If you already have a GitHub account, you can use that - you don't have to create a new account just for the JCP GitHub organization. If you don't have a GitHub account, create an individual one with the Free plan. You can use your personal email.
However, if you are an Oracle employee your GitHub account must be associated with your @oracle.com email address even if you've created your account with a personal email address.
- To do so, make sure you add your @oracle.com email address to your account
Your profile must be properly configured with at least the following:
- Your Full Name
- A custom profile picture (this doesn't have to be your actual photo; anything custom works just fine).
Once you have a GitHub account and it's configured, send an email to [email protected] with the following subject:
- [New Contributor] @your-github-username
After that, you will be sent an e-mail invitation from the JCP GitHub Organization
- Accept the invitation
- Publicize your membership as instructed
- Notify [email protected] that you've completed the work