Hey! Thanks for showing some interest in contributing to CODEProjects. Please review the rules.
If you do not follow these rules, the contribution may not be pushed into production.
- Fork this repository
- Do your change
- Create a PR (Pull Request) of your change
- Call it CHANGE, FIX - [title]
- Typo fixes
- Bug fixes
- Styling/CSS/Tailwind issues
- JavaScript issues
- HTML issues
- Markdown issues
- Anything that looks "off"
- Anything else except what is listed in the "What's not Allowed?" section
- New features (unless help is specified, via the issues tab)
- Add yourself to the Issue and then leave a comment on what you can work on.
If you have any other questions regarding this. Please create an Issue with the flag "contributing-question" or email me: mailto:[email protected]
Once again, thanks for showing some interest in contributing to CODEProjects.