Firebase iOS SDK Changelog Firebase Android SDK Changelog
- #648 Implement setUserId for analytics
- #665 Add Email Link Authentication
- #666 Add 'keywords' support to AdMob banners
- #462 Firebase PhoneVerification
- #657 Login with LoginType.PHONE only completes the promise for the first time
- #660 Notification Icon not showing on Oreo devices (Android)
- #661 [iOS] FIRDocumentReference.onSnapshot always exists
- #662 fix snapshot creation logic and data callback return type
- #633 The plugin is too picky about the name of the entitlements file
- #624 Get push key avoiding .then()
- #618 iOS app crashes straight after splash screen (iOS 11.2, iPhones X, 8 & 7 on simulator)
- #272 Unusual error message when retrieving data set and binding to layout
- #615 Conflict with nativescript-barcodescanner
- #585 Firebase Queries - “cannot read property of null” after upgrade to NS 3.4.0
- #588 Angular 5 onAuthStateChanged never called
- #593 JS: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Run init() first!
- #612 Nativescript 3.4 and angular 5 - support
- #613 Best practice to init firebase
- #170 Need a way to unregister push notification from Firebase
- #609 When Google Play Services is not available, show a dialog asking the user to install it
- #577 Firestore References can't be parsed
- #601 Error using admob
- #604 Date saved to Firestore get retrieved as strings
- #595 Creating Observables from Firestore Documents/Collections
- #594 Android - Background notification causing app to crash after upgrade to 5.1.1
- #589 Firestore: doc.exists returns true for non-existing documents
- #564 Firebase Auth + WebPack crashing iOS application (when createUser is triggered) - BETTER FIX
- #564 Firebase Auth + WebPack crashing iOS application (when createUser is triggered) - FIX
- #587 Push token is not always a string
- #590 Bump Firebase SDK versions
- #581 sendEmailVerification - "Run init() first!"
- #566 FIrebase Messages Error since 5.0.2
- #564 Firebase Auth + WebPack crashing iOS application (when createUser is triggered)
- #518 Background Messages Android: fix foreground=true/false flag, removed notifications without 'from'
- #445 Skip linking for anonymous users
- #553 Firebase Realtime DB and Firestore in the same app
- #507 Firestore anytime soon?
- #547 Add a 'getValue' function to mimic the Web API's 'once'
- #548 Compatibility with the Firebase Web API
- #550 Add an Angular demo app
- #531 [BUG] Reference Error with version 4.2.0
- #529 TypeScript conversion of plugin and demo, including various small bugfixes (detail in the issue).
- #484 Fix phone authentication
- #499 iOS background notification never show and foreground notification stop working after killing the app
- #501 Added null check for updateCallback on query
- #510 Add FCM data to the data key
- #515 [FIX] iOS registerForRemoteNotifications() Now Runs on Main Thread
- #519 Fix notifications after killing
- #482 Update to 4.0.1 and got error: Cannot read property 'initialize' of undefined
- #476 Moved AdMob init to firebase.init, added AdListener to showBanner()
- #478 Invites on Android: AppInviteApi has been deprecated
- #479 Is anybody using the invites part? I can't get the deeplink or invitation id.
- #443 fixed invitation sample code
- #444 Updated how options.*.value is checked to allow booleans and numbers
- #449 Mark init and getRemoteConfig for profiling
- #328 Query range with START_AT not fetching data as expected
- #438 Query : range not working when value is number
- #445 Skip linking for anonymous users
- 464 'phoneNumber' is missing in login result TypeScript definition
- #418 Logout breaking on Android when nativescript-fresco plugin is added to app
Webpack fix
- iOS: 4.0.x
- Android: 11.0.x
- #247 Device_Token not getting to send notifications
- #255 How to Regenerate the Firebase Cloud Messaging Token
- #360 export fetchProvidersForEmail
- #376 Add support for firebase phone authentication
- #388 Check for 'init' at 'push', 'setValue', 'update' and 'query'
- #87 BUG Database query - range not working when value is number.
- #186 Can't read number field where value is greater than 0
- #227 facing issue while login with facebook :prefilling my firebase account details in facebook popup
- #349 App crashes on iOS emulator
- #365 IOS firebase to JSON not converting numbers with NSDecimalNumber subclass
- iOS: 3.17.0
- Android: 10.2.x
- #199 Feature request: Invites
- #362 Add Feature Firebase Invites (Android)
- #383 Auto-upgrade to 3.1.0
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #343 Fix hanging CI builds #352
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #343 Update dependency of xcode > node-uuid
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #333 New error after fresh install; Stop at ProcessProductPackaging
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #226 Cannot find how to link anonymous account to other login type
- #316 Implemented email account linking
- #324 Use Gson to convert javaObject to jsObject
- #331 CI builds may file if no entitlements file exists
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #304 IOS cloud notification on click not triggering addOnMessageReceivedCallback
- #274 Cleanup AppDelegate call #274
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #307 Feature Request: Support crash log API
- #272 Unusual error message when retrieving data set and binding to layout
- #292 Nativescript app is not running with Firebase in IOS.
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- #290 Don't load AdMob symbols if AdMob was not enabled in the config
- #293 Fix postinstall when nativescript is not in the PATH
- #294 iOS crashes when AdMob is not enabled
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.13.x
- Android: 10.2.x
- postinstall script enabled again, unless you're using NativeScript 2.5.0
- #19 Conflict with nativescript-admob …
- #55 Support for AdMob
- #85 Google Service conflits on using nativescript-admob with this plugin
- #284 nativescript-plugin-firebase and nativescript admob conflict
- #286 send push notifications from app + small callback fix for push
- #146 Sending Data Messages without notification key.
- #281 Fix app crash when notification structure is missing
- #285 Plugins not uncommented in include.gradle
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.11.x
- Android: 10.0.x
- #275 tns plugin add nativescript-plugin-firebase seems to hang forever
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.11.x
- Android: 10.0.x
- #237 Notification message not shown when app is in the background
- #243 iOS: Push Notifications not working in Background or when application is reopened
- #258 iOS Notification not received in background mode
- #264 iOS: Push Notifications not working in Background in Production
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.11.x
- Android: 10.0.x
- #262 Adding ability to (un/)subscribe to topics at firebase
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.11.x
- Android: 10.0.x
- #229 Update null doesn't remove key on Android
- #236 iOS Image Upload Type in Firebase
- #239 fAuth.signInWithCustomToken is not a function
- #250 Gradle build error when nativescript-google-maps-sdk is added
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.9.x
- Android: 9.8.x
- #217 Property 'ServerValue' does not exist on type 'typeof'
- #233 Update package.json to allow webpack bundling
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.9.x
- Android: 9.8.x
- #222 Let iOS handle push notifications after the app was killed in the springboard
- #225 Still problems with push messages
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.9.x
- Android: 9.8.x
- #196 firebase user provider data?
- #205 Crash after push notification confirmation
- #218 Error: "null is not an object (evaluating 'app.registerForRemoteNotifications')" #218
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
Also, for Android update your Google Repository in the Android SDK manager (type android
on the command prompt),
and for iOS do a pod repo update
to fetch the latest versions from Cocoapods.
- iOS: 3.9.x
- Android: 9.8.x
- #102 Add google-services to the include.gradle file
- #110 Version control firebase add-on services configuration?
- #198 Some automations for Android
- #213 Bundle postinstall script dependencies
- #214 Send Email Verification enhancement
- #215 Upgrade to latest Firebase SDK's
- #216 Automate enabling iOS 10 keychain sharing
- #53 Error in tns build android: 'spawn gradle.bat ENOENT'
- #211
dependency breaking tns builds and a possible solution
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.7.x
- Android: 9.6.x
- #165 Feature/Question: Is it possible to have more control over push notifications prompt
- #175 There's a few function params missing in the TS definition file
- #176 Remote Config TS definition is incorrect
- #178 Running in debug works, running in release on iOS causes crash
- #179 Error TS2656: Exported external package typings file 'firebase.d.ts' is not a module.
- #187 IOS facebook login crash
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.7.x
- Android: 9.6.x
- #154 Compatibility with Fresco
now returns the same value on iOS and Android- TypeScript changes in 3.6.4 rolled back because of a few bugreports.
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.5.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #132 Get Firebase timestamp
- #148 Fix for storing primitive types on Android
- Better TypeScript support (updated
- #141 Fix return result of
on Android - #156 Invoking
before app start now works for Android as well
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.5.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #135 Xcode 8 compatibility (iOS 10 SDK)
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.5.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #128 On Android
may cause an exception
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.5.x
- Android: 9.4.0
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.4.x
- Android: 9.4.0
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.4.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #104 Swap authentiction to a different Google account
- #105 Receiving notifications from FCM on iOS may work better now
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #101 Post Install script, to help making configuration easier!
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.4.0
- #92 Google Sign In, including automatic linking of Facebook-authenticated users in case email addresses match
- #77 Allow users to pass scope for Facebook Authentication
- #94 Fix getDownloadUrl on Android to return string
- #97 Trying to fix toJsObject for Android (Boolean)
- #99 FirebaseApp with name [DEFAULT] doesn't exist (when running
before app start)
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.2.0
- #75 Nathan Walker added the ability to remove files from Firebase Storage, thanks Nathan!
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.2.0
- #74 Facebook login for Android.
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.2.0
- #61 Added
for enhanced offline support. - #65 Crash Reporting, which is automatically enabled for you.
- #68 Fix an issue where you'd log in on Android before
. - #70 Added a TypeScript definition for
. - #71 Added a TypeScript definition for
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.3.x
- Android: 9.2.0
- #69 Fix
feature oninit
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.2.x
- Android: 9.0.2
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.2.0
- Android: 9.0.2
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.2.0
- Android: 9.0.0
If version numbers changed, clean your platform folders to avoid build errors.
- iOS: 3.2.0
- Android: 9.0.0
- #34 Support new Firebase 3 release