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File metadata and controls

127 lines (118 loc) · 7.52 KB


Login node

[email protected]: Reserved for file editing, compilation and job submission/management
[email protected] && [email protected]: Reserved for file transfer, file management and data analysis/visualization

ssh [email protected]
# jlkang@hpc2021-io1 Thu Dec 30 13:31:09 ~
pwd # /home/jlkang: $HOME
cd /lustre1/u/jlkang # /lustre1/u/jlkang: $WORK
cd /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter # /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter: PI Group Share
cd /tmp # /tmp

Introduction of each dir

/home/jlkang: Long term, small size, 50GB per user, No scheduled clean-up, Daily Backup
/lustre1/u/jlkang: Short term, high performance, 500GB per user, Files not accessed in the past 60 days are subject to clean-up by system (Be reminded to move important data to $HOME), No Backup
/lustre1/g/sbs_schunter: Moderate term, high performance, 5TB (Default) per PI group, shared between members in a research group, No scheduled clean-up

# jlkang@hpc2021-io1 Thu Dec 30 13:52:49 /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter
mkdir Kang; cd Kang; pwd # /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter/Kang: all the files i will store here 

In /lustre1/

  1. Avoid using “-l” option in “ls” command inside /lustre1
  2. Avoid having a large number of files in a single directory inside /lustre1
  3. Avoid accessing small files inside /lustre1
  4. Keep your source code and executables under /home instead of /lustre1
  5. Avoid repetitive “stat” operations against files inside /lustre1
  6. Avoid repetitive open/close operations against files inside /lustre1
jlkang@hpc2021-io1 Thu Dec 30 13:58:26 /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter/Kang
Disk quotas for user jlkang at Thu Dec 30 14:09:56 HKT 2021
|		      | Quota  | Block limits		      | File limits			|
| Filesystem	      | Usage  | used	quota	limit	grace | files	quota	limit	grace	|
/home/jlkang             0.0%        0G     52G  [ZFS DOES NOT PROVIDE SOFT QUOTA]
/lustre1/u/jlkang        0.0%        0G    500G    510G      -        4     0G     0G      -
/lustre1/g/sbs_schunter  0.0%        0G   5120G   5130G      -        1     0G     0G      -

Check the installed software in HPC

# jlkang@hpc2021-io1 Thu Dec 30 14:20:38 ~
module keyword raxml samtools # module keyword [word1] [word2]: Search for available modules matching the keyword(s)
module load raxml samtools # module load [modA] [modB] [modC]: Load the environment for the default version of modules named modA, modB and modC in corresponding order
module list # List any currently loaded module(s)
module load bcftools/1.14 # module load [mod]/[version]: Load the environment for the specified version of module


  1. When one module is in conflict with another (e.g different MPI libraries), the conflicting module may have to be unloaded before a desired one is loaded.
  2. some modules may depend on one another and hence they may be loaded/unloaded as a consequence of a subsequent module command in a dynamic fashion.
  3. To achieve automatic loading of a set of commonly used modules upon system login, user may add the module command in the shell profile (.bashrc).
  4. When caching error occurs while listing/loading modules, a user may delete the cache file and run the module command again.
rm -f /home/jlkang/.lmod.d/.cache/*.lua

Job Submission

# jlkang@hpc2021 Thu Dec 30 15:19:01 ~
vi script.cmd


#SBATCH --job-name=jmodeltest        # 1. Job name
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL    # 2. Send email upon events (Options: NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
#SBATCH [email protected]     #    Email address to receive notification
#SBATCH --partition=amd               # 3. Request a partition
#SBATCH --qos=normal                  # 4. Request a QoS
#SBATCH --nodes=1                     #    Request number of node(s)
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=128
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --time=1-10:00:00             # 7. Job execution duration limit day-hour:min:sec
#SBATCH --output=%x_%j.out            # 8. Standard output log as $job_name_$job_id.out
#SBATCH --error=%x_%j.err             #    Standard error log as $job_name_$job_id.err
# print the start time
java -jar /home/jlkang/jmodeltest-2.1.10/jModelTest.jar -d single_copy.cds.concatenated.fasta -g 4 -i -f -AIC -BIC -a -tr 128
# print the end time


# jlkang@hpc2021 Thu Dec 30 15:19:32 ~
sbatch script.cmd
# Submitted batch job 112667
# jlkang@hpc2021 Thu Dec 30 15:26:08 ~
scancel 112667 # scancel <JobID>: cancel
# jlkang@hpc2021 Mon Apr 24 10:45:46 /lustre1/g/sbs_schunter/Kang/sea_urchin
sbatch --test-only script1.cmd # Check the waiting time
# sbatch: Job 1118951 to start at 2023-04-24T10:45:50 using 32 processors on nodes GPA-2-9 in partition amd

Check job status:

# jlkang@hpc2021 Thu Dec 30 15:22:35 ~
# 112667 amd        jmodeltest   PD   jlkang     normal   1     1     N/A           1-10:00:00  1-10:00:00  (Resources)
sj # sj -j 1468368 : check the queue time for your submitted job
# Job ID: 1468368    Account: sbs_schunter                  2023-10-20 16:50:35
#│ User: jlkang    │ Name: diamond                          │ State: PENDING   │
#│  QoS: normal    │ Partition: amd                         │ Priority: 41180  │
#│      Submit     │ 2023-10-20 16:48:21                                       │
#│      Start      │ 2023-10-21 14:26:25                                       │
#│      End By     │ 2023-10-28 14:26:25                                       │
#│     Resource    │           Requests │ Current usage                        │
#│         Node    │                  1 │ Pending for (Priority)...            │
#│          CPU    │                 32 │ Nil%                                 │
#│          RAM    │               32GB │ Nil%                                 │
#│    Wall time    │         7-00:00:00 │ 0:00                                 │
#│          GPU    │                N/A │ Nil                                  │