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Practice array based stacks, introduce git and make basic usage.

For this assignment you may assume

that the input has no errors. All numbers are integers in the proper range.

Basic Stack with pointers

A stack is a data structure that allows to store a collection of data. The order of things coming in and out of a stack is LIFO (last in, first out).

push, add an element to the top of the collection. pop, remove the element from the top of the collection. peek, look at the element at the top of the collection.

Your task

Clone the repository to your computer.

Finish implementing:

  • the main function
  • the push function
  • the pop function
  • the peek function

Use the Makefile to build your program and execute the tests.

Include in the right directory an extra test file, and an expected output file.

Modify the Makefile to make use of the new test you created.

The test are built to help you debug your program and verify that your program produces the expected outcome.


submit to D2l a zip file containing:

  • the cloned repository with the modified code and the new test.
  • a record of a terminal session showing the output of your testing. (pdf)

name the zip file (LastName and FirstName are of course substituted with your last and first name) `