (JDK-21)
- When installing, select "Set or override JAVA_HOME variable"
Through Windows Package Manager - "winget":
// Eclipse Temurin from Eclipse Adoptium
winget install EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.21.JDK
// from Microsoft Build
winget install Microsoft.OpenJDK.21
You might need to set a PATH and JAVA_HOME!
To verify the installation execute the following in cmd (should match the installed version):
java -version
If it displays a different version, then the PATH or JAVA_HOME could be set incorrectly (pointing to another version)!
Installing Node.js:
- Through installer:
- Through package managers:
To install pnpm, you can use npm package manager (installed alongside Node.js):
npm install -g pnpm
or Corepack:
corepack enable pnpm
or PowerShell:
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression
Windows Defender may block this option!
Using npm or Corepack is the recommended way!
For other operating systems, please refer to the respective installation instructions.
To build and run the benchmarking suite, run the following command:
./gradlew bootRun
To configure the simulator, you can modify the
file in the simulator
It has two main subsections:
: The scheduler configuration: which scheduler to use, and its parameters such as the probability of dropping messages.scenario
: The scenario configuration: which scenario to run, and its parameters such as conditions to stop the simulation.
The web UI is a simple React application (using NextJS/TypeScript) that allows you to interact with the simulator. It is a work in progress, but provides useful insights into the behavior of the protocols.
To build the web interface, run the following command while the simulator is running:
(cd webui && pnpm install && pnpm run kubb:generate && pnpm run build)
The simulator must be running for kubb:generate
to succeed.
The above command will generate the necessary TypeScript bindings for the simulator and build the web interface. You only need to run it once.
Then, to start the web server, run the following command:
(cd webui && pnpm run start)
The UI should then be available at http://localhost:3000
We currently have the following protocols implemented:
PBFT: The original PBFT protocol, as described in the PBFT paper;- PBFT-Java: A buggy implementation of the PBFT protocol, ported from the PBFT-Java repository;
- Fast-HotStuff: An unsuccessful attempt at improving the design of HotStuff, as described in the Fast-HotStuff paper;
- XRPL: XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol implementation;
- Your protocol here? :-)
See additional documentation in the docs directory.
title: Simulator Components
class Event {
-int eventId
class Transport {
class MessageEvent {
-String senderId
-String recipientId
-MessagePayload message
-MessageStatus status
class TimeoutEvent {
class MessageStatus {
class MessagePayload {
+String getType()
class Replica {
+String getType()
class CommitLog {
class TotalOrderCommitLog {
class PartialOrderCommitLog {
Event <|-- MessageEvent
Event <|-- TimeoutEvent
MessageEvent -- MessageStatus
MessageEvent -- MessagePayload
CommitLog -- Replica
Transport o-- Event
Transport o-- Replica
Replica --> Event: emits, receives
CommitLog <|-- TotalOrderCommitLog
CommitLog <|-- PartialOrderCommitLog